Untangling heterogeneity in DNA replication with nanopore sequencing
- Raw data
- London Calling
- Epigenetics
- Basecalling
- Whole genome
- Single cell
May 29 2019
Towards inferring nanopore sequencing ionic currents from nucleotide chemical structures
- Raw data
- Bioinformatics
- Methylation
- Epigenetics
- Direct analysis
December 2 2020
tailfindr: Alignment-free poly(A) length measurement for Oxford Nanopore RNA and DNA sequencing
- Raw data
- cDNA
- Bioinformatics
July 2 2019
SquiggleKit: A toolkit for manipulating nanopore signal data
- Raw data
- Bioinformatics
- Data storage
February 16 2019
Sequoia: An interactive visual analytics platform for interpretation and feature extraction from nanopore sequencing datasets
- Raw data
- Bioinformatics
October 11 2019
Real-time, direct classification of nanopore signals with SquiggleNet
- Raw data
- Identification
- Bioinformatics
January 20 2021
Ready-to-use nanopore platform for the detection of any DNA/RNA oligo at attomole range using an Osmium tagged complementary probe
- Raw data
- MinION
November 13 2020
RabbitQC: high-speed scalable quality control for sequencing data
- Raw data
- Bioinformatics
August 13 2020
pycoQC, interactive quality control for Oxford Nanopore Sequencing
- Raw data
- Bioinformatics
February 28 2019
Poretools: a toolkit for analyzing nanopore sequence data
- Raw data
- Long-read
- Bioinformatics
- MinION
January 10 2015
poRe: an R package for the visualization and analysis of nanopore sequencing data
- Raw data
- Bioinformatics
- MinION
- Basecalling
January 12 2015
poRe GUIs for parallel and real-time processing of MinION sequence data
- Raw data
- MinION
- Bioinformatics
- High-throughput
- Real-time
July 15 2017
Porcupine: Rapid and robust tagging of physical objects using nanopore-orthogonal DNA strands
- Raw data
- Real-time
- Targeted
- Data storage
- Bioinformatics
March 8 2020
Picopore: A tool for reducing the size of Oxford Nanopore Technologies' datasets without losing information.
- Raw data
- MinION
- Bioinformatics
- Basecalling
February 14 2017
Performance of neural network basecalling tools for Oxford Nanopore sequencing
- Raw data
- Basecalling
- Assembly
June 24 2019
Penguin: a tool for predicting pseudouridine sites in direct RNA Nanopore sequencing data
- Raw data
- Bioinformatics
- MinION
- Direct analysis
April 1 2021
PBSIM2: a simulator for long-read sequencers with a novel generative model of quality scores
- Raw data
- Bioinformatics
- Long-read
September 25 2020
Native molecule sequencing by nano-ID reveals synthesis and stability of RNA isoforms
- Raw data
- Direct analysis
- MinION
- Long-read
- Basecalling
April 7 2019
NanoReviser: an error-correction tool for Nanopore sequencing based on a deep learning algorithm
- Raw data
- Bioinformatics
- Basecalling
- Long-read
- Epigenetics
- Methylation
August 12 2020