Evaluating the lettuce metatranscriptome with MinION sequencing for future spaceflight food production applications

Healthy plants are vital for successful, long-duration missions in space, as they provide the crew with life support, food production, and psychological benefits. The microorganisms that associate with plant tissues play a critical role in improving plant health and production. To that end, we developed a methodology to investigate the transcriptional activities of the microbiome of red romaine lettuce, a key salad crop that was grown under International Space Station (ISS)-like conditions.

Microbial transcripts enriched from host–microbe total RNA were sequenced using the Oxford Nanopore MinION sequencing platform. Results show that this enrichment approach was highly reproducible and could be an effective approach for the on-site detection of microbial transcriptional activity.

Our results demonstrate the feasibility of using metatranscriptomics of enriched microbial RNA as a potential method for on-site monitoring of the transcriptional activity of crop microbiomes, thereby helping to facilitate and maintain plant health for on-orbit space food production.

Authors: Natasha J. Haveman, Christina L. M. Khodadad, Anirudha R. Dixit, Artemis S. Louyakis, Gioia D. Massa, Kasthuri Venkateswaran & Jamie S. Foster