A new long-read dog assembly uncovers thousands of exons and functional elements missing in the previous reference
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- A new long-read dog assembly uncovers thousands of exons and functional elements missing in the previous reference
Here we present a new high-quality canine reference genome with gap number reduced 41-fold, from 23,836 to 585. Analysis of existing and novel data, RNA-seq, miRNA-seq and ATAC-seq, revealed a large proportion of these harboured previously hidden elements, including genes, promoters and miRNAs.
Short-read dark regions were detected, and genomic regions completed, including the DLA, TCR and 366 cancer genes. 10x sequencing of 27 dogs uncovered a total of 22.1 million SNPs, Indels and larger structural variants (SVs). 1.4% overlap with protein coding genes and could provide a source of normal or aberrant phenotypic modifications.