
Salisburylaan 133 Merelbeke, East-Flanders
nanopore Service Certified
Certified for
  • DNA
  • RNA
  • GridION
Techniques offered:
  • Veterinary diagnostics of infectious diseases
  • Viral metagenomics
  • Virus whole genome sequencing
  • Bacterial whole genome sequencing
  • Bacterial shotgun sequencing
  • Microbiome analysis (16S rRNA)
  • Plasmid sequencing
  • Bioinformatics data-analysis
  • Veterinary interpretation of viral/bacterial metagenomics datasets
Areas of research offered:
  • RNA sequencing
  • Development of custom basecalling models for specific bacterial species
  • Targeted primer enrichment for whole genome sequencing of pathogens of interest
  • Spatiotemporal analysis of veterinary pathogens