Ligation sequencing gDNA - Cas9 enrichment (SQK-CS9109)

DateVersion numberLanguageDeviceChanges
Nov 1 2023CAS_9106_v109_revH_16Sep2020EnglishGridION
October 2023 - Updated product phase to 'Legacy'
Nov 1 2023CAS_9106_v109_revH_16Sep2020EnglishMinION
October 2023 - Updated product phase to 'Legacy'
September 19th, 2023CAS_9106_v109_revF_16Sep2020EnglishGridion Download July 2022 - Update the priming and loading the SpotON flow cells for both MinION and GridION with new diagrams.
September 19th, 2023CAS_9106_v109_revF_16Sep2020EnglishMinion Download July 2022 - Update the priming and loading the SpotON flow cells for both MinION and GridION with new diagrams.
April 14th, 2022CAS_9106_v109_revE_16Sep2020EnglishGridion Download 14th April 2022 Protocol name change
April 14th, 2022CAS_9106_v109_revE_16Sep2020EnglishMinion Download 14th April 2022 Protocol name change
April 14th, 2022CAS_9106_v109_revE_16Sep2020EnglishAny Download 14th April 2022 Protocol name change
September 13th, 2021CAS_9106_v109_revD_16Sep2020EnglishGridion Download 13th Sept 2021 - Added table of contents in the Equipments and Consumables section.
September 13th, 2021CAS_9106_v109_revD_16Sep2020EnglishMinion Download 13th Sept 2021 - Added table of contents in the Equipments and Consumables section.
January 20th, 2021CAS_9106_v109_revC_16Sep2020EnglishGridion Download 9th Dec Compatibilities updated for EXP-WSH004
January 20th, 2021CAS_9106_v109_revC_16Sep2020EnglishMinion Download 9th Dec Compatibilities updated for EXP-WSH004
December 3rd, 2020CAS_9106_v109_revB_16Sep2020EnglishGridion Download 3rd Dec 2020 Updated the "Notes on multiple crRNAs" in the Preparing the Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complexes (RNPs) step to say: If you have validated a set of crRNA probes that are always run together, we recommend pooling all crRNA probes and then aliquoting that pool and freezing each aliquot at -80°C. Each time you run a Cas9 experiment and need to make an RNP complex, take out a crRNA pool aliquot and combine with the tracrRNA.
December 3rd, 2020CAS_9106_v109_revB_16Sep2020EnglishMinion Download 3rd Dec 2020 Updated the "Notes on multiple crRNAs" in the Preparing the Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complexes (RNPs) step to say: If you have validated a set of crRNA probes that are always run together, we recommend pooling all crRNA probes and then aliquoting that pool and freezing each aliquot at -80°C. Each time you run a Cas9 experiment and need to make an RNP complex, take out a crRNA pool aliquot and combine with the tracrRNA.
September 16th, 2020CAS_9106_v109_revA_16Sep2020EnglishGridion Download
September 16th, 2020CAS_9106_v109_revA_16Sep2020EnglishMinion Download