

Data analysis: for all levels of expertise

Oxford Nanopore provides a wide range of tools to support nanopore data analysis. From preconfigured analysis workflows in EPI2ME to the latest cutting-edge tools to make the most of your sequencing runs.

Data analysis: for all levels of expertise

EPI2ME interface and report

Preconfigured analysis workflows with EPI2ME

  • Pre-packaged with a wide range of open-source workflows
  • Free access from the intuitive interface or the command line
  • Compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux
  • Run EPI2ME from your computer, cluster or cloud service, PromethION, or GridION

For scientists


Data analysis for everyone

  • Intuitive interface, seamless analysis experience
  • Comprehensive reports for rapid insights
  • No bioinformatics experience required
  • Keep ownership of your data from sample to answer

For bioinformaticians

Git Hub logo

Cutting-edge analytical tools

  • Find the latest basecallers and cutting-edge tools in the Oxford Nanopore GitHub repository
  • Access EPI2ME workflows on GitHub or integrate your own code
  • Command-line experience required

Intuitive analysis with EPI2ME

A full suite of data analysis workflows for a wide range of applications.


Closeup of a PromethION flowcell with data icons overlaid

Oxford Nanopore Technologies Open Data provides researchers open access to nanopore sequencing datasets from Oxford Nanopore sequencing hosted by AWS.

Find out more

Integrated interpretation solutions

Desktop screen with EPI2ME UI open

We are working with leading tertiary analysis partners to provide end-to-end solutions for whole-genome sequencing applications. Interested in getting access?

Register here

Online training

Desk with computer. Browser shows ONT Community site open.

Get started with Oxford Nanopore sequencing data analysis with our online courses and lessons.

Find out more

MinKNOW: intuitive software native to all platforms

MinKNOW is the operating system for all of our devices. It performs raw data acquisition and basecalling, with built-in methylation detection. MinKNOW further enables in silico targeted sequencing using adaptive sampling and can be connected to upstream and downstream tools using MinKNOW API.

Learn more
Desktop computer with ONT base-calling software on the screen next to a GridION device