Rapid Sequencing Kit V14 - gDNA (SQK-RAD114)

DateVersion numberLanguageDeviceChanges
Mar 20 2024RSE_9177_v114_revM_16Nov2022EnglishFlongle
20th March 2024 - Updated Priming and loading the PromethION Flow Cell page to correct table making up DNA library to loading (no longer use EB as not available in RAD114 kit, now uses Nuclease-free water)
Mar 20 2024RSE_9177_v114_revM_16Nov2022EnglishGridION
20th March 2024 - Updated Priming and loading the PromethION Flow Cell page to correct table making up DNA library to loading (no longer use EB as not available in RAD114 kit, now uses Nuclease-free water)
Mar 20 2024RSE_9177_v114_revM_16Nov2022EnglishMinION
20th March 2024 - Updated Priming and loading the PromethION Flow Cell page to correct table making up DNA library to loading (no longer use EB as not available in RAD114 kit, now uses Nuclease-free water)
Mar 20 2024RSE_9177_v114_revM_16Nov2022EnglishPromethION
20th March 2024 - Updated Priming and loading the PromethION Flow Cell page to correct table making up DNA library to loading (no longer use EB as not available in RAD114 kit, now uses Nuclease-free water)
Mar 20 2024RSE_9177_v114_revM_16Nov2022EspañolFlongle
20th March 2024 - Updated Priming and loading the PromethION Flow Cell page to correct table making up DNA library to loading (no longer use EB as not available in RAD114 kit, now uses Nuclease-free water)
Mar 20 2024RSE_9177_v114_revM_16Nov2022EspañolGridION
20th March 2024 - Updated Priming and loading the PromethION Flow Cell page to correct table making up DNA library to loading (no longer use EB as not available in RAD114 kit, now uses Nuclease-free water)
Mar 20 2024RSE_9177_v114_revM_16Nov2022EspañolMinION
20th March 2024 - Updated Priming and loading the PromethION Flow Cell page to correct table making up DNA library to loading (no longer use EB as not available in RAD114 kit, now uses Nuclease-free water)
Mar 20 2024RSE_9177_v114_revM_16Nov2022EspañolPromethION
20th March 2024 - Updated Priming and loading the PromethION Flow Cell page to correct table making up DNA library to loading (no longer use EB as not available in RAD114 kit, now uses Nuclease-free water)
December 8th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revK_16Nov2022EnglishFlongle Download 19th September 2023 - Updated flow cell loading instructions to include light shield installation
December 8th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revK_16Nov2022EnglishGridion Download 19th September 2023 - Updated flow cell loading instructions to include light shield installation
December 8th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revK_16Nov2022EnglishMinion Download 19th September 2023 - Updated flow cell loading instructions to include light shield installation
December 8th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revK_16Nov2022EnglishPromethion Download 19th September 2023 - Updated flow cell loading instructions to include light shield installation
September 19th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revJ_16Nov2022EnglishPromethion Download 14th September 2023 - Updated the kit contents image in the Equipment and consumables page. - Flow cell priming mix instructions have been updated to include single-use tube and bottle formats.
September 19th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revJ_16Nov2022EnglishFlongle Download 14th September 2023 - Updated the kit contents image in the Equipment and consumables page. - Flow cell priming mix instructions have been updated to include single-use tube and bottle formats.
September 19th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revJ_16Nov2022EnglishGridion Download 14th September 2023 - Updated the kit contents image in the Equipment and consumables page. - Flow cell priming mix instructions have been updated to include single-use tube and bottle formats.
September 19th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revJ_16Nov2022EnglishMinion Download 14th September 2023 - Updated the kit contents image in the Equipment and consumables page. - Flow cell priming mix instructions have been updated to include single-use tube and bottle formats.
September 14th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revI_16Nov2022EnglishPromethion Download 06July2023: - Minor formatting and wording updates to the "Priming and loading the SpotON flow cell" section of the protocol. - Minor formatting and wording updates to the "Ending the experiment" section of the protocol.
September 14th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revI_16Nov2022EnglishFlongle Download 06July2023: - Minor formatting and wording updates to the "Priming and loading the SpotON flow cell" section of the protocol. - Minor formatting and wording updates to the "Ending the experiment" section of the protocol.
September 14th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revI_16Nov2022EnglishGridion Download 06July2023: - Minor formatting and wording updates to the "Priming and loading the SpotON flow cell" section of the protocol. - Minor formatting and wording updates to the "Ending the experiment" section of the protocol.
September 14th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revI_16Nov2022EnglishMinion Download 06July2023: - Minor formatting and wording updates to the "Priming and loading the SpotON flow cell" section of the protocol. - Minor formatting and wording updates to the "Ending the experiment" section of the protocol.
May 4th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revH_16Nov2022EnglishPromethion Download 4th May 2023 - Updated the volume required to prepare the DNA in nuclease-free to for Flongle
May 4th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revH_16Nov2022EnglishFlongle Download 4th May 2023 - Updated the volume required to prepare the DNA in nuclease-free to for Flongle
May 4th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revH_16Nov2022EnglishGridion Download 4th May 2023 - Updated the volume required to prepare the DNA in nuclease-free to for Flongle
May 4th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revH_16Nov2022EnglishMinion Download 4th May 2023 - Updated the volume required to prepare the DNA in nuclease-free to for Flongle
April 28th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revG_16Nov2022EnglishPromethion Download 24th April 2023 - Updated the volume of tagmented DNA going into the addition of Rapid Adapter in the Flongle branch for correct adapter-sample ratio.
April 28th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revG_16Nov2022EnglishFlongle Download 24th April 2023 - Updated the volume of tagmented DNA going into the addition of Rapid Adapter in the Flongle branch for correct adapter-sample ratio.
April 28th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revG_16Nov2022EnglishGridion Download 24th April 2023 - Updated the volume of tagmented DNA going into the addition of Rapid Adapter in the Flongle branch for correct adapter-sample ratio.
April 28th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revG_16Nov2022EnglishMinion Download 24th April 2023 - Updated the volume of tagmented DNA going into the addition of Rapid Adapter in the Flongle branch for correct adapter-sample ratio.
April 24th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revF_16Nov2022EnglishPromethion Download April 2023 - Added flow cell priming mix volumes to the "Priming and loading" steps
April 24th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revF_16Nov2022EnglishFlongle Download April 2023 - Added flow cell priming mix volumes to the "Priming and loading" steps
April 24th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revF_16Nov2022EnglishGridion Download April 2023 - Added flow cell priming mix volumes to the "Priming and loading" steps
April 24th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revF_16Nov2022EnglishMinion Download April 2023 - Added flow cell priming mix volumes to the "Priming and loading" steps
March 31st, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revE_16Nov2022EnglishPromethion Download March 2023 - Updated Flongle flow cell compatibility
March 31st, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revE_16Nov2022EnglishFlongle Download March 2023 - Updated Flongle flow cell compatibility
March 31st, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revE_16Nov2022EnglishGridion Download March 2023 - Updated Flongle flow cell compatibility
March 31st, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revE_16Nov2022EnglishMinion Download March 2023 - Updated Flongle flow cell compatibility
January 11th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revD_16Nov2022EnglishPromethion Download January 2023 - Updated Flongle compatibility link
January 11th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revD_16Nov2022EnglishFlongle Download January 2023 - Updated Flongle compatibility link
January 11th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revD_16Nov2022EnglishGridion Download January 2023 - Updated Flongle compatibility link
January 11th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revD_16Nov2022EnglishMinion Download January 2023 - Updated Flongle compatibility link
January 6th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revC_16Nov2022EnglishPromethion Download January 2023 - Changed the "Priming and loading the PrometION flow cell" section to the updated version.
January 6th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revC_16Nov2022EnglishFlongle Download January 2023 - Changed the "Priming and loading the PrometION flow cell" section to the updated version.
January 6th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revC_16Nov2022EnglishGridion Download January 2023 - Changed the "Priming and loading the PrometION flow cell" section to the updated version.
January 6th, 2023RSE_9177_v114_revC_16Nov2022EnglishMinion Download January 2023 - Changed the "Priming and loading the PrometION flow cell" section to the updated version.
December 1st, 2022RSE_9177_v114_revB_16Nov2022EnglishPromethion Download November 2022 - Updated kit name to Flongle Sequencing Expansion (EXP-FSE002)
December 1st, 2022RSE_9177_v114_revB_16Nov2022EnglishFlongle Download November 2022 - Updated kit name to Flongle Sequencing Expansion (EXP-FSE002)
December 1st, 2022RSE_9177_v114_revB_16Nov2022EnglishGridion Download November 2022 - Updated kit name to Flongle Sequencing Expansion (EXP-FSE002)
December 1st, 2022RSE_9177_v114_revB_16Nov2022EnglishMinion Download November 2022 - Updated kit name to Flongle Sequencing Expansion (EXP-FSE002)
November 16th, 2022RSE_9177_v114_revA_16Nov2022EnglishPromethion Download
November 16th, 2022RSE_9177_v114_revA_16Nov2022EnglishFlongle Download
November 16th, 2022RSE_9177_v114_revA_16Nov2022EnglishGridion Download
November 16th, 2022RSE_9177_v114_revA_16Nov2022EnglishMinion Download
November 16th, 2022RSE_9177_v114_revA_16Nov2012EnglishPromethion Download
November 16th, 2022RSE_9177_v114_revA_16Nov2012EnglishFlongle Download
November 16th, 2022RSE_9177_v114_revA_16Nov2012EnglishGridion Download
November 16th, 2022RSE_9177_v114_revA_16Nov2012EnglishMinion Download