Dr Gordon Sanghera, CEO of Oxford Nanopore, has joined the Prime Minister's trade delegation to India. The trade mission, which takes place over three days in Delhi, is about showcasing the best of British science, technology and entrepreneurism. It has been set up to connect pioneering British and Indian enterprises and will include a technology event jointly hosted by Theresa May and Indian PM Narendra Modi.
Prime Minister Theresa May said: “Oxford has long been an epicentre of scientific endeavour and Oxford Nanopore is a brilliant example of the innovative work British researchers are spearheading.
“It’s important that firms like Oxford Nanopore make the most of opportunities to influence their fields internationally – and now is the time to truly seize opportunities abroad.
“It’s fantastic that they’re joining me on this trade mission. It will help showcase to India and wider international markets that the UK is at the forefront of cutting-edge science and technology.”
Dr Gordon Sanghera, CEO of Oxford Nanopore said "The scientific community of India is thriving and tends to be rapid and enthusiastic in the adoption of new, disruptive technologies. Our technology has many potential applications in industry - whether that is being part of a sensor system in a smart city, or for personalised medicine. We are pleased to be meeting with innovators to discuss these potential applications on this important visit."
The Prime Minister's speech, in which she notes that Oxford Nanopore technology has the potential to impact in particular disease screening in India, can be found here.