DNA连接法建库 V14(SQK-LSK114) (1)



  • 我们建议您在使用此指南前,首先阅读并参考 试剂盒14系列测序及互补双链碱基识别 技术指南中的信息
  • 本实验指南使用基因组DNA或扩增子DNA为起始材料
  • 建库用时约60分钟
  • 用户可按需片段化DNA
  • 无需借助PCR
  • 与 R10.4.1 测序芯片兼容


Document version: CFS_9207_v114_revC_15May2024

1. 实验指南概览 (1)

连接测序试剂盒V14(SQK-LSK114)实验指南简介 (1)


有关双链碱基识别的信息,请参阅 Kit 14 测序和互补双链碱基识别 信息技术表。




  • 提取DNA,并评估DNA的长度、浓度和纯度 质量评估步骤对确保实验成功至关重要。
  • 确保您已准备好测序试剂盒、正确的仪器以及第三方试剂
  • 下载数据收集和分析软件
  • 检查您的测序芯片上有足够多的活性纳米孔,以确保测序良好运行



文库制备 步骤 时间 中止节点
DNA损伤及末端修复 修复DNA,并对DNA进行末端修复以便与接头连接 35 分钟 4°C 过夜
接头连接及纯化 将测序接头连接到DNA末端 20 分钟 若为短期保存或重复使用(例如在清洗芯片后再次上样),我们建议将文库置于4℃保存。
测序芯片预处理及上样 对测序芯片进行预处理,然后将DNA文库加至芯片中进行测序。 5 分钟

Chinese LSK114 Workflow



  • 使用 MinKNOW 软件运行测序,该软件将收集由测序仪产出的原始数据并将其识别为碱基序列。

  • 使用EPI2ME软件中的生物信息学工作流程分析您的数据。


实验方案适用性 (1)


2. 仪器及耗材 (1)

  • (FOR EXTRACTION) 10 ml of human blood in EDTA K2 vacuum tube, or 3–5 ml of plasma
  • (FOR LIBRARY PREPARATION) 15–30 ng extracted human cfDNA per sample
  • 连接测序试剂盒V14(SQK-LSK114)

  • PromethION 测序芯片
  • QIAamp MinElute ccfDNA Midi Kit (QIAGEN, 55284)
  • Agencourt AMPure XP beads (Beckman Coulter™, A63881)
  • Qubit dsDNA HS Assay(双链DNA高灵敏度检测)试剂盒(Invitrogen, Q32851)
  • NEBNext FFPE DNA Repair v2 Module (NEB, E7360)
  • NEBNext Ultra II 末端修复/ dA尾添加模块(NEB,E7546)
  • NEBNext 快速连接模块(NEB,E6056)
  • Ethanol, 100% (e.g. Fisher, 16606002)
  • Isopropanol
  • 新制备的80%乙醇(用无核酸酶水配制)
  • 无核酸酶水(如ThermoFisher,AM9937)
  • Qubit™ 分析管(Invitrogen, Q32856)
  • 5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind tubes
  • 15 ml Falcon tubes
  • 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind 离心管
  • 0.2 ml 薄壁PCR管

  • PromethION 测序设备
  • PromethION 测序芯片遮光片
  • Centrifuge with capacity for 5 ml and 15 ml tubes, and a swing out and fixed angle rotors
  • Hula混匀仪(低速旋转式混匀仪)
  • Magnetic rack for 15 ml tubes
  • 适用于1.5ml Eppendorf 离心管的磁力架
  • Thermomixer, or other shaker for microcentrifuge tubes, with capacity to heat at 56°C
  • 迷你离心机
  • 涡旋混匀仪
  • 热循环仪
  • P1000 移液枪和枪头
  • P200 移液枪和枪头
  • P100 移液枪和枪头
  • P20 移液枪和枪头
  • P10 移液枪和枪头
  • P2移液枪和枪头
  • 盛有冰的冰桶
  • 计时器
  • Qubit荧光计(或用于质控检测的等效仪器)

The above list of materials, consumables, and equipment is for the extraction method in the sample preparation section, as well as the library preparation section of the protocol. If you have pre-extracted sample(s), you will only require the materials for the library preparation section of this protocol.

For this protocol, the following inputs are required:

Input requirements per sample for the extraction method:

  • 10 ml of fresh human blood in EDTA K2 vacuum tube, or 3–5 ml of plasma

Note: We recommend that blood samples are processed while fresh, as we have observed potential gDNA contamination arising from blood that has been stored in certain types of collection tubes.

Input requirements per sample for the library preparation:

  • 15–30 ng extracted human cfDNA






从原始样本中提取DNA的方法不同,可能会导致经纯化的DNA中所残留的化学污染物不同。这会影响文库的制备效率和测序质量。请在牛津纳米孔社区的 Contaminants(污染物)页面 了解更多信息。


Oxford Nanopore Technologies推荐您使用本实验指南中提及的所有第三方试剂,并已对其加以验证。我们尚未对其它替代试剂进行测试。



我们强烈建议您在开始测序实验前,对测序芯片的活性纳米孔数进行质检。质检需在您收到MinION /GridION /PremethION测序芯片12周之内进行,或者在您收到Flongle测序芯片四周内进行。Oxford Nanopore Technologies会对活性孔数量少于以下标准的芯片进行替换** :

测序芯片 芯片上的活性孔数确保不少于
Flongle 测序芯片 50
MinION/GridION 测序芯片 800
PromethION 测序芯片 5000

** 请注意:自收到之日起,芯片须一直贮存于Oxford Nanopore Technologies推荐的条件下。且质检结果须在质检后的两天内递交给我们。请您按照 测序芯片质检文档中的说明进行芯片质检。






请注意: 我们正在将部分试剂的包装形式由单次管装改为瓶装。

单次管装试剂: SQK-LSK114 v2

部分试剂改为瓶装: SQK-LSK114 v3

声明: 本产品包含由贝克曼库尔特公司(Beckman Coulter, Inc)生产的 AMPure XP 试剂,并可与试剂盒一起于-20°C 下储存(试剂稳定性将不受损害)。

请注意: DNA参照(DCS)是一段可比对到Lambda基因组的3'端、长度为3.6 kb 的标准扩增子。

3. Sample extraction method for singleplex sequencing of human cfDNA

  • 10 ml of fresh human blood in EDTA K2 vacuum tube, or 3-5 ml of plasma

  • QIAamp MinElute ccfDNA Midi Kit (QIAGEN, 55284)
  • Qubit dsDNA HS Assay(双链DNA高灵敏度检测)试剂盒(Invitrogen, Q32851)
  • Ethanol, 100% (e.g. Fisher, 16606002)
  • Isopropanol
  • 新制备的80%乙醇(用无核酸酶水配制)
  • Nuclease-free water (e.g. ThermoFisher, cat # AM9937)
  • Qubit™ 分析管(Invitrogen, Q32856)
  • 5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind tubes
  • 15 ml Falcon tubes
  • 0.2 ml thin-walled PCR tubes
  • 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind离心管

  • Centrifuge with capacity for 5 ml and 15 ml tubes, and a swing out and fixed angle rotors
  • 迷你离心机
  • Hula混匀仪(低速旋转式混匀仪)
  • Magnetic rack for 15 ml tubes
  • 磁力架
  • 涡旋混匀仪
  • P1000移液枪和枪头
  • P100 移液枪和枪头
  • 热循环仪
  • 盛有冰的冰桶
  • Qubit荧光计 (或用于质控检测的等效仪器)
  • Agilent Femto Pulse System (or equivalent for read length QC)

Optimised extraction: Human blood cell-free DNA (cfDNA) extraction for singleplex sequencing

This extraction method can also be found in the Extraction Protocols tab in the Documentation space on the Nanopore Community: Human blood cell-free DNA (cfDNA) extraction for singleplex sequencing.

These instructions describe a method to extract cell-free DNA (cfDNA) from human blood samples collected in EDTA K2 vacuum tubes (step 1), or human plasma (step 3). Once samples have undergone the necessary centrifugation steps, the extraction is performed using the QIAGEN QIAamp MinElute ccfDNA Midi Kit.

Note: The yield, DIN and sequencing read length of extracted DNA may vary depending on initial sample quality. Please ensure you are following the correct method and using high-quality sample inputs.


Alternatively, if you have previously extracted and stored your cfDNA sample(s), this can be used directly in the Library preparation section of this protocol.


We recommend that blood samples are processed while fresh, as we have observed potential gDNA contamination arising from blood that has been stored in certain types of collection tubes.

Preparation of plasma from fresh blood

Centrifuge 10 ml of fresh blood (overnight chilled delivery) in the EDTA K2 vacuum tube at 1,900 x g for 10 minutes at 4°C in a swing out rotor centrifuge.

Pipette and transfer the supernatant (this is the plasma fraction) to a fresh 5 ml DNA LoBind Eppendorf tube.

The volume should be around 3.5–4 ml.

To remove residual cells from the plasma, centrifuge the plasma at 16,000 x g for 10 minutes (or 6,000 x g for 30 minutes depending on the spin capacity of the centrifuge) at 4°C, in a fixed angle rotor.


It is important to remove residual cells from the sample when the blood/plasma is still fresh (from an overnight chilled delivery). Failing to do so will result in increased amounts of gDNA contamination in the sequencing library.

Aspirate the supernatant and transfer it to a fresh 15 ml tube.

Purification of cfDNA from 3–5 ml serum or plasma Using the QIAamp MinElute ccfDNA Midi Kit

Before starting the extraction:

  • Prepare a shaker for microcentrifuge tubes at room temperature for use in step 14.
  • Preheat a second shaker at 56°C for use in step 26. (Alternatively, equilibrate the first shaker to 56°C after step 14).
  • Resuspend Magnetic Bead Suspension (from the QIAGEN QIAamp MinElute ccfDNA Midi Kit) by pulse-vortexing for 1 min.
    Note: Do not let the suspension settle for more than 2 min before use. Pipette from the centre of the suspension.

Prepare the buffers for extraction:

  • Add 8 ml isopropanol (100%) to 12 ml Buffer ACB concentrate to obtain 20 ml Buffer ACB. Mix well after adding isopropanol.
  • Add 30 ml ethanol (96–100%) to 13 ml Buffer ACW2 concentrate to obtain 43 ml Buffer ACW2. Mix well after adding ethanol.

Mix the following components according to the instructions below in a 15 ml tube:

Component Volume for 3 ml plasma (µl) Volume for 4 ml plasma (µl) Volume for 5 ml plasma (µl)
Plasma 3,000 4,000 5,000
Magnetic Bead Suspension 90 120 150
Proteinase K 165 220 275
Bead Binding Buffer 450 600 750
Total volume 3,705 4,940 6,175

Incubate the reaction for 10 min at room temperature while shaking (at a slow speed) end-over-end.

Spin the tube down briefly (30 seconds at 200 x g) to remove any solution in the cap.

Place the tube containing bead solution into a magnetic rack for 15 ml tubes. Let the tube stand for at least 1 min, until the solution is clear.

Remove and discard supernatant.

Remove the tube from the magnetic rack and add 200 µl of Bead Elution Buffer to the bead pellet. Vortex to resuspend beads, and pipette up and down to mix and rinse residual beads from the tube wall.

Transfer the full volume of mixture (including the beads) into a Bead Elution Tube.

Incubate for 5 min on a shaker for microcentrifuge tubes at room temperature and 300 rpm.

Note: If the same shaker for microcentrifuge tubes is to be used in step 26, remove the tubes after the room temperature incubation and equilibrate the shaker to 56°C

Place the Bead Elution Tube containing the bead solution into a magnetic rack for 2 ml tubes. Let the tube stand for at least 1 min, until the solution is clear.

Transfer the supernatant into a new Bead Elution tube. Discard the bead pellet.

Avoid transferring any magnetic beads in this step. Carryover may result in reduced cfDNA yield.

Add 300 µl Buffer ACB to the Bead Elution tube containing the supernatant, and vortex to mix. Briefly centrifuge the tube to remove drops from inside the lid.

Pipet the supernatant–Buffer ACB mixture from the previous step into a QIAamp UCP MinElute column.

Centrifuge for 1 min at 6,000 x g.

Place the QIAamp UCP MinElute column into a clean 2 ml collection tube, and discard the flow-through.

Add 500 µl Buffer ACW2 to the QIAamp UCP MinElute column.

Centrifuge for 1 min at 6,000 x g.

Place the QIAamp UCP MinElute column into a clean 2 ml collection tube, and discard the flow-through.

Centrifuge the QIAamp UCP MinElute column at 20,000 x g for 3 min.

Place the QIAamp UCP MinElute column into a new 1.5 ml elution tube and discard the 2 ml collection tube.

Open the lid of the tube and incubate the assembly in a shaker for microcentrifuge tubes at 56°C for 3 min to dry the membrane completely.

Carefully pipet 50 µl of ultra-clean water into the centre of the membrane. Close the lid and incubate at room temperature for 1 min.

Centrifuge at 20,000 x g for 1 min to elute the DNA.

To maximise yield from the elution: Place the QIAamp UCP MinElute column in a clean 1.5 ml elution tube. Aspirate the eluate from the previous step and reload it onto the centre of the membrane. Close the lid and incubate 1 min at room temperature.

Centrifuge at 20,000 x g for 1 min to elute the DNA.

Quantify 1 µl of eluted sample using a Qubit fluorometer.

From 3.5–4 ml of plasma, you can expect a yield of between 15–30 ng cfDNA.


We recommend that the fragment length profiles of extracted cfDNA samples are analysed using a Femto Pulse (Agilent), or equivalent:

Frag length femtopulse cfDNA singleplex extract

Fragment length profile of extracted cfDNA, run on a Femto Pule (Agilent). This example shows the characteristic nucleosome peaks with minimal gDNA contamination.


Take forward 15–30 ng of extracted human cfDNA to the library preparation stage of the protcol.

4. DNA损伤及末端修复 (1)

  • 15–30 ng extracted human cfDNA per sample
  • AMPure XP 磁珠(AXP)

  • NEBNext FFPE DNA Repair v2 Module (NEB, E7360)
  • NEBNext® Ultra II 末端修复/ dA尾添加模块(NEB,E7546)
  • Qubit dsDNA HS Assay(双链DNA高灵敏度检测)试剂盒(Invitrogen, Q32851)
  • 无核酸酶水(如ThermoFisher,AM9937)
  • 新制备的80%乙醇(用无核酸酶水配制)
  • Qubit™ 分析管(Invitrogen, Q32856)
  • 0.2 ml薄壁PCR管
  • 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind 离心管

  • P1000 移液枪和枪头
  • P100 移液枪和枪头
  • P10 移液枪和枪头
  • 迷你离心机
  • 热循环仪
  • Hula混匀仪(低速旋转式混匀仪)
  • 磁力架
  • 盛有冰的冰桶
  • Qubit荧光计(或用于质控检测的等效仪器)

根据生产厂家的说明准备NEBNext FFPE DNA 修复混合液和 NEBNext Ultra II 末端修复/ dA尾添加模块,并置于冰上。 (1)


  1. 于冰上解冻所有试剂。

  2. 轻弹并/或翻转各管,确保各试剂充分混匀。
    注意: 请切勿涡旋振荡 FFPE DNA修复混合液或 Ultra II末端修复酶混合物。

  3. 同一日内首次打开一管试剂前,请务必先将该管试剂瞬时离心。

  4. Ultra II 末端修复缓冲液和 FFPE DNA 修复缓冲液内可能出现少量沉淀。待此两管液体回复至室温后,使用移液枪上下吹打数次,打散沉淀;然后涡旋振荡30秒,以确保沉淀充分溶解。
    注意: 请务必涡旋振荡混匀缓冲液。

  5. FFPE DNA 修复缓冲液可能轻微泛黄,不影响使用。

用无核酸酶水稀释DNA: (1)

  1. 将1μg(或100-200 fmol)基因组DNA转移至一支1.5ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind离心管中。

  2. 如不足47 μl,请加入无核酸酶水补足。

  3. 用移液枪吹打离心管或轻弹离心管以充分混匀。

  4. 使用迷你离心机快速离心。

在一支0.2ml的薄壁PCR管中,混合以下试剂: (1)


试剂 体积
DNA 样本 47 µl
DNA参照 (非必需) 1 µl
NEBNext FFPE修复缓冲液 3.5 µl
NEBNext FFPE修复混合液 2 µl
Ultra II 末端修复反应缓冲液 3.5 µl
Ultra II 末端修复酶混合物 3 µl
总体积 60 µl


Using a thermal cycler with a heated lid set to 50°C, incubate the reaction at 37°C for 15 minutes and hold at 4°C.

Remove the reaction from the thermal cycler and place the tube on ice.

Keeping the tube on ice, add 2 µl of NEBNext Thermolabile Proteinase K directly to the repaired reaction mixture.

Mix by pipetting 10 times, followed by spinning down quickly to collect all liquid from the sides of the tube.

Using a thermal cycler with a heated lid set to 75°C, incubate at 37°C for 15 minutes and 65°C for 5 minutes, then hold at 4°C.

Remove the reaction from the thermal cycler and place the tube on ice.

Keeping the tube on ice, add 3 µl of NEBNext Ultra II End Prep Enzyme Mix directly to the reaction mixture for a total volume of 60 µl.

Mix by pipetting 10 times, followed by spinning down quickly to collect all liquid from the sides of the tube.

Using a thermal cycler with a heated lid set to 75°C, incubate at 20°C for 30 minutes and 65°C for 30 minutes, then hold at 4°C.

涡旋振荡以重悬AMPure XP磁珠(AXP)。

将DNA样本转至干净的1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind离心管中。

Add 180 µl of resuspended the AMPure XP Beads (AXP) to the end-prep reaction and mix by flicking the tube.


Prepare 1 ml of fresh 80% ethanol in nuclease-free water.


Keep the tube on the magnet and wash the beads with 300 µl of freshly prepared 80% ethanol without disturbing the pellet. Remove the ethanol using a pipette and discard.





将61µl洗脱液转移至一支新的1.5ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind管中。


取1µl洗脱样品,用Qubit荧光计定量。 (1)

Note: You should expect to recover approximately 75% of your input mass. For example, from 30 ng of cfDNA, a yield of approximately 20–25 ng is expected.


经过末端修复的DNA可用于稍后的接头连接。如需要,您也可以此时将样品置于4℃储存过夜。 (1)

5. 接头连接及纯化 (1)

  • 连接接头(LA)
  • 连接测序试剂盒内的连接缓冲液(LNB)
  • 短片段缓冲液(SFB)
  • AMPure XP 磁珠(AXP)
  • Oxford Nanopore测序试剂盒中的洗脱缓冲液(EB)

  • Qubit dsDNA HS Assay(双链DNA高灵敏度检测)试剂盒(Invitrogen, Q32851)
  • NEBNext 快速连接模块(NEB,E6056)
  • 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind 离心管
  • Qubit™ 分析管(Invitrogen, Q32856)

  • 磁力架
  • 迷你离心机
  • 涡旋混匀仪
  • P1000 移液枪和枪头
  • P100 移液枪和枪头
  • P20 移液枪和枪头
  • P10 移液枪和枪头
  • Qubit荧光计(或用于质控检测的等效仪器)


瞬时离心连接接头(LA)和快速T4 DNA连接酶,置于冰上。



Thaw the Short Fragment Buffer (SFB) at room temperature and mix by vortexing. Then spin down and place on ice.

在一支1.5ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind离心管内,将所有试剂按以下顺序混合: (1)


试剂 体积
前一步骤所得DNA样品 60 µl
连接缓冲液(LNB) 25 µl
NEBNext快速T4 DNA连接酶 10 µl
连接接头(LA) 5 µl
总体积 100 µl



涡旋振荡以重悬AMPure XP磁珠(AXP)。

Add 120 µl of resuspended AMPure XP Beads (AXP) to the reaction and mix by flicking the tube.



Wash the beads by adding 250 μl of Short Fragment Buffer (SFB). Flick the beads to resuspend, spin down, then return the tube to the magnetic rack and allow the beads to pellet. Remove the supernatant using a pipette and discard.

Note: Take care when removing the supernatant, the viscosity of the buffer can contribute to loss of beads from the pellet.



Remove the tube from the magnetic rack and resuspend the pellet in 33 µl Elution Buffer (EB). Spin down and incubate for 10 minutes at room temperature.


Remove and retain 33 µl of eluate containing the DNA library into a clean 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind tube.

Dispose of the pelleted beads


取1µl洗脱样品,用Qubit荧光计定量。 (1)

Note: You should expect to recover approximately 35-50% of input mass. For example, from 30 ng cfDNA a yield of 10-15 ng of adapter ligated library is expected.





若为 短期 保存或重复使用(例如在清洗芯片后再次上样),我们建议将文库置于Eppendorf LoBind 离心管中 4℃ 保存。 若为一次性使用且储存时长 __超过3个月__,我们建议将文库置于Eppendorf LoBind 离心管中 -80℃ 保存。

6. PromethION 测序芯片的预处理及上样 (1)

  • 测序缓冲液(SB)
  • 文库颗粒(LIB)
  • 测序芯片系绳(FCT)
  • 测序芯片冲洗液(FCF)

  • PromethION 测序芯片
  • 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind 离心管

  • PromethION 2 Solo 测序设备
  • PromethION测序设备
  • PromethION 测序芯片遮光片
  • P1000 移液枪和枪头
  • P200 移液枪和枪头
  • P20 移液枪和枪头

本试剂盒仅兼容R10.4.1测序芯片(FLO-PRO114M)。 (1)

于室温下解冻测序缓冲液(SB)、文库颗粒(LIB)或文库溶液(LIS)、测序芯片系绳(FCT)和一管测序芯片冲洗液(FCF)。完全解冻后,涡旋振荡混匀,然后瞬时离心并置于冰上。 (1)


请注意: 我们正在将部分试剂的包装形式由单次管装改为瓶装。请按照与您所用试剂盒包装相对应的说明操作。

单次使用管装: 向一整管测序芯片冲洗液(FCF)中加入30µl 测序芯片系绳(FCT)。

瓶装: 请另拿一支适当体积的离心管制备测序芯片预处理液:

试剂 体积(每张芯片)
测序芯片冲洗液 (FCF) 1,170 µl
测序芯片系绳 (FCT) 30 µl
总体积 1,200 µl


对 PromethION 2 Solo,请按以下步骤为测序芯片上样:

  1. 将测序芯片平放在金属板上。

  2. 将测序芯片推入对接端口,直至金色引脚或绿色电路板不可见。

J2068 FC-into-P2-animation V5

对PromethION 24/48,将测序芯片插入相应卡槽的对接端口:

  1. 将测序芯片与连接器横竖对齐,以便顺利卡入。

  2. 用力下压芯片至卡槽,并确认卡夹位置归位。

Prom Flowcell Loading 1a 中文

Prom Flowcell Loading 1b 中文


如插入配置测试芯片的角度出现偏差,可能会损坏PromethION上的引脚并影响测序结果。如您发现 PromethION测序仪芯片位置上的引脚损坏,请通过电子邮件(support@nanoporetech.com)或微信公众号在线支持(NanoporeSupport)联系我们的技术支持团队。

Screenshot 2021-04-08 at 12.08.37


Prom Flowcell Loading 2 中文




  1. 将P1000移液枪转至200µl刻度。
  2. 将枪头垂直插入加液孔中。
  3. 反向转动移液枪量程调节转纽,直至移液枪刻度在220-230 µl之间,或直至您看到有少量缓冲液进入移液枪枪头。

Prom Flowcell Loading 3 中文

使用P1000移液枪向芯片的加液孔中加入500 µl芯片预处理溶液。加入过程中,请避免引入气泡。等待5分钟,与此同时,您可按以下步骤准备上样文库。

Prom Flowcell Loading 4 中文





在一支新的1.5ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind离心管内,将所有试剂按以下顺序混合: (1)

试剂 每张测序芯片的上样体积
测序缓冲液 (SB) 100 µl
文库颗粒 (LIB),使用前充分混匀;或文库溶液 (LIS) 68 µl
DNA 文库 32 µl
总体积 200 µl

请注意: 此处增大了文库的上样量,以增强纳米孔阵列的覆盖度。

缓慢向芯片的加液口中加入500 µl预处理液,完成芯片的预处理。

Prom Flowcell Loading 5 中文


使用 P1000 移液枪向加液孔中加入200 µl 文库。

Prom Flowcell Loading 6 中文


Prom Flowcell Loading 7 中文





  1. 将遮光片的中空部分(空槽)与测序芯片的加液孔孔盖对齐。确保遮光片的前沿位于测序芯片ID的上方。
  2. 用力下压遮光片的卡垫部分,遮光片空槽边缘会随卡垫卡入加液孔孔盖下方。

Prom Flowcell Loading 8a 中文

Prom Flowcell Loading 8b 中文




7. Data acquisition and basecalling


Ensure you are using the most recent version of MinKNOW.

We recommend updating MinKNOW to the latest version prior to starting a sequencing run for the best sequencing results.

For more information on updating MinKNOW, please refer to our MinKNOW protocol.

How to start sequencing

Once you have loaded your flow cell, the sequencing run can be started on MinKNOW, our sequencing software that controls the device, data acquisition and real-time basecalling.

Please ensure MinKNOW is installed on your computer or device. Further instructions for setting up a sequencing run can be found in the MinKNOW protocol.

Please ensure when setting up a sequencing run you are using the recommendations outlined below. All other parameters can be left to their default settings.

MinKNOW can be used and set up to sequence in multiple ways:

  • On a computer either direcly or remotely connected to a sequencing device.
  • Directly on a PromethION 24/48 sequencing device.

For more information on using MinKNOW on a sequencing device, please see the device user manuals:

Open the MinKNOW software using the desktop shortcut and log into the MinKNOW software using your Community credentials.

Click on your connected device.

prom 48

Set up a sequencing run by clicking Start sequencing.

Edit 1

Type in the experiment name, select the flow cell postition and enter sample ID. Choose FLO-PRO114M flow cell type from the drop-down menu.

Click Continue to kit selection.

Flow cell selection

Select the Ligation Sequencing Kit V14 (SQK-LSK114).

An expansion kit does not need to be selected.

Click Continue to Run Options to continue.

kit selection

Set the run options to a 72 hour run length and 20 bp minimum read length.

Click Continue to basecalling to continue.

Set the run options to a 72 hour run length and 20 bp minimum read length

Set up basecalling using the following parameters:

  1. Ensure the basecalling is switched ON.
  2. Next to "Models", click Edit options and choose High accuracy basecaller (HAC) from the drop-down menu.
  3. Ensure barcoding is OFF.

Click Continue to output and continue.

Set up basecalling using the following parameters

Keep the output format and filtering options to their default settings.

Click Continue to final review to continue.

Keep the output format and filtering options to their default settings

Click Start to start sequencing.

You will be automatically navigated to the Sequencing Overview page to monitor the sequencing run.

Click Start to start sequencing

Data analysis after sequencing

After sequencing has completed on MinKNOW, the flow cell can be reused or returned, as outlined in the Flow cell reuse and returns section.

After sequencing and basecalling, the data can be analysed, as outlined in the Downstream analysis section.

8. 下游分析 (2)

Bioinformatics analysis

If basecalling is not performed during live sequencing, raw sequencing data (.POD5 format) can be processed post-sequencing.

This can be achieved using the tool Dorado, which enables basecalling and subsequent alignment to a reference genome.

Dorado can also detect modified bases by using the modified-bases option (e.g. --modified-bases 5mCG_5hmCG). This will integrate methylation tags directly into the aligned BAM file. We also recommend applying a minimum QScore cutoff (--min-Qscore <min_QScore>), which serves as a quality control measure to ensure only high-quality reads are used in downstream processes.

1. The command below demonstrates how to initiate basecalling with Dorado, followed by sorting, and indexing the output using Samtools. Please see the Dorado documentation here for further details.

Dorado basecaller <model> <input_POD5> --reference <REF> --min-qscore <min_QScore> 
| samtools sort -o <OUTPUT_BAM> - && samtools index <OUTPUT_BAM> 

For example to SUP basecall with 5mCG and 5hmCG detected in CpG context, and with a QScore filter of 10 we can use:

Dorado basecaller sup --modified-bases 5mCG_5hmCG input.pod5 --reference ref.fasta --min-qscore 10 
| samtools sort -o output.bam > - && samtools index output.bam 

2. It is also recommended to remove reads that have a poor alignment score i.e. 10. This can be achieved as follows:

samtools view -q <min_map_q> -bh -o <OUTPUT_BAM> <INPUT_BAM> && samtools index -@ <threads> <OUTPUT_BAM> 

3. The output from Dorado basecaller can be demultiplexed into per-barcode BAMs using Dorado demux. E.g.

Dorado demux --output-dir <output-dir> --no-classify <input-bam> 

4. You may optionally omit methylation information from read ends using modkit adjust-mods or modkit tools with --edge-filter option. This may help increase methylation call precision, as the very end of reads, approximately 27 bases, may suffer from loss in methylated bases due to the chemistry used to repair ends in library preparation (see our know-how document for further details).

modkit adjust-mods --edge-filter 0 27 <IN_BAM> <OUTPUT_BAM> 

The modified .bam file can be used with external tools that use a .bam file as input for further data analysis and exploration.



1. EPI2ME 工作流程

Oxford Nanopore Technologies通过EPI2ME提供了一系列针对高阶数据分析的生物信息学教程和工作流程。上述资源汇总于纳米孔社区的 EPI2ME 板块。该平台通过描述性文字、生物信息学代码和示例数据,具象化地展示出我们的研究和应用团队发布在 GitHub 上的工作流程。

2. 科研分析工具

Oxford Nanopore Technologies的研发部门开发了许多分析工具,您可在Oxford Nanopore的 GitHub 资料库中找到。这些工具面向有一定经验的用户,并包含如何安装和运行软件的说明。工具以源代码形式提供,因此我们仅提供有限的技术支持。

3. 纳米孔社区用户开发的分析工具

如上述资源未能提供满足您研究需求的数据分析方法,请前往资源中心,查找适用的生物信息学工具。该板块汇总了许多由纳米孔社区成员开发、且在Github上开源的、针对纳米孔数据的生信分析工具。请注意,Oxford Nanopore Technologies不为这些工具提供支持,也不能保证它们与测序所用的最新的化学试剂/软件配置兼容。

9. 测序芯片的重复利用及回收

  • 测序芯片清洗剂盒(EXP-WSH004)


您可在纳米孔社区获取 测序芯片清洗试剂盒实验指南



或者,请按照回收程序将测序芯片返还至Oxford Nanopore。




10. DNA/RNA提取和文库制备过程中可能出现的问题


我们还在 Nanopore 社区的“Support”板块 提供了常见问题解答(FAQ)。



现象 可能原因 措施及备注
低纯度DNA(Nanodrop测定的DNA吸光度比值260/280<1.8,260/230 <2.0-2.2) 用户所使用的DNA提取方法未能达到所需纯度 您可在 污染物专题技术文档 中查看污染物对后续文库制备和测序实验的影响。请尝试其它不会导致污染物残留的 提取方法

RNA完整度低(RNA完整值(RIN)<9.5,或rRNA在电泳凝胶上的条带呈弥散状) RNA在提取过程中降解 请尝试其它 RNA 提取方法。您可在 RNA完整值专题技术文档 中查看更多有关RNA完整值(RIN)的介绍。更多信息,请参阅 DNA/RNA 操作 页面。
RNA的片段长度短于预期 RNA在提取过程中降解 请尝试其它 RNA 提取方法。 您可在 RNA完整值专题技术文档中查看更多有关RNA完整值(RIN)的介绍。更多信息,请参阅DNA/RNA 操作 页面。



现象 可能原因 措施及备注
低回收率 AMPure磁珠量与样品量的比例低于预期,导致DNA因未被捕获而丢失 1. AMPure磁珠的沉降速度很快。因此临加入磁珠至样品前,请确保将磁珠重悬充分混匀。

2. 当AMPure磁珠量与样品量的比值低于0.4:1时,所有的DNA片段都会在纯化过程中丢失。
低回收率 DNA片段短于预期 AMPure磁珠量与样品量的比值越低,针对短片段的筛选就越严格。每次实验时,请先使用琼脂糖凝胶(或其他凝胶电泳方法)确定起始DNA的长度,并据此计算出合适的AMPure磁珠用量。 SPRI cleanup
末端修复后的DNA回收率低 清洗步骤所用乙醇的浓度低于70% 当乙醇浓度低于70%时,DNA会从磁珠上洗脱下来。请确保使用正确浓度的乙醇。

11. 测序过程中可能出现的问题


我们还在 Nanopore 社区的“Support”板块 提供了常见问题解答(FAQ)。



现象 可能原因 措施及备注
MinKNOW Mux 扫描在测序起始时报告的活性孔数少于芯片质检时报告的活性孔数 纳米孔阵列中引入了气泡 在对通过质控的芯片进行预处理之前,请务必排出预处理孔附近的气泡。否则,气泡会进入纳米孔阵列对其造成不可逆转地损害。 视频中演示了避免引入气泡的最佳操作方法。
MinKNOW Mux 扫描在测序起始时报告的活性孔数少于芯片质检时报告的活性孔数 测序芯片没有正确插入测序仪 停止测序,将芯片从测序仪中取出,再重新插入测序仪内。请确保测序芯片被牢固地嵌入测序仪中,且达到目标温度。如用户使用的是GridION/PromethION测序仪,也可尝试将芯片插入仪器的其它位置进行测序。
inKNOW Mux 扫描在测序起始时报告的活性孔数少于芯片质检时报告的活性孔数 文库中残留的污染物对纳米孔造成损害或堵塞 在测序芯片质检阶段,我们用芯片储存缓冲液中的质控DNA分子来评估活性纳米孔的数量。而在测序开始时,我们使用DNA文库本身来评估活性纳米孔的数量。因此,活性纳米孔的数量在这两次评估中会有约10%的浮动。

如测序开始时报告的孔数明显降低,则可能是由于文库中的污染物对膜结构造成了损坏或将纳米孔堵塞。用户可能需要使用其它的DNA/RNA提取或纯化方法,以提高起始核酸的纯度。您可在 污染物专题技术文档中查看污染物对测序实验的影响。请尝试其它不会导致污染物残留的 提取方法


现象 可能原因 措施及备注
MinKNOW显示 "Script failed”(脚本失败)
重启计算机及MinKNOW。如问题仍未得到解决,请收集 MinKNOW 日志文件 并联系我们的技术支持。 如您没有其他可用的测序设备,我们建议您先将装有文库的测序芯片置于4°C 储存,并联系我们的技术支持团队获取进一步储存上的建议。


现象 可能原因 措施及备注
纳米孔利用率<40% 测序芯片中的文库量不足 请确保您按照相应实验指南,向测序芯片中加入正确浓度和体积的测序文库。请在上样前对文库进行定量,并使用 Promega Biomath Calculator 等工具中的“ dsDNA:µg to pmol”功能来计算DNA分子的摩尔量。
纳米孔利用率接近0 使用连接测序试剂盒,但接头并未与DNA成功连接 请确保您在“测序接头连接”步骤中使用的是NEBNext快速连接模块(E6056),以及SQK-LSK114试剂盒中的连接缓冲液(LNB)。同时,请确保每种试剂的用量正确。您可通过制备Lambda对照文库来检验第三方试剂的可用性。
纳米孔利用率接近0 使用连接测序试剂盒;但在接头连接后的纯化步骤中并未使用LFB 或SFB洗涤,而是使用了酒精 酒精可导致测序接头上的马达蛋白变性。请确保在测序接头连接后使用LFB或SFB。
纳米孔利用率接近0 测序芯片中无系绳 系绳是随着预处理液加至芯片的(试剂盒9、10和11系列对应冲洗系绳FLT;试剂盒14系列对应测序芯片系绳FCT)。请确保您在制备预处理液时,按需将FLT或FCT加入冲洗缓冲液(对应试剂盒9、10和11系列)或测序芯片冲洗液(对应试剂盒14系列)中。


现象 可能原因 措施及备注
读长短于预期 DNA样本降解 读长反映了起始DNA片段的长度。起始DNA在提取和文库制备过程中均有可能被打断。

1. 1. 请查阅纳米孔社区中的 提取方法 以获得最佳DNA提取方案。

2. 在进行文库制备之前,请先跑电泳,查看起始DNA片段的长度分布。DNA gel2 在上图中,样本1为高分子量DNA,而样本2为降解样本。

3. 在制备文库的过程中,请避免使用吹打或/和涡旋振荡的方式来混合试剂。轻弹或上下颠倒离心管即可。


现象 可能原因 Comments and actions
大量纳米孔处于不可用状态 (在通道面板和纳米孔活动状态图上以蓝色表示)

image2022-3-25 10-43-25 上方的纳米孔活动状态图显示:状态为不可用的纳米孔的比例随着测序进程而不断增加。
样本中含有污染物 使用MinKNOW中的“Unblocking”(疏通)功能,可对一些污染物进行清除。 如疏通成功,纳米孔的状态会变为"测序孔". 若疏通后,状态为不可用的纳米孔的比例仍然很高甚至增加:

1. 用户可使用 测序芯片冲洗试剂盒(EXP-WSH004)进行核酸酶冲洗 can be performed, 操作,或
2. 使用PCR扩增目标片段,以稀释可能导致问题的污染物。


现象 可能原因 措施及备注
大量纳米孔处于失活状态(在通道面板和纳米孔活动状态图上以浅蓝色表示。膜结构或纳米孔遭受不可逆转地损伤) 测序芯片中引入了气泡 在芯片预处理和文库上样过程中引入的气泡会对纳米孔带来不可逆转地损害。请观看 测序芯片的预处理及上样 视频了解最佳操作方法。
大量纳米孔处于失活/不可用状态 文库中存在与DNA共纯化的化合物 与植物基因组DNA相关的多糖通常能与DNA一同纯化出来。

1. 请参考 植物叶片DNA提取方法
2. 使用QIAGEN PowerClean Pro试剂盒进行纯化。
3. 利用QIAGEN REPLI-g试剂盒对原始gDNA样本进行全基因组扩增。
大量纳米孔处于失活/不可用状态 样本中含有污染物 您可在 污染物专题技术文档 中查看污染物对测序实验的影响。请尝试其它不会导致污染物残留的提取方法。


现象 可能原因 措施及备注
温度波动 测序芯片和仪器接触不良 检查芯片背面的金属板是否有热垫覆盖。重新插入测序芯片,用力向下按压,以确保芯片的连接器引脚与测序仪牢固接触。如问题仍未得到解决,请联系我们的技术支持。


现象 可能原因 措施及备注
MinKNOW显示“未能达到目标温度” 测序仪所处环境低于标准室温,或通风不良(以致芯片过热) MinKNOW会限定测序芯片达到目标温度的时间。当超过限定时间后,系统会显示出错信息,但测序实验仍会继续。值得注意的是,在错误温度下测序可能会导致通量和数据质量(Q值)降低。请调整测序仪的摆放位置,确保其置于室温下、通风良好的环境中后,再在MinKNOW中继续实验。有关MinION温度控制的更多信息,请参考此 FAQ (常见问题)文档。

Last updated: 8/20/2024

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