ZCWPW1 loss-of-function variants in Alzheimer’s Disease
- Human genomics
- Long-read
- Phasing
- Variant calling
- Clinical research
- Targeted
August 13 2021
Workflow overview: tumour-normal sequencing
- Human genomics
- Workflow
- Structural variation
- SNVs
- Epigenetics
- Methylation
August 4 2023
Workflow overview: structural variation
- Human genomics
- Structural variation
- PromethION
- Library prep
- Bioinformatics
- Alignment
November 10 2023
Workflow overview: single-cell transcriptomics
- Human genomics
- Single cell
- Transcriptome
- PromethION 24/48
- Cancer research
- Clinical research
February 24 2025
Workflow overview: large cohort sequencing
- Human genomics
- Workflow
- Clinical research
- Population genomics
- Whole genome
- Structural variation
October 12 2023
Workflow overview: human variant calling
- Human genomics
- Clinical research
- Cancer research
- PromethION
- Whole genome
- Variant calling
July 5 2024
Workflow overview: direct RNA sequencing
- Human genomics
- Workflow
- cDNA
- Methylation
- Epigenetics
February 26 2024
Workflow overview: FFPE cancer research samples
- Human genomics
- Workflow
- Cancer research
- Clinical research
- Whole genome
- Sample prep
July 8 2022
Whole Human Genome Sequencing Project
- Human genomics
- Bioinformatics
- Whole genome
- Assembly
- MinION
- gDNA
June 20 2019
Whole human genome 5'-mC methylation analysis using long read nanopore sequencing
- Human genomics
- Whole genome
- Methylation
- Epigenetics
- gDNA
May 21 2021
Whole-genome sequencing of rare disease patients in a national healthcare system
- Human genomics
- Clinical research
- Whole genome
- gDNA
- Structural variation
February 18 2020
Whole-genome sequencing with long reads reveals complex structure and origin of structural variation in human genetic variations and somatic mutations in cancer
- Human genomics
- Long-read
- Whole genome
- Cancer research
- Oncology
- SNVs
April 29 2021
White paper: advantages of long reads for genome assembly
- Human genomics
- Whole genome
- Plant
- Microbiology
- Assembly
- Animal
September 7 2021
Wengan: Efficient and high quality hybrid de novo assembly of human genomes
- Human genomics
- Assembly
- gDNA
- Whole genome
- Bioinformatics
November 25 2019
Webinar: Structural variants in the French-Canadian population
- Human genomics
- Structural variation
October 30 2020
Scalable nanopore sequencing for Alzheimer’s research
- Human genomics
- Neuroscience
- Population genomics
May 3 2023
Parent-of-origin-aware genomic analysis infers segregation of pathogenic variants
- Human genomics
- Cancer research
- Clinical research
- Phasing
- Methylation
- Epigenetics
June 26 2023
Webinar - Nanopore from 100 to 1000 genomes: towards a better understanding of phenotypes
- Human genomics
- Structural variation
- Assembly
- Bioinformatics
- Webinar
January 10 2020
Integrating 10x Genomics single-cell and spatial profiling with Oxford Nanopore long-read sequencing
- Human genomics
- Single cell
- Webinar
January 19 2024