ZCWPW1 loss-of-function variants in Alzheimer’s Disease
- Long-read
- Phasing
- Variant calling
- Human genomics
- Clinical research
- Targeted
August 13 2021
Yersinia canariae sp. nov., isolated from a human yersiniosis case
- Long-read
- MinION
- Microbiology
- Infectious disease
- 16S
- gDNA
October 18 2019
yacrd and fpa: upstream tools for long-read genome assembly
- Long-read
- Assembly
- Basecalling
- Alignment
- Bioinformatics
March 2 2020
Xdrop: targeted sequencing of long DNA molecules from low input samples using droplet sorting
- Long-read
- MinION
- Real-time
September 6 2018
Workflow overview: plant genome assembly
- Long-read
- Assembly
- Epigenetics
- Kits
- Library prep
February 17 2025
Wolbachia in the spittlebug Prosapia ignipectus: Variable infection frequencies, but no apparent effect on host reproductive isolation
- Long-read
- Microbiology
- Whole genome
- gDNA
- Identification
February 25 2021
Widespread premature transcription termination of Arabidopsis thaliana NLR genes by the spen protein FPA
- Long-read
- Plant
- cDNA
- Evolution
- Agriculture: animal
December 15 2020
Widespread occurrence of hybrid internal-terminal exons in human transcriptomes
- Long-read
- Transcriptome
- cDNA
- Isoforms
- Splice variation
May 29 2021
Whole plastid genome-based phylogenomics supports an inner placement of the O. insectifera group rather than a basal position in the rapidly diversifying Ophrys genus (Orchidaceae)
- Long-read
- Plant
- Whole genome
- Assembly
- Evolution
- MinION
December 16 2020
Whole-genome sequencing of rare disease patients in a national healthcare system
- Long-read
- Human genomics
- Clinical research
- Whole genome
- gDNA
February 18 2020
Whole-genome sequencing with long reads reveals complex structure and origin of structural variation in human genetic variations and somatic mutations in cancer
- Long-read
- Whole genome
- Human genomics
- Cancer research
- Oncology
- SNVs
April 29 2021
Whole genome sequencing of Hepatitis A virus using a PCR-free single-molecule nanopore sequencing approach
- Long-read
- Microbiology
- Virus
- Assembly
- cDNA
May 25 2020
Whole genome sequencing of Borrelia miyamotoi isolate Izh-4: reference for a complex bacterial genome
- Long-read
- Microbiology
- Bacteria
- Whole genome
- Assembly
- MinION
January 6 2020
Whole-genome sequencing and genetic diversity of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus using multiplex PCR-based nanopore sequencing, Republic of Korea
- Long-read
- Virus
- Clinical research
- Microbiology
- MinION
September 12 2022
Whole genome sequencing and assembly of the Asian honey bee Apis dorsata
- Long-read
- Whole genome
- Assembly
- gDNA
- MinION
December 20 2019
Whole-genome sequencing and analysis of the Chinese herbal plant Gelsemium elegans
- Long-read
- GridION
- Whole genome
- Plant
- Agriculture: animal
- Assembly
July 26 2019
Whole genome sequence data of Lactobacillus fermentum HFD1, the producer of antibacterial peptides
- Long-read
- Microbiology
- Bacteria
- Whole genome
- Assembly
August 1 2020
Whole genome assembly of human papillomavirus by nanopore long-read sequencing
- Long-read
- Oncology
- Cancer research
- Clinical research
- Microbiology
- Infectious disease
January 4 2022
What’s in my pot? Real-time species identification on the MinION
- Long-read
- Microbiology
- Real-time
- Metagenomics
- Targeted
May 17 2016
West Nile virus detection in horses in three Brazilian states
- Long-read
- Microbiology
- Virus
- Whole genome
- Identification
January 9 2021