PromethION 2 Integrated user manual


This guide will help you install, check and configure your PromethION 2 Integrated.

For Research Use Only.

Document version: P2I_9202_v1_revC_08Dec2023

1. Device information

The PromethION 2 Integrated

The PromethION 2 (P2i) is a benchtop device that runs up to two PromethION Flow Cells. Each flow cell is independently addressable, meaning that you can run experiments concurrently or individually. The P2i is a standalone product that includes enterprise-grade compute that performs all data acquisition and basecalling on the device.

The device has an integrated screen for interacting with the sequencing software, MinKNOW. This allows you to start, stop, and monitor sequencing runs as well as access other analysis features in MinKNOW. The device also has connectivity on the rear to plug in an external display, which enables access to the Ubuntu operating system/desktop and to the analysis software, EPI2ME.

Medium Resolution jpg-P2 Front Square Elevated Screen Down Lid Up 2 white

Technical specification

Component Specification
Size and weight 180 mm x 225 mm x 430 mm, 10.6 kg
Mains supply voltage 100-240 VAC (50/60 Hz)
Peak power consumption 750 W
Storage 15 TB SSD
Memory 64 GB DDR4
CPU/GPU 1x Intel Core i7 (12-core/20-threads)
1x NVIDIA Ampere-series GPU
Operating system Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Software installed MinKNOW
Environmental conditions Designed to sequence at +18ºC to +25ºC*

*Functional range of electronics +5ºC to +40ºC

2. What's in the box

PromethION 2 Integrated packaging

IMG 6526

What's in the box - PromethION 2 Integrated

  • 1x PromethION 2 Integrated
  • 5x C13 power cables (1x US, 1x UK, 1x EU, 1x CN, 1x AUS) for international use
  • 2x Configuration Test Cells (CTCs)

Status dots There are two coloured dots on the integrated display of the device to indicate the flow cell status: A and B, one for each flow cell position. They display the following patterns:

  • Status dots are solid white: Device ready, no flow cells inserted.
  • Status dots are solid blue: Flow cells inserted.
  • Status dots pulse green: Script is running/data acquisition in progress (this includes the hardware check and flow cell check).
  • Status dots solid red: Run finished with error. Contact Support if you see this pattern.
  • Status dots are solid blue: Script ended successfully.

3. Installing and powering on the device

Recommended laboratory location

  • Place the device on a strong, clean laboratory bench.
  • Allow at least 30 cm clearance all around the device to ensure the sequencing temperature is stable throughout your sequencing run, resulting in the highest quality data.
  • Do not cover any ventilation grilles.
  • Carry out sequencing at a room temperature of +18°C to +22°C.
  • Ensure that the Ethernet (RJ45) and mains power sockets are in close proximity.
  • Ensure that the power socket is easily accessible should you need to disconnect the device in case of an emergency.

Preparing for installation

Before you install the device, make sure you have the following:

  • 1x Ethernet cable (cat 5e or greater for max 2.5 Gbps speeds)
  • Network access providing:
    • IP address through DHCP
    • Outbound-only access to the internet over port 443
    • Firewall permissions for access to AWS eu-west-1 IP ranges listed here, in addition to: and

Note: If you are using an optional external display for accessing the Ubuntu desktop or EPI2ME, plug in the monitor, keyboard, and mouse, and power on the monitor before switching on the P2i. If you only use the integrated screen, do not plug in the keyboard and mouse as this will cause the device to boot incorrectly.

  • 1x monitor (HDMI/DisplayPort compatible)
  • 1x appropriate monitor cable
  • 1x USB connected keyboard
  • 1x USB connected mouse

Optional: Uninterruptable power supply (UPS) to provide temporary power during an outage. The P2i has not been validated against any model of UPS.

Unpack the PromethION 2 Integrated device and place it on the bench where it is to be run.

Ensure there are no flow cells or CTCs inserted into the device.

Attach the cables and peripherals to the ports shown in the diagram in the order described in the following steps.

For first time installation, we recommend using an external monitor (HDMI/DisplayPort compatible), keyboard, and mouse. To be recognised correctly, connect the peripherals before switching on the device. Continued use of the device does not require the monitor, keyboard and mouse, and they can be unplugged if not required.

P2i connections2

Connect the external monitor to the HDMI port or Display Port (DP). Only one external monitor is supported.

Connect a mouse and keyboard to the inner-most USB Type A ports.

Plug the Ethernet cable into the Ethernet port.

Plug the P2i AC power adapter into a wall socket and the plug the power cable into the P2i.

Press the power switch up or down to turn on the device.

You will see the MinKNOW software appear on the screen.






Okta 2 email address login page

Okta 3 password page external users

如您在登录时遇到问题,请通过我们的纳米孔微信公众号(NanoporeSupport)或社区支持通道( 联系我们的客服。与此同时,您可点击 Continue as guest ,以访客身份暂时使用MinKNOW。

在“Connection Manager”(连接管理器)下选择连接至计算机上的测序仪。


进入“Sequencing Overview”(测序概览)页面。

P2 laptop start

Update MinKNOW

All Oxford Nanopore devices use MinKNOW™ as the primary software. The MinKNOW software carries out several core tasks: data acquisition, real-time analysis and feedback, basecalling, data streaming, controlling the device, and ensuring that the platform chemistry is performing correctly to run the samples. MinKNOW takes the raw data and converts it into reads by recognition of the distinctive change in current that occurs when a DNA strand enters and leaves the pore. MinKNOW then basecalls the reads, and writes out the data into POD5, FAST5 or FASTQ files.

Please update MinKNOW to the latest version when setting up your P2i device for the first time using the instructions in Updating the software via the UI.

4. Network settings and connection

Networking requirements

The P2i supports a maximum transfer speed of 2.5 Gbps using the rear Ethernet port. This connection is used to connect to the local infrastructure. The P2i does not support Wi-Fi.

The Ethernet connection will be used for:

  • Sending telemetry* information to Oxford Nanopore Technologies
  • Receiving software and firmware updates to the device
  • Streaming biological sequence data to your local storage infrastructure

To connect the P2i into the local infrastructure, you need to provide all the appropriate cables.

*Telemetry contains metadata about the settings and conditions of a sequencing run. Nothing specific about the genomic content of individual reads is included - only generic information is logged, such as sequence length and q-score.

Configuring your network

If you want to connect your P2i to a single network, you can use the MinKNOW user interface.

Note: You will need to use an external monitor to configure the network via the Terminal. Plug in and power on the monitor before switching on the P2i. If you plug in the monitor while the P2i is powered on, the device will not recognise the monitor.

To configure your P2i to connect to multiple networks, open a Terminal window and enter:


To see help options, run:

sudo /opt/ont/mooneye/bin/ont-mooneye-configure-lan -h

Validate the IP address

You can use the command:

sudo /opt/ont/mooneye/bin/ont-mooneye-configure-lan -v -s

to validate that the IP address has been set correctly using a static or DHCP address.

5. Changing the default password and hostname

导航至“Host Settings”(测序设备设置)下的“Device Settings”(仪器设置)板块。

Click Reset password in the System box.

Reset password

在“Change Password”(更改密码)对话框中,输入您当前使用的密码,然后输入新密码。

Password change dialogue

点击“Reset Password”(重置密码),确认密码变更。

(Advanced) Changing the default hostname

Note: You will need to use an external monitor to update the hostname via the Terminal. Plug in and power on the monitor before switching on the P2i. If you plug in the monitor while the P2i is powered on, the device will not recognise the monitor.

If you need to update the hostname of the device, run the following command and replace the <new_hostname> portion with your desired hostname (omitting the angle bracket characters <>):

sudo -S hostnamectl set-hostname <new_hostname>

Power cycle the device by shutting down with the following command, then press the physical power button to turn the device back on:

sudo shutdown -h now

6. (Advanced) Updating the timezone and setting a local NTP server

To update the timezone:

(Advanced) If you are unable to update the date and time using the UI, please use the command below with an external monitor and keyboard:


To set a local NTP server:

To set the the NTP server to e.g. "", enter the following command:

sudo /opt/ont/mooneye/bin/ont-mooneye-time-source -a -v

To verify that the time server is set:

sudo /opt/ont/mooneye/bin/ont-mooneye-time-source -v -s

For more detailed sync information, enter:

sudo timedatectl timesync-status

7. Hardware check




Load the two PromethION Configuration Test Cells (CTCs) into the flow cell positions.

The two status indicator dots on the P2i integrated display will turn blue when a CTC or flow cell is correctly inserted and recognised.

Close the device lid once the CTCs are loaded.



  1. 将测序芯片平放在金属板上。

  2. 将测序芯片推入对接端口,直至金色引脚或绿色电路板不可见,且您听到咔哒声。

打开主页(Start),选择“Hardware Check”(硬件检测)。

Hardware check 1

Select one or more of the PromethION positions and click Start to begin the checks.

Hardware check1

You will be automatically navigated to the Sequencing Overview page.

A loading bar will be displayed under the CTC during the checks.

Hardware check2


The hardware check will complete after approximately one minute.

Hardware check pass is indicated by a green check icon and a pop-up saying "Hardware check passed".

Hardware check3

A fail is indicated by an orange check icon.

If the hardware check fails, remove and reinsert the CTC and run a hardware check again. If the check fails for a second time, please contact Technical Support via email ( or via LiveChat in the Nanopore Community.



当测序设备处于关闭状态时,请勿将配置测试芯片滞留在PromethION测序芯片槽中。请仅在测序设备处于开启状态且需要进行 硬件检测 时插入配置测试芯片。


8. Flow cell check

  • PromethION 测序芯片
  • PromethION 2 Integrated


在DNA/RNA文库上样前,请务必对测序芯片的活性纳米孔数进行质检。质检需在您收到测序芯片三个月之内进行。Oxford Nanopore Technologies会对活性孔数量少于以下标准的芯片进行替换** :

测序芯片 芯片上的活性孔数确保不少于
Flongle 测序芯片 (FLO-FLG001) 50
MinION/GridION 测序芯片 800
PromethION 测序芯片 5000

** 请注意:自收到之日起,芯片须一直贮存于Oxford Nanopore Technologies推荐的条件下。且质检结果须在质检后的两天内递交给我们。






将两张 PromethION 测序芯片滑入设备的测序芯片槽,并小心确保芯片底部的深灰色加热垫不被撕裂或变形。用力下压芯片,直到听到咔哒声。

导航至“Start”(开始)页面,点击“Flow Cell Check”,打开测序芯片质检页面。

Flow cell check

When you see the flow cell type and flow cell IDs recognised, click Start to begin.

Flow cell check1

随即进入“Sequencing Overview”(测序概览)页面。

flow cell check


测序概览(Sequencing Overview)页面会显示测序芯片的质量。质量分为三个等级:

  1. 黄色感叹号(图中Flongle测序芯片): 活性测序孔数量低于质保范围。将芯片从测序设备中取出后重新插入,并运行测序芯片质检。如果测序芯片活性孔数仍然低于质保范围,请您发邮件至

  2. 绿色对勾(图中MinION 测序芯片): 活性测序孔数量在质保范围之上。

  3. 问号(图中PromethION 测序芯片): 测序芯片在本次MinKNOW使用期间还未经过质检。

Flow cell check icon all devices

请注意: 芯片质量指示框仅在当次MinKNOW使用期间可见。一旦该次使用结束,测序芯片的状态将被清除。

9. 测序并监测实验


测序前,您需备好经过纯化的DNA或RNA样本并完成建库。有关样本制备的更多信息, 请参阅纳米孔社区 “Documentation” 栏目的 Prepare 部分。


10. Data management

文件管理器(File Manager)

用户可通过测序设备设置(Host Settings)下的文件管理器页面管理和传输数据。


  • __Internal__(内置存储)标签页:数据存储于MinKNOW所连接的测序仪中(MinIONMk1C、GridION、PromethION)
  • __Removable__(可移动存储)标签页:数据存储于MinKNOW所连接的可移动存储设备中,如USB移动硬盘
  • __Network__(网络存储)标签页:数据存储于MinKNOW所连接的预挂载的网络驱动器上。

HS 6







请先选定待移动或删除的文件,再点击 “Move”(移动)或“Delete”(删除)。





To check available storage:

Data generated from sequencing experiments is stored within the ~14 TB "/data" partition of the P2i system.

To view how much storage is available, click on Host settings, then Device settings. The Disk Management window below is an example of a P2i with 3.1 TB of remaining storage.

Check storage


导航至“Device settings”(仪器设置),将“Share”(共享)切换至开。




点击“Set Password”(设置密码)。几秒钟后,共享切换按钮即被激活。


image (26)

请注意 上图是在GridION上共享数据的示例。如在MinION或PromethION测序仪上共享数据,则按钮上的文本会相应替换为“Min”或“Prom”。



请注意: 如再次打开共享,用户之前所设密码会被删除,须要重置。

点击界面上的“New Directory”(新的目录)图标即可创建新目录。

如下图所示,点击标签页右下方红框内的图标,打开“Create New Directory”(新建目录)对话框并键入目录名称。然后点击 __Create__(创建)。


Data transfer and long-term storage

If your P2i runs out of storage during a sequencing run, your experiment will prematurely terminate. Therefore, before beginning an experiment, ensure that you have at least 2 TB of storage per flow cell.

For data transfer and long-term storage, we recommend using a remote server or network-attached storage (NAS). These typically offer a choice of NFS, SMB, or CIFS shares. We recommend using NFS mounts due to the supported Linux user and group permissions. For Windows workstations, use SMB. For Mac OS use either SMB or NFS. To stream data to storage in real-time, a SSD is required due to its high write speed compared to HDD. After initial writing to networked SSD drives, you can move the data to storage with a slower write speed for long-term storage.

The form and volume of data to be stored will depend on your requirements and whether you wish to basecall your sequencing data in the future when more advanced basecalling algorithms are available:

Storing .pod5 or .fast5 with raw read data in will permit re-basecalling of data when new algorithms are released by Oxford Nanopore Technologies. In such cases, new releases of basecallers have enabled significant improvements in basecalling accuracy of existing datasets through re-basecalling. Further, selected Oxford Nanopore and third-party tools use the raw signal information contained within the .fast5 to extract additional information from the raw signal, e.g. calling modified bases, reference-guided SNP calling, or polishing of data.

Retaining only FASTQ files will allow use of standard downstream analysis tools using the DNA/RNA sequence, but no further sequence data can be generated when improvements in basecalling become available.

Oxford Nanopore is unable to provide exact recommendations for storage, as these will be site-specific.

To mount a network drive:

Click on Host settings, then Device settings.

Under Disk management, click Add network drive.

Data manegement1

Choose between SMB and NFS, enter the network details, and click Mount SMB/Mount NFS.

Data manegement2

To remove the network drive, click Unmount.

Data manegement3

11. Shutting down


We do NOT recommend powering down the device via the Terminal.

Using the command below may cause connectivity issues with the sequencing device when the device is restarted.

sudo shutdown -r


Ensure the device is not performing any tasks and remove any flow cells or Configuration Test Cells from the flow cell positions (if present).

If using an external monitor: click the top right power icon, then Shut down in the pop-up window.

If using the integrated display: on the left hand side navigation pane, click on Host Settings, then Device Settings. In the System section, click Shut down.

P2i shutdown

Wait for ~20 seconds until the device powers off and the front and rear fans stop spinning.

If you are unable to power off the device, hold down the toggle switch at the rear for approximately eight seconds to force a hard shutdown.

12. Updating the software via the Terminal


You will need to use an external monitor to update via the Terminal. Plug in and power on the monitor before switching on the P2i. If you plug in the monitor while the P2i is powered on, the device will not recognise the monitor.

Open a terminal window by searching for ‘terminal’ and pressing Enter.

Type or paste the following commands into the terminal and press enter:

sudo apt clean 
sudo apt update 
sudo apt install ont-p2-release

Switch off the device through the user interface on the Ubuntu desktop. Once the device has powered off and the fans have stopped spinning (after ~20 seconds), turn the device back on again with the toggle switch.

13. Troubleshooting

On the Help page of host settings, troubleshooting options are available.

Our device FAQs are located here.

To export logs:

  • Click Export in the Export Logs section.

When you have successfully exported the logs, you will be notified of where they are located below the button. The logs will be downloaded as a TGZ file in the logs directory.

You can change the location of the logs by using the file manager, where you can easily retrieve them without needing SSH:

  • Click on the file next to Logs exported to: in the Export Logs panel. This will open where the logs are located in the File Manager of MinKNOW.
  • Use the control panel in the lower right corner of the File Manager to move the log files.

export logs


在“帮助”(Help)页面的“清除文件”(Clean up files)部分选择清除(Clean up),并在弹出的对话框内确认。

请注意: 将清除日志及临时数据,实验数据不会被删除。

clean up


在“帮助”(Help)页面的“Troubleshooting”(故障排查)部分点击 Run repair(修复问题),并在弹出的对话框内确认。MinKNOW将尝试修复以下问题:

  • 确保“/data”下所需路径存在,且具有正确的所有权和权限。
  • 确保“/data”下所需文件的所有权和权限正确。
  • 确保GPU正以最高性能运行
  • 确保已禁用蓝牙

Screenshot 2023-01-24 125625

Last updated: 4/29/2024

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