Ligation sequencing DNA V14 - automated Tecan DreamPrep NGS (SQK-LSK114-XL)

DateVersion numberLanguageDeviceChanges
Oct 4 2023DTD_9181_v114_revK_22Feb2023EnglishGridION
4th October 2023 - Updated the format of the final step in the "Adapter ligation and clean-up" step for the checklist
Oct 4 2023DTD_9181_v114_revK_22Feb2023EnglishMinION
4th October 2023 - Updated the format of the final step in the "Adapter ligation and clean-up" step for the checklist
Oct 4 2023DTD_9181_v114_revK_22Feb2023EnglishPromethION
4th October 2023 - Updated the format of the final step in the "Adapter ligation and clean-up" step for the checklist
September 27th, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revI_22Feb2023EnglishGridion Download 19th September 2023 - Updated flow cell loading instructions to include light shield installation - Updated flow cell loading recommendations in the "Adapter ligation and clean-up" step.
September 27th, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revI_22Feb2023EnglishMinion Download 19th September 2023 - Updated flow cell loading instructions to include light shield installation - Updated flow cell loading recommendations in the "Adapter ligation and clean-up" step.
September 27th, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revI_22Feb2023EnglishPromethion Download 19th September 2023 - Updated flow cell loading instructions to include light shield installation - Updated flow cell loading recommendations in the "Adapter ligation and clean-up" step.
September 19th, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revH_22Feb2023EnglishGridion Download 26 July 2023: - Formatting updates. - Addition of disclaimer section to the protocol including information on research use only and Tecan Group Ltd. disclaimers.
September 19th, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revH_22Feb2023EnglishMinion Download 26 July 2023: - Formatting updates. - Addition of disclaimer section to the protocol including information on research use only and Tecan Group Ltd. disclaimers.
September 19th, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revH_22Feb2023EnglishPromethion Download 26 July 2023: - Formatting updates. - Addition of disclaimer section to the protocol including information on research use only and Tecan Group Ltd. disclaimers.
July 26th, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revG_22Feb2023EnglishGridion Download 26 June 2023: - Updated equipment and consumables list with manufacturers recommendations. - Formatting updates. - Inclusion of additional tips and recommendations throughout protocol. - Addition of research use and Tecan disclaimers to the Overview of the protocol. - Addition of new "Unloading the Tecan DreamPrep NGS worktable" step in the "Automated library preparation" section.
July 26th, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revG_22Feb2023EnglishMinion Download 26 June 2023: - Updated equipment and consumables list with manufacturers recommendations. - Formatting updates. - Inclusion of additional tips and recommendations throughout protocol. - Addition of research use and Tecan disclaimers to the Overview of the protocol. - Addition of new "Unloading the Tecan DreamPrep NGS worktable" step in the "Automated library preparation" section.
July 26th, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revG_22Feb2023EnglishPromethion Download 26 June 2023: - Updated equipment and consumables list with manufacturers recommendations. - Formatting updates. - Inclusion of additional tips and recommendations throughout protocol. - Addition of research use and Tecan disclaimers to the Overview of the protocol. - Addition of new "Unloading the Tecan DreamPrep NGS worktable" step in the "Automated library preparation" section.
June 2nd, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revF_22Feb2023EnglishGridion Download 02 June 2023: - Updated equipment and consumables list with manufacturers recommendations. - Formatting updates. - Inclusion of additional tips and recommendations throughout protocol.
June 2nd, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revF_22Feb2023EnglishMinion Download 02 June 2023: - Updated equipment and consumables list with manufacturers recommendations. - Formatting updates. - Inclusion of additional tips and recommendations throughout protocol.
June 2nd, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revF_22Feb2023EnglishPromethion Download 02 June 2023: - Updated equipment and consumables list with manufacturers recommendations. - Formatting updates. - Inclusion of additional tips and recommendations throughout protocol.
June 2nd, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revE_22Feb2023EnglishGridion Download 02 June 2023: - Updated equipment and consumables list with manufacturers recommendations. - Formatting updates. - Inclusion of additional tips and recommendations throughout protocol.
June 2nd, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revE_22Feb2023EnglishMinion Download 02 June 2023: - Updated equipment and consumables list with manufacturers recommendations. - Formatting updates. - Inclusion of additional tips and recommendations throughout protocol.
June 2nd, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revE_22Feb2023EnglishPromethion Download 02 June 2023: - Updated equipment and consumables list with manufacturers recommendations. - Formatting updates. - Inclusion of additional tips and recommendations throughout protocol.
May 3rd, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revD_22Feb2023EnglishGridion Download May 2023: - Included information for using the loading multiple PromethION Flow Cells protocol - This kit has moved to released phase.
May 3rd, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revD_22Feb2023EnglishMinion Download May 2023: - Included information for using the loading multiple PromethION Flow Cells protocol - This kit has moved to released phase.
May 3rd, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revD_22Feb2023EnglishPromethion Download May 2023: - Included information for using the loading multiple PromethION Flow Cells protocol - This kit has moved to released phase.
March 27th, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revC_22Feb2023EnglishGridion Download March 2023: - Included information for using the loading multiple PromethION Flow Cells protocol
March 27th, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revC_22Feb2023EnglishMinion Download March 2023: - Included information for using the loading multiple PromethION Flow Cells protocol
March 27th, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revC_22Feb2023EnglishPromethion Download March 2023: - Included information for using the loading multiple PromethION Flow Cells protocol
March 15th, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revB_22Feb2023EnglishGridion Download March 2023: - Updated the "Sequencing and data analysis" section to include further details about duplex basecalling
March 15th, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revB_22Feb2023EnglishMinion Download March 2023: - Updated the "Sequencing and data analysis" section to include further details about duplex basecalling
March 15th, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revB_22Feb2023EnglishPromethion Download March 2023: - Updated the "Sequencing and data analysis" section to include further details about duplex basecalling
March 15th, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revA_22Feb2023EnglishGridion Download
March 15th, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revA_22Feb2023EnglishMinion Download
March 15th, 2023DTD_9181_v114_revA_22Feb2023EnglishPromethion Download
February 22nd, 2023Tecan_lsk114_Rev1EnglishGridion Download
February 22nd, 2023Tecan_lsk114_Rev1EnglishMinion Download
February 22nd, 2023Tecan_lsk114_Rev1EnglishPromethion Download