VolTRAX V2b (VTX_2004_v1_revV_08Feb2019)

4th July 2023 Included the barcode sequences for the VolTRAX PCR Tiling 1-12 COVID-19 Kit (VSK-PTC001) and VolTRAX RT-PCR Sequencing Kit 1-12 (VSK-VPS001).
March 1st, 2024VTX_2004_v1_revW_08Feb2019English- Download 29th February 2024 The protocol has been moved to Legacy.
June 21st, 2023VTX_2004_v1_revU_08Feb2019English- Download 21st June 2023 The VolTRAX Cartridge Pack SKU code has been corrected throughout the protocol to VCT-V2002B.
December 7th, 2022VTX_2004_v1_revT_08Feb2019English- Download 7th December 2022 - Added a new section: "Running a VolTRAX Multiplex Kit (VSK-VMK004)" - Updated screenshots of the protocol selector in the VolTRAX software - For all VolTRAX kits, the sample requirements have been updated: input DNA and RNA samples need to be prepared in Tris-HCl, pH 8.0
October 5th, 2022VTX_2004_v1_revS_08Feb2019English- Download 5th October 2022 - Updated kit contents image for VSK-VSK004 - Update for the release of the v0.20.0 software: - In "Run a VolTRAX RT-PCR Sequencing Kit 1-12 (VSK-VPS001)", the description and instructions for filling out the PCR form have been updated.
August 10th, 2022VTX_2004_v1_revR_08Feb2019English- Download 27th July 2022 - In "Introduction to VolTRAX V2b", the upgrade path has been updated to reflect the latest products. - Software screenshots have been updated to show the latest v0.19.0 UI, including the protocol selection screen and the sample and reagent loading screen. - Some corrections have been made to the VolTRAX Sequencing Kit (VSK-VSK004) section of the protocol - the kit contents image has been corrected, and the final Qubit quantification step after library preparation has been amended to remove the expected yield. - A new section has been added for an upcoming kit: "Running a VolTRAX RT-PCR Sequencing kit 1-12 (VSK-VPS001) with customisable PCR parameters"
March 23rd, 2022VTX_2004_v1_revQ_08Feb2019English- Download 23rd March 2022 - In "Introduction to VolTRAX V2b", the timeline for new VolTRAX product releases has been updated. - VolTRAX software installation instructions have been updated in line with v0.18.0 software release - Software screenshots throughout the protocol have been updated in line with v0.18.0 software release - The VolTRAX Cartridge Test and VolTRAX Configuration Kit instructions have been updated in line with new Configuration Kit and Cartridge Pack releases - New sections have been added to describe running the VolTRAX Sequencing Kit (VSK-VSK004) and the VolTRAX PCR Tiling 1-12 COVID-19 Kit (VSK-PTC001) - Descriptions of several new software features have been added: run history, protocol preview
January 26th, 2022VTX_2004_v1_revP_08Feb2019English- Download 26th January 2022 - In "Introduction to VolTRAX V2b", the timeline for new VolTRAX product releases has been updated. - In "Laboratory equipment and consumables" and "Running a VolTRAX Configuration Kit", the VolTRAX Configuration Kit version has been updated to VCK-V2003b.
December 22nd, 2021VTX_2004_v1_revO_08Feb2019English- Download 22nd December 2021 In "Equipment and consumables" and "Run a VolTRAX Sequencing Kit", the pipette tip recommendations have been updated to: "The Rainin 10 µl tips have been verified as having the correct geometry for loading reagents on the VolTRAX cartridge. We recommend the Rainin 20 µl tips for extracting the prepared library at the end of the run."
December 1st, 2021VTX_2004_v1_revN_08Feb2019English- Download 01 December 2021 Updated the protocol in line with the release of the VolTRAX V2b and the VolTRAX Configuration Kit (VCK-V2003): - The device name has been changed throughout the protocol - In "Computer requirements for VolTRAX V2b", the USB compatibility has been updated to "Only the USB TYPE C – Gen 3.1 (I or II) – 5 V, 3 A can provide the full range of functionalities on VolTRAX V2b." - The Cartridge Test, VolTRAX Configuration Kit and VolTRAX Sequencing Kit instructions have been shortened and simplified - In "Running a VolTRAX Sequencing Kit (VSK-VSK003)", the pipette tip compatibilities have been updated to Mettler Toledo UNV 20 µl tips - The instructions for running a VolTRAX Multiplex Kit has been removed, as the kit version will not be supported on the VolTRAX V2b device - In "Priming and loading a SpotON flow cell", the requirement for a Flow Cell Priming Kit (EXP-FLP002) has been removed, since the Flush Buffer and Flush Tether (FB and FLT) are now included in the VolTRAX Sequencing Kit - General formatting improvements and minor error corrections
May 5th, 2021VTX_2004_v1_revM_08Feb2019English- Download 5th May 2021 Updated the protocol in line with the release of the VolTRAX Sequencing Kit (VSK-VSK003): - In the "VolTRAX V2 overview" section, "Laboratory equipment and consumables" step, added VSK-VSK003 as one of the necessary materials - Updated the "Running a VolTRAX Sequencing Kit" section with VSK-VSK003 information and instructions
March 10th, 2021VTX_2004_v1_revL_08Feb2019English- Download 10th March 2021 Updated the protocol in line with the release of v0.16.4 VolTRAX software: - All UI screenshots have been replaced to show the new protocol menu - "Running a VolTRAX Configuration Kit" section: a note has been added that the protocol for the previous version of the VolTRAX Configuration Kit (VCK-V2002) has been replaced in the VolTRAX software version 0.16.4. Customers running VCK-V2002 kits should remain on the v0.14.3 software until completing the configuration run.
January 20th, 2021VTX_2004_v1_revK_08Feb2019English- Download 12th November 2020 Updated input DNA amounts for use with the VolTRAX Multiplex Kit to 1.6 μl DNA at a concentration of 50 ng/μl (80 ng total) for each sample to be barcoded
July 16th, 2020VTX_2004_v1_revJ_08Feb2019English- Download 16th July Updated GUI images to VolTRAX 0.14 UI
March 5th, 2020VTX_2004_v1_revI_08Feb2019English- Download 5th March 2020 - Clarification of VolTRAX capabilities now (library preparation, multiplexing) and in the future (PCR, DNA quantification etc) - Removed the Troubleshooting section
December 16th, 2019VTX_2004_v1_revH_08Feb2019English- Download 16 Dec 2019 - Updated with VCK-V2002 configuration code added - Added information for running the VolTRAX Multiplex Kit (VSK-VMK002)
August 21st, 2019VTX_2004_v1_revF_08Feb2019EnglishGridion Download Updated with new information for MinKNOW release v19.06: - Compression of queued reads - Pause functionality - UI improvements including: - Flow cell health at platform QC - Flow cell status on landing page - R10 flow cell running scripts - New Fast Models for RNA and DNA - PDF report and CSV files for Duty time and Cumulative output are now found in same location as actual reads and fastQ files - Flongle hardware check for confirming Flongle adapter functions correctly
August 21st, 2019VTX_2004_v1_revF_08Feb2019EnglishMinion Download Updated with new information for MinKNOW release v19.06: - Compression of queued reads - Pause functionality - UI improvements including: - Flow cell health at platform QC - Flow cell status on landing page - R10 flow cell running scripts - New Fast Models for RNA and DNA - PDF report and CSV files for Duty time and Cumulative output are now found in same location as actual reads and fastQ files - Flongle hardware check for confirming Flongle adapter functions correctly
August 21st, 2019VTX_2004_v1_revF_08Feb2019EnglishVtx 2004 v1 revf 08feb2019 Download Updated with new information for MinKNOW release v19.06: - Compression of queued reads - Pause functionality - UI improvements including: - Flow cell health at platform QC - Flow cell status on landing page - R10 flow cell running scripts - New Fast Models for RNA and DNA - PDF report and CSV files for Duty time and Cumulative output are now found in same location as actual reads and fastQ files - Flongle hardware check for confirming Flongle adapter functions correctly
June 12th, 2019VTX_2004_v1_revE_08Feb2019English- Download Updates in line with VolTRAX Client 0.12. software release and other miscellaneous improvements. This includes: - Traffic-light indicators for the solution volume dispensed into a well - Suggested Rainin 20 µl pipette tips, rather than Gilson 20 20 µl tips RevE
May 14th, 2019VTX_2004_v1_revD_08Feb2019English- Download Information provided for DNA quality, concentration and buffer suitability in the VSK-VSK002 section of this protocol.
May 2nd, 2019VTX_2004_v1_revC_08Feb2019English- Download Updates for MinKNOW release 19.05
February 8th, 2019VTX_2004_v1_revB_08Feb2019English- Download RevB - Links updated.
February 8th, 2019VTX_2004_v1_revA_08Feb2019English- Download -