Ligation sequencing gDNA V14 — whole genome amplification (SQK-LSK114)

DateVersion numberLanguageDeviceChanges
Aug 21 2024WAL_9192_v114_revE_26Jul2023EnglishGridION
21st August 2024 - Updated protocol introduction to trimmed down format. - NEBNext® Companion Module v2 for Oxford Nanopore Technologies® Ligation Sequencing (NEB, E7672S or E7672L) is now the recommended reagent module. - Updated the Repair and End-prep method in-line with new recommended reagents. - Updated the Adapter ligation step with new recommended method.
Aug 21 2024WAL_9192_v114_revE_26Jul2023EnglishMinION
21st August 2024 - Updated protocol introduction to trimmed down format. - NEBNext® Companion Module v2 for Oxford Nanopore Technologies® Ligation Sequencing (NEB, E7672S or E7672L) is now the recommended reagent module. - Updated the Repair and End-prep method in-line with new recommended reagents. - Updated the Adapter ligation step with new recommended method.
Aug 21 2024WAL_9192_v114_revE_26Jul2023EnglishPromethION
21st August 2024 - Updated protocol introduction to trimmed down format. - NEBNext® Companion Module v2 for Oxford Nanopore Technologies® Ligation Sequencing (NEB, E7672S or E7672L) is now the recommended reagent module. - Updated the Repair and End-prep method in-line with new recommended reagents. - Updated the Adapter ligation step with new recommended method.
August 21st, 2024WAL_9192_v114_revD_26Jul2023EnglishPromethion Download 07th March 2024 - Updated library loading recommendations to 35-50 fmols.
August 21st, 2024WAL_9192_v114_revD_26Jul2023EnglishGridion Download 07th March 2024 - Updated library loading recommendations to 35-50 fmols.
August 21st, 2024WAL_9192_v114_revD_26Jul2023EnglishMinion Download 07th March 2024 - Updated library loading recommendations to 35-50 fmols.
September 19th, 2023WAL_9192_v114_revB_26Jul2023EnglishPromethion Download 1st August 2023 - Kit contents layout has been updated - In priming and loading the flow cell, the flow cell priming mix instructions have been updated
September 19th, 2023WAL_9192_v114_revB_26Jul2023EnglishGridion Download 1st August 2023 - Kit contents layout has been updated - In priming and loading the flow cell, the flow cell priming mix instructions have been updated
September 19th, 2023WAL_9192_v114_revB_26Jul2023EnglishMinion Download 1st August 2023 - Kit contents layout has been updated - In priming and loading the flow cell, the flow cell priming mix instructions have been updated
August 1st, 2023WAL_9192_v114_revA_26Jul2023EnglishPromethion Download
August 1st, 2023WAL_9192_v114_revA_26Jul2023EnglishGridion Download
August 1st, 2023WAL_9192_v114_revA_26Jul2023EnglishMinion Download