Native Barcoding DNA V14 - automated Tecan DreamPrep NGS (SQK-NBD114.96) (NBDT_9220_v114_revA_19Mar2025)

1. Overview of the protocol

This protocol describes the automated workflow using the Native Barcoding Kit 96 V14 (SQK-NBD114.96)

All images and information reflect the use of the use of SQK-NBD114.96.

For more information on compatibilities and performing an automated library preparation with previous iterations of the Native Barcoding Kit, please contact us on our website by following the link.

Introduction to the automated Native Barcoding Kit 96 V14 protocol for DNA

This protocol describes how to carry out native barcoding of genomic DNA (gDNA) using the Native Barcoding Kit 96 V14 (SQK-NBD114.96).

We have developed this automated protocol on the Tecan® DreamPrep® NGS liquid handling robot. This library preparation protocol is fully automated, except for the sample quantification steps and loading of the system.

Please note that this method is intended for research use only.

It is highly recommended that a Lambda control experiment is completed first to become familiar with the technology.

Steps in the sequencing workflow:

Prepare for your experiment

You will need to:

Before starting - Manual steps:

  • Extract your DNA and check its length, quantity and purity using the Input DNA/RNA QC protocol. The quality checks performed during the protocol are essential in ensuring experimental success.
  • Ensure you have your sequencing kit, the correct equipment, primed liquid-handling robot and third-party reagents
  • Download the software for acquiring and analysing your data
  • Check your flow cells to ensure they have enough pores for a good sequencing run

Library preparation

The table below is an overview of the steps carried out in the library preparation, including timings.

Library preparation step Process Time (variable depending on sample number) Stop option
Set-up Manual deck set-up and master mix preparation. ~30 minutes
Automated DNA repair and end-prep Repair the DNA, prepare the DNA ends for adapter attachment, and perform a bead clean-up. 20 minutes
35 minutes
Automated native barcode ligation and clean-up Attach the native barcodes to the DNA ends and perform a bead clean-up. 1 hour 10 minutes
1 hour 50 minutes
Quantification Manual quantification of samples. ~10 minutes
Automated adapter ligation and clean-up Attach the sequencing adapters to the DNA ends and perform a bead clean-up. 1 hour 15 minutes 4°C short-term storage or for repeated use, such as re-loading your flow cell.
-80°C for single-use long-term storage.

We strongly recommend sequencing your library as soon as it is adapted.
Quantification Manual quantification of samples. ~10 minutes
Priming and loading the flow cell Prime the flow cell and load the prepared library for sequencing 5 minutes


Sequencing and analysis

You will need to:

  • Start a sequencing run using the MinKNOW software which will collect raw data from the device and convert it into basecalled reads


Note: Timings are approximate and subject to change with updates.

Process X6 samples X24 samples X48 samples X96 samples Hands-on time
Deck set-up and master mix preparation - - - - ~30 minutes
Automated DNA end-repair 20 minutes 20 minutes 25 minutes 35 minutes -
Automated native barcoding and clean-up 1 hour 10 minutes 1 hour 20 minutes 1 hour 30 minutes 1 hour 50 minutes -
Manual Quantification - - - - ~10 minutes
Automated adapter ligation and clean-up 1 hour 15 minutes 1 hour 15 minutes 1 hour 15 minutes 1 hour 15 minutes -
Manual Quantification - - - - ~10 minutes
Total 2 hours 45 minutes 2 hours 55 minutes 3 hours 10 minutes 3 hours 40 minutes ~50 minutes

Sequencing run set-up and flow cell loading timings are variable depending on the number of samples and user experience.

Compatibility of this protocol

This protocol should only be used in combination with:

2. Equipment and consumables

  • ~400 ng high molecular weight genomic DNA per sample
  • Native Barcoding Kit 96 V14 (SQK-NBD114.96)

  • Celda de flujo MinION/GridION
  • NEBNext FFPE Repair Mix (NEB M6630) (mezcla de reparación de ADN)
  • NEBNext Ultra II End Repair/dA-tailing Module (NEB E7546) (Módulo de reparación de extremos/Adición de dA)
  • NEB Blunt/TA Ligase Master Mix (NEB, M0367)
  • NEBNext Quick Ligation Module (NEB E6056) (Módulo de ligación rápida)
  • Agua sin nucleasas (p. ej., ThermoFisher AM9937)
  • Etanol al 80 % recién preparado con agua sin nucleasas
  • Seroalbúmina bovina (BSA) (50 mg/ml) (p. ej., Invitrogen™ UltraPure™ BSA 50 mg/ml, AM2616)
  • Hard-Shell® 96-Well PCR Plates, low profile, thin wall, skirted, red/clear (Bio-Rad™, cat # HSP9611)
  • Thermo Scientific™ Abgene™ 96 Well 0.8 ml Polypropylene Deepwell Storage Plate (Thermo Scientific™, cat # AB0859)
  • BRAND™ Polypropylene Deep Well Plates 2.2 ml (BRAND, cat # 701354 or equivalent)
  • 1000 µl Disposable Conductive Tips - Liquid Handling Flexible Channel Arm - Filtered, Pure, ANSI/SLAS-format box (same as SBS) (Tecan , cat# 30057817)
  • 200 ul Disposable Conductive Tips - Liquid Handling Flexible Channel Arm - Filtered, Pure, ANSI/SLAS-format box (same as SBS) (Tecan , cat# 30057815)
  • 50 ul Disposable Conductive Tips - Liquid Handling Flexible Channel Arm - Filtered, Pure, ANSI/SLAS-format box (same as SBS) (Tecan , cat# 30057813)
  • Big SBS Box to place conductive tips & refill, compatible with 1000uL tips (Tecan , cat# 30058507)
  • Small SBS Box to place conductive tips & refill, compatible with 10uL, 50uL, 200uL tips (Tecan , cat# 30058506)
  • 50 µl Disposable Tips - MultiChannel Arm 384/96 - Filtered, Sterile, Single Stack (Tecan, cat # 30038608)
  • 100 ml disposable trough (Tecan, cat # 10613049) to act as holder for 25 ml troughs. Or reusable trough holder if available.
  • 25 ml disposable trough (Tecan, cat # 30055743)
  • Arched Auto-Sealing Lids with Wide Tabs for PCR Plates (Bio-Rad™, cat # MSL2032 or equivalent)
  • Sarstedt Inc Screw Cap Micro tube 2 ml, sterile (Sarstedt™, cat # 72.694.005)
  • Tubos Eppendorf DNA LoBind de 1,5 ml
  • 2 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind tubes
  • 5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind tubes
  • Tubos de ensayo Qubit™ (Invitrogen Q32856)
  • Kit de ensayo Qubit dsDNA HS (Invitrogen Q32851)
  • Low-lint scientific wipes (e.g. Kimberly-Clark™, cat # 7552 or equivalent)
  • Double distilled water (ddH2O) (e.g. ThermoFisher, cat # 11983084)
  • Freshly prepared ≥80% ethanol in nuclease-free or double distilled water, for cleaning
  • ~10% Bleach (or equivalent): Thermo Scientific Alfa Aesar Sodium hypochlorite, 11-15% available chlorine, (e.g. ThermoFisher, cat # 15429019)

  • Tecan DreamPrep NGS workstation with full configuration
  • Dispositivo MinION o GridION
  • Pantalla protectora de celdas de flujo MinION/GridION
  • Cubeta con hielo
  • Mezclador vórtex
  • Centrifugadora para microplacas, por ejemplo, Fisherbrand™ Mini Plate Spinner Centrifuge (Fisher Scientific, 11766427)
  • Pipeta y puntas P1000
  • Pipeta y puntas P200
  • Pipeta y puntas P100
  • Pipeta y puntas P10
  • Fluorímetro Qubit (o equivalente para el control de calidad)

For this protocol, you will need 400 ng DNA per barcode.

Input DNA

How to QC your input DNA

It is important to use a plate reader to ensure the input DNA meets the quantity and quality requirements. Using too little or too much DNA, or DNA of poor quality (e.g. highly fragmented or containing RNA or chemical contaminants) can affect your library preparation.

For instructions on how to perform quality control of your DNA sample, please read the Input DNA/RNA QC protocol.

Tecan DreamPrep NGS

This method has been tested and validated using the Tecan DreamPrep NGS including an on deck thermal cycler (ODTC). This protocol will require installation by a Tecan Filed Application Specialist, please contact your Tecan representative for further details.

Tecan DreamPrep NGS worktable layout

After having the system installed according to specifications, users will need to load the automated workstation before running the protocol.

Please always refer to the latest instructions on how to load the worktable, which are displayed and explained in the touchscreen display (with TouchTools™).

Examples of how to load the system are displayed in the library preparation section of the protocol.

Please also find below reference images for the workbench layouts:

Tecan workbench sites

Trough mounting sites and tube loading mount positions:

Trough mount tube mount sties

Hotel sites:

Tecan hotel sites

Third-party reagents

We have validated and recommend the use of all the third-party reagents used in this protocol. Alternatives have not been tested by Oxford Nanopore Technologies.

For all third-party reagents, we recommend following the manufacturer's instructions to prepare the reagents for use.

Consumables and reagent quantities required:

Please use the following live spreadsheet to calculate the consumables and reagent requirements for your experiment:

Native Barcoding DNA V14 - automated Tecan DreamPrep NGS (SQK-NBD114.96): Reagents and consumables Live Spreadsheet

Below you can find a table for illustrative purposes for the consumables and reagent requirements depending on sample input numbers:

Consumables X6 samples X24 samples X48 samples X96 samples
Tecan 50 µl Flexible Channel Arm filter tips Split across
1 pool: 34 tips
Split across
1 pool: 124 tips
4 pools: 136 tips
Split across
1 pool: 244 tips
4 pools: 256 tips
8 pools: 272 tips
Split across
1 pool: 388 tips
4 pools: 496 tips
8 pools: 512 tips
12 pools: 528 tips
16 pools: 544 tips
Tecan 200 µl Flexible Channel Arm filter tips Split across
1 pool: 15 tips
Split across
1 pool: 17 tips
4 pools: 38 tips
Split across
1 pool: 17 tips
4 pools: 38 tips
8 pools: 66 tips
Split across
1 pool: 24 tips
4 pools: 37 tips
8 pools: 65 tips
12 pools: 92 tips
16 pools: 120 tips
Tecan 1000 µl Flexible Channel Arm filter tips Split across
1 pool: 10 tips
Split across
1 pool: 10 tips
4 pools: 40 tips
Split across
1 pool: 10 tips
4 pools: 40 tips
8 pools: 80 tips
Split across
1 pool: 16 tips
4 pools: 41 tips
8 pools: 81 tips
12 pools: 122 tips
16 pools: 162 tips
Tecan 50 µl MultiChannel Arm 384/96 filter tips 8 tips 24 tips 48 tips 96 tips
Bio-Rad Hard-Shell® 96-Well PCR Plate 6 6 6 6
Abgene™ 96 Well 0.8mL Polypropylene Deepwell Storage Plate 1 1 1 1
BRAND™ Polypropylene Deep Well Plates 2.2 ml 1 1 1 1
Tecan 25 ml disposable trough 2 2 If split across ≤6 pools: 2
If split across >6 pools: 3
If split across ≤6 pools: 2
If split across >6 pools: 3
Tecan 100 ml disposable trough (to use as mount, if reusable mounts are not available) 3 3 If split across ≤6 pools: 2
If split across >6 pools: 3
If split across ≤6 pools: 2
If split across >6 pools: 3
ODTC plate lid 1 1 1 1
Sarstedt Inc Screw Cap Micro tube 2 ml 7 7 7 or 8 (depending on sample and pool distribution) 6–8 (depending on sample and pool distribution)
Reagents/kits X6 samples X24 samples X48 samples X96 samples
80% ethanol Split across
1 pool: 7,250 µl
Split across
1 pool: 7,250 µl
4 pools: 8,125 µl
Split across
1 pool: 7,250 µl
4 pools: 8,125 µl
8 pools: 9,000 µl
Split across
1 pool: 7,250 µl
4 pools: 8,125 µl
8 pools: 9,000 µl
12 pools: 10,000 µl
16 pools: 11,000 µl
Nuclease-free water Split across
1 pool: 3,460 µl
Split across
1 pool: 4,720 µl
4 pools: 4,820 µl
Split across
1 pool: 6,400 µl
4 pools: 6,500 µl
8 pools: 6,640 µl
Split across
1 pool: 9,760 µl
4 pools: 9,860 µl
8 pools: 10,000 µl
12 pools: 10,140 µl
16 pools: 10,260 µl
Native Barcoding Kit 96 V14 (SQK-NBD114.96) For a single sample pool: 1 kit
For a single sample pool: 1 kit
For up to 4 sample pools: 2 kits
For a single sample pool: 1 kit
For up to 8 sample pools: 2 kits
For a single sample pool: 1 kit
For up to 12 sample pools: 2 kits
For >12 sample pools: 3 kits
NEBNext FFPE DNA Repair Mix (Cat# M6630L) 1 kit 1 kit 1 kit 1 kit
NEBNext Ultra II End Repair/dA-Tailing Module (Cat# E7546L) 1 kit 1 kit 1 kit 1 kit
NEB Blunt/TA Ligase Master Mix (Cat# M0367L) 1 kit 1 kit 1 kit 1 kit
NEBNext Quick Ligation Module (Cat# E6056S) 1 kit 1 kit 1 kit 1 kit

Note: These are the number of kits required for one run through for the selected number of samples and pools. Volumes will vary depending on selected sample and pool distribution. Please always follow the instructions on the TouchTools™ screen display for correct reagent use dependent on your run set-up.

Check your flow cell

We highly recommend that you check the number of pores in your flow cell prior to starting a sequencing experiment. This should be done within 12 weeks of purchasing for MinION/GridION/PromethION or within four weeks of purchasing Flongle Flow Cells. Oxford Nanopore Technologies will replace any flow cell with fewer than the number of pores in the table below, when the result is reported within two days of performing the flow cell check, and when the storage recommendations have been followed. To do the flow cell check, please follow the instructions in the Flow Cell Check document.

Flow cell Minimum number of active pores covered by warranty
Flongle Flow Cell 50
MinION/GridION Flow Cell 800
PromethION Flow Cell 5000

Native Barcoding Kit 96 V14 (SQK-NBD114.96) contents

Note: We are in the process of updating our kits with reduced EDTA concentration.

Higher EDTA concentration format:

SQK-NBD114.96 2

Name Acronym Cap colour No. of vials Fill volume per vial (µl)
Native Barcode plate NB01-96 - 3 plates 8 µl per well
DNA Control Sample DCS Yellow 3 35
Native Adapter NA Green 2 40
Sequencing Buffer SB Red 2 700
Library Beads LIB Pink 2 600
Library Solution LIS White cap, pink label 2 600
Elution Buffer EB Black 1 1,500
AMPure XP Beads AXP Amber 1 6,000
Long Fragment Buffer LFB Orange 1 7,500
Short Fragment Buffer SFB Clear 1 7,500
EDTA† EDTA Clear 1 700
Flow Cell Flush FCF Blue 1 15,500
Flow Cell Tether FCT Purple 2 200

† Higher concentration of EDTA with a clear cap.

Reduced EDTA concentration format:


Name Acronym Cap colour No. of vials Fill volume per vial (µl)
Native Barcode plate NB01-96 - 3 plates 8 µl per well
DNA Control Sample DCS Yellow 3 35
Native Adapter NA Green 2 40
Sequencing Buffer SB Red 2 700
Library Beads LIB Pink 2 600
Library Solution LIS White cap, pink label 2 600
Elution Buffer EB Black 1 1,500
AMPure XP Beads AXP Clear cap, light teal 1 6,000
Long Fragment Buffer LFB Clear cap, orange label 1 7,500
Short Fragment Buffer SFB Clear cap, dark blue label 1 7,500
EDTA‡ EDTA Blue 1 700
Flow Cell Flush FCF Clear cap, light blue label 1 15,500
Flow Cell Tether FCT Purple 2 200

‡ Reduced concentration of EDTA with a blue cap.

Note: This Product Contains AMPure XP Reagent Manufactured by Beckman Coulter, Inc. and can be stored at -20°C with the kit without detriment to reagent stability.

The barcodes are orientated in columns in the barcode plate.

2021-09-14 Native Barcoding 96 kit contents v2 columns

Note: The DNA Control Sample (DCS) is a 3.6 kb standard amplicon mapping the 3' end of the Lambda genome.

3. Pooling and barcoding by worklists

Pooling and barcoding by worklists overview

This protocol uses worklists to control sample pooling.

Barcoding is determined during run set-up using the TouchTools™ display by default, however it can also be controlled by a worklist for further control over barcode use.

Below you will find outlined an overview of the worklist structure and the rules they need to follow.

Pooling worklists

The pooling worklist is required for this protocol. It controls the number of samples combined into each pool, as well as the number of pools generated.

The pooling worklist(s) must be generated prior to run set-up and stored in the worklist folder. The exact directory for the worklist folder may vary between installations of protocol. Training provided by your Tecan representative during installation will specify the location of NBD pooling or barcoding worklist files.

The pooling worklist is a csv file, semi-colon delimited, with 5 columns of parameters:

Pooling worklists example

  • source label: Refers to which plate the sample is aspirated from (non-editable).

This parameter should never change from "BarcodedDNAPlate".

  • source well: Refers to the numeric index of the well which the sample will be aspirated from (editable).

This column should always start at 1 and continue in numerical order, ending at the total number of samples.

For this parameter the value 1 is equivalent to A01 on the sample/barcoding plate, 8 is equivalent to H01, 9 is equivalent to A02, etc.

  • (destination) dest label: Refers to which plate the sample will be dispensed into (non-editable).

This parameter should never change from “CleanupPlate[001]”.

  • (destination) dest well: Refers to the numerical index of the well which the sample will be aliquoted into (editable).

This is equivalent to the library pool identifying number, and will determine the number of sample pools generated.

  • volume: Refers to the volume being transferred between the source labware well and the destination labware well (non-editable).

This parameter must never change from “10”. Editing this variable will cause barcode balancing issues and SPRI efficiency issues.

Pooling rules

  1. It is possible to pool any number of samples between 6 and 96.

  2. The minimum number of samples per pool is 6: · 96 samples into 16 pools of 6 samples is correct. · 12 samples into 3 pools of 4 is not supported.

  3. When creating multiple pools, each pool must include an identical number of samples to all other pools in the run: · 96 samples into 4 pools of 24 is correct. · 65 samples into 5 pools of 13 is correct. · 96 samples into 1 pool of 48 and 2 pools of 24 is not supported. · 49 samples into 1 pool of 24 and 1 pool of 25 is not supported.

  4. Samples must be listed sequentially in the pooling worklist: · The order [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] is correct. · The order [1,2,4,3,5,6,7,8,9,10] is not supported, because sample 4 is listed before sample 3. · The order [1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11] is not supported, because sample 4 is not given.

  5. Destination wells must include the well index 1 and if pooling into multiple pools the well index must have no gaps in sequence: · [1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2] is correct. · [1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,4,4,4,4,4,4] is not supported, because index 4 is listed but index 3 is not. · [1,1,1,1,1,2,1,2,2,2,2,3,2,3,3,3,3,3] is correct.

  6. Destination wells for samples do not need to be listed sequentially and the list does not need to start at 1, as long as this still confirms with rule 5: · The order [1,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,2,2,2,2] is correct. · The order [2,2,2,2,1,2,2,1,1,1,1,1] is correct.

  7. Destination wells must be listed an equal number of times as every other destination well, ensuring there is the same number of samples per pool: · [1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2] is correct. · [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2] is not supported, because index 1 is listed 7 times and index 2 is listed 5. · [1,1,1,1,1,2,1,2,2,2,2,3,2,3,3,3,3,3] is correct. · [1,1,1,1,1,2,1,2,2,2,2,3,2,2,3,3,3,3] is not supported because index 1 is listed 6 times, index 2 is listed 7 times and index 3 is listed 5 times.

Pooling worklist examples:

Barcoding worklists (optional)

Barcoding is determined during run set-up using the TouchTools™ display by default. However, barcoding by a worklist allows the user to explicitly direct which sample receives which barcode.

In the case that a user does not want to use barcodes in a consecutive order, (for example: if the foil has been perforated on some barcode wells, which have evaporated) the barcoding by worklist method allows the user to deliver barcodes to the samples with complete flexibility.

Please note, errors made in barcoding worklists cannot be error checked in the Tecan Fluent software. Therefore, it is essential that the user has taken care while designing/writing their barcoding worklist.

The barcoding worklist is a csv file, semi-colon delimited, with 3 columns of parameters:

barcoding worklists example

  • source well: Refers to which barcode is aspirated (editable).

This parameter is edited by the user.

  • (destination) dest well: Refers to the numeric index of the sample that will recieve the barcode (editable).

This parameter is edited by the user.

  • volume: Refers to the volume of barcode which will be transferred to the sample (non-editable).

This parameter must never change from “5”. Editing this variable will cause barcoding issues and could lead sub-optimal results.

Barcoding rules

  1. A barcode can only be used once. · Please note, there is no error checking for this rule in the software.

  2. A sample can only receive one barcode. · Please note, there is no error checking for this rule in the software.

  3. The number of samples given must match the number of samples in the pooling worklist. · The software will detect this error during run set-up.

  4. Barcodes do not need to be listed in sequence, however it is recommended for tracking.

  5. Samples do not need to be listed in sequence, however it is recommended for tracking.

Barcoding worklist example:

4. Library preparation

  • ~400 ng high molecular weight genomic DNA per sample
  • Native Adapter (NA)
  • Native Barcodes (NB01-NB96)
  • EDTA (ácido etilendiaminotetraacético)
  • Long Fragment Buffer (LFB) (tampón para fragmentos largos)
  • AMPure XP Beads (AXP)
  • Elution Buffer (EB) (tampón de elución) del kit de Oxford Nanopore

  • NEBNext FFPE DNA Repair Mix (NEB M6630)
  • NEBNext Ultra II End repair/dA-tailing Module (NEB E7546)
  • NEB Blunt/TA Ligase Master Mix (NEB, M0367)
  • NEBNext Quick Ligation Module (NEB E6056) (Módulo de ligación rápida)
  • Nuclease-free water (e.g. ThermoFisher, cat # AM9937)
  • Etanol al 80 % recién preparado con agua sin nucleasas
  • Hard-Shell® 96-Well PCR Plates, low profile, thin wall, skirted, red/clear (Bio-Rad™, cat # HSP9611)
  • Thermo Scientific™ Abgene™ 96 Well 0.8 ml Polypropylene Deepwell Storage Plate (Thermo Scientific™, cat # AB0859)
  • BRAND™ Polypropylene Deep Well Plates 2.2 ml (BRAND, cat # 701354 or equivalent)
  • 1000 µl Disposable Conductive Tips - Liquid Handling Flexible Channel Arm - Filtered, Pure, ANSI/SLAS-format box (same as SBS) (Tecan , cat# 30057817)
  • 200 ul Disposable Conductive Tips - Liquid Handling Flexible Channel Arm - Filtered, Pure, ANSI/SLAS-format box (same as SBS) (Tecan , cat# 30057815)
  • 50 ul Disposable Conductive Tips - Liquid Handling Flexible Channel Arm - Filtered, Pure, ANSI/SLAS-format box (same as SBS) (Tecan , cat# 30057813)
  • Big SBS Box to place conductive tips & refill, compatible with 1000uL tips (Tecan , cat# 30058507)
  • Small SBS Box to place conductive tips & refill, compatible with 10uL, 50uL, 200uL tips (Tecan , cat# 30058506)
  • 50 µl Disposable Tips - MultiChannel Arm 384/96 - Filtered, Sterile, Single Stack (Tecan, cat # 30038608)
  • 100 ml disposable trough (Tecan, cat # 10613049) to act as holder for 25 ml troughs. Or reusable trough holder if available.
  • 25 ml disposable trough (Tecan, cat # 30055743)
  • Arched Auto-Sealing Lids with Wide Tabs for PCR Plates (Bio-Rad™, cat # MSL2032 or equivalent)
  • Sarstedt Inc Screw Cap Micro tube 2 ml, sterile (Sarstedt™, cat # 72.694.321)
  • 5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind tubes
  • 2 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind tubes
  • Tubos Eppendorf DNA LoBind de 1,5 ml
  • Kit de ensayo Qubit dsDNA HS (Invitrogen Q32851)
  • Tubos de ensayo Qubit™ (Invitrogen Q32856)

  • Cubeta con hielo
  • Pipeta y puntas P1000
  • Pipeta y puntas P200
  • Pipeta y puntas P100
  • Pipeta y puntas P10
  • Centrifugadora para microplacas, por ejemplo, Fisherbrand™ Mini Plate Spinner Centrifuge (Fisher Scientific, 11766427)
  • Mezclador vórtex
Equipo opcional
  • Qubit fluorometer plate reader (or equivalent for QC check)

Please note, all screenshots are representative of a run set-up for X96 samples across 4 pools.

The screenshots and instructions outlined below are for a full run set-up.

Optional fragmentation and size selection

By default, the protocol contains no DNA fragmentation step, however in some cases it may be advantageous to fragment your sample. For example, when working with lower amounts of input gDNA (100 ng – 500 ng), fragmentation will increase the number of DNA molecules and therefore increase throughput. Instructions are available in the DNA Fragmentation section of Extraction methods.

Additionally, we offer several options for size-selecting your DNA sample to enrich for long fragments - instructions are available in the Size Selection section of Extraction methods.

Prepare the NEBNext FFPE DNA Repair Mix and NEBNext Ultra II End Repair / dA-tailing Module reagents in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, and place on ice.

For optimal performance, NEB recommend the following:

  1. Thaw all reagents on ice.

  2. Flick and/or invert the reagent tubes to ensure they are well mixed.
    Note: Do not vortex the FFPE DNA Repair Mix or Ultra II End Prep Enzyme Mix.

  3. Always spin down tubes before opening for the first time each day.

  4. The Ultra II End Prep Buffer and FFPE DNA Repair Buffer may have a little precipitate. Allow the mixture to come to room temperature and pipette the buffer up and down several times to break up the precipitate, followed by vortexing the tube for 30 seconds to solubilise any precipitate.
    Note: It is important the buffers are mixed well by vortexing.

  5. The FFPE DNA Repair Buffer may have a yellow tinge and is fine to use if yellow.

Switch on the Tecan DreamPrep NGS robot and open the Fluent Control software on the computer. Follow the recommended specifications to initiate the DreamPrep NGS.

Tecan logo

Perform the 'Daily System Care' method to prepare the instrument before the first run of the day.

Users will have access to the 'Main screen' of TouchTools™, which allows interaction with the DreamPrep NGS system. Select 'Method Starter'.

Page 1- Main Screen - Tecan DreamPrep NGS LSK114

In the 'Method Starter' folder, select the native barcode ligation sequencing program and click 'Ok'.

01 Tecan NBD114 Method starter

Click the 'start button' in the middle of the screen to start the run.

02 Tecan NBD114 Method start

The disposable tip status screen acts as a reminder to check all used tip boxes have been cleared from the worktable. Click 'Ok' to continue once the check has been performed.

03 Tecan NBD114 Disposable tip check

The Tecan DreamPrep NGS will begin initialisation if this is the first run since powering up the machine and starting the Fluid Control app.

04 Tecan NBD114 Robot initialisation

If this is shown, it is likely the daily maintenance steps have not been performed and the robot may not be in a state to operate optimally. We recommend stopping your run set up and performing the daily maintenance steps before proceeding.

When you see the 'Welcome to the ONT NBD114.96 protocol by ONT and Tecan' page, click 'Next page'.

05 Tecan NBD114 welcome screen

Select what part of the protocol to run and click on 'Continue' to proceed.

06 Tecan NBD114 run part options

Users can choose between running:

  • Full: the complete NBD protocol
  • EndRepair: starting from sample input perform only end-repair, barcoding, pooling and clean-up.
  • Ligation: starting from barcoded sample pool(s) perform native adapter ligation and clean-up.

Note: For new users we recommend performing full runs.

Reminder: Sample pooling 'Worklist instructions' are outlined in the TouchTools™ display screen. Click 'Next Page' to proceed.

07 Tecan NBD114 pooling worklist instructions

Additional details on pooling and barcoding by worklist rules can be found in the overview section of this protocol.

Select if you want to open the long-form PDF instructions for worklist writing. Check you have prepared a worklist for pooling and click 'Next page' to continue.

08 Tecan NBD114 optional long form pool instructions

If yes, the PDF instructions will open on the PC display.

PDF instructions can also be downloaded: here

Finalise your pooling worklist file selection. Click 'Next page' or 'Continue' to proceed.

A user message will appear prompting worklist file selection. Click 'Next page' to open the pooling worklist folder:

09 Tecan NBD114 worklist file confirmation message

The dropdown menu of pre-prepared csv files found in the worklist folder will open. Scroll through the list using the TouchTools™ display to select the desired option for your run:

10 Tecan NBD114 worklist choices

Note: The exact directory used may vary between installations of protocol. Training provided by your Tecan representative during installation will specify the location of NBD pooling or barcoding worklist files.

Perform a final review of the selection and variable for your desired method. Click 'Continue' to proceed:

11 Tecan NBD114 worklist confirmation

Set the 'User defined variables' and click on 'Next page' to proceed.

13 Tecan NBD114 user defined variables no barcode worklist

  • The MinION option is valid for both the MinION and GridION device.
  • We recommend a manual QC step following the native barcoding, pooling and clean-up steps. Please note, this will require the user interaction ~2 hours into the run.
  • Barcode allocation can be controlled via a worklist. If required, additional details on pooling and barcoding by worklist rules can be found in the overview section of this protocol.

Complete your barcode addition instructions based on your defined variable choice:

If 'Barcode addition by worklist: no'

  • Starting barcode index defined as alphanumeric coordinate.
  • The defined coordinate will be delivered to the sample found in position A01.
  • All barcodes after the index given will be delivered to samples sequentially.

15 Tecan NBD114 Barcoding index choices

16 Tecan NBD114 Barcoding index keyboard

For example: If starting barcode set as B03:

  • Sample in A01 will recieve barcode B03 (NB11)
  • Sample in A02 will recieve barcode B04 (NB12)

Note: If there are too few barcodes provided for the number of samples, this will result in an error and the user will have to re-enter the variables. If running 96 samples, the starting barcode index must be A01.

If 'Barcode addition by worklist: yes'

  • Instructions for 'Barcoding worklist input file' will appear on-screen. Click 'Continue' to proceed.

14 Tecan NBD114 Barcode worklist instructions

  • The dropdown menu of pre-prepared csv files found in the barcode worklist 'file selection' folder will open. Scroll through the list using the TouchTools™ display to select the desired option for your run. Click 'Continue' to proceed.

17 Tecan NBD114 Barcoding worklist choices

Note: The exact directory used may vary between installations of protocol. Training provided by your Tecan representative during installation will specify the location of NBD pooling or barcoding worklist files.

Confirm the run parameter variables are as desired. Click 'Continue' to proceed:

Confirmation of final parameter choices:

18 A Tecan NBD114 Confirmation parameter choices correct

Option to change variables choices:

19 Tecan NBD114 option change variables

Note: If 'Change' is selected this will return user to beginning of script set-up.

If the starting index for the barcoding plate is incompatible with the number of samples, users will be prompted to re-check their set up as follows:

25 Tecan NBD114 INCORRECT INDEX choice warning

We highly recommend using default settings developed by Oxford Nanopore Technologies.

Only personalise run settings if you are an experienced user. Any deviations from the default settings have not been qualified and are done at the operators risk.

Select if you would like to change timing from default parameters. Click 'Next page' to continue.

  • Keep 'no' selected to keep the default setting for the run.
  • Only select 'yes' if you are an experienced user and have a self-validated method.

20 Tecan NBD114 change timer parameters

If 'yes' is selected to change default timing settings, set the parameters as follows using the TouchTools™ display:

Please note any changes to the default timings are not supported by ONT or Tecan.

21 Tecan NBD114 change timer parameters WARNING

The following timing settings can be edited:

22 Tecan NBD114 change timer parameters End repair module

24 Tecan NBD114 change timer parameters User confirm

After changing the timing settings, users will need to confirm their choices:

24 Tecan NBD114 change timer parameters User confirm

Prepare the End-prep (EP) master mix in a 2 ml Sarstedt tube with the following reagents according to the Tecan DreamPrep NGS user interface. Click 'Next page' to proceed.

We recommend master mixes are prepared fresh following the instructions below and loaded onto the workspace as soon as possible for optimal results.

  • Ensure the master mix is homogenous by pipette mixing.
  • Avoid the introduction of air bubbles while preparing the master mix.
  • Avoid leaving droplets on the tube wall.
  • Briefly spin down the End-prep (EP) master mix to ensure all the liquid is at the bottom of the Sarstedt tube.

Reagent volumes for all sample numbers:
Reagent Volume X6 samples Volume X24 samples Volume X48 samples Volume X96 samples
NEBNext FFPE DNA Repair Buffer 6.825 µl 27.3 µl 52.5 µl 100.8 µl
Ultra II End-prep reaction buffer 6.825 µl 27.3 µl 52.5 µl 100.8 µl
Ultra II End-prep enzyme mix 5.85 µl 23.4 µl 45 µl 86.4 µl
NEBNext FFPE DNA Repair Mix 3.9 µl 15.6 µl 30 µl 57.6 µl
Total 23.4 µl 93.6 µl 180 µl 345.6 µl

Note: Reagent volumes will vary in accordance with the number of samples selected for processing (6-96). If processing a different sample input numbers, follow the instructions provided by the on-screen display for the correct reagent volumes. Volumes indicated in the table and the on-screen display will include the necessary dead volume excess.

Prepare the Blunt/TA Ligase master mix in a 2 ml Sarstedt tube with the following reagents according to the Tecan DreamPrep NGS user interface. Click 'Next page' to proceed.

We recommend master mixes are prepared fresh following the instructions below and loaded onto the workspace as soon as possible for optimal results.

  • Ensure the master mix is homogenous by pipette mixing.
  • Avoid the introduction of air bubbles while preparing the master mix.
  • Avoid leaving droplets on the tube wall.
  • Briefly spin down the Blunt/TA Ligase master mix to ensure all the liquid is at the bottom of the Sarstedt tube.

Reagent volumes for all sample numbers:
Reagent Volume X6 samples Volume X24 samples Volume X48 samples Volume X96 samples
NEB Blunt/TA Ligase Master Mix 336 µl 114 µl 264 µl 528 µl

Note: Reagent volumes will vary in accordance with the number of samples selected for processing (6-96). If processing a different sample input numbers, follow the instructions provided by the on-screen display for the correct reagent volumes. Volumes indicated in the table and the on-screen display will include the necessary dead volume excess.

Prepare the EDTA in a 2 ml Sarstedt tube with the following reagents according to the Tecan DreamPrep NGS user interface. Click 'OK' and 'Continue' to proceed.

We recommend master mixes are prepared fresh following the instructions below and loaded onto the workspace as soon as possible for optimal results.

  • Ensure the master mix is homogenous by pipette mixing.
  • Avoid the introduction of air bubbles while preparing the master mix.
  • Avoid leaving droplets on the tube wall.
  • Briefly spin down the EDTA to ensure all the liquid is at the bottom of the Sarstedt tube.

Reagent volumes for all sample numbers:
Reagent Volume X6 samples Volume X24 samples Volume X48 samples Volume X96 samples
EDTA 35.6 µl 82.4 µl 135.2 µl 231.2 µl

Note: Reagent volumes will vary in accordance with the number of samples selected for processing (6-96). If processing a different sample input numbers, follow the instructions provided by the on-screen display for the correct reagent volumes. Volumes indicated in the table and the on-screen display will include the necessary dead volume excess.

Prepare the Adapter-ligation (AL) master mix directly into the 2 ml Sarstedt tube with the following reagents according to the Tecan DreamPrep NGS user interface. Click 'Next page' to proceed.

We recommend master mixes are prepared fresh following the instructions below and loaded onto the workspace as soon as possible for optimal results.

  • It is essential that no air bubbles are introduced while preparing the Adapter-ligation (AL) master mix.
  • Additionally, it is essential that no droplets are left on the tube wall.
  • Ensure the master mix is homogenous by carefully pipette mixing. Use the pipette to ensure the all the contents is at the bottom of the tube.

Note: Avoid spinning down the Adapter-ligation (AL) master mix in a centrifuge. This can lead to the reagents in the mix separating, resulting in sub-optimal results.

Reagent volumes for different sample pool numbers:

Reagent Volume X1 sample pool Volume X4 sample pool Volume X8 sample pool Volume X12 sample pool Volume X16 sample pool
NEBNext Quick Ligation Reaction Buffer (5X) 18 µl 52 µl 109 µl 149 µl 181 µl
NEBNext Quick T4 DNA Ligase 9 µl 26 µl 54.5 µl 74.5 µl 90.5 µl
Native Adapter (NA) 9 µl 26 µl 54.5 µl 74.5 µl 90.5 µl
Total volume 36 µl 104 µl 218 µl 298 µl 362 µl

Note: Reagent volumes will vary in accordance with the number of sample pools selected for processing (1-16). If processing a different sample pooling numbers, follow the instructions provided by the on-screen display for the correct reagent volumes. Volumes indicated in the table and the on-screen display will include the necessary dead volume excess.

Load the End-prep master mix, Blunt/TA Ligase master mix, EDTA, and Adapter ligation master mix prepared above in the 2 ml Sarstedt tubes into the required positions in the POGO tube holder by following the on-screen instructions.

  • Ensure the master mixes are thoroughly mixed before loading.
  • You will need to select each loading position using the Tecan's TouchTools touchscreen display.
  • Follow the instructions on the display for each reagent, ensuring the fill volume for each tube is correct.
  • Ensure the reagents have been added to all of the required positions before proceeding.
  • Click 'Confirm' to proceed.

On-screen abbreviation glossary:

  • End-prep master mix – EP
  • Blunt/TA Ligase master mix – B/TA
  • Adapter ligation master mix – AL

30 A Tecan NBD114 tube placement POGO Endprep

Follow the on-screen directions to load the 50 µl filtered tips for the Multichannel Arm 384/96 onto the worktable:

  • The required loading position for each box will flash to indicate where to place the labware.
  • Remove the tip box lid and load the tip box in the required position.
  • After loading all of the required labware, close the front safety shield and click 'Approve' to proceed.

31 Tecan NBD114 MCA 50ul

Follow the on-screen directions to load the 1000 µl Flexible Channel Arm filtered tips onto the worktable:

  • The required loading position for each box will flash to indicate where to place the labware.
  • Partially full boxes are supported for the Flexible Channel Arm filtered tips. However, please ensure the tip box contains the minimum required number of tips as described in the equipment and consumables section of this protocol.
  • Click 'Approve' after each addition of labware to proceed to the next box.

32 Tecan NBD114 FCA 1000ul

Follow the on-screen directions to load the 200 µl Flexible Channel Arm filtered tips onto the worktable:

  • The required loading position for each box will flash to indicate where to place the labware.
  • Partially full boxes are supported for the Flexible Channel Arm filtered tips. However, please ensure the tip box contains the minimum required number of tips as described in the equipment and consumables section of this protocol.
  • Click 'Approve' after each addition of labware to proceed to the next box.

33 Tecan NBD114 FCA 200ul

Follow the on-screen directions to load the 50 µl Flexible Channel Arm filtered tips onto the worktable:

  • The required loading position for each box will flash to indicate where to place the labware.
  • Partially full boxes are supported for the Flexible Channel Arm filtered tips. However, please ensure the tip box contains the minimum required number of tips as described in the equipment and consumables section of this protocol.
  • Click 'Approve' after each addition of labware to proceed to the next box.
  • After loading all of the required labware, click 'Next Page' to proceed.

34 Tecan NBD114 FCA 50ul

Follow the on-screen directions to load the reaction plates onto the worktable:

Incorrect positioning of the reaction plates will result in incorrect sample tracking throughout the run. Please ensure the reaction plates are placed on the worktable in the correct orientation:

  • For the reaction plate(s) loaded in the 'Hotel': The lettered well markers (A-H) should be positioned towards the back of the worktable and the numbered well markers (1-12) should be positioned facing the right.

  • For the reaction plate(s) loaded onto the worktable: Follow standard plate orientation, with the lettered well markers (A-H) positioned to the left and the numbered well markers (1-12) positioned to towards the back of the worktable. Note: We recommend all plates are labelled before placing on the worktable to ensure correct plate tracking.

  • The required loading position for each plate will flash on the on-screen display to indicate where to place the labware.

  • Click 'Approve' after each addition of labware to proceed.

  • After loading all of the required labware, click 'Approve'.

BioRad plate addition - hotel site:

35 Tecan NBD114 Biorad sample plate

BioRad plate addition - workbench site:

36 Tecan NBD114 Biorad NFW plate

Abgene 0.8 ml plate addition - workbench site:

37 Tecan NBD114 Abgene plate

Tube and trough mounts and loading:

Tube and trough mount sites:

Tecan trough site positions vertical

Tube loading:

For tube loading, use the 2 ml Sarstedt tubes and dispense the required reagent volume. Ensure the reagents are well suspended before addition, and none of the dispensed volume is stuck to the side of the tube. Insert the Sarstedt tubes in the 5-tube holder (Site 1) into the position specified by the on-screen display. These inputs will be reflected on the screen display with the following image:

Tecan tube loading

Trough loading:

For the 25 ml troughs, dispense the required reagent volume into the trough. You will then need to insert the 25 ml trough into a 100 ml trough to act as a holder or use a re-useable metal insert (for more information on additional equipment contact your Tecan representative). The modified 25 ml trough containing the reagent will then be loaded into the worktable. This input will be reflected on the screen display with the following image:

Page 31- 25 ml trough

Load the Sarstedt tubes with their relevant reagents into the worktable by following the on-screen instructions.

  • Ensure all the reagents have been thoroughly mixed by vortexing before dispensing into the tubes.
  • The required loading position will clearly indicated via the on-screen instructions.
  • Click 'Approve' after each addition to proceed.
  • After loading all of the tubes, click 'Approve' to proceed.

Note: Follow the on-screen instructions for each specified reagent and corresponding fill volume.

Please ensure the liquid is evenly distributed across the troughs.

42 Tecan NBD114 Trough WARNING

Gently tilt liquid in the trough backwards and forward a few times to generate a wet surface and allow the full volume to be evenly distributed.

Uneven distribution of the volume in the trough can be detrimental to the run.

Load the troughs with their relevant reagents into the worktable by following the on-screen instructions.

  • Ensure all the reagents have been thoroughly mixed by vortexing before dispensing into the troughs.
  • The required loading position will flash to indicate where to insert the trough.
  • Click 'Approve' after each addition to proceed.
  • After loading all of the troughs, click 'Approve' to proceed.

Note: Follow the on-screen instructions for each specified reagent and corresponding fill volume.

Follow the on-screen directions to load the metal lid for ODTC on to the worktable:

  • The required loading position will flash to indicate where to place the labware.
  • Click 'Approve' after the addition of the metal lid for ODTC to proceed.

Loading the metal lid for ODTC:

45 Tecan NBD114 Metal lid ODTC

Note: Take care to position the metal lid centrally in the recess. Incorrect positioning of the metal lid can lead to run error.

Follow the on-screen directions to load the waste plate on to the worktable:

  • The required loading position will flash to indicate where to place the labware.
  • After loading the waste plate, click 'Approve'.

Loading the waste plate:

46 Tecan NBD114 Waste plate

Prepare your DNA samples in a clean Bio-Rad 96-well PCR plate:

  • Aliquot 400 ng DNA per sample into each well.
  • Make up each sample to 12 µl using nuclease-free water.
  • Mix gently by pipetting and spin down.

Follow the on-screen directions to load the sample plate on to the worktable:

  • The required loading position will flash to indicate where to place the labware.
  • After loading the sample plate, click 'Next Page'.

Loading the sample plate:

47 Tecan NBD114 sample plate

Prepare your native barcoding plate for loading on the workbench:

  • Mix the content of the barcoding plate by placing on a plate shaker for 2 minutes.
  • Briefly spin down the plate.
  • Remove the foil cover entirely by peeling off.

Note: Failure to remove the foil prior to loading on the workbench can result in run error.

Follow the on-screen directions to load the native barcode plate on to the worktable:

  • The required loading position will flash to indicate where to place the labware.
  • After loading the native barcode plate, click 'Next Page'.

Loading the native barcode plate:

48 Tecan NBD114 barcode plate

If performing the recommended QC step, user interaction is required approximately 2 hours after starting the run.

49 Tecan NBD114 QC reminder after ETOH wash

Close the front safety shield of the Tecan DreamPrep NGS before starting your run and click 'Next page'.

50 Tecan NBD114 QC Close door reminder

Click 'Confirm' to start the automated library preparation.

51 Tecan NBD114 QC confirm run start

Once the run starts the screen will display the progress bar.

If performing the recommended QC step, follow the on-screen instructions approximately 2 hours into the run:

  • Ensure all moving parts of the robot have stopped before interacting with the workbench.
  • Open the front safety shield.
  • Remove the clean-up plate indicated by the flashing position on the on-screen display. The sample position(s) in the plate will be indicated by the instructions on the display.
  • Quantify 1 μl of your sample(s) using a Qubit fluorometer (or equivalent).
  • Return the clean-up plate to the indicated position.
  • Close the front safety shield.
  • Click 'Continue' to proceed with the run.

52 Tecan NBD114 Mid run Perform QC

Once the run has finished on the Tecan DreamPrep NGS remove your elution plate as soon as possible from the worktable to avoid evaporation.

We do not recommend running the liquid handling robot overnight as leaving the eluted library plate unsealed can lead to evaporation of the library product.

Please refer to the 'Timings' table found in the overview of the protocol for guidance.

Remove the plate containing the eluted libraries from the Tecan DreamPrep NGS deck.

Quantify 1 µl of each eluted library from the output plate using a Qubit fluorometer plate reader off deck.

Seal the plate and store on ice until ready to prepare the library/libraries and load onto the flow cell.

We do not recommend running the liquid handling robot overnight as the plate must be sealed and stored on ice as soon as library preparation is finished.

Depending on your DNA library fragment size, prepare your final library in 12 µl of Elution Buffer (EB).

Fragment library length Flow cell loading amount
Very short (<1 kb) 100 fmol
Short (1-10 kb) 35–50 fmol
Long (>10 kb) 300 ng

Note: If the library yields are below the input recommendations, load the entire library.

If required, we recommend using a mass to mol calculator such as the NEB calculator.

Library storage recommendations

We recommend storing libraries at 4°C for short term storage or repeated use, for example, re-loading flow cells between washes. For single use and long term storage of more than 3 months, we recommend storing libraries at -80°C. For further information, please refer to the Library Stability Know-How document.

5. Priming and loading the SpotON flow cell

  • Flow Cell Flush (FCF)
  • Flow Cell Tether (FCT)
  • Library Solution (LIS)
  • Library Beads (LIB)
  • Sequencing Buffer (SB)

  • Tubos Eppendorf DNA LoBind de 1,5 ml
  • Agua sin nucleasas (p. ej., ThermoFisher AM9937)
  • Seroalbúmina bovina (BSA) (50 mg/ml) (p. ej., Invitrogen™ UltraPure™ BSA 50 mg/ml, AM2616)

  • Dispositivo MinION o GridION
  • SpotON Flow Cell
  • Pantalla protectora de celdas de flujo MinION/GridION
  • Pipeta y puntas P1000
  • Pipeta y puntas P100
  • Pipeta y puntas P20
  • Pipeta y puntas P10

Please note, this kit is only compatible with R10.4.1 flow cells (FLO-MIN114).

Priming and loading a flow cell

We recommend all new users watch the 'Priming and loading your flow cell' video before your first run.

Using the Library Solution

For most sequencing experiments, use the Library Beads (LIB) for loading your library onto the flow cell. However, for viscous libraries it may be difficult to load with the beads and may be appropriate to load using the Library Solution (LIS).

Thaw the Sequencing Buffer (SB), Library Beads (LIB) or Library Solution (LIS, if using), Flow Cell Tether (FCT) and Flow Cell Flush (FCF) at room temperature before mixing by vortexing. Then spin down and store on ice.

For optimal sequencing performance and improved output on MinION R10.4.1 flow cells (FLO-MIN114), we recommend adding Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) to the flow cell priming mix at a final concentration of 0.2 mg/ml.

Note: We do not recommend using any other albumin type (e.g. recombinant human serum albumin).

Prepare the flow cell priming mix with BSA in a suitable vial for the number of flow cells to flush. Once combined, mix well by inverting the tube and pipette mix at room temperature.

Reagent Volume per flow cell
Flow Cell Tether (FCT) 30 µl
Flow Cell Flush (FCF) 1170 µl
Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) at 50 mg/ml 5 µl
Total 1,205 µl

Open the MinION or GridION device lid and slide the flow cell under the clip. Press down firmly on the priming port cover to ensure correct thermal and electrical contact.

Flow Cell Loading Diagrams Step 1a

Flow Cell Loading Diagrams Step 1b

Complete a flow cell check to assess the number of pores available before loading the library.

This step can be omitted if the flow cell has been checked previously.

See the flow cell check instructions in the MinKNOW protocol for more information.

Slide the flow cell priming port cover clockwise to open the priming port.

Flow Cell Loading Diagrams Step 2

Take care when drawing back buffer from the flow cell. Do not remove more than 20-30 µl, and make sure that the array of pores are covered by buffer at all times. Introducing air bubbles into the array can irreversibly damage pores.

After opening the priming port, check for a small air bubble under the cover. Draw back a small volume to remove any bubbles:

  1. Set a P1000 pipette to 200 µl
  2. Insert the tip into the priming port
  3. Turn the wheel until the dial shows 220-230 µl, to draw back 20-30 µl, or until you can see a small volume of buffer entering the pipette tip

Note: Visually check that there is continuous buffer from the priming port across the sensor array.

Flow Cell Loading Diagrams Step 03 V5

Load 800 µl of the priming mix into the flow cell via the priming port, avoiding the introduction of air bubbles. Wait for five minutes. During this time, prepare the library for loading by following the steps below.

Flow Cell Loading Diagrams Step 04 V5

Thoroughly mix the contents of the Library Beads (LIB) by pipetting.

The Library Beads (LIB) tube contains a suspension of beads. These beads settle very quickly. It is vital that they are mixed immediately before use.

We recommend using the Library Beads (LIB) for most sequencing experiments. However, the Library Solution (LIS) is available for more viscous libraries.

In a new 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind tube, prepare the library for loading as follows:

Reagent Volume per flow cell
Sequencing Buffer (SB) 37.5 µl
Library Beads (LIB) mixed immediately before use, or Library Solution (LIS), if using 25.5 µl
DNA library 12 µl
Total 75 µl

Complete the flow cell priming:

  1. Gently lift the SpotON sample port cover to make the SpotON sample port accessible.
  2. Load 200 µl of the priming mix into the flow cell priming port (not the SpotON sample port), avoiding the introduction of air bubbles.

Flow Cell Loading Diagrams Step 5

Flow Cell Loading Diagrams Step 06 V5

Mix the prepared library gently by pipetting up and down just prior to loading.

Add 75 μl of the prepared library to the flow cell via the SpotON sample port in a dropwise fashion. Ensure each drop flows into the port before adding the next.

Flow Cell Loading Diagrams Step 07 V5

Gently replace the SpotON sample port cover, making sure the bung enters the SpotON port and close the priming port.

Step 8 update

Flow Cell Loading Diagrams Step 9

Install the light shield on your flow cell as soon as library has been loaded for optimal sequencing output.

We recommend leaving the light shield on the flow cell when library is loaded, including during any washing and reloading steps. The shield can be removed when the library has been removed from the flow cell.

Place the light shield onto the flow cell, as follows:

  1. Carefully place the leading edge of the light shield against the clip. Note: Do not force the light shield underneath the clip.

  2. Gently lower the light shield onto the flow cell. The light shield should sit around the SpotON cover, covering the entire top section of the flow cell.

J2264 - Light shield animation Flow Cell FAW optimised

The MinION Flow Cell Light Shield is not secured to the flow cell and careful handling is required after installation.

Close the device lid and set up a sequencing run on MinKNOW.

6. Unloading the Tecan DreamPrep NGS worktable

  • Low-lint scientific wipes (e.g. Kimberly-Clark™, cat # 7552 or equivalent)
  • Double distilled water (ddH2O) (e.g. ThermoFisher, cat # 11983084)
  • Freshly prepared ≥80% ethanol in nuclease-free or double distilled water, for cleaning
  • ~10% Bleach (or equivalent): Thermo Scientific Alfa Aesar Sodium hypochlorite, 11-15% available chlorine, (e.g. ThermoFisher, cat # 15429019)

Please ensure you have removed the plate containing your eluted sample libraries and stored it appropriately before unloading the rest of the worktable.

Empty the tip waste container.

Dispose of the used tips in an appropriate container.

Remove all the remaining plates from the worktable and hotel sites, and discard accordingly.

Remove the disposable 25 ml and 100 ml troughs from the trough mounting sites, and discard accordingly.

Note: Take care not to spill any residual liquid waste when removing from the worktable.

Remove the Sarstedt tubes from the 5-tube holder and POGO tube holder, and discard accordingly.

Clean the Bio-Rad™ Arched Auto-Sealing Lid:

  • Wipe the lid with 10% bleach
  • Thoroughly rinse the bleach off the lid using ≥80% ethanol or double distilled water (ddH2O) and lint-free wipes
  • Allow the lid to air dry

Remove and/or restock the tip boxes on the worktable:

  • Remove all Flexible Channel Arm (FCA) hanging tip trays from the FCA standard tip carriers, and discard accordingly.
  • Remove all empty MultiChannel Arm (MCA) tip boxes from the worktable and discard accordingly.
  • For partially used tip boxes, consider restacking the box with the appropriate tips for the next run.

Note: The MultiChannel Arm (MCA) tip boxes must be fully stacked. Failure to fully stack the MCA tip boxes can result in run error.

In cases where spillage has occurred during the automated library preparation, wipe the worktable surface using ≥80% ethanol.

Conclude all open dialogues on the TouchTools screen.

7. Data acquisition and basecalling

How to start sequencing

Once you have loaded your flow cell, the sequencing run can be started on MinKNOW, our sequencing software that controls the device, data acquisition and real-time basecalling. For more detailed information on setting up and using MinKNOW, please see the MinKNOW protocol.

MinKNOW can be used and set up to sequence in multiple ways:

  • On a computer either directly or remotely connected to a sequencing device.
  • Directly on a GridION or PromethION 24/48 sequencing device.

For more information on using MinKNOW on a sequencing device, please see the device user manuals:

To start a sequencing run on MinKNOW:

1. Navigate to the start page and click Start sequencing.

2. Fill in your experiment details, such as name and flow cell position and sample ID.

3. Select the sequencing kit used in the library preparation on the Kit page.

4. Configure the sequencing and output parameters for your sequencing run or keep to the default settings on the Run configuration tab.

Note: If basecalling was turned off when a sequencing run was set up, basecalling can be performed post-run on MinKNOW. For more information, please see the MinKNOW protocol.

5. Click Start to initiate the sequencing run.

Data analysis after sequencing

After sequencing has completed on MinKNOW, the flow cell can be reused or returned, as outlined in the Flow cell reuse and returns section.

After sequencing and basecalling, the data can be analysed. For further information about options for basecalling and post-basecalling analysis, please refer to the Data Analysis document.

In the Downstream analysis section, we outline further options for analysing your data.

8. Flow cell reuse and returns

  • Flow Cell Wash Kit (EXP-WSH004)

After your sequencing experiment is complete, if you would like to reuse the flow cell, please follow the Flow Cell Wash Kit protocol and store the washed flow cell at +2°C to +8°C.

The Flow Cell Wash Kit protocol is available on the Nanopore Community.

Alternatively, follow the returns procedure to send the flow cell back to Oxford Nanopore.

Instructions for returning flow cells can be found here.

If you encounter issues or have questions about your sequencing experiment, please refer to the Troubleshooting Guide that can be found in the online version of this protocol.

9. Downstream analysis

Post-basecalling analysis

There are several options for further analysing your basecalled data:

1. EPI2ME workflows

For in-depth data analysis, Oxford Nanopore Technologies offers a range of bioinformatics tutorials and workflows available in EPI2ME, which are available in the EPI2ME section of the Community. The platform provides a vehicle where workflows deposited in GitHub by our Research and Applications teams can be showcased with descriptive texts, functional bioinformatics code and example data.

2. Research analysis tools

Oxford Nanopore Technologies' Research division has created a number of analysis tools, that are available in the Oxford Nanopore GitHub repository. The tools are aimed at advanced users, and contain instructions for how to install and run the software. They are provided as-is, with minimal support.

3. Community-developed analysis tools

If a data analysis method for your research question is not provided in any of the resources above, please refer to the resource centre and search for bioinformatics tools for your application. Numerous members of the Nanopore Community have developed their own tools and pipelines for analysing nanopore sequencing data, most of which are available on GitHub. Please be aware that these tools are not supported by Oxford Nanopore Technologies, and are not guaranteed to be compatible with the latest chemistry/software configuration.

10. Issues during automation of library preparation

Please contact your local Tecan Helpdesk and/or Nanopore FAS if you have any issues.

Your Tecan Helpdesk can be located via the following link:

11. Issues during the sequencing run for Kit 14

Below is a list of the most commonly encountered issues, with some suggested causes and solutions.

We also have an FAQ section available on the Nanopore Community Support section.

If you have tried our suggested solutions and the issue still persists, please contact Technical Support via email ( or via LiveChat in the Nanopore Community.

Fewer pores at the start of sequencing than after Flow Cell Check

Observation Possible cause Comments and actions
MinKNOW reported a lower number of pores at the start of sequencing than the number reported by the Flow Cell Check An air bubble was introduced into the nanopore array After the Flow Cell Check it is essential to remove any air bubbles near the priming port before priming the flow cell. If not removed, the air bubble can travel to the nanopore array and irreversibly damage the nanopores that have been exposed to air. The best practice to prevent this from happening is demonstrated in this video.
MinKNOW reported a lower number of pores at the start of sequencing than the number reported by the Flow Cell Check The flow cell is not correctly inserted into the device Stop the sequencing run, remove the flow cell from the sequencing device and insert it again, checking that the flow cell is firmly seated in the device and that it has reached the target temperature. If applicable, try a different position on the device (GridION/PromethION).
MinKNOW reported a lower number of pores at the start of sequencing than the number reported by the Flow Cell Check Contaminations in the library damaged or blocked the pores The pore count during the Flow Cell Check is performed using the QC DNA molecules present in the flow cell storage buffer. At the start of sequencing, the library itself is used to estimate the number of active pores. Because of this, variability of about 10% in the number of pores is expected. A significantly lower pore count reported at the start of sequencing can be due to contaminants in the library that have damaged the membranes or blocked the pores. Alternative DNA/RNA extraction or purification methods may be needed to improve the purity of the input material. The effects of contaminants are shown in the Contaminants Know-how piece. Please try an alternative extraction method that does not result in contaminant carryover.

MinKNOW script failed

Observation Possible cause Comments and actions
MinKNOW shows "Script failed"
Restart the computer and then restart MinKNOW. If the issue persists, please collect the MinKNOW log files and contact Technical Support. If you do not have another sequencing device available, we recommend storing the flow cell and the loaded library at 4°C and contact Technical Support for further storage guidance.

Pore occupancy below 40%

Observation Possible cause Comments and actions
Pore occupancy <40% Not enough library was loaded on the flow cell 10–20 fmol of good quality library can be loaded on to a MinION/GridION flow cell. Please quantify the library before loading and calculate mols using tools like the Promega Biomath Calculator, choosing "dsDNA: µg to pmol"
Pore occupancy close to 0 The Native Barcoding Kit was used, and ethanol was used instead of LFB or SFB at the wash step after sequencing adapter ligation Ethanol can denature the motor protein on the sequencing adapters. Make sure the LFB or SFB buffer was used after ligation of sequencing adapters.
Pore occupancy close to 0 No tether on the flow cell Tethers are adding during flow cell priming (FCT tube). Make sure FCT was added to FCF before priming.

Shorter than expected read length

Observation Possible cause Comments and actions
Shorter than expected read length Unwanted fragmentation of DNA sample Read length reflects input DNA fragment length. Input DNA can be fragmented during extraction and library prep.

1. Please review the Extraction Methods in the Nanopore Community for best practice for extraction.

2. Visualise the input DNA fragment length distribution on an agarose gel before proceeding to the library prep. DNA gel2 In the image above, Sample 1 is of high molecular weight, whereas Sample 2 has been fragmented.

3. During library prep, avoid pipetting and vortexing when mixing reagents. Flicking or inverting the tube is sufficient.

Large proportion of unavailable pores

Observation Possible cause Comments and actions
Large proportion of unavailable pores (shown as blue in the channels panel and pore activity plot)

image2022-3-25 10-43-25 The pore activity plot above shows an increasing proportion of "unavailable" pores over time.
Contaminants are present in the sample Some contaminants can be cleared from the pores by the unblocking function built into MinKNOW. If this is successful, the pore status will change to "sequencing pore". If the portion of unavailable pores stays large or increases:

1. A nuclease flush using the Flow Cell Wash Kit (EXP-WSH004) can be performed, or
2. Run several cycles of PCR to try and dilute any contaminants that may be causing problems.

Large proportion of inactive pores

Observation Possible cause Comments and actions
Large proportion of inactive/unavailable pores (shown as light blue in the channels panel and pore activity plot. Pores or membranes are irreversibly damaged) Air bubbles have been introduced into the flow cell Air bubbles introduced through flow cell priming and library loading can irreversibly damage the pores. Watch the Priming and loading your flow cell video for best practice
Large proportion of inactive/unavailable pores Certain compounds co-purified with DNA Known compounds, include polysaccharides, typically associate with plant genomic DNA.

1. Please refer to the Plant leaf DNA extraction method.
2. Clean-up using the QIAGEN PowerClean Pro kit.
3. Perform a whole genome amplification with the original gDNA sample using the QIAGEN REPLI-g kit.
Large proportion of inactive/unavailable pores Contaminants are present in the sample The effects of contaminants are shown in the Contaminants Know-how piece. Please try an alternative extraction method that does not result in contaminant carryover.

Reduction in sequencing speed and q-score later into the run

Observation Possible cause Comments and actions
Reduction in sequencing speed and q-score later into the run Fast fuel consumption is typically seen in Kit 9 chemistry (e.g. SQK-LSK109) when the flow cell is overloaded with library. Please see the appropriate protocol for your DNA library to find the recommendation. Add more fuel to the flow cell by following the instructions in the MinKNOW protocol. In future experiments, load lower amounts of library to the flow cell.

Temperature fluctuation

Observation Possible cause Comments and actions
Temperature fluctuation The flow cell has lost contact with the device Check that there is a heat pad covering the metal plate on the back of the flow cell. Re-insert the flow cell and press it down to make sure the connector pins are firmly in contact with the device. If the problem persists, please contact Technical Services.

Failed to reach target temperature

Observation Possible cause Comments and actions
MinKNOW shows "Failed to reach target temperature" The instrument was placed in a location that is colder than normal room temperature, or a location with poor ventilation (which leads to the flow cells overheating) MinKNOW has a default timeframe for the flow cell to reach the target temperature. Once the timeframe is exceeded, an error message will appear and the sequencing experiment will continue. However, sequencing at an incorrect temperature may lead to a decrease in throughput and lower q-scores. Please adjust the location of the sequencing device to ensure that it is placed at room temperature with good ventilation, then re-start the process in MinKNOW. Please refer to this link for more information on MinION temperature control.

12. This protocol is for Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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Tecan and DreamPrep are registered trademarks of Tecan Group Ltd., Männedorf, Switzerland. Flexible Channel Arm and MultiChannel Arm are trademarks of Tecan Group Ltd., Männedorf, Switzerland.

Tecan Group Ltd. makes every effort to include accurate and up-to-date information within this publication; however, it is possible that omissions or errors might have occurred. Tecan Group Ltd. cannot, therefore, make any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided in this publication. Changes in this publication can be made at any time without notice.

For technical details and detailed procedures of the specifications provided in this document please contact your Tecan representative.

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Last updated: 3/19/2025

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