Accurate assembly of the olive baboon (Papio anubis) genome using long-read and Hi-C data
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- Accurate assembly of the olive baboon (Papio anubis) genome using long-read and Hi-C data
Baboons are a widely used nonhuman primate model for biomedical, evolutionary, and basic genetics research. Despite this importance, the genomic resources for baboons are limited. In particular, the current baboon reference genome Panu_3.0 is a highly fragmented, reference-guided (i.e., not fully de novo) assembly, and its poor quality inhibits our ability to conduct downstream genomic analyses.
Here we present a de novo genome assembly of the olive baboon (Papio anubis) that uses data from several recently developed single-molecule technologies. Our assembly, Panubis1.0, has an N50 contig size of ∼1.46 Mb (as opposed to 139 kb for Panu_3.0) and has single scaffolds that span each of the 20 autosomes and the X chromosome.
We highlight multiple lines of evidence (including Bionano Genomics data, pedigree linkage information, and linkage disequilibrium data) suggesting that there are several large assembly errors in Panu_3.0, which have been corrected in Panubis1.0.