Library recovery from flow cells

DateVersion numberLanguageDeviceChanges
Feb 28 2024LIR_9178_v1_revJ_11Jan2023EnglishGridION
28th February 2024 - Updated the flow cell washing instructions with the new method: addition of prepared wash mix done in 2x 200 µl steps with a 5 minute pause in-between.
Feb 28 2024LIR_9178_v1_revJ_11Jan2023EnglishMinION
28th February 2024 - Updated the flow cell washing instructions with the new method: addition of prepared wash mix done in 2x 200 µl steps with a 5 minute pause in-between.
Feb 28 2024LIR_9178_v1_revJ_11Jan2023EnglishPromethION
28th February 2024 - Updated the flow cell washing instructions with the new method: addition of prepared wash mix done in 2x 200 µl steps with a 5 minute pause in-between.
February 28th, 2024LIR_9178_v1_revI_11Jan2023EnglishPromethion Download 19th September 2023 - Updated all library transfer methods to include light shield installation instructions.
February 28th, 2024LIR_9178_v1_revI_11Jan2023EnglishGridion Download 19th September 2023 - Updated all library transfer methods to include light shield installation instructions.
February 28th, 2024LIR_9178_v1_revI_11Jan2023EnglishMinion Download 19th September 2023 - Updated all library transfer methods to include light shield installation instructions.
September 19th, 2023LIR_9178_v1_revH_11Jan2023EnglishPromethion Download 17th July 2023 - Updated the P2 flow cell loading images.
September 19th, 2023LIR_9178_v1_revH_11Jan2023EnglishGridion Download 17th July 2023 - Updated the P2 flow cell loading images.
September 19th, 2023LIR_9178_v1_revH_11Jan2023EnglishMinion Download 17th July 2023 - Updated the P2 flow cell loading images.
March 14th, 2023LIR_9178_v1_revF_11Jan2023EnglishPromethion Download March 2023 - Updated "Clean up and transfer a library between flow cells" to include instructions for preparing the recovered library post-clean up
March 14th, 2023LIR_9178_v1_revF_11Jan2023EnglishGridion Download March 2023 - Updated "Clean up and transfer a library between flow cells" to include instructions for preparing the recovered library post-clean up
March 14th, 2023LIR_9178_v1_revF_11Jan2023EnglishMinion Download March 2023 - Updated "Clean up and transfer a library between flow cells" to include instructions for preparing the recovered library post-clean up
February 15th, 2023LIR_9178_v1_revE_11Jan2023EnglishPromethion Download February 2023 - Updated checklist format
February 15th, 2023LIR_9178_v1_revE_11Jan2023EnglishGridion Download February 2023 - Updated checklist format
February 15th, 2023LIR_9178_v1_revE_11Jan2023EnglishMinion Download February 2023 - Updated checklist format
February 2nd, 2023LIR_9178_v1_revD_11Jan2023EnglishPromethion Download February 2023 - Updated recommendations to avoid transferring short fragment libraries
February 2nd, 2023LIR_9178_v1_revD_11Jan2023EnglishGridion Download February 2023 - Updated recommendations to avoid transferring short fragment libraries
February 2nd, 2023LIR_9178_v1_revD_11Jan2023EnglishMinion Download February 2023 - Updated recommendations to avoid transferring short fragment libraries
January 25th, 2023LIR_9178_v1_revC_11Jan2023EnglishPromethion Download 25th January 2023 - Added in two new methods for both MinION and PromethION flow cells: - "Clean up and transfer a library between flow cells" - "Recover a library to replace on a washed flow cell" - Updated the "Overview of the protocol" and "Equipment and consumables" to include relevant information for the new methods included.
January 25th, 2023LIR_9178_v1_revC_11Jan2023EnglishGridion Download 25th January 2023 - Added in two new methods for both MinION and PromethION flow cells: - "Clean up and transfer a library between flow cells" - "Recover a library to replace on a washed flow cell" - Updated the "Overview of the protocol" and "Equipment and consumables" to include relevant information for the new methods included.
January 25th, 2023LIR_9178_v1_revC_11Jan2023EnglishMinion Download 25th January 2023 - Added in two new methods for both MinION and PromethION flow cells: - "Clean up and transfer a library between flow cells" - "Recover a library to replace on a washed flow cell" - Updated the "Overview of the protocol" and "Equipment and consumables" to include relevant information for the new methods included.
January 13th, 2023LIR_9178_v1_revB_11Jan2023EnglishPromethion Download January 2023 - Updated the protocol overview to clarify this is only compatible with MinION and PromethION flow cells.
January 13th, 2023LIR_9178_v1_revB_11Jan2023EnglishGridion Download January 2023 - Updated the protocol overview to clarify this is only compatible with MinION and PromethION flow cells.
January 13th, 2023LIR_9178_v1_revB_11Jan2023EnglishMinion Download January 2023 - Updated the protocol overview to clarify this is only compatible with MinION and PromethION flow cells.
January 11th, 2023LIR_9178_v1_revA_11Jan2023EnglishPromethion Download
January 11th, 2023LIR_9178_v1_revA_11Jan2023EnglishGridion Download
January 11th, 2023LIR_9178_v1_revA_11Jan2023EnglishMinion Download