Resource Centre
9 results
Workflow: tumour-normal sequencing
- Workflow
- Structural variation
- SNVs
- Epigenetics
- Methylation
- Cancer research
- Human genomics
- Whole genome
- PromethION
- Kits
- Sample prep
- Variant calling
August 4 2023
Workflow: single-cell transcriptomics
- Single cell
- Transcriptome
- PromethION
- Cancer research
- Clinical research
- cDNA
- Workflow
- Human genomics
- Splice variation
- Gene fusions
- Gene expression
- Kits
February 20 2024
Virtual Nanopore Day, Taipei
- Clinical research
- Microbiology
- Evolution
- Microbiome
- Metagenomics
- Kits
November 25 2020
Radiation tolerance of nanopore sequencing technology for life detection on Mars and Europa
- Environment
- MinION
- Portable
- Library prep
- gDNA
- Kits
March 29 2019
Workflow: plant genome assembly
- Workflow
- Plant
- Assembly
- PromethION
- Library prep
- Bioinformatics
- Kits
March 18 2022
London Calling 2024 technology update
- Adaptive sampling
- Assembly
- Automation
- Basecalling
- Bioinformatics
- Cancer research
- Chromatin conformation
- Data release
- Data storage
- Development
- Direct analysis
- Epigenetics
- Flongle
- Flow cell
- Gene expression
- Gene fusions
- GridION
- GridION Q
- High-throughput
- Human genomics
- Identification
- Immunology
- Industrial diagnostics
- Infectious disease
- Isoforms
- Kits
- London Calling
- Long-read
- Methylation
- Microbiology
- Microbiome
- MinION
- MinION Mk1B
- MinION Mk1D
- Nanopore Community
- Oncology
- Outbreak
- Phasing
- Plasmid
- Portable
- PromethION
- PromethION 2 Integrated
- Q20+
- Q-Line
- Real-time
- Short-read
- SNVs
- Splice variation
- Structural variation
- TurBOT
- 16S
May 24 2024
Comparison of long read sequencing technologies in interrogating bacteria and fly genomes
- Long-read
- Microbiology
- Methylation
- MinION
- gDNA
- Kits
- Assembly
- Animal
March 26 2021
Application note: automated library prep with DreamPrep
- Scalable
- High-throughput
- Library prep
- Kits
- Whole genome
- Cancer research
February 23 2023