Workflow overview: tumour-normal sequencing
- PromethION
- Workflow
- Structural variation
- SNVs
- Epigenetics
- Methylation
August 4 2023
Workflow overview: structural variation
- PromethION
- Structural variation
- Human genomics
- Library prep
- Bioinformatics
- Alignment
November 10 2023
Workflow overview: human variant calling
- PromethION
- Human genomics
- Clinical research
- Cancer research
- Whole genome
- Variant calling
July 5 2024
Workflow overview: FFPE cancer research samples
- PromethION
- Workflow
- Cancer research
- Clinical research
- Whole genome
- Human genomics
July 8 2022
Whole-genome sequencing in disease samples with haplotype resolved and annotated genetic variation
- PromethION
- Clinical research
- gDNA
- Whole genome
- Variant calling
- Structural variation
May 15 2023
Nanopore sequencing: insights from neonatal intensive care to cancer
- PromethION
- Cancer research
- Clinical research
November 15 2023
Core lab webinar series: New dimensions of biology revealed by full-length sequencing of single-cell and spatial assays
- PromethION
- Single cell
- Long-read
- cDNA
July 3 2023
In Vivo Validation of Alternative FDXR Transcripts in Human Blood in Response to Ionizing Radiation
- PromethION
- Human genomics
- Transcriptome
- Isoforms
- Gene expression
- Long-read
November 13 2020
Visualisation and analysis of medically relevant tandem repeats in nanopore sequencing of control cohorts with pathSTR
- PromethION
- Long-read
- Population genomics
- MinION
- Guppy
August 15 2024
Virtual Nanopore Day, Australia: Bioinformatics
- PromethION
- Bioinformatics
- Long-read
- Assembly
- Methylation
November 25 2020
Virtual Nanopore Day, Australia. Cancer research with nanopore sequencing
- PromethION
- MinION
- GridION
- SmidgION
- Flongle
November 25 2020
Cancer WGS on the PromethION
- PromethION
- Cancer research
- Clinical research
- High-throughput
September 8 2021
Verkko: telomere-to-telomere assembly of diploid chromosomes
- PromethION
- Bioinformatics
- Human genomics
- Long-read
- Assembly
- gDNA
June 26 2022
Using Oxford Nanopore sequencing in grapevine breeding
- PromethION
- London Calling
- Plant
- Bioinformatics
- Phasing
- Epigenetics
May 24 2024
Using long-read sequencing to detect imprinted DNA methylation
- PromethION
- MinION
- Methylation
- Epigenetics
February 22 2019
Using deep long-read RNAseq in Alzheimer’s disease brain to assess clinical relevance of RNA isoform diversity
- PromethION
- Splice variation
- Transcriptome
- Neuroscience
- Transcriptomics
- Isoforms
August 7 2023
Using de novo assembly to identify structural variation of complex immune system gene regions
- PromethION
- Human genomics
- Long-read
- Whole genome
- Assembly
- Variant calling
February 4 2021
Unraveling molecular mechanisms of immunity and cancer-resistance using the genomes of the Neotropical bats Artibeus jamaicensis and Pteronotus mesoamericanus
- PromethION
- Cancer research
- Clinical research
- Whole genome
- Assembly
- Evolution
September 11 2020