Ligation sequencing gDNA V14 - reduced representation methylation multiplex sequencing (RRMS) (SQK-NBD114.24)


For Research Use Only.

Document version: RRMS_9209_v114_revD_13Dec2024

1. Overview of the protocol


Adaptive sampling in Kit 14 chemistry

While using Kit 14 chemistry, this workflow has been optimised to enrich specific regions of interest (ROIs) with Adaptive sampling rather than duplex basecalling, ensuring highest output and the best sequencing results.

For more background information about designing an adaptive sampling experiment, please refer to the Adaptive sampling best practice document: Adaptive sampling best practice

Reduced representation methylation sequencing (RRMS)

Nanopore sequencing enables direct detection of methylated cytosines (e.g., at CpG sites), without the need for bisulphite conversion. CpG sites frequently occur in high density clusters called CpG islands (CGI) and most of vertebrate genes have their promoters embedded within CGIs.

Changes in methylation patterns within promoters is associated with changes in gene expression and disease states such as cancer: exploring methylation differences between tumour samples and normal samples can help to uncover mechanisms associated with tumour formation and development.

Adaptive sampling (AS) offers a fast, flexible and precise method to enrich for regions of interest (e.g. CGIs) by depleting off-target regions during sequencing itself with no requirement for upfront sample manipulation.

To read more about how the method works, and how it compares to other techniques for analysing methylation (e.g. EPIC arrays, bisulfite), please see our Introduction to Reduced-Representation Methylation Sequencing.

RRMS can be deployed on MinION Mk1B/Mk1D, GridION and PromethION P2S, P24 and P48 platforms.

When running on MinION/GridION, we recommend running a single sample per flow cell - using our Ligation sequencing gDNA V14 - reduced representation methylation sequencing (RRMS) (SQK-LSK114) protocol.

Alternatively, it is possible to multiplex up to 4 samples on a single PromethION flow cell, as outlined in this protocol.

Human sample sequencing

The RRMS protocol enables users to target 310 Mb of the human genome which are highly enriched for CpGs including all annotated CpG islands, shores, shelves and >90% of promoter regions (100% of promoter with more than 4 CpGs). As well as other rich CpG regions in the genome. The total number of CpG sites in the .bed file is 7.18 million.

For benchmarking purposes, we performed RRMS on five replicates of a metastatic melanoma cell line and its normal pair for a male individual (COLO829/COLO829_BL) and a triple negative breast cancer cell-line pair (HCC1395/HCC1935_BL). Each sample was run on a single MinION flow cell. RRMS resulted in high-confidence methylation calls (>10 overlapping reads) for 7.3-8.5 million CpGs per sample.

For comparison, we also performed Reduced Representation Bisulphite Sequencing (RRBS), which typically yields 1.7–2.5 high confidence calls per sample. More information on this comparison can be accessed in our RRMS performance document and poster.

Mouse sample sequencing

The RRMS protocol and a new .bed file have also been developed to target 308 Mb of the mouse genome, covering 100% of CpG island and promoter regions; as well as other rich CpG regions in the genome.

The performance of RRMS for mouse samples was characterised on replicates of a blastocyst-derived, embryonic stem cell line (ES-E14TG2a) and a leukemia cell-line (BALB/c AMuLV A.3R.1). A non-RRMS library was also run as a control. Each sample was run on a single MinION flow cell: RRMS resulted in high-confidence methylation calls (>10X reads per site) for 5.0–5.8 million CpGs per sample in the mouse genome, compared to ~400,000 CpGs in the control library.

Alternative vertebrate genomes could be sequenced using the RRMS protocol and a bespoke .bed file.
However, please note Oxford Nanopore Technologies has only validated this method using human and mouse samples.

Introduction to the DNA extraction and multiplex sequencing protocol for RRMS

This protocol describes how to carry out DNA extraction and reduced representation methylation sequencing (RRMS) for up to 4 samples on a single PromethION flow cell, using the Native Barcoding Kit (SQK-NBD114.24) and the Adaptive Sampling feature in MinKNOW.

Steps in the sequencing workflow:

Prepare for your experiment

You will need to:

  • Ensure you have your sequencing kit, the correct equipment and third-party reagents
  • Download the software for acquiring and analysing your data
  • Ensure that you have the correct .bed file for Adaptive Sampling
  • Check your flow cell to ensure it has enough pores for a good sequencing run

Sample preparation

  • Extract your DNA using the QIAGEN Puregene Cell Kit.
  • Fragment your DNA using the Covaris g-TUBE, and check its length, quantity and purity. The quality checks performed during the protocol are essential in ensuring experimental success.

Library preparation

The table below is an overview of the steps required in the library preparation, including timings and optional stopping points.

Library preparation Process Time Stop option
DNA repair and end-prep Repair the fragmented DNA and prepare the DNA ends for barcode attachment 35 minutes 4°C overnight
Native barcode ligation Ligate the native barcodes to the DNA ends 60 minutes 4°C overnight
Adapter ligation and clean-up Attach the sequencing adapters to the barcoded DNA ends 50 minutes 4°C short-term storage or for repeated use, such as re-loading your flow cell
-80°C for single-use, long-term storage.
We strongly recommend sequencing your library as soon as it is adapted.
Priming and loading the flow cell Prime the flow cell and load the prepared library for sequencing 5 minutes
Washing and reloading the flow cell (x2) Pause your sequencing run. Wash your flow cell with nuclease to remove the previous library load and unblock pores. Prime the flow cell and reload the prepared library to continue sequencing 60 minutes (x2)

RRMS multiplex workflow pp edit

Sequencing and analysis

You will need to:

  • Start a sequencing run using the MinKNOW software, which will collect raw data from the device and convert it into basecalled reads. While configuring the run, turn on the Adaptive Sampling setting and import a pre-prepared .bed file with your regions of interest, along with a FASTA reference file.
  • Sequence the sample for a total of 96 hours, with two flow cell washes when the available pore count drops to around 40% of the starting pore count (typically after ~24 hours and the second time after ~48 hours).
  • Use Dorado to call modified bases, for more information please refer to the Dorado github page.
  • Use the commands recommended at the end of this protocol to aggregate the modified bases and perform CpG island annotation.

Compatibility of this protocol

This protocol should only be used in combination with:

2. Equipment and consumables

  • 5 x 10^6 cells per sample, for 4 samples (FOR EXTRACTION)
  • 2 µg of fragmented gDNA per sample, for 4 samples (FOR LIBRARY PREP)
  • 免扩增条形码测序试剂盒-24 V14(SQK-NBD114.24)
  • 测序芯片清洗剂盒(EXP-WSH004)

  • PromethION 测序芯片
  • Puregene Cell Kit (QIAGEN, 158043)
  • TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) (Fisher scientific, 10224683)
  • 1 x Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)
  • Isopropanol
  • g-TUBE™ (Covaris, 520079)
  • NEBNext FFPE修复混合液(NEB,M6630)
  • NEBNext Ultra II 末端修复/ dA尾添加模块(NEB,E7546)
  • NEB Blunt/TA 连接酶预混液(NEB,M0367)
  • NEBNext®快速连接模块(NEB,E6056)
  • 新制备的70%乙醇(用无核酸酶水配制)
  • 新制备的80%乙醇(用无核酸酶水配制)
  • 无核酸酶水(如ThermoFisher,AM9937)
  • 15 ml Falcon tubes
  • 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind 离心管
  • 0.2 ml 薄壁PCR管
  • Qubit™ 分析管(Invitrogen, Q32856)
  • Qubit dsDNA HS Assay(双链DNA高灵敏度检测)试剂盒(Invitrogen, Q32851)
  • Qubit dsDNA BR Assay Kit (Invitrogen, Q32850)

  • PromethION 测序设备
  • PromethION 测序芯片遮光片
  • Centrifuge and rotor suitable for 15 ml Falcon tubes
  • Incubator or water bath set at 37°C and 50°C
  • Inoculation loop or disposable tweezers for spooling DNA
  • Eppendorf 5424 离心机(或等效器材)
  • Hula混匀仪(低速旋转式混匀仪)
  • 适用于1.5ml Eppendorf 离心管的磁力架
  • 迷你离心机
  • 涡旋混匀仪
  • 热循环仪
  • Wide-bore pipette tips
  • P1000 移液枪和枪头
  • P200 移液枪和枪头
  • P100 移液枪和枪头
  • P20 移液枪和枪头
  • P10 移液枪和枪头
  • P2移液枪和枪头
  • 盛有冰的冰桶
  • 计时器
  • Agilent Femto Pulse System (or equivalent for read length QC)
  • Qubit荧光计 (或用于质控检测的等效仪器)

The above list of materials, consumables, and equipment is for the extraction method in the sample preparation section, as well as the library preparation section of the protocol. If you have pre-extracted sample(s), you will only require the materials for the library preparation section of this protocol.

For this protocol, the following inputs are required:

Input requirements per sample for the extraction method:

  • 5 x 10^6 cells per sample

Input requirements per sample for the library preparation:

  • 2 µg of g-tube fragmented gDNA






从原始样本中提取DNA的方法不同,可能会导致经纯化的DNA中所残留的化学污染物不同。这会影响文库的制备效率和测序质量。请在牛津纳米孔社区的 Contaminants(污染物)页面 了解更多信息。


Oxford Nanopore Technologies推荐您使用本实验指南中提及的所有第三方试剂,并已对其加以验证。我们尚未对其它替代试剂进行测试。



我们强烈建议您在开始测序实验前,对测序芯片的活性纳米孔数进行质检。质检需在您收到MinION /GridION /PremethION测序芯片12周之内进行,或者在您收到Flongle测序芯片四周内进行。Oxford Nanopore Technologies会对活性孔数量少于以下标准的芯片进行替换** :

测序芯片 芯片上的活性孔数确保不少于
Flongle 测序芯片 50
MinION/GridION 测序芯片 800
PromethION 测序芯片 5000

** 请注意:自收到之日起,芯片须一直贮存于Oxford Nanopore Technologies推荐的条件下。且质检结果须在质检后的两天内递交给我们。请您按照 测序芯片质检文档中的说明进行芯片质检。


The Native Adapter (NA) included in this kit and protocol is not interchangeable with other sequencing adapters.

免扩增条形码测序试剂盒-24 V14(SQK-NBD114.24)内容物

请注意: 我们正在将试剂盒中的条形码包装更改为96孔板形式。这一改动将减少塑料浪费,并支持自动化应用。


SQK-NBD114.24 plate format

名称 缩写 管盖颜色 管数 每管溶液体积 (μl)
DNA参照 DCS 黄色 2 35
免扩增接头 NA 绿色 1 40
测序缓冲液 SB 红色 1 700
文库颗粒 LIB 粉色 1 600
文库溶液 LIS 白色管盖,粉色标签 1 600
洗脱缓冲液 EB 黑色 2 500
AMPure XP 磁珠 AXP 透明管盖,浅青色标签 1 6,000
长片段缓冲液 LFB 橙色 1 1,800
短片段缓冲液 SFB 透明 1 1,800
EDTA EDTA 蓝色 1 700
测序芯片冲洗液 FCF 透明管盖,浅蓝色标签 1 8,000
测序芯片系绳 FCT 紫色 1 200
免扩增条形码孔板 NB01-24 - 两板,每板三套条形码组合 每孔5µl

请注意: 本产品包含由贝克曼库尔特公司(Beckman Coulter, Inc)生产的 AMPure XP 试剂,并可与试剂盒一起于-20°C 下储存(试剂稳定性将不受损害)。

请注意: DNA参照(DCS)是一段可比对到Lambda基因组的3'端、长度为3.6 kb 的标准扩增子。


SQK-NBD114.24 bottle format

名称 缩写 管盖颜色 管数 每管溶液体积 (μl)
免扩增条形码 NB01-24 透明 24 (每种条形码一管) 20 μl
DNA参照 DCS 黄色 2 35
免扩增接头 NA 绿色 1 40
测序缓冲液 SB 红色 1 700
文库颗粒 LIB 粉色 1 600
文库溶液 LIS 白色管盖,粉色标签 1 600
洗脱缓冲液 EB 黑色 2 500
AMPure XP 磁珠 AXP 透明管盖,浅青色标签 1 6,000
长片段缓冲液 LFB 橙色 1 1,800
短片段缓冲液 SFB 透明 1 1,800
EDTA EDTA 蓝色 1 700
测序芯片冲洗液 FCF 透明管盖,浅蓝色标签 1 8,000
测序芯片系绳 FCT 紫色 1 200

请注意: 本产品包含由贝克曼库尔特公司(Beckman Coulter, Inc)生产的 AMPure XP 试剂,并可与试剂盒一起于-20°C 下储存(试剂稳定性将不受损害)。

请注意: DNA参照(DCS)是一段可比对到Lambda基因组的3'端、长度为3.6 kb 的标准扩增子。

3. .bed file

Download the .bed file from the Adaptive Sampling catalogue.

The Adaptive Sampling catalogue provides a way for both the Oxford Nanopore team and Community members to share .bed files with genomic target regions used for Adaptive Sampling experiments. The .bed files along with a reference genome can be uploaded into MinKNOW.

For human genome RRMS experiments, download the Human reduced representation methylation sequencing (RRMS) file.

For mouse genome RRMS experiments, download the Mouse reduced representation methylation sequencing (RRMS) file.

(Optional): For alternative vertebrate genomes, please use a bespoke .bed file for the desired organism.

4. DNA extraction

  • 5 x 10^6 cells

  • Puregene Cell Kit (QIAGEN, 158043)
  • 新制备的70%乙醇(用无核酸酶水配制)
  • TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) (Fisher scientific, 10224683)
  • 1 x Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)
  • Isopropanol
  • Qubit dsDNA HS Assay(双链DNA高灵敏度检测)试剂盒(ThermoFisher,Q32851)
  • Qubit™ 分析管(Invitrogen, Q32856)
  • 15 ml Falcon tubes
  • 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind离心管

  • Centrifuge and rotor suitable for 15 ml Falcon tubes
  • Incubator or water bath set at 37°C and 50°C
  • 涡旋混匀仪
  • Inoculation loop or disposable tweezers for spooling DNA
  • Wide-bore pipette tips
  • P1000移液枪和枪头
  • P200 移液枪和枪头
  • P100移液枪和枪头
  • P20 移液枪和枪头
  • Qubit荧光计 (或用于质控检测的等效仪器)

Extraction from cultured cell lines:

Extract DNA from your sample(s) using one of our recommended extraction protocols.

For the benchmarking of this method, the Oxford Nanopore team extracted DNA from ~5 million cells using the protocol: Human cell line DNA – QIAGEN Puregene Cell Kit. The steps for this method are outlined below.
Note: this method is also suitable for mouse cell line DNA.

We also offer multiple mammalian sample extraction protocols, which you can use for other sample types.

Harvest and pellet 5 x 10^6 cells by centrifugation at 300 x g for 3 minutes. If any liquid remains associated with the pellet, spin down the cells again and aspirate the remaining supernatant.

Add 200 µl of 1x PBS to the pelleted cells and centrifuge at 300 x g for 3 minutes. Aspirate and discard the supernatant.

Add 2 ml of Cell Lysis Solution to the washed cell pellet. Using a wide-bore pipette tip, resuspend the cells and transfer them to a 15 ml Falcon tube. If clumps of cells remain, gently invert the tube.

Incubate the sample at 37°C for 30 minutes.

Add 700 µl of the Protein Precipitation Solution to the lysed cells and mix by vortexing for three pulses of 5 seconds.

Centrifuge the sample at 2000 x g for 5 minutes.

Transfer the supernatant to a new tube and add 2.5 ml of room temperature isopropanol. Discard the pellet.

Mix by gently inverting the tube 50 times.

Spool the DNA using an inoculation loop or disposable tweezers.

Dip the spooled DNA in an Eppendorf tube containing 70% cold ethanol.

Remove the inoculation loop or tweezers with the spooled DNA from the ethanol tube, and allow it to air-dry for a few seconds.

Dip the DNA in a 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind tube containing 250 µl TE (1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) and allow the DNA to gently dislodge from the loop/tweezers.

Incubate the DNA pellet for 2 hours at 50°C, occasionally mixing the tube contents by gentle inversion.

Note: The pellet may take some time to dissolve, so ensure the solution is homogenous before quantifying.

Quantify 1 µl of each eluted sample using a Qubit fluorometer.


Take forward 2 µg of extracted gDNA, for each sample, into the fragmentation of extracted DNA stage of the protcol.

5. DNA fragmentation

  • 2 µg of extracted gDNA (from previous step)

  • g-TUBE™ (Covaris, 520079)
  • TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) (Fisher scientific, 10224683)
  • Qubit dsDNA BR Assay Kit (Invitrogen, Q32850)
  • Qubit™ 分析管(Invitrogen, Q32856)
  • 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind离心管

  • Eppendorf 5424 离心机(或等效器材)
  • P1000移液枪和枪头
  • P200 移液枪和枪头
  • P100移液枪和枪头
  • P20 移液枪和枪头
  • P2移液枪和枪头
  • Qubit荧光计 (或用于质控检测的等效仪器)
  • Agilent Femto Pulse System (or equivalent for read length QC)

Fragmentation of extracted DNA using Covaris g-Tube:

To prepare fragmented gDNA for the library prep protocol, mechanical fragmentation is performed using a g-TUBE (Covaris) to shear DNA to a fragment length of approximately 6kb.

Prepare the DNA in TE buffer:

  1. Ensure you have 2 µg of extracted gDNA from the sample extraction, and transfer this into a 1.5 ml Eppendorf tube.
  2. Adjust the volume to 50 μl with TE buffer.
  3. Mix thoroughly by pipetting up and down.
  4. Spin down briefly in a microfuge.

Load the 50 µl of the sample into the top of the g-TUBE. Screw the cap firmly and centrifuge at 11,000 rpm (~11,300 RCF) for 30 seconds.

After centrifugation, spin the tube again at 11,000 rpm (~11,300 RCF) for 10 seconds to ensure complete passage of all gDNA through the constriction.

Visually inspect to confirm the entire sample has passed through the upper chamber to the lower chamber of the g-TUBE.

Invert the g-TUBE and spin it again at the same speed and duration as above: 11,000rpm (~11,300 RCF) for 30 seconds.

Repeat the centrifugation at 11,000 rpm (~11,300 RCF) for 10 seconds to ensure thorough passage of all gDNA through the constriction.

Unscrew the tube body, leaving the screw-cap containing the sample. Retrieve the sample from the g-TUBE screw-cap and transfer it into a clean 1.5 ml Eppendof tube.

Quantify 1 µl of the fragmented gDNA using the Qubit dsDNA Broad Range Assay Kit.

Sample concentration after g-TUBE shearing, is expected to be within the range of 25–35 ng/µl.


The fragmented gDNA should also be assessed using Femto-Pulse (Agilent) to evaluate the size and quality of the DNA.

gDNA fragmentation femtopulse graph RRMS SVG

Example DNA fragment distribution after g-tube fragmentation, analysed using an Agilent 165 kb Femto-Pulse Assay. Note the single prominent peak ~6 kb.


Take forward 2 µg of fragmented gDNA in 48 µl, for each sample, into the library preparation section of the protcol.

6. DNA损伤及末端修复 (3)

  • 2 µg of fragmented gDNA in 48 µl per sample (4 samples)
  • AMPure XP 磁珠(AXP)

  • NEBNext FFPE DNA 修复混合液(NEB,M6630)
  • NEBNext® Ultra II 末端修复/ dA尾添加模块(NEB,E7546)
  • Qubit dsDNA HS Assay(双链DNA高灵敏度检测)试剂盒(Invitrogen, Q32851)
  • 无核酸酶水(如ThermoFisher,AM9937)
  • 新制备的80%乙醇(用无核酸酶水配制)
  • Qubit™ 分析管(Invitrogen, Q32856)
  • 0.2 ml薄壁PCR管
  • 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind 离心管

  • P1000 移液枪和枪头
  • P100 移液枪和枪头
  • P10 移液枪和枪头
  • 迷你离心机
  • 热循环仪
  • Hula混匀仪(低速旋转式混匀仪)
  • 磁力架
  • 盛有冰的冰桶
  • Qubit荧光计(或用于质控检测的等效仪器)

根据生产厂家的说明准备NEBNext FFPE DNA 修复混合液和 NEBNext Ultra II 末端修复/ dA尾添加模块,并置于冰上。


  1. 于冰上解冻所有试剂。

  2. 轻弹并/或翻转各管,确保各试剂充分混匀。
    注意: 请切勿涡旋振荡 FFPE DNA修复混合液或 Ultra II末端修复酶混合物。

  3. 同一日内首次打开一管试剂前,请务必先将该管试剂瞬时离心。

  4. Ultra II 末端修复缓冲液和 FFPE DNA 修复缓冲液内可能出现少量沉淀。待此两管液体回复至室温后,使用移液枪上下吹打数次,打散沉淀;然后涡旋振荡30秒,以确保沉淀充分溶解。
    注意: 请务必涡旋振荡混匀缓冲液。

  5. FFPE DNA 修复缓冲液可能轻微泛黄,不影响使用。

用无核酸酶水稀释DNA: (3)

  1. 将1μg(或100-200 fmol)基因组DNA转移至一支1.5ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind离心管中。

  2. 如不足47 μl,请加入无核酸酶水补足。

  3. 用移液枪吹打离心管或轻弹离心管以充分混匀。

  4. 使用迷你离心机快速离心。

在一支0.2ml的薄壁PCR管中,混合以下试剂: (3)


试剂 体积
DNA 样本 47 µl
DNA参照 (非必需) 1 µl
NEBNext FFPE修复缓冲液 3.5 µl
NEBNext FFPE修复混合液 2 µl
Ultra II 末端修复反应缓冲液 3.5 µl
Ultra II 末端修复酶混合物 3 µl
总体积 60 µl


Using a thermal cycler with a heated lid, incubate the reaction at 20°C for 5 minutes, 60°C for 5 minutes and hold at 4°C.

Remove the reaction from the thermal cycler and place the tube on ice.

涡旋振荡以重悬AMPure XP磁珠(AXP)。

Add a 1x volume (60 µl) of resuspended the AMPure XP Beads (AXP) to each end-prep reaction and mix by flicking the tube.


Prepare 3 ml of fresh 80% ethanol in nuclease-free water.

Note: Ensure you prepare sufficient 80% ethanol for your 4 samples.






将离心管从磁力架上移开。将磁珠重悬于61µl无核酸酶的水中。室温下孵育2分钟。 (2)


将61µl洗脱液转移至一支新的1.5ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind管中。 (2)

Note: Ensure your samples are processed separately. At this stage they are not yet barcoded.


取1µl洗脱样品,用Qubit荧光计定量。 (3)

Note: We recommend performing multiple (triplicate) qubit readings of each of the 4 samples to quantify them more accurately. This will be essential for further normalizing of each sample before barcoding.

You should expect to recover 1000–1600 ng per sample after end-prep.

Using your quantification results, normalise your samples to the sample with the lowest yield.

  1. Take forward 15 µl of your lowest performing sample into a clean 0.2 ml thin-walled PCR tube.
  2. Take forward an equivalent mass of each of the other samples into separate clean 0.2 ml thin-walled PCR tubes.
  3. Adjust the volume of each of the samples 15 µl using nuclease-free water.

经过末端修复的DNA可用于稍后的接头连接。如需要,您也可以此时将样品置于4℃储存过夜。 (3)

7. 免扩增条形码连接 (2)

  • End-prepped DNA in 15 µl from previous step (4 samples, normalised to the lowest yield sample)
  • 免扩增条形码(NB01-24)
  • AMPure XP 磁珠(AXP)
  • 短片段缓冲液(SFB)

  • NEB Blunt/TA 连接酶预混液(NEB,M0367)
  • 新制备的80%乙醇(用无核酸酶水配制)
  • 无核酸酶水(如ThermoFisher,AM9937)
  • 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind离心管
  • Eppendorf低吸附twin.tec®96孔PCR板,半裙边(Eppendorf™,0030129504)带热封
  • 或 0.2ml 薄壁PCR管
  • Qubit™ 分析管(Invitrogen, Q32856)
  • Qubit dsDNA HS Assay(双链DNA高灵敏度检测)试剂盒(ThermoFisher,Q32851)

  • 磁力架
  • 涡旋混匀仪
  • Hula混匀仪(低速旋转式混匀仪)
  • 迷你离心机
  • 热循环仪
  • 盛有冰的冰桶
  • 多通道移液枪和枪头
  • P1000 移液枪和枪头
  • P200 移液枪和枪头
  • P100 移液枪和枪头
  • P20 移液枪和枪头
  • P10 移液枪和枪头
  • P2 移液枪和枪头
  • Qubit荧光计(或用于质控检测的等效仪器)

根据生产厂家的说明准备NEB Blunt/TA 连接酶预混液,并置于冰上:

  1. 于室温下解冻试剂。

  2. 瞬时离心试剂管5秒。

  3. 上下吹打整管试剂10次,以确保充分混匀。



为计划上样于同一测序芯片的各样本选择不同的条形码。一个实验最多可为24个样本添加条码并混样测序。 (2)

请注意: 每个样本使用一种条形码。

对每个样本,在一支洁净的 0.2ml PCR管内/96孔板的一个孔内,按下表顺序依次添加试剂: (2)


试剂 体积
经过末端修复的DNA 7.5 µl
免扩增条形码(NB01-24) 2.5 µl
Blunt/TA 连接酶预混液 10 µl
总体积 20 µl




注意: 请根据EDTA的管盖颜色进行相应操作。

EDTA 管盖颜色 每孔/每管体积
透明管盖的EDTA 2 µl
蓝色管盖的EDTA 4 µl


于一支洁净的1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind离心管中,混合已连接条形码的各DNA样本。 (2)

注意: 请根据EDTA的管盖颜色进行相应操作。

每个样本的体积 6个样本 12个样本 24个样本
使用 透明管盖的EDTA 时,合并后样本总体积 22 µl 132 µl 264 µl 528 µl
使用 蓝色管盖的EDTA 时,合并后样本总体积 24 µl 144 µl 288 µl 576 µl


涡旋振荡以重悬AMPure XP磁珠(AXP)。

向混合的反应体系内加入0.4X AMPure XP磁珠(AXP),吹打混匀。 (2)

注意: 请根据EDTA的管盖颜色进行相应操作。

每个样本的体积 6个样本 12个样本 24个样本
如使用 透明管盖的EDTA ,需加入的AXP磁珠的体积 9 µl 53 µl 106 µl 211 µl
如使用 蓝色管盖的EDTA ,需加入的AXP磁珠的体积 10 µl 58 µl 115 µl 230 µl



The next clean-up step uses Short Fragment Buffer (SFB) rather than 80% ethanol to wash the beads. The use of ethanol will be detrimental to the sequencing reaction.


Wash the beads by adding 500 μl Short Fragment Buffer (SFB). Flick the beads to resuspend, spin down, then return the tube to the magnetic rack and allow the beads to pellet. Remove the supernatant using a pipette and discard.


将离心管瞬时离心后置于磁力架上。用移液枪吸走残留的乙醇。让磁珠在空气中干燥约30秒,但不要干至表面开裂。 (1)

将离心管从磁力架上移开。将磁珠重悬于35µl的无核酸酶水中,轻弹离心管混匀。 (1)

37℃下孵育10分钟。请每两分钟轻弹离心管10秒以搅动样本,促进DNA洗脱。 (1)


将此35µl洗脱液转移至一支新的1.5ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind管中。 (1)


取1µl洗脱样品,用Qubit荧光计定量。 (2)

Note: You should expect to recover between 2200–3200 ng following barcode ligation.



8. 接头连接及纯化 (2)

  • 长片段缓冲液(LFB)
  • 洗脱缓冲液(EB)
  • 免扩增接头(NA)
  • AMPure XP 磁珠(AXP)

  • NEBNext®快速连接模块(NEB,E6056)
  • 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind 离心管
  • Qubit™ 分析管(Invitrogen, Q32856)
  • Qubit dsDNA HS Assay(双链DNA高灵敏度检测)试剂盒(ThermoFisher,Q32851)

  • 迷你离心机
  • 磁力架
  • 涡旋混匀仪
  • Hula混匀仪(低速旋转式混匀仪)
  • 热循环仪
  • P1000 移液枪和枪头
  • P200 移液枪和枪头
  • P100 移液枪和枪头
  • P20 移液枪和枪头
  • P10 移液枪和枪头
  • 盛有冰的冰桶
  • Qubit荧光计(或用于质控检测的等效仪器)

本试剂盒及实验指南中所使用的免扩增接头(NA) 不能与其它测序接头互换使用。

根据生产厂家的说明准备NEBNext 快速连接反应模块,并置于冰上:

  1. 于室温下解冻试剂。

  2. 瞬时离心试剂管5秒。

  3. 下吹打全部体积的试剂10次,以确保充分混匀。 注意: 请勿涡旋振荡快速T4 DNA连接酶。



请勿涡旋振荡快速T4 DNA连接酶。



Thaw the Long Fragment Buffer (LFB) at room temperature and mix by vortexing. Then spin down and place on ice.

在一支1.5ml Eppendorf LoBind离心管内,将所有试剂按以下顺序混合:


试剂 体积
混合后的含条码样本 30 µl
免扩增接头(NA) 5 µl
NEBNext快速连接反应缓冲液(5X) 10 µl
NEBNext快速T4 DNA连接酶 5 µl
总体积 50 µl




The next clean-up step uses Long Fragment Buffer (LFB) rather than 80% ethanol to wash the beads. The use of ethanol will be detrimental to the sequencing reaction.

涡旋振荡以重悬AMPure XP磁珠。

将20µl重悬的AMPure XP磁珠加入反应体系中,吹打混匀。 (2)



Wash the beads by adding 250 μl Long Fragment Buffer (LFB). Flick the beads to resuspend, spin down, then return the tube to the magnetic rack and allow the beads to pellet for at least 5 minutes. Remove the supernatant using a pipette and discard.

Note: Take care when removing the supernatant, the viscosity of the buffer can contribute to loss of beads from the pellet.



Remove the tube from the magnetic rack and resuspend the pellet in 97 µl of Elution Buffer (EB).

瞬时离心,然后在37℃下孵育10分钟。请每两分钟轻弹离心管10秒以搅动样本,促进DNA洗脱。 (1)


Remove and retain 97 µl of eluate containing the DNA library into a clean 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind tube.

Dispose of the pelleted beads


取1µl洗脱样品,用Qubit荧光计定量。 (2)

Note: You should expect to recover 1000–1200 ng after adapter ligation and clean-up in a volume of 96 µl.





若为 短期 保存或重复使用(例如在清洗芯片后再次上样),我们建议将文库置于Eppendorf LoBind 离心管中 4℃ 保存。 若为一次性使用且储存时长 __超过3个月__,我们建议将文库置于Eppendorf LoBind 离心管中 -80℃ 保存。

9. Priming and loading the PromethION Flow Cell

  • 测序缓冲液(SB)
  • 文库颗粒(LIB)
  • 测序芯片系绳(FCT)
  • 测序芯片冲洗液(FCF)

  • PromethION 测序芯片
  • 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind 离心管

  • PromethION 2 Solo 测序设备
  • PromethION测序设备
  • PromethION 测序芯片遮光片
  • P1000 移液枪和枪头
  • P200 移液枪和枪头
  • P20 移液枪和枪头


于室温下解冻测序缓冲液(SB)、文库颗粒(LIB)或文库溶液(LIS)、测序芯片系绳(FCT)和一管测序芯片冲洗液(FCF)。完全解冻后,涡旋振荡混匀,然后瞬时离心并置于冰上。 (1)


请注意: 我们正在将部分试剂的包装形式由单次管装改为瓶装。请按照与您所用试剂盒包装相对应的说明操作。

单次使用管装: 向一整管测序芯片冲洗液(FCF)中加入30µl 测序芯片系绳(FCT)。

瓶装: 请另拿一支适当体积的离心管制备测序芯片预处理液:

试剂 体积(每张芯片)
测序芯片冲洗液 (FCF) 1,170 µl
测序芯片系绳 (FCT) 30 µl
总体积 1,200 µl


对 PromethION 2 Solo,请按以下步骤为测序芯片上样:

  1. 将测序芯片平放在金属板上。

  2. 将测序芯片推入对接端口,直至金色引脚或绿色电路板不可见。

J2068 FC-into-P2-animation V5

对PromethION 24/48,将测序芯片插入相应卡槽的对接端口:

  1. 将测序芯片与连接器横竖对齐,以便顺利卡入。

  2. 用力下压芯片至卡槽,并确认卡夹位置归位。

Prom Flowcell Loading 1a 中文

Prom Flowcell Loading 1b 中文


如插入配置测试芯片的角度出现偏差,可能会损坏PromethION上的引脚并影响测序结果。如您发现 PromethION测序仪芯片位置上的引脚损坏,请通过电子邮件(或微信公众号在线支持(NanoporeSupport)联系我们的技术支持团队。

Screenshot 2021-04-08 at 12.08.37


Prom Flowcell Loading 2 中文




  1. 将P1000移液枪转至200µl刻度。
  2. 将枪头垂直插入加液孔中。
  3. 反向转动移液枪量程调节转纽,直至移液枪刻度在220-230 µl之间,或直至您看到有少量缓冲液进入移液枪枪头。

Prom Flowcell Loading 3 中文

使用P1000移液枪向芯片的加液孔中加入500 µl芯片预处理溶液。加入过程中,请避免引入气泡。等待5分钟,与此同时,您可按以下步骤准备上样文库。

Prom Flowcell Loading 4 中文





在一支新的1.5ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind离心管内,将所有试剂按以下顺序混合: (1)

试剂 每张测序芯片的上样体积
测序缓冲液 (SB) 100 µl
文库颗粒 (LIB),使用前充分混匀;或文库溶液 (LIS) 68 µl
DNA 文库 32 µl
总体积 200 µl

请注意: 此处增大了文库的上样量,以增强纳米孔阵列的覆盖度。

缓慢向芯片的加液口中加入500 µl预处理液,完成芯片的预处理。

Prom Flowcell Loading 5 中文


使用 P1000 移液枪向加液孔中加入200 µl 文库。

Prom Flowcell Loading 6 中文


Prom Flowcell Loading 7 中文





  1. 将遮光片的中空部分(空槽)与测序芯片的加液孔孔盖对齐。确保遮光片的前沿位于测序芯片ID的上方。
  2. 用力下压遮光片的卡垫部分,遮光片空槽边缘会随卡垫卡入加液孔孔盖下方。

Prom Flowcell Loading 8a 中文

Prom Flowcell Loading 8b 中文


准备就绪后,合上PromethION设备上盖。 (2)


10. Washing and reloading a PromethION Flow Cell

  • Adapter ligated DNA library (from previous step)
  • 测序芯片清洗剂盒(EXP-WSH004)
  • Sequencing Auxiliary Vials V14 (EXP-AUX003)

  • 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind 离心管

  • P1000 移液枪和枪头
  • P20 移液枪和枪头
  • 盛有冰的冰桶
  • Vortex mixer

We recommend washing and reloading the flow cell after ~24 hours of sequencing.

For this method, the flow cell is washed after ~24 hours of sequencing to restore pores to ensure efficient data acquisition. After an additional 24 hours of sequencing, the flow cell is washed and reloaded a second time. For this reason, enough library was generated for 3 flow cell loads in the adapter ligation step of the protocol.

  • This washing procedure aims to remove most of the initial library and unblock the pores to prepare the flow cell for the loading of a subsequent library.
  • Data acquisition in MinKNOW should be paused during the wash procedure and library loading.
  • After the flow cell has been washed, the next library can be loaded.

You can navigate to the Pore Activity or the Pore Scan Results plot to see pore availability.

Below you can find example data for pore states observed on a flow cell before and after wash steps are performed. Additionally, you can observe an example for the cummulative sequencing data output, including the wash and reload steps. The red asterisks indicate the flow cell wash and reloads.

wash and reloads RRMS multiplex

Figure 1. Channel state for a 96 hour run. The flow cell washes are incorporated into the method to restore blocked pores, to allow continuous data acquisition. Red asterisks denote when a flush was performed.

wash and reloads RRMS multiplex output

Figure 2. Cumulative sequencing data output, over a 96 hour run. Red asterisks denote when a flush was performed.


We recommend keeping the light shield on the flow cell during washing if a second library will be loaded straight away.

If the flow cell is to be washed and stored, the light shield can be removed.

Place the tube of Wash Mix (WMX) on ice. Do not vortex the tube.

Thaw one tube of Wash Diluent (DIL) at room temperature.

Mix the contents of Wash Diluent (DIL) thoroughly by vortexing, then spin down briefly and place on ice.

In a fresh 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind tube, prepare the following Flow Cell Wash Mix:

Reagent Volume per flow cell
Wash Mix (WMX) 2 μl
Wash Diluent (DIL) 398 μl
Total 400 μl

Mix well by pipetting, and place on ice. Do not vortex the tube.

Pause the sequencing experiment in MinKNOW, and leave the flow cell in the device.


It is vital that the inlet port is closed before removing waste to prevent air from being drawn across the sensor array area, which would lead to a significant loss of sequencing channels.

Remove waste buffer, as follows:

  1. Close the inlet port.
  2. Insert a P1000 pipette into a waste port and remove the waste buffer.

Note: As both the inlet port is closed, no fluid should leave the sensor array area.

Slide the inlet port cover clockwise to open the inlet port.

Step 2 V2



After opening the inlet port, check for a small air bubble under the cover. Draw back a small volume to remove any bubbles:

  1. Set a P1000 pipette to 200 µl
  2. Insert the tip into the inlet port
  3. Turn the wheel until the dial shows 220-230 µl, or until you can see a small volume of buffer entering the pipette tip.

Step 3 v1

Slowly load 200 µl of the prepared flow cell wash mix into the inlet port, as follows:

  1. Using a P1000 pipette, take 200 µl of the flow cell wash mix
  2. Insert the pipette tip into the inlet port, ensuring there are no bubbles in the tip
  3. Slowly twist the pipette wheel down to load the flow cell (if possible with your pipette) or push down the plunger very slowly, leaving a small volume of buffer in the pipette tip.
  4. Set a timer for a 5 minute incubation.

Once the 5 minute incubation time is complete, carefully load the remaining 200 µl of the prepared flow cell wash mix into the inlet port, as follows:

  1. Using a P1000 pipette, take 200 µl of the flow cell wash mix
  2. Insert the pipette tip into the inlet port, ensuring there are no bubbles in the tip
  3. Slowly twist the pipette wheel down to load the flow cell (if possible with your pipette) or push down the plunger very slowly, leaving a small volume of buffer in the pipette tip.

Close the inlet port and wait for 1 hour.

Step 7 V2 edited to step 5


It is vital that the inlet port is closed before removing waste to prevent air from being drawn across the sensor array area, which would lead to a significant loss of sequencing channels.

Remove the waste buffer, as follows:

  1. Ensure the inlet port is closed.
  2. Insert a P1000 pipette into a waste port and remove the waste buffer

Note: As the inlet port is closed, no fluid should leave the sensor array area.


The buffers used in this process are incompatible with conducting a Flow Cell Check step prior to loading the subsequent library. However, number of available pores will be reported after the next pore scan.

Thaw the Sequencing Buffer (SB), Library Beads (LIB) or Library Solution (LIS, if using), Flow Cell Tether (FCT) and Flow Cell Flush (FCF) at room temperature, before mixing by vortexing. Then spin down before storing on ice.

Prepare the flow cell priming mix in a suitable tube for the number of flow cells to flush. Once combined, mix well by briefly vortexing.

Reagents Volume per flow cell
Flow Cell Flush (FCF) 1,170 µl
Flow Cell Tether (FCT) 30 µl
Total volume 1,200 µl

Slide the inlet port cover clockwise to open.

Prom loading 2




  1. 将P1000移液枪转至200µl刻度。
  2. 将枪头垂直插入加液孔中。
  3. 反向转动移液枪量程调节转纽,直至移液枪刻度在220-230 µl之间,或直至您看到有少量缓冲液进入移液枪枪头。

Prom Flowcell Loading 3 中文

Slowly load 500 µl of the priming mix into the inlet port, as follows:

  1. Using a P1000 pipette, take 500 µl of the priming mix
  2. Insert the pipette tip into the priming port, ensuring there are no bubbles in the tip
  3. Slowly twist the pipette wheel down to load the flow cell (if possible with your pipette) or push down the plunger very slowly, leaving a small volume of buffer in the pipette tip.

Step 5 v1


It is vital to wait five minutes between the priming mix flushes to ensure effective removal of the nuclease.

Close the inlet port and wait five minutes.

During this time, prepare the library for loading using the next steps in the protocol.





在一支新的1.5ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind离心管内,将所有试剂按以下顺序混合:

试剂 每张测序芯片的上样体积
测序缓冲液 (SB) 100 µl
文库颗粒 (LIB),使用前充分混匀;或文库溶液 (LIS) 68 µl
DNA 文库 32 µl
总体积 200 µl

请注意: 此处增大了文库的上样量,以增强纳米孔阵列的覆盖度。


It is vital that the inlet port is closed before removing waste to prevent air from being drawn across the sensor array area, which would lead to a significant loss of sequencing channels.

Remove the waste buffer, as follows:

  1. Ensure the inlet port is closed.
  2. Insert a P1000 pipette into a waste port and remove the waste buffer

Note: As the inlet port is closed, no fluid should leave the sensor array area.


Prom Flowcell Loading 2 中文




  1. 将P1000移液枪转至200µl刻度。
  2. 将枪头垂直插入加液孔中。
  3. 反向转动移液枪量程调节转纽,直至移液枪刻度在220-230 µl之间,或直至您看到有少量缓冲液进入移液枪枪头。

Prom Flowcell Loading 3 中文

Slowly load 500 µl of the priming mix into the inlet port, as follows:

  1. Using a P1000 pipette, take 500 µl of the priming mix
  2. Insert the pipette tip into the priming port, ensuring there are no bubbles in the tip
  3. Slowly twist the pipette wheel down to load the flow cell (if possible with your pipette) or push down the plunger very slowly, leaving a small volume of buffer in the pipette tip.

Step 5 v1


It is vital that the inlet port is closed before removing waste to prevent air from being drawn across the sensor array area, which would lead to a significant loss of sequencing channels.

Remove waste buffer, as follows:

  1. Close the inlet port.
  2. Insert a P1000 pipette into a waste port and remove the waste buffer.

Note: As both the inlet port is closed, no fluid should leave the sensor array area.


Prom Flowcell Loading 2 中文




  1. 将P1000移液枪转至200µl刻度。
  2. 将枪头垂直插入加液孔中。
  3. 反向转动移液枪量程调节转纽,直至移液枪刻度在220-230 µl之间,或直至您看到有少量缓冲液进入移液枪枪头。

Prom Flowcell Loading 3 中文


使用 P1000 移液枪向加液孔中加入200 µl 文库。

Prom Flowcell Loading 6 中文


Prom Flowcell Loading 7 中文





  1. 将遮光片的中空部分(空槽)与测序芯片的加液孔孔盖对齐。确保遮光片的前沿位于测序芯片ID的上方。
  2. 用力下压遮光片的卡垫部分,遮光片空槽边缘会随卡垫卡入加液孔孔盖下方。

Prom Flowcell Loading 8a 中文

Prom Flowcell Loading 8b 中文

Close the PromethION lid when ready to start a sequencing run on MinKNOW.

Wait a minimum of 10 minutes after loading the flow cells onto the PromethION before initiating any experiments. This will help to increase the sequencing output.


Perform the "Washing and reloading a PromethION flow cell" step twice for a total of three library loads (initial library load + two wash and reloads) to maximise data acquisition.

  • The first wash and reload should be performed at ~24 hours into sequencing.
  • The second wash and reload should be performed at ~48 hours into sequencing.

11. Data acquisition and basecalling


有关纳米孔数据分析的完整概述,包括碱基识别和次级分析,请参阅 数据分析 文档。

How to start sequencing

The sequencing device control and data acquisition are carried out by the MinKNOW software. Please ensure MinKNOW is installed on your computer. Further instructions for setting up your sequencing run can be found in the MinKNOW protocol.

Sequencing settings for the reduced representation methylation multiplex sequencing protocol:

  • Select the Native Barcoding Sequencing Kit 24 (SQK-NBD114.24) in kit selection.

  • Turn basecalling OFF (this will automatically turn off barcoding).
    Note: Basecalling and barcoding will be carried out post-sequencing in the downstream analysis section of the protocol.

  • Turn Adaptive Sampling ON, and select Enrich.
    Input the human reference file for alignment and the .bed file for enumerating regions (check online catalogue for the human RRMS .bed file).

  • Set the run duration for a minimum of 96 hours.

  • Set up your desired output parameters.
    To ensure the downstream analysis functions correctly, we recommend keeping the default options of the output file format (.POD5).

  • Click “Start” begin the sequencing run.

12. Downstream analysis


Software versions

See below the software versions used in this guide. Please note, newer versions of the software may not be compatible with commands shown in this guide.

Software Version
dorado v0.7.3
modkit v0.2.8
wf-human-variation v2.3.0
mosdepth v0.3.8

Basecalling and demux:


Dorado stand-alone is used for basecalling using the dorado basecaller. Open a terminal and enter the following commands:

dorado basecaller hac,5mCG_5hmCG --kit-name SQK-NBD114-24 \
--secondary “no” -Y \
--reference {reference_fasta} {input_pod5_folder} \
| samtools view -e '[qs] >= {qscore_filter}' \
--output {out_pass_bam} \
--unoutput {out_fail_bam}


  • We recommend using the high accuracy model (hac) for RRMS sequencing runs. However, if using the super accurate model (sup), ensure you are utilizing the correct model in the above command.
  • Alignment can be performed while basecalling by providing a reference FASTA file, the recommended human reference file can be downloaded here.
  • Secondary alignments are discarded by using “--secondary no” and -Y option is enabled, to allow soft-clipping supplementary alignments.
  • By providing the option “--kit-name SQK-NBD114-24” dorado will also classify reads into the different barcodes present by adding a tag to the generated BAM file.
  • We recommend setting the qscore filter to 10.
  • Please note, GPU compute is needed to perform basecalling with dorado, more information on how to run dorado can be found in the github repository.


Dorado demux is used to sort reads per barcode using the following command:

dorado demux --no-classify --sort-bam --output-dir <out_folder> {out_pass_bam}


  • This step will generate sorted BAM files for each of the possible barcodes for kit used (e.g. SQK-NBD114-24).
  • Trimming of adapters and barcodes will happen by default in dorado. Once barcodes are trimmed reads can not be demuxed again.
  • For more information check the dorado documentation.

Coverage analysis:

RRMS target bed file can be downloaded from the AS catalogue available here.

Mosdepth is used to check coverage on target regions for the barcodes of interest:

mosdepth -x -t 8 -n -b {target_bed} {out_prefix} {input_pass_bam}

Modification calling:

Human variation pipeline is used to aggregate modifications per genomic positions using modkit.

The workflow is available in the following repository: wf-human-variation github.

The documentation can be found in the following space: wf-human-variation EPI2ME page

Modification calling:

For most RRMS runs we recommend running the following command:

nextflow run \
-profile singularity \  
--mod \
--bam <bam> \
--bed RRMS_human_hg38.bed \
--ref GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fasta \
--sample_name <sample> --out_dir <output_dir>

(Optional) For haplotype-specific methylation:

If haplotype-specific methylation is required, you can provide options “--snp –phased“ to aggregate modifications identified on each of the haplotypes (i.e. one bedmethyl file for each of the haplotypes will be generated):

nextflow run \
-profile singularity \  
--mod --snp --phased \
--bam <bam> \
--bed RRMS_human_hg38.bed \
--ref GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fasta \
--sample_name <sample> --out_dir <output_dir>

Note: For this specific analysis, a sample coverage of >30X is recommended.

Differentially methylated regions detection:

For detection of differentially methylated regions across different samples “modkit dmr” can be used.

For more information check the modkit documentation available here.


The BAM file(s) generated by dorado contains canonical bases as well as per-read modifications stored in MM and ML BAM tags. To visualise the per-read modification calls, IGV can be used to load the BAM file and set "colour reads as" to “base modification 2-color (all)”.

If phasing was performed using wf-human-variation pipeline, the haplotagged BAM file can be uploaded in IGV and alignments can be grouped by haplotype using the IGV option “group by” and selecting “phase”.

Per-position methylation frequencies can also be visualised in IGV by using BIGWIG format. For this, modkit is used to generate BEDGRAPH files using the following command:

modkit pileup --cpg --combine-strands --bedgraph \ 
--threads 10 --prefix {out_prefix} \  
--ref {reference_fasta} \ 
{out_folder} {input_pass_bam}

Please note, a different bedgraph file will be created for each of the modifications present, in this case 5mC and 5hmC.

Next, bedGraphToBigWig is used to generate bigwig files which can be uploaded together with your BAM file in IGV:

bedtools sort -i {out_folder}/{prefix}_m_CG0_combined.bedgraph | cut -f 1-4 > {out_folder}/{prefix}_m_CG0_combined_sort.bedgraph

bedGraphToBigWig {out_folder}/{prefix}_m_CG0_combined_sort.bedgraph {reference_chrSize} {out_mod_bed_agg_filt_bigwig}

Benchmarking results

For information about benchmarking the performance of RRMS for human samples, please see our RRMS performance document

13. 测序芯片的重复利用及回收 (1)

We do not recommend washing and reusing your flow cells for this method.

Due to the extended sequencing time, and the multiple flow cell washes and library reloads, we do not recommend re-using the flow cells used in this method.

Re-using these flow cells for subsequent sequencing experiments may result in insufficient data generation for analysis.

请按照“回收程序”清洗好芯片,以便送回Oxford Nanopore。 (1)

您可在 此处找到回收测序芯片的说明。

请注意: 在将测序芯片寄回之前,请使用去离子水对每张芯片进行冲洗。



14. DNA/RNA提取和文库制备过程中可能出现的问题


我们还在 Nanopore 社区的“Support”板块 提供了常见问题解答(FAQ)。



现象 可能原因 措施及备注
低纯度DNA(Nanodrop测定的DNA吸光度比值260/280<1.8,260/230 <2.0-2.2) 用户所使用的DNA提取方法未能达到所需纯度 您可在 污染物专题技术文档 中查看污染物对后续文库制备和测序实验的影响。请尝试其它不会导致污染物残留的 提取方法

RNA完整度低(RNA完整值(RIN)<9.5,或rRNA在电泳凝胶上的条带呈弥散状) RNA在提取过程中降解 请尝试其它 RNA 提取方法。您可在 RNA完整值专题技术文档 中查看更多有关RNA完整值(RIN)的介绍。更多信息,请参阅 DNA/RNA 操作 页面。
RNA的片段长度短于预期 RNA在提取过程中降解 请尝试其它 RNA 提取方法。 您可在 RNA完整值专题技术文档中查看更多有关RNA完整值(RIN)的介绍。更多信息,请参阅DNA/RNA 操作 页面。



现象 可能原因 措施及备注
低回收率 AMPure磁珠量与样品量的比例低于预期,导致DNA因未被捕获而丢失 1. AMPure磁珠的沉降速度很快。因此临加入磁珠至样品前,请确保将磁珠重悬充分混匀。

2. 当AMPure磁珠量与样品量的比值低于0.4:1时,所有的DNA片段都会在纯化过程中丢失。
低回收率 DNA片段短于预期 AMPure磁珠量与样品量的比值越低,针对短片段的筛选就越严格。每次实验时,请先使用琼脂糖凝胶(或其他凝胶电泳方法)确定起始DNA的长度,并据此计算出合适的AMPure磁珠用量。 SPRI cleanup
末端修复后的DNA回收率低 清洗步骤所用乙醇的浓度低于70% 当乙醇浓度低于70%时,DNA会从磁珠上洗脱下来。请确保使用正确浓度的乙醇。

15. Issues during the sequencing run


我们还在 Nanopore 社区的“Support”板块 提供了常见问题解答(FAQ)。



现象 可能原因 措施及备注
MinKNOW Mux 扫描在测序起始时报告的活性孔数少于芯片质检时报告的活性孔数 纳米孔阵列中引入了气泡 在对通过质控的芯片进行预处理之前,请务必排出预处理孔附近的气泡。否则,气泡会进入纳米孔阵列对其造成不可逆转地损害。 视频中演示了避免引入气泡的最佳操作方法。
MinKNOW Mux 扫描在测序起始时报告的活性孔数少于芯片质检时报告的活性孔数 测序芯片没有正确插入测序仪 停止测序,将芯片从测序仪中取出,再重新插入测序仪内。请确保测序芯片被牢固地嵌入测序仪中,且达到目标温度。如用户使用的是GridION/PromethION测序仪,也可尝试将芯片插入仪器的其它位置进行测序。
inKNOW Mux 扫描在测序起始时报告的活性孔数少于芯片质检时报告的活性孔数 文库中残留的污染物对纳米孔造成损害或堵塞 在测序芯片质检阶段,我们用芯片储存缓冲液中的质控DNA分子来评估活性纳米孔的数量。而在测序开始时,我们使用DNA文库本身来评估活性纳米孔的数量。因此,活性纳米孔的数量在这两次评估中会有约10%的浮动。

如测序开始时报告的孔数明显降低,则可能是由于文库中的污染物对膜结构造成了损坏或将纳米孔堵塞。用户可能需要使用其它的DNA/RNA提取或纯化方法,以提高起始核酸的纯度。您可在 污染物专题技术文档中查看污染物对测序实验的影响。请尝试其它不会导致污染物残留的 提取方法


现象 可能原因 措施及备注
MinKNOW显示 "Script failed”(脚本失败)
重启计算机及MinKNOW。如问题仍未得到解决,请收集 MinKNOW 日志文件 并联系我们的技术支持。 如您没有其他可用的测序设备,我们建议您先将装有文库的测序芯片置于4°C 储存,并联系我们的技术支持团队获取进一步储存上的建议。

Pore occupancy below 40%

Observation Possible cause Comments and actions
Pore occupancy <40% Not enough library was loaded on the flow cell Ensure you load the recommended amount of good quality library in the relevant library prep protocol onto your flow cell. Please quantify the library before loading and calculate mols using tools like the Promega Biomath Calculator, choosing "dsDNA: µg to pmol"
Pore occupancy close to 0 The Ligation Sequencing Kit was used, and sequencing adapters did not ligate to the DNA Make sure to use the NEBNext Quick Ligation Module (E6056) and Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ligation Buffer (LNB, provided in the sequencing kit) at the sequencing adapter ligation step, and use the correct amount of each reagent. A Lambda control library can be prepared to test the integrity of the third-party reagents.
Pore occupancy close to 0 The Ligation Sequencing Kit was used, and ethanol was used instead of LFB or SFB at the wash step after sequencing adapter ligation Ethanol can denature the motor protein on the sequencing adapters. Make sure the LFB or SFB buffer was used after ligation of sequencing adapters.
Pore occupancy close to 0 No tether on the flow cell Tethers are adding during flow cell priming (FLT/FCT tube). Make sure FLT/FCT was added to FB/FCF before priming.


现象 可能原因 措施及备注
读长短于预期 DNA样本降解 读长反映了起始DNA片段的长度。起始DNA在提取和文库制备过程中均有可能被打断。

1. 1. 请查阅纳米孔社区中的 提取方法 以获得最佳DNA提取方案。

2. 在进行文库制备之前,请先跑电泳,查看起始DNA片段的长度分布。DNA gel2 在上图中,样本1为高分子量DNA,而样本2为降解样本。

3. 在制备文库的过程中,请避免使用吹打或/和涡旋振荡的方式来混合试剂。轻弹或上下颠倒离心管即可。


现象 可能原因 Comments and actions
大量纳米孔处于不可用状态 (在通道面板和纳米孔活动状态图上以蓝色表示)

image2022-3-25 10-43-25 上方的纳米孔活动状态图显示:状态为不可用的纳米孔的比例随着测序进程而不断增加。
样本中含有污染物 使用MinKNOW中的“Unblocking”(疏通)功能,可对一些污染物进行清除。 如疏通成功,纳米孔的状态会变为"测序孔". 若疏通后,状态为不可用的纳米孔的比例仍然很高甚至增加:

1. 用户可使用 测序芯片冲洗试剂盒(EXP-WSH004)进行核酸酶冲洗 can be performed, 操作,或
2. 使用PCR扩增目标片段,以稀释可能导致问题的污染物。


现象 可能原因 措施及备注
大量纳米孔处于失活状态(在通道面板和纳米孔活动状态图上以浅蓝色表示。膜结构或纳米孔遭受不可逆转地损伤) 测序芯片中引入了气泡 在芯片预处理和文库上样过程中引入的气泡会对纳米孔带来不可逆转地损害。请观看 测序芯片的预处理及上样 视频了解最佳操作方法。
大量纳米孔处于失活/不可用状态 文库中存在与DNA共纯化的化合物 与植物基因组DNA相关的多糖通常能与DNA一同纯化出来。

1. 请参考 植物叶片DNA提取方法
2. 使用QIAGEN PowerClean Pro试剂盒进行纯化。
3. 利用QIAGEN REPLI-g试剂盒对原始gDNA样本进行全基因组扩增。
大量纳米孔处于失活/不可用状态 样本中含有污染物 您可在 污染物专题技术文档 中查看污染物对测序实验的影响。请尝试其它不会导致污染物残留的提取方法。


现象 可能原因 措施及备注
运行过程中过孔速度和数据质量(Q值)降低 对试剂盒9系列试剂(如SQK-LSK109),当测序芯片的上样量过多时(请参阅相应实验指南获取推荐文库用量),能量消耗通常会加快。 请按照MinKNOW 实验指南中的说明为测序芯片补充能量。请在后续实验中减少测序芯片的上样量。


现象 可能原因 措施及备注
温度波动 测序芯片和仪器接触不良 检查芯片背面的金属板是否有热垫覆盖。重新插入测序芯片,用力向下按压,以确保芯片的连接器引脚与测序仪牢固接触。如问题仍未得到解决,请联系我们的技术支持。


现象 可能原因 措施及备注
MinKNOW显示“未能达到目标温度” 测序仪所处环境低于标准室温,或通风不良(以致芯片过热) MinKNOW会限定测序芯片达到目标温度的时间。当超过限定时间后,系统会显示出错信息,但测序实验仍会继续。值得注意的是,在错误温度下测序可能会导致通量和数据质量(Q值)降低。请调整测序仪的摆放位置,确保其置于室温下、通风良好的环境中后,再在MinKNOW中继续实验。有关MinION温度控制的更多信息,请参考此 FAQ (常见问题)文档。

Guppy – no input .fast5 was found or basecalled

Observation Possible cause Comments and actions
No input .fast5 was found or basecalled input_path did not point to the .fast5 file location The --input_path has to be followed by the full file path to the .fast5 files to be basecalled, and the location has to be accessible either locally or remotely through SSH.
No input .fast5 was found or basecalled The .fast5 files were in a subfolder at the input_path location To allow Guppy to look into subfolders, add the --recursive flag to the command

Guppy – no Pass or Fail folders were generated after basecalling

Observation Possible cause Comments and actions
No Pass or Fail folders were generated after basecalling The --qscore_filtering flag was not included in the command The --qscore_filtering flag enables filtering of reads into Pass and Fail folders inside the output folder, based on their strand q-score. When performing live basecalling in MinKNOW, a q-score of 7 (corresponding to a basecall accuracy of ~80%) is used to separate reads into Pass and Fail folders.

Guppy – unusually slow processing on a GPU computer

Observation Possible cause Comments and actions
Unusually slow processing on a GPU computer The --device flag wasn't included in the command The --device flag specifies a GPU device to use for accelerate basecalling. If not included in the command, GPU will not be used. GPUs are counted from zero. An example is --device cuda:0 cuda:1, when 2 GPUs are specified to use by the Guppy command.

Last updated: 12/13/2024

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