From portable to high-throughput benchtop devices, real-time nanopore sensing is a new generation of technology uncovering new biology across multiple sectors.
16th June 2021
- Required settings in MinKNOW in the 'Sequencing and data analysis' section has been updated include instructions to toggle 'Override mid barcoding score' and to increase minimum mid barcoding score from 40 to 50.
16th June 2021
- Required settings in MinKNOW in the 'Sequencing and data analysis' section has been updated include instructions to toggle 'Override mid barcoding score' and to increase minimum mid barcoding score from 40 to 50.
28th April
- Primer pool concentration in the change note table of 'Overview of the protocol' updated to the correct 10 µM for Josh Quick's protocol overview.
28th April
- Primer pool concentration in the change note table of 'Overview of the protocol' updated to the correct 10 µM for Josh Quick's protocol overview.
28th April 2021
- Primer pool concentration in 'PCR' updated to the correct 100 µM.
- Updated the change table in the 'Overview of the protocol' section to the correct volumes and concentrations for the PCR mastermix.
- Added screenshots of MinKNOW for barcoding recommendations in 'Data acquisition and basecalling' section.
28th April 2021
- Primer pool concentration in 'PCR' updated to the correct 100 µM.
- Updated the change table in the 'Overview of the protocol' section to the correct volumes and concentrations for the PCR mastermix.
- Added screenshots of MinKNOW for barcoding recommendations in 'Data acquisition and basecalling' section.
21st April 2021
Inclusion of the optional Adapter Mix II Expansion (EXP-AMII001) kit for instances when a user is running a subset of barcodes in one experiment and needs extra Adapter Mix II for more reactions:
- EXP-AMII001 is included in the "Equipment and consumables" section
- Explanation of when to use EXP-AMII001 in the "Adapter ligation and clean-up" step
21st April 2021
Inclusion of the optional Adapter Mix II Expansion (EXP-AMII001) kit for instances when a user is running a subset of barcodes in one experiment and needs extra Adapter Mix II for more reactions:
- EXP-AMII001 is included in the "Equipment and consumables" section
- Explanation of when to use EXP-AMII001 in the "Adapter ligation and clean-up" step
18th March 2021
- "Downstream analysis and expected results" step: the recommended analysis pipeline and workflow packaging information has been updated. We have removed the recommendation to use RAMPART and have included the EPI2ME Labs Jupyter notebook tutorial and EPI2ME workflow.
18th March 2021
- "Downstream analysis and expected results" step: the recommended analysis pipeline and workflow packaging information has been updated. We have removed the recommendation to use RAMPART and have included the EPI2ME Labs Jupyter notebook tutorial and EPI2ME workflow.
11th Feb
Updated the 'End-prep' step to transfer 5 ul of pooled PCR products to the dilution plate. Transfer 3.3 ul of dilution plate to end-prep plate.
11th Feb
Updated the 'End-prep' step to transfer 5 ul of pooled PCR products to the dilution plate. Transfer 3.3 ul of dilution plate to end-prep plate.