F5N: Nanopore Sequence Analysis Toolkit for Android Smartphones

F5N is the first ever Android application for nanopore sequence analysis on a mobile phone, comprised of popular tools for read alignment (Minimap2), sequence data manipulation (Samtools) and methylation calling (F5C/Nanopolish).

On NA12878 nanopore data, F5N can perform a complete methylation calling pipeline on a mobile phone in ~15 minutes for a batch of 4000 nanopore reads (~34 megabases). F5N is not only a toolkit but also a framework for integrating existing C/C++ based command line tools to run on Android. F5N will enable performing nanopore sequence analysis on-site when used with an ultra-portable nanopore sequencer (eg: MinION or the anticipated smidgION), consequently reducing the cost for special computers and high-speed Internet.

Availability and implementation: F5N Android application is available on Google Play store at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobilegenomics.f5n and the source code is available on Github at https://github.com/SanojPunchihewa/f5n.

Authors: Hiruna Samarakoon, Sanoj Punchihewa, Anjana Senanayake, Roshan Ragel, Hasindu Gamaarachchi