GridION Q OS build

Document version Q_GOS_revA_28Feb2020


The below instructions can be used to create a bootable USB drive that can be used to rebuild the OS on your GridION device.

Burning the ISO image to a USB drive

Appropriate software for burning the ISO image is:

  • Rufus on Windows
  • Unetbootin on Linux/Mac When burning the ISO image, the below settings should be used (it MUST use an EFI/GPT boot)
  • Partition Scheme: GPT
  • Target System: UEFI
  • Make Bootable: Yes The USB drive should have the below specification:
  • Must be 8 GB or larger
  • USB 3.0 recommended
  • UEFI boot option must be used

How to boot from USB

  1. Power off the GridION.
  2. Insert the bootable USB.
  3. Power on the GridION, when the ASRock screen appears press F11 to enter the Boot Menu.
  4. Choose the UEFI USB boot option using the cursor keys. In the below example, the USB drive is called SanDisk (note the menu screen may appear slightly different): Picture1
  5. Press Enter once the UEFI option is chosen, then ensure Customer Factory Reset image is highlighted. This option will detect your installation and try to keep network configurations, hostname and /data partition. Picture2
  6. Press Enter.
  7. The machine will load with a screen as below. If the installation does not start automatically, press Start Install. The progress on this screen will increase, the entire process may take ~1 hour to complete. Picture3
  8. Once complete, the system will restart automatically up to two times. During these restarts you will see the below “Build in progress” login screen. Do not attempt to log in while this screen is displayed. Picture4
  9. Once the rebuild process has completed, the standard login screen will be displayed. Please log in and check that the MinKNOW icon is present on the desktop. If not, carry out one more power cycle.

Completing the restore

If your hostname has not been maintained through the restore process (it should be visible on the command line), enter ont-GridION-serial set GXBXXXX, where GXBXXXX is the serial ID as included on the label on the back of your device.


If the above build process does not restore your machine correctly, proceed from step 5 above with these alternative instructions: 5. Press Enter once the UEFI option is chosen, then ensure Clear disks and reinstall is highlighted. This option will reset all disks and rebuild you whole system, and will require you to manually set the hostname once building is complete. Picture5 6. The rebuild process will now blank all of the system’s disks and then reboot. When the below screen appears, proceed with the installation as described from step 7 above. If on reboot the below screen does not appear, but any black screen with white text is present then you must reboot the GridION (hold power button for several seconds), then press F11 on the boot screen as described in step 3 above and select the UEFI USB boot options as in step 4 above. Proceed with the installation as described from step 5 above. Picture6 7. You should see the screens from steps 7 and 8 above. Leave the device to rebuild fully until the standard GridION login screen is shown. 8. Once the rebuild process has completed, the standard login screen will be displayed. Please log in and check that the MinKNOW icon is present on the desktop. If not, carry out one more power cycle.

Last updated: 2/27/2020

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