EPI2ME platform (MTE_1014_v1_revCB_11Apr2016)

7th October 2024 Document moved into Legacy
7th May 2024 - In "Installing the Desktop Agent for Linux", the command for adding the package-signing key has been corrected. Also added the instructions for installing the Agent package on the PromethION 2 Solo. - In "EPI2ME updates", a note has been added: "If you use Linux and have installed EPI2ME via the command line, follow the installation instructions described in Installing the Desktop Agent for Linux to perform any updates."
May 7th, 2024MTE_1014_v1_revBZ_11Apr2016English- Download 4th April 2023 Added command to install Epi2me Desktop agent on Ubuntu 22
April 5th, 2023MTE_1014_v1_revBY_11Apr2016English- Download 5th April 2023 Updated the "Working with datasets" section to include information on managing datasets between different EPI2ME-enabled regions.
March 24th, 2023MTE_1014_v1_revBX_11Apr2016English- Download 24th March 2023 "Obtaining a registration code" - screenshots have been updated
January 25th, 2023MTE_1014_v1_revBW_11Apr2016English- Download 25th January 2023 The "Working with datasets" section has been updated with a new screenshot of dataset management in the EPI2ME Agent.
December 1st, 2022MTE_1014_v1_revBV_11Apr2016English- Download 1st December 2022 The "Working with datasets" section has been updated with new screenshots and some new information for EPI2ME Portal release v2.0.0. Added information includes: data security, stopping analysis from the report, new button for downloading datasets, changing the operating region in which the dataset is homed, and a new glossary of terms.
October 19th, 2022MTE_1014_v1_revBU_11Apr2016English- Download 19th October 2022 - "The EPI2ME Agent" and "Starting data analysis" - a new screenshot of the workflow report has been added, with the text: "The report in the Agent also links to the Output directory, Analysis workflow documentation page, and the Input directory." - "Networking" - the instructions for configuring a proxy have been updated. - "Starting data analysis" - a new screenshot has been added for ending an analysis, with the text: "If you try to stop an analysis before a report has been generated, the Agent will also display a warning message. If you exit the analysis at this stage, you will not see a report for this analysis."
August 10th, 2022MTE_1014_v1_revBS_11Apr2016English- Download 10th August 2022 - In "Starting data analysis", a new note has been added: "If you stop the workflow while one or more analyses are still running, the Agent will display a warning message before shutdown. If you exit the workflow at this stage, all active data uploads will stop." - In "Working with datasets", a new set of instructions has been added for downloading a dataset
August 10th, 2022MTE_1014_v1_revBR_11Apr2016English- Download 13th July 2022 In "The EPI2ME Portal", the screenshots and descriptions have been changed under "Clicking on the avatar presents several options for account management."
May 11th, 2022MTE_1014_v1_revBQ_11Apr2016English- Download 11th May 2022 In "Installing the Desktop Agent for Linux", instructions have been added for instlling the Agent on Ubuntu 20.04.
February 23rd, 2022MTE_1014_v1_revBP_11Apr2016English- Download 23rd February 2022 The "EPI2ME CLI" section has been re-written to describe the newly-released CLI Agent v3.3. The section is now split into "Installation", "Commands and help", and "Common usage examples".
January 26th, 2022MTE_1014_v1_revBO_11Apr2016English- Download 26th January 2022 Updates for the EPI2ME Portal update to v1.1.3: - In "Introduction - The EPI2ME Portal", information has been added about the new dataset feature - In "Running data analysis", added a new step called "Working with datasets"
October 6th, 2021MTE_1014_v1_revBN_11Apr2016English- Download 6th October 2021 - In "EPI2ME updates", the screenshots for performing a critical and non-critical EPI2ME Agent updates have been changed.
August 27th, 2021MTE_1014_v1_revBM_11Apr2016English- Download 27th August - Updated 'Starting data analysis' screenshots to reflect the update changing default download mode from 'None', to 'Data only'.
August 25th, 2021MTE_1014_v1_revBL_11Apr2016English- Download 25th August 2021 Updates for the release of EPI2ME Agent v3.4.0: "Introduction to EPI2ME": - Updated links to the IT requirements for all devices - Updated screenshots of the Settings page, the Analysis list and the Applications menu in the EPI2ME Agent "Download and install the EPI2ME Desktop Agent": - Updated screenshots for configuring a proxy - Updated a screenshot for obtaining a registration code - A new section for "Managing profiles" has been added "Starting data analysis": - Updated screenshots for the list of analysis options, and run-time parameters - this includes an explanation that the new default is to download no data or telemetry during the analysis "CLI Agent": - The link for obtaining the registration code has been changed to https://epi2me.nanoporetech.com/profile#reg - The list of commands has changed
July 28th, 2021MTE_1014_v1_revBK_11Apr2016English- Download 28th July 2021 In "CLI Agent", the instructions for registering the Commandline Agent for the first time have been updated to include setting a profile name: "Use the code to register the device. You can also set a profile name, which results in a profile stored in the <USER HOME>/.epi2me.json file that can be used in both the desktop Agent and CLI."
June 23rd, 2021MTE_1014_v1_revBJ_11Apr2016English- Download 23rd June 2021 - In "Introduction to EPI2ME", two new sub-sections have been added: "The EPI2ME portal" and "The EPI2ME Agent" - All references to "EPI2ME website" have been changed to "EPI2ME portal" - In "The EPI2ME portal", all screenshots and descriptions have been updated to reflect the new Portal re-design - In "Download and install the EPI2ME Desktop Agent", the link to the Agent downloads page has changed to https://epi2me.nanoporetech.com/software - The screenshot for obtaining an EPI2ME Agent registration key has been updated - The section describing analysis workflows has been removed; detailed information about all EPI2ME workflows can now be found in the EPI2ME portal: https://epi2me.nanoporetech.com/workflows
April 21st, 2021MTE_1014_v1_revBI_11Apr2016English- Download 21st April 2021 - In the "FASTQ WIMP (human+viral)" step, some outdated links have been removed from the "Classification available in WIMP" part.
March 24th, 2021MTE_1014_v1_revBH_11Apr2016English- Download 24th March 2021 - In the "FASTQ WIMP (What's In My Pot)" step, the information under "Classification available in WIMP" has been changed to include the updated RefSeq database in the 2021.03.05 version of the analysis workflow
March 10th, 2021MTE_1014_v1_revBG_11Apr2016English- Download 10th March 2021 - In the "Analysis workflows" section, added information about a new workflow, FASTQ ARTIC + Nextclade - In the "Analysis workflows" section, "FASTQ 16S" step, added details of the new database of reference sequences for v2021.03.05 of the workflow
February 11th, 2021MTE_1014_v1_revBF_11Apr2016English- Download 11th February 2021 Changes in line with the release of EPI2ME Agent v3.2.0: - Added new "Networking" sections with instructions for configuring a proxy - "Obtaining a registration code" section: new screenshots for UI prompts to enter a registration code and profile name - New screenshots of analysis parameter page in "Starting data analysis", "FASTQ Barcoding", "FASTQ 16S", "FASTA reference upload", "FASTQ Custom Alignment" and "FASTQ SV Caller for Human" sections - "Starting data analysis" section: updated instructions for submitting a bug report using the new application menu Other changes: - "FASTQ 16S" section: removed erroneous reference to a TSV file output - "Installing the Desktop Agent for Ubuntu 16 and 18" section: updated the command for launching the Desktop Agent once it has been installed
January 20th, 2021MTE_1014_v1_revBE_11Apr2016English- Download 23rd December 2020 - Removed the need to access IP address in the __Installing the Desktop Agent for Windows and Mac OS X__ section. - Updated EPI2ME Agent installation instructions on Ubuntu; the new command to install the Agent is `sudo apt-get install epi2me-agent3`, or `sudo apt-get install epi2me-agent3-gridion` for GridION, or `sudo apt-get install epi2me-agent3-promethion` for PromethION
December 23rd, 2020MTE_1014_v1_revBD_11Apr2016English- Download 23rd December 2020 Removed the need to access IP address in the __Installing the Desktop Agent for Windows and Mac OS X__ section.
November 12th, 2020MTE_1014_v1_revBC_11Apr2016English- Download 12th Nov 2020 Changes in line with release of an update to the FASTA Reference Upload workflow (v2020.10.28): - The upload file size limit has been increased to 8 Gbytes. - The workflow can now process and index reference genomes that contain 1000s of scaffolds. - Telemetry report will summarise the indexed sequence lengths for only the 1000 longest contigs or transcripts.
October 15th, 2020MTE_1014_v1_revBB_11Apr2016English- Download 15th Oct 2020 Changes in line with release of EPI2ME Agent v3.0: - Real-time report in the Agent - Previous analysis can be accessed - Multiple input file sources - Run multiple workflows at the same time - Improved data upload mechanisms - 'Favourite' analysis workflows
July 27th, 2020MTE_1014_v1_revBA_11Apr2016English- Download 10th July 2020 Description of new workflow: FASTQ WIMP (human+viral).
May 26th, 2020MTE_1014_v1_revAZ_11Apr2016English- Download 26th May 2020 Updated information for new versions of FASTQ 16S (v2020.04.06) and FASTQ WIMP workflows (2020.05.19).
January 8th, 2020MTE_1014_v1_revAY_11Apr2016English- Download 8th January 2020 Updated screenshots for obtaining a registration code in line with EPI2ME Agent release v2019.12.13
December 24th, 2019MTE_1014_v1_revAX_11Apr2016English- Download 21st November 2019 Updated instructions for Command Line Agent in line with new CLI release v2019.11.11
October 29th, 2019MTE_1014_v1_revAW_11Apr2016English- Download 29th October 2019 More information included about the What's In My Pot (WIMP) classification method in __Workflows__
October 22nd, 2019MTE_1014_v1_revAV_11Apr2016English- Download 22nd October 2019 Updates for v2019.9 of the Desktop Agent: - An updated registration process, where the API key copy & paste is replaced with a timed registration code - Users are now asked to confirm the location of the input data folder before starting a workflow - The Agent prevents upload of files exceeding the upload file size limit set by a workflow (500 Mbytes for the FASTQ 16S workflow, 1 Gbyte for all other workflows)
August 1st, 2019MTE_1014_v1_revAU_11Apr2016English- Download 01 Aug 2019 Updates for v2019.7.9 of the Desktop Agent: - the Uploaded folder has been removed; only Downloaded remains.
July 11th, 2019MTE_1014_v1_revAT_11Apr2016English- Download 11 July 2019 Updates for release of the FASTQ SV Caller for Human workflow
June 12th, 2019MTE_1014_v1_revAS_11Apr2016English- Download Updates for ARMA (Antimicrobial Resistance) workflow changes in v3.3.0
January 10th, 2019MTE_1014_v1_revAR_11Apr2016English- Download Added technical videos for RNA Control Experiment, FASTA Reference Upload, and FASTQ Custom Alignment workflows.
November 16th, 2018MTE_1014_v1_revAQ_11Apr2016English- Download Added information about FASTA Reference Upload, FASTQ Custom Alignment, and FASTQ Human Alignment GRCh38 workflows
October 19th, 2018MTE_1014_v1_revAP_11Apr2016English- Download Added technical videos describing several EPI2ME workflows
July 16th, 2018MTE_1014_v1_revAO_11Apr2016English- Download Updates for fastq EPI2ME barcoding
March 22nd, 2018MTE_1014_v1_revAK_11Apr2016English- Download Updated information about the Barcoding workflow
January 11th, 2018MTE_1014_v1_revAG_11Apr2016English- Download Added note about demultiplexing barcoded samples for WIMP and 16S workflows.