WYMM Tour: Singapore
April 18 2024, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SST

WYMM Tour: Singapore

18 April 2024, 09:00 - 17:00 - Singapore

Venue: Theatrette 1, Matrix Auditorium (Level 2), Biopolis

Address: 30 Biopolis Street, #02-00 / 01, Matrix, Singapore 138671

Generate ultra-rich data for answers with impact.

Who says you can’t see it all? With a comprehensive view of structural variants and methylation, nanopore technology powers the bigger and bolder research questions you’ve always wanted to ask.​​

Join us on Thursday 18th April 2024 in Singapore to hear from local experts who are breaking new ground in human genomics, using nanopore technology.​​​

What you're missing matters. Stay on top of what's next.​

Aside from talks ranging from human genomics for rare disease, to sequencing for cancer research, the full-day agenda will include networking breaks, Q&A, product displays, and opportunities to engage with your peers and nanopore experts.

Please note that this is an in-person event.

There is no delegate fee for this event, but registration is required. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Your place at this event will be confirmed via email from events@nanoporetech.com.




Agenda (subject to change)


9:00 — 9:30 am


9:30 — 9:50 am ​

Opening remarks

Michael Cheng, Oxford Nanopore Technologies

9:50 — 10:15 am ​

Nanopore sequencing of FLG in skin diseases

John Common, A*STAR Skin Research Labs

10:15 — 10:40 am ​

PGx for all: Expanding drug coverage through nanopore technology

Thidathip Wongsurawat, Mahidol University

10:40 — 11:10 am ​


11:10 — 11:35 am ​

Clinical application of long-read sequencing

Hui-Lin Chin, National University Hospital

11:35 am — 12:00 pm ​

HERRO - Haplotype-aware error correction of ultra-long nanopore reads

Mile Sikic & Dominik Stanojevic, Genome Institute of Singapore, A*STAR

12:00 — 1:30 pm


1:30 — 1:55 pm

Clinical & translational research applications of nanopore sequencing

Xi Li, Oxford Nanopore Technologies

1:55 — 2:20 pm

Deciphering structural variation in human disease genomes by nanopore long-read sequencing

Liang Gong, Zhejiang University

2:20 — 2:45 pm

Genomic Odyssey: A comprehensive exploration of the fully phased diploid Indian genome, unraveling its unique attributes within the Pan-Asian genetic landscape

Prasad Sarashetti, Genome Institute of Singapore

2:45 — 3:15 pm


3:15 — 3:40 pm

Using Nanopore direct RNA sequencing to identify single-molecule RNA structure heterogeneity

Jiaxu Wang & Ashley Aw, Genome Institute of Singapore

3:40 — 4:05 pm​

Context-aware transcript discovery and quantification in single-cell long-read data using Bambu

Andre Sim, Genome Institute of Singapore

4:05 — 4:30 pm​

Updates from Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Jerald Yam, Oxford Nanopore Technologies

4:30 — 4:40 pm



picture of John Common

Nanopore sequencing of FLG in skin diseases

John Common, A*STAR Skin Research Labs

Dr John Common obtained his Ph.D. from the Centre for Cutaneous Research, Queen Mary University of L...

picture of Thidathip Wongsurawat

PGx for all: Expanding drug coverage through nanopore technology

Thidathip Wongsurawat, Mahidol University

Thidathip Wongsurawat (Tip) received PhD from Nanyang Technological Singapore. She is currently the ...

picture of Hui-Lin Chin

Clinical application of long-read sequencing

Hui-Lin Chin , National University Hospital

Dr Chin Hui-Lin is a Consultant with the Division of Genetics and Metabolism, Khoo Teck Puat – Nati...

picture of Mile Sikic & Dominik Stanojevic

HERRO - Haplotype-aware error correction of ultra-long nanopore reads

Mile Sikic & Dominik Stanojevic, Genome Institute of Singapore, A*STAR

Prof. Mile Šikić is a group leader at the Genome institute of Singapore, ASTAR. He is also a profess...

picture of Liang Gong

Deciphering structural variation in human disease genomes by nanopore long-read sequencing

Liang Gong, Zhejiang University

Dr. Gong joined Zhejiang University as a principal investigator in 2021. His researches focus on str...

picture of Prasad Sarashetti

Genomic Odyssey: A comprehensive exploration of the fully phased diploid Indian genome, unraveling its unique attributes within the Pan-Asian genetic landscape

Prasad Sarashetti, Genome Institute of Singapore

Prasad Sarashetti, a seasoned Bioinformatics professional with a Master's degree in Bioinformatics f...

picture of Jiaxu Wang & Ashey Aw

Using Nanopore direct RNA sequencing to identify single-molecule RNA structure heterogeneity

Jiaxu Wang & Ashey Aw

Jiaxu Wang has a diverse scientific background. he joined Wan Yue’s lab as a post-doctoral fellow in...

picture of Andre Sim

Context-aware transcript discovery and quantification in single-cell long-read data using Bambu

Andre Sim, Genome Institute of Singapore

Andre Sim is a postdoctoral fellow working on using long-read sequencing for all matters relating to...