NCM 2023 Houston
December 6 2023, 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM CST
Houston, United States


Join us at the Nanopore Community Meeting 2023: Houston to hear from a fantastic line up of speakers who are using nanopore technology to gain new insights across a broad range of research areas. You’ll also have the opportunity to get hands-on with the technology, hear the latest from the Oxford Nanopore team, and of course network with other members of the Nanopore Community.

Can’t make the event in person? The Houston Nanopore Community Meeting will also be streamed online if you’re not able to attend in person.

The Nanopore Community Meeting features plenary talks, breakout sessions, lightning presentations, posters, networking and more.

Onsite tickets are now sold out. You can still register to attend online.

Register to attend online


View or download a PDF of the latest agenda for both the in-person and virtual events here:

View in-person agenda
View online agenda

Ticket Information

Tickets are now available for this one-day event, taking place on Wednesday 6th December. You also have the option, during registration, to add a place at the Data Analysis workshop or Core Lab day, taking place on 5th December.

  • Online only - Free of charge - now available
  • Limited offer - $199.00 - SOLD OUT
  • Poster ticket - $125.00 - SOLD OUT
  • Full conference ticket - $299.00 - SOLD OUT

Pre-event activities (Tuesday 5th December)

  • Data Analysis workshop - $275.00 (additional cost)
  • Core Lab day - Free of charge

Additional information

All prices are in USD and exclusive of sales tax. Poster tickets will only be visible to those accepted to present a poster at the meeting. For all enquiries regarding tickets, please contact

Group offer available

Looking to attend the event with colleagues? Purchase 3 tickets and get 1 ticket free. Simply contact once the first three tickets have been purchased to redeem this offer!

Register to attend online
Map with the location of the event

Location: Online & The Four Seasons, 1300 Lamar St, Houston, TX 77010, United States

Confirmed speakers

picture of Billy Lau

Nanopore sequencing of cell-free DNA for methylation-based breast cancer detection

Billy Lau, Stanford University School of Medicine

Dr. Billy Lau is an Instructor in the Division of Oncology at Stanford University School of Medicine...

picture of Cate Paschal

Future diagnostic potential for long-read sequencing as a single assay for imprinting disorders

Cate Paschal, Seattle Children's Hospital & University of Washington

Cate Paschal received her PhD from Weill Cornell Medical College. She is board certified in Clinical...

picture of Tobias T. Schmidt

Telomere dynamics in aging and cancer by nanopore long-read sequencing

Tobias T. Schmidt, Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Tobias T. Schmidt completed his undergraduate studies in Molecular Biotechnology at Heidelberg Unive...

picture of Sarah Castro-Wallace

2043: a MinION space odyssey

Sarah Castro-Wallace, NASA

Dr. Sarah Wallace serves as the technical lead in the Microbiology Laboratory at the NASA Johnson Sp...

picture of Kimberlee Musser

Improving bacterial disease public health testing with nanopore sequencing

Kimberlee Musser, Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health

Dr. Kimberlee Musser is the Clinical Director and the Chief of Bacterial Disease for the Wadsworth C...

picture of Debarshi Mustafi

Complex phased variants in inherited retinal diseases with long-read sequencing

Debarshi Mustafi, University of Washington

Debarshi grew up in Chicago and earned his bachelor’s degree with Honors in Chemistry from the Unive...

picture of Jack Wadden

Liquid biopsy therapy response monitoring of pediatric high-grade gliomas

Jack Wadden, University of Michigan

Jack Wadden is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Michigan hospital currently worki...

picture of Per Aspera Adastra

De novo genome assembly of Candida parapsilosis from a case of neonatal sepsis

Per Aspera Adastra, Baylor College of Medicine & Texas Children’s Hospital

Per A. Adastra is a Clinical Metagenomics Fellow at Texas Children's Microbiome Center in Houston, T...

picture of Maria Chaves

Enrichment strategies for recovery of Avian influenza virus from samples using MinION

Maria Chaves, Iowa State University

Maria Chaves is a veterinarian, and PhD student at Iowa State University. Her research interests lie...

picture of Colette Felton

Haplotypes, isoforms, and fusions: towards a richer cancer transcriptome

Colette Felton, University of California

Colette Felton is a 5th year PhD candidate at the University of California, Santa Cruz. She primaril...

picture of Erin L. Young

Nanopore sequencing for enhanced antimicrobial resistance gene surveillance

Erin L. Young, Department of Health and Human Services

Dr. Erin Young is a bioinformatician at the Utah Public Health Laboratory....

picture of Christina Newman

Metagenomic sequencing of air samples to identify human viral pathogens

Christina Newman, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Christina Newman received her BS in Biology from the University of Toledo and her PhD in Comparative...

picture of Noah C. Hull

Building and applying global pathogen surveillance in a post/peri-pandemic world

Noah C. Hull, Association of Public Health Laboratories

Noah Hull, PhD, MPH, is the Laboratory Technical Manager for NGS, Bioinformatics, Genomic Epidemiolo...

picture of Medhat Mahmoud

Unraveling complex Mendelian diseases with nanopore sequencing

Medhat Mahmoud, Baylor College of Medicine, Human Genome Sequencing Center

Dr. Medhat Mahmoud earned his PhD in 2018 from the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry at the Polish A...

picture of Yuelin Liu

Analysis of melanoma evolution using nanopore long-read sequencing data

Yuelin Liu, University of Maryland & National Cancer Institute

Yuelin is a PhD student in Computer Science at University of Maryland, College Park (UMD) and a pred...

picture of Mariela Cortés López

GoT-Splice: unraveling cell-type-specific impact of splicing factor mutations

Mariela Cortés López, Weill Cornell Medicine & New York Genome Center

Mariela currently a postdoctoral researcher in the lab of Dr. Dan Landau at WCM and NYGC. Her primar...

picture of Mikhail Kolmogorov

Nanopore sequencing reveal structural heterogeneity in canine osteosarcoma

Mikhail Kolmogorov, National Cancer Institute, NIH

Before joining the Cancer Data Science Laboratory in January 2022, Mikhail was a postdoctoral fellow...

picture of Lucy Kaplun

Setting new standards in clinical testing with nanopore sequencing and short-read WGS

Lucy Kaplun, Variantyx. Inc

Lucy Kaplun is a Director of Advanced Development at Variantyx, a precision medicine company in Mass...

picture of J. (Gus) Gustafson

Understanding normal patterns of human structural variation with nanopore sequencing

J. (Gus) Gustafson, University of Washington

As a predoctoral student in Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Washington, Gus has ...

picture of Yilei Fu

MethPhaser: methylation-based haplotype phasing of human genomes

Yilei Fu, Rice University

Yilei Fu is a 5th year PhD student at Rice University in the Treangen Lab at the Computer Science De...

picture of Rupesh Kesharwani

STRspy 2.0: unlocking the potential of long reads for forensic DNA profiles

Rupesh Kesharwani, Baylor College of Medicine HGSC & University of North Texas HSC

Rupesh Kesharwani holds the position of Senior Bioinformatics Programmer at Baylor College of Medici...

picture of Sarah Dada

Potential personalized diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorder in the era of long-read sequencing

Sarah Dada, Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre & The University of British Columbia

Sarah Dada is a bioinformatics PhD candidate supervised by Dr. Steven Jones at the Michael Smith Gen...

picture of Felipe Baez Aguirre

On-site nanopore sequencing reveals microbial diversity of Colombian Pacific Coast mangrove soils

Felipe Baez Aguirre, University of the Andes

Felipe Baez Aguirre is an Associate Researcher at the Applied Genomics Research Group and Laboratory...

picture of Bradley Hall

AmplideX PCR and nanopore sequencing for accessible carrier screening for any lab

Bradley Hall, Asuragen

Bradley Hall, Director of R&D at Asuragen, received his PhD in Molecular Biology from the University...

Pre-event activities

On Tuesday 5th December, we will be holding two full day events, as well as an evening session:

From single cells to whole genomes: nanopore data analysis

In this one-day practical workshop, attendees will be introduced to Oxford Nanopore's EPI2ME workflows for single cell transcriptomics, human whole genome genetic variation (SNP, indel, structural variation, methylation, CNVs and STRs) and metagenomics.


Core lab day

The Core lab day will feature presentations from guest speakers as well as members of the Oxford Nanopore team. You will have the chance to speak to our technical experts about your projects and to network with fellow members of Core Labs as well as senior leaders from Oxford Nanopore.


Data after dark

Please join us at 6:45 pm (CST) on Tuesday 5th December for this session being exclusively shared at this year's in-person part of the Nanopore Community Meeting. Attendees will have the chance to hear the latest informatic updates from the Oxford Nanopore experts and an opportunity to quiz them during Q&A following the talks.


Pre-event activity agendas

Data analysis workshop
Core lab day
Data after dark

Start - Finish

Session details

8:30 - 9:00 AM

Breakfast and registration

9:00 - 10:15 AM

Introduction to Oxford Nanopore data and analysis solutions

10:15 - 10:30 AM

Coffee break

10:30 - 11:30 AM

EPI2ME cloud and local analysis

11:30 - 1:00 PM

Human variation (+ methylation) analysis practical

1:00 - 2:00 PM

Networking lunch

2:00 - 3:00 PM

Single-cell practical

3:00 - 3:30 PM

Coffee break

3:30 - 4:30 PM

Metagenomics practical

4:30 - 5:00 PM

Community and application resources

5:00 - 6:30 PM

Networking event

A talk from the Nanopore Community Meeting 2022
A panel session from Nanopore Community Meeting 2022
A hands-on session on flow cell loading

Submit abstract

Abstract submission for the Nanopore Community Meeting 2023 Houston event is now closed.

If you have any questions about abstract submission, please contact