Nanopore Certification


The GridION and PromethION certification programmes are designed to ensure certified service labs can offer the highest quality service on Oxford Nanopore sequencing platforms.

To obtain certification the service lab will need to purchase a lab certification as well as an instrument certification for each device they plan to certify.

ONT Service Certified logo


The certification programme is designed to ensure certified service labs can offer the highest quality service on Oxford Nanopore devices.

Depending on the chosen devices all certification packages will include flow cells and reagents in order for the laboratory to complete the certification process.

Certified service providers Once the laboratory is certified, it will be added

Certification process

Step one:


A consultation with the Oxford Nanopore technical team will cover lab equipment, reagents, protocols and infrastructure requirements to ensure success during the certification process.

Step two:

Real-time icon

A timeline for the certification runs, data analysis and final data review is developed.

Step three:


The service lab performs the certification runs.

Step four:


The data generated during certification is submitted for review.

Step five:


The certification is issued and it will be valid for one year. Users will have the ability to add extra devices to their lab certification at any time and the cost will be pro-rata to the amount of time left on the Lab certification.

Nanopore service certified badge

Find out more about the certification process


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