Ultra-Long DNA Sequencing Kit V14 (SQK-ULK114)

DateVersion numberLanguageDeviceChanges
Jun 21 2024ULK_9177_v114_revM_27Nov2022EnglishGridION
21 June 2024 - Throughout document replaced reference to "peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)" with "white blood cells (WBCs)" to more accurately represent the samples obtained.
Jun 21 2024ULK_9177_v114_revM_27Nov2022EnglishMinION
21 June 2024 - Throughout document replaced reference to "peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)" with "white blood cells (WBCs)" to more accurately represent the samples obtained.
Jun 21 2024ULK_9177_v114_revM_27Nov2022EnglishPromethION
21 June 2024 - Throughout document replaced reference to "peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)" with "white blood cells (WBCs)" to more accurately represent the samples obtained.
February 8th, 2024ULK_9177_v114_revK_27Nov2022EnglishPromethion Download 07 February 2024 - gDNA quantification step made optional - Updated the Clean-up stage of the protocol to new method NOT using the Precipitation Star (PS) - Updated the Priming and loading the SpotON flow cell in the MinION/GridION branch to specify the MinION Flow Cell Light Shield should NOT be installed until after loading the DNA library. - Updated Flow Cell loading instructions specific to ULK libraries - Updated the Reloading ultra-long DNA library on both MinION/GridION and PromethION with updated wording and Flow Cell Wash protocol - Links updated in the Priming and Loading flow cell section when referencing the "Reloading ultra-long DNA library" to take user to V14 protocol. - Removed "Required settings in MinKNOW" as no longer required for run.
February 8th, 2024ULK_9177_v114_revK_27Nov2022EnglishGridion Download 07 February 2024 - gDNA quantification step made optional - Updated the Clean-up stage of the protocol to new method NOT using the Precipitation Star (PS) - Updated the Priming and loading the SpotON flow cell in the MinION/GridION branch to specify the MinION Flow Cell Light Shield should NOT be installed until after loading the DNA library. - Updated Flow Cell loading instructions specific to ULK libraries - Updated the Reloading ultra-long DNA library on both MinION/GridION and PromethION with updated wording and Flow Cell Wash protocol - Links updated in the Priming and Loading flow cell section when referencing the "Reloading ultra-long DNA library" to take user to V14 protocol. - Removed "Required settings in MinKNOW" as no longer required for run.
February 8th, 2024ULK_9177_v114_revK_27Nov2022EnglishMinion Download 07 February 2024 - gDNA quantification step made optional - Updated the Clean-up stage of the protocol to new method NOT using the Precipitation Star (PS) - Updated the Priming and loading the SpotON flow cell in the MinION/GridION branch to specify the MinION Flow Cell Light Shield should NOT be installed until after loading the DNA library. - Updated Flow Cell loading instructions specific to ULK libraries - Updated the Reloading ultra-long DNA library on both MinION/GridION and PromethION with updated wording and Flow Cell Wash protocol - Links updated in the Priming and Loading flow cell section when referencing the "Reloading ultra-long DNA library" to take user to V14 protocol. - Removed "Required settings in MinKNOW" as no longer required for run.
February 7th, 2024ULK_9177_v114_revJ_27Nov2022EnglishPromethion Download December 2023 - Updated compatibilities to include new expansions EEB Expansion (EXP-EEB001) and Ultra-Long Auxiliary Vials (EXP-ULA001).
February 7th, 2024ULK_9177_v114_revJ_27Nov2022EnglishGridion Download December 2023 - Updated compatibilities to include new expansions EEB Expansion (EXP-EEB001) and Ultra-Long Auxiliary Vials (EXP-ULA001).
February 7th, 2024ULK_9177_v114_revJ_27Nov2022EnglishMinion Download December 2023 - Updated compatibilities to include new expansions EEB Expansion (EXP-EEB001) and Ultra-Long Auxiliary Vials (EXP-ULA001).
December 6th, 2023ULK_9177_v114_revH_27Nov2022EnglishPromethion Download December 2023 - Updated compatibilities to include new expansions EEB Expansion (EXP-EEB001) and Ultra-Long Auxiliary Vials (EXP-ULA001).
December 6th, 2023ULK_9177_v114_revH_27Nov2022EnglishGridion Download December 2023 - Updated compatibilities to include new expansions EEB Expansion (EXP-EEB001) and Ultra-Long Auxiliary Vials (EXP-ULA001).
December 6th, 2023ULK_9177_v114_revH_27Nov2022EnglishMinion Download December 2023 - Updated compatibilities to include new expansions EEB Expansion (EXP-EEB001) and Ultra-Long Auxiliary Vials (EXP-ULA001).
December 6th, 2023ULK_9177_v114_revG_27Nov2022EnglishPromethion Download 19th September 2023 - Updated flow cell loading instructions to include light shield installation
December 6th, 2023ULK_9177_v114_revG_27Nov2022EnglishGridion Download 19th September 2023 - Updated flow cell loading instructions to include light shield installation
December 6th, 2023ULK_9177_v114_revG_27Nov2022EnglishMinion Download 19th September 2023 - Updated flow cell loading instructions to include light shield installation
September 19th, 2023ULK_9177_v114_revF_27Nov2022EnglishPromethion Download April 2023 - Updated the volumes for making up CSB in the "Preparation of tissue samples for gDNA extraction" step
September 19th, 2023ULK_9177_v114_revF_27Nov2022EnglishGridion Download April 2023 - Updated the volumes for making up CSB in the "Preparation of tissue samples for gDNA extraction" step
September 19th, 2023ULK_9177_v114_revF_27Nov2022EnglishMinion Download April 2023 - Updated the volumes for making up CSB in the "Preparation of tissue samples for gDNA extraction" step
April 6th, 2023ULK_9177_v114_revE_27Nov2022EnglishPromethion Download April 2023 - Updated the volumes for making up CSB in the "Preparation of tissue samples for gDNA extraction" step
April 6th, 2023ULK_9177_v114_revE_27Nov2022EnglishGridion Download April 2023 - Updated the volumes for making up CSB in the "Preparation of tissue samples for gDNA extraction" step
April 6th, 2023ULK_9177_v114_revE_27Nov2022EnglishMinion Download April 2023 - Updated the volumes for making up CSB in the "Preparation of tissue samples for gDNA extraction" step
February 9th, 2023ULK_9177_v114_revD_27Nov2022EnglishPromethion Download February 2023 - Removed the checklist download to fix formatting issues.
February 9th, 2023ULK_9177_v114_revD_27Nov2022EnglishGridion Download February 2023 - Removed the checklist download to fix formatting issues.
February 9th, 2023ULK_9177_v114_revD_27Nov2022EnglishMinion Download February 2023 - Removed the checklist download to fix formatting issues.
December 21st, 2022ULK_9177_v114_revC_27Nov2022EnglishPromethion Download December 2022 - Updated PromethION flow cell loading animations in both "Priming and loading the PromethION flow cell" and "Reloading ultra-long DNA library on a PromethION flow cell"
December 21st, 2022ULK_9177_v114_revC_27Nov2022EnglishGridion Download December 2022 - Updated PromethION flow cell loading animations in both "Priming and loading the PromethION flow cell" and "Reloading ultra-long DNA library on a PromethION flow cell"
December 21st, 2022ULK_9177_v114_revC_27Nov2022EnglishMinion Download December 2022 - Updated PromethION flow cell loading animations in both "Priming and loading the PromethION flow cell" and "Reloading ultra-long DNA library on a PromethION flow cell"
November 28th, 2022ULK_9177_v114_revB_27Nov2022EnglishPromethion Download
November 28th, 2022ULK_9177_v114_revB_27Nov2022EnglishGridion Download
November 28th, 2022ULK_9177_v114_revB_27Nov2022EnglishMinion Download
November 27th, 2022ULK_9177_v114_revA_27Nov2022EnglishPromethion Download
November 27th, 2022ULK_9177_v114_revA_27Nov2022EnglishGridion Download
November 27th, 2022ULK_9177_v114_revA_27Nov2022EnglishMinion Download
November 16th, 2022ULK114_RevB_v9EnglishPromethion Download
November 16th, 2022ULK114_RevB_v9EnglishGridion Download
November 16th, 2022ULK114_RevB_v9EnglishMinion Download