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WYMM Tour: Perth
14 March 2024, 10:00 - 17:00 - Westin Perth, Australia
Generate ultra-rich data for answers with impact.
Who says you can’t see it all? With a comprehensive view of structural variants and methylation, nanopore technology powers the bigger and bolder research questions you’ve always wanted to ask.
Join us on Thursday 14th March 2024 in Perth to hear from local experts who are breaking new ground in human genomics, using nanopore technology.
What you're missing matters. Stay on top of what's next.
Aside from talks ranging from human genomics for rare disease, to sequencing for cancer research, the full-day agenda will include networking breaks, Q&A, product displays, and opportunities to engage with your peers and nanopore experts.
Please note that this is an in-person event.
There is no delegate fee for this event, but registration is required. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Your place at this event will be confirmed via email from events@nanoporetech.com.
Time | Agenda (subject to change) | Speaker |
10:00 — 10:30 am | Registration | |
10:30 — 10:40 am | Welcome | Ross Napoli, Oxford Nanopore Technologies |
10:40 — 11:05 am | Estimating tumour fraction in cfDNA with nanopore methylation sequencing | Rodrigo Carlessi, Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute (CHIRI) |
11:05 — 11:30 am | Our 9-month odyssey into the world of Oxford Nanopore: From recalcitrant fungi genome to polyploid plant RNA to amplicon sequencing | Fatima Naim, Curtin University |
11:30 — 11:55 am | Characterising multiple types of variation of SVA retrotransposons using nanopore sequencing | Sulev Koks, Murdoch University |
11:55 am — 12:20 pm | The utility of Oxford Nanopore Technologies in neurogenetic disease research, and future applications in diagnostics | Carolin Scriba, Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research |
12:20 — 1:20 pm | Lunch | |
1:20 — 1:45 pm | Revolutionising high resolution HLA Genotyping for transplantation assessment: Validation, implementation and challenges of Oxford Nanopore Technologies' Q20+ sequencing | Dianne De Santis, PathWest, Fiona Stanley Hospital |
1:45 — 2:10 pm | Towards telomere-to-telomere fish genomes with Oxford Nanopore Technologies gap-filling | Richard Edwards, University of Western Australia |
2:10 — 2:35 pm | Rapid amplicon assays - research and development to support plant biosecurity and diagnostics | Monica Kehoe, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA |
2:35 — 3:05 pm | Break | |
3:05 — 3:30 pm | Using long-read sequencing to characterise antimicrobial resistant bacteria for bacteriophage therapy | Samuel Montgomery, Telethon Kids Institute |
3:30 — 3:55 pm | Updates from Oxford Nanopore Technologies | Simon Dunbar, Oxford Nanopore Technologies |
3:55 — 4:00 pm | Closing | Ross Napoli, Oxford Nanopore Technologies |
4:00 — 5:00 pm | Social mixer |
Estimating tumour fraction in cfDNA with nanopore methylation sequencing
Rodrigo Carlessi, Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute (CHIRI)
Dr Rodrigo Carlessi is a Cancer Council of Western Australia (CCWA) Postdoctoral Fellow. He leads th...
Our 9-month odyssey into the world of Oxford Nanopore: From recalcitrant fungi genome to polyploid plant RNA to amplicon sequencing
Fatima Naim, Curtin University
Dr Fatima Naim is a senior research fellow at the Centre for Crop and Disease Management, at Curtin ...
Characterising multiple types of variation of SVA retrotransposons using nanopore sequencing
Sulev Koks, Murdoch University
Prof Sulev Koks (MD, PhD, FFSc (RCPA)) has dual MD and PhD degrees, enabling him to combine clinical...
The utility of Oxford Nanopore Technologies in neurogenetic disease research, and future applications in diagnostics
Carolin Scriba, Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research
I am a final year PhD Student working in the Rare Disease Genetics and Functional Genomic Group at t...
Revolutionising high resolution HLA genotyping for transplantation assessment: Validation, implementation and challenges of Oxford Nanopore Technologies' Q20+ sequencing
Dianne De Santis, PathWest, Fiona Stanley Hospital
Dr. Dianne De Santis is a Clinical Scientist at the Department of Clinical Immunology, PathWest, Fio...
Towards telomere-to-telomere fish genomes with Oxford Nanopore Technologies gap-filling
Richard Edwards, University of Western Australia
Rich Edwards is a Principal Research Fellow and Academic Lead for the Minderoo OceanOmics Centre at ...
Rapid amplicon assays - research and development to support plant biosecurity and diagnostics
Monica Kehoe, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA
Dr Monica Kehoe is a Plant Virologist and Molecular Plant Pathologist working for DPIRD in WA, as pa...
Using long-read sequencing to characterise antimicrobial resistant bacteria for bacteriophage therapy
Samuel Montgomery, Telethon Kids Institute
Dr Montgomery is a senior research officer at Telethon Kids Institute. Since the onset of the COVID-...