Long-read transcriptome data of bee fungal parasite, Nosema ceranae

Nosema ceranae, a widespread fungal parasite that infects honeybee and many other bee species, can seriously affect bee health and colony productivity. In this article, N. ceranae spores were purified followed by third-generation sequencing using Nanopore PromethION platform.

Totally, 6988795 raw reads were yielded from purified spores, with a length distribution among 1 kb~10 kb and a quality (Q) score distribution among Q6~Q12. A total of 6953469 clean reads were obtained, and among them 73.98% were identified as being full-length. The length of redundant reads-removed full-length transcripts was ranged from 1 kb to 5 kb, with the most abundant length of 1 kb. These data will improve transcriptome quality of N. ceranae significantly.

Authors: Huazhi Chen, Yu Du, Yuanchan Fan, Haibin Jiang, Cuiling Xiong, Yanzhen Zheng, Dafu Chen, Rui Guo