Software release 0.7.0 for Dorado
Version: 0.7.0
Release date: 5/22/2024
- DNA, RNA and duplex basecalling models v5 with improved single read accuracy.
- Support for 4mC_5mC methylation calling in DNA and all-context m6A and pseU in RNA.
- New dorado correct subcommand for single-read error correction of haploid and diploid genomes (for assembly pipelines).
- Poly(A) tail estimation for plasmids and transcripts with interrupted tails.
- Support for --junc-bed minimap2 splice option.
- Faster BAM indexing and sorting code.
- Other improvements and bug fixes
Last updated: 1/21/2025
Latest version: 0.9.1
Approved use: For research use only