Loading multiple PromethION Flow Cells

DateVersion numberLanguageDeviceChanges
Feb 7 2024PFC_9097_v1_revM_18Mar2020English
07 February 2024 - Updated Flow cell wash method in line with updated Flow Cell Wash Kit (EXP-WSH004 or EXP-WSH004-XL) protocol. - Updated links in protocol - Method updated to split the addition of the Flow Cell wash mix into two steps of 200 µl, with a 5 minute pause in-between. - Updated method with more extensive instructions on use and handling.
September 19th, 2023PFC_9097_v1_revK_18Mar2020English Download 17th July 2023 - Updated recommendations for running a second library on a PromethION Flow Cell straigh away and added a step to remove waste after 1 hour incubation during nuclease wash.
April 12th, 2023PFC_9097_v1_revJ_18Mar2020English Download April 2023 - Updated flow cell check recommendations after storing a flow cell
March 27th, 2023PFC_9097_v1_revI_18Mar2020English Download March 2023 - Updated the protocol title from 'Running multiple PromethION flow cells' to 'Loading multiple PromethION Flow Cells' - Updated the introduction to the protocol - Updated the equipment and consumables for Kit 14 chemistry - Updated the flow cell loading animations and included a new video illustrating the entire new process - Included excess volumes required for scaling up priming mix volumes - Updated the screenshot of what users can expect to see on MinKNOW when washing and reusing a flow cells
March 27th, 2023PFC_9097_v1_revH_18Mar2020English Download March 2023 - Updated the protocol title from 'Running multiple PromethION flow cells' to 'Loading multiple PromethION Flow Cells' - Updated the introduction to the protocol - Updated the equipment and consumables for Kit 14 chemistry - Updated the flow cell loading animations and included a new video illustrating the entire new process - Included excess volumes required for scaling up priming mix volumes - Updated the screenshot of what users can expect to see on MinKNOW when washing and reusing a flow cells
February 24th, 2022PFC_9097_v1_revG_18Mar2020English Download 24th Febrary 2022 Updated EXP-AUX110 to new name EXP-AUX002
July 22nd, 2021PFC_9097_v1_revF_18Mar2020English Download 22nd July 2021 In the "Washing multiple flow cells on a PromethION" section, the instructions for washing the flow cells have been updated with the correct volumes of Wash Mix and Wash Diluent: - For __24 flow cells:__ Add __48 µl__ of thawed and mixed Wash Mix (WMX) to __9.552 ml__ of thawed and mixed Wash Diluent (DIL) - For __48 flow cells:__ Add __96 µl__ of thawed and mixed Wash Mix (WMX) to __19.104 ml__ of thawed and mixed Wash Diluent (DIL)
June 10th, 2021PFC_9097_v1_revE_18Mar2020English Download 10th June 2021 In the "Priming and loading multiple flow cells on a PromethION" step: - Added a note to wait 20 minutes after taking the flow cells out of the fridge, and wiping off any condensation before inserting the flow cells into the device - Added a note about correct insertion of the flow cell to avoid damaging the pins
January 28th, 2021PFC_9097_v1_revD_18Mar2020English Download 28th January 2021 - Updated materials and instructions for the Flow Cell Wash Kit from EXP-WSH003 to EXP-WSH004
January 20th, 2021PFC_9097_v1_revC_18Mar2020English Download 23/11/20 Updated scaled volumes for flush tether and buffer
November 23rd, 2020PFC_9097_v1_revB_18Mar2020English Download 23/11/20 Updated scaled volumes for flush tether and buffer
August 19th, 2020PFC_9097_v1_revA_18Mar2020EnglishAny Download 19/8/20 Updated scaled volumes + recommended flush tether and buffer at room temp
August 19th, 2020PFC_9097_v1_revA_18Mar2020EnglishAny Download 19/8/20 Updated scaled volumes + recommended flush tether and buffer at room temp
August 19th, 2020PFC_9097_v1_revA_18Mar2020EnglishAny Download 19/8/20 Updated scaled volumes + recommended flush tether and buffer at room temp
March 5th, 2020scaling_up_seq_v1_revA_18FEB20English Download