OND GridION Mk1 IT requirements

OND GridION Mk1 IT Requirements


This checklist represents the minimal requirements for installing the OND GridION Mk1 in your institution. For full explanation of requirements, please continue to the document.

Item/setup required Reason Provided?
1x 1 Gbp/s RJ45 port with DHCP service running Connection to IT infrastructure and internet
1x 1 Gbp/s Ethernet cable Connection to IT infrastructure and internet
HTTPS/port 443 TCP access to AWS eu-west-1 IP ranges listed at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-ip-ranges.html Telemetry feedback
HTTPS/port 443 and HTTP/port 80

TCP access to Linode-hosted IP addresses and for software distribution
OR DNS rules ping.oxfordnanoportal.com, mirror.oxfordnanoportal.com, and *.nanoporetech.com
Software updates
USB mouse Device control
USB keyboard Device control
DisplayPort-compatible monitor Device control
Power supply capable of delivering 650 W GridION power
Storage: Sufficient infrastructure for required storage option* Long-term data storage
*Size of storage required will depend on use case. Please refer to the information below for storage guidelines.

OND GridION Mk1 device


The GridION™ is a benchtop device for in vitro diagnostics designed to run and analyse up to five OND Flow Cells.

The GridION benefits from the inclusion of on-board compute which permits data acquisition, analysis and feedback, basecalling, data streaming and device control, all without placing any additional burden on existing IT infrastructure.

All device control, basecalling, analysis and orchestration on the GridION is carried out by pre-installed custom software created by Oxford Nanopore Diagnostics. The default data analysis workflow when using the OND GridION Mk1 is as below:

Analysis workflow Figure 1: Default data analysis workflow of the OND GridION Mk1 device


The OND GridION Mk1 is designed around a simple user interface on top of cutting-edge custom electronics providing real-time analysis solutions:

Component Specification
Operating system Ubuntu 16.04 running off Intel CPU

Customers are advised to keep up to date with all software and security patches
Storage 4 TB internal SSD
GPU cards 1x Nvidia Volta GV100
Memory 64 GB RAM
Size and weight H220 x W365 x D370 mm
Weight 11 kg
Environmental ranges Designed to sequence at +18° C to +25° C*
*Functional range of electronics -5° C to +40° C

Site requirements

Installing the GridION Mk1 in your institution is similar to installing any new computer. Requirements for the device are as follows:

Component Requirements
1x RJ45 port IP address via either DHCP service OR statically assigned

TCP running on port 80 HTTP and port 443 HTTPS

Requires perimeter firewall permissions:
- To access AWS eu-west-1 IP ranges listed at https://ipranges.amazonaws.com/ip-ranges.json for telemetry feedback and EPI2ME analysis
- To and for software updates

Connected to local storage infrastructure
1x power supply 1x country-specific C13 cable included with device
- Maximum power draw 650 W
- Maximum current 6 A
- Supply voltage 100–240 VAC (50/60 Hz)
1x monitor Compatible with DisplayPort connection
1x keyboard Compatible with USB connection
1x mouse Compatible with USB connection

Networking explanations

The two requirements for firewall permissions are: 1. Access to the AWS eu-west-1 region for telemetry feedback and use of the EPI2ME platform through port 443. 2. a. Access to the Linode-hosted IP addresses and for software distribution. b. OR DNS rules ping.oxfordnanoportal.com, mirror.oxfordnanoportal.com, and *.nanoporetech.com


Telemetry information is collected by MinKNOW during sequencing runs as per the Terms and Conditions to allow monitoring of device performance and enable remote troubleshooting. Some of this information is obtained from free-form text entry fields, therefore no personally-identifiable information should be included. No sequence data is collected.

Output and storage

Output file types

The LamPORE assay analysis produces a number of files that contain sequence data, summary information, and test results.

folder and files

Nanopore sequencing data is stored in the FASTQ file type. Basecalling summary information is stored in a sequencing_summary.txt file:

  • FASTQ is a universal text-based sequence storage format, generated when the nanopore signal data is basecalled and containing both the sequence of DNA/RNA and its quality scores. By default, the device saves up to 4000 sequences in one FASTQ file.
  • sequencing_summary.txt contains metadata about all basecalled reads from an individual run. Information includes read ID, sequence length, per-read q-score, duration etc. The size of a sequence summary file will depend on the number of reads sequenced.

The experiment results can be found in the PDF report and the barcode_counts TSV file:

  • The TSV file describes the number of reads which align to given targets and have given barcodes. The fields in the TSV file are as follows:
Column Meaning
Barcode RB and FIP barcode combination
target_human_ACTB Number of reads aligning to the Actin B target
target_nCoV2019_AS1 Number of reads aligning to the ORF1a target in the SARS-CoV-2 genome
target_nCoV2019_E1 Number of reads aligning to the E1 target in the SARS-CoV-2 genome
target_nCoV2019_N2 Number of reads aligning to the N2 target in the SARS-CoV-2 genome
target_unclassified Number of unclassified reads (one barcode is missing)
call Positive: SARS-CoV-2 detected (≥50 SARS-CoV-2 reads)
Inconclusive: The test should be repeated (20 ≤ SARS-CoV-2 reads ≤ 49)
Negative: SARS-CoV-2 not detected (<20 SARS-CoV-2 reads)
Invalid: insufficient number (<50) of classified reads from both SARS-CoV-2 and Actin B to make a call; the test should be repeated
  • The PDF report contains classification results for every barcoded sample.

Long-term storage

The GridION has sufficient SSD disk space for multiple tests to be carried out. However, it is imperative this data store is cleared regularly in order to prevent successive runs from terminating due to lack of storage space. For this, a site must provide storage to transfer data off the device.

Included Software

Oxford Nanopore Diagnostics build and provide numerous software types involved in acquisition, orchestration and analysis:


MinKNOW carries out several core tasks:

  • Device control, including run parameter selection
  • Data acquisition
  • Real-time analysis and feedback
  • Data streaming
  • Basecalling

The MinKNOW software carries out several core tasks: data acquisition, real-time analysis and feedback, basecalling, data streaming, controlling the device, and ensuring that the platform chemistry is performing correctly to run the samples. MinKNOW takes the raw data and converts it into reads by recognition of the distinctive change in current that occurs when a DNA strand enters and leaves the pore. MinKNOW then basecalls the reads, and writes out the data into FASTQ files.

Analysis pipeline

The analysis pipeline:

  • Demultiplexes the reads by FIP barcodes that were introduced into the DNA during the Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) step of the LamPORE assay
  • Aligns the reads against the viral genomic targets
  • Generates a TSV file describing the number of reads for each barcode which align to the targets. A PDF report is also generated, containing classification results for every barcoded sample.

Only reads that have had barcodes identified will then be aligned against the SARS-CoV-2 genome. Those samples that align will be noted as positive (SARS-CoV-2 detected) and those where no reads or few reads align will be noted as negative (SARS-CoV-2 not detected).

Change log

Date Version Changes made
xx.07.2020 V1 Initial version

Last updated: 7/2/2020

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