Human variation sequencing from saliva samples using SQK-LSK114
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- Human variation sequencing from saliva samples using SQK-LSK114
PromethION: Protocol
Human variation sequencing from saliva samples using SQK-LSK114 V HVSA_9216_v114_revA_22Jan2025
End-to-end method outlining sample extraction, library preparation, sequencing and data analysis. This protocol:
- Uses genomic DNA extracted from human saliva samples
- Takes ~300 minutes for sample preparation and ~90 minutes for library preparation.
- Requires no PCR
- Is compatible with R10.4.1 flow cells
For Research Use Only
实验指南简介 (3)
Sample preparation
- 3. Purification of gDNA from 2 ml of human saliva
- 4. Size selection of gDNA using SFE Buffer
- 5. gDNA fragmentation using the Megaruptor
Library preparation
- 6. DNA损伤及末端修复 (3)
- 7. 接头连接及纯化 (3)
- 8. Priming and loading the PromethION Flow Cell
- 9. Washing and reloading a PromethION Flow Cell
Sequencing and data analysis
End-to-end method outlining sample extraction, library preparation, sequencing and data analysis. This protocol:
- Uses genomic DNA extracted from human saliva samples
- Takes ~300 minutes for sample preparation and ~90 minutes for library preparation.
- Requires no PCR
- Is compatible with R10.4.1 flow cells
For Research Use Only
1. 实验指南概览 (3)
连接测序试剂盒V14(SQK-LSK114)实验指南简介 (3)
有关双链碱基识别的信息,请参阅 Kit 14 测序和互补双链碱基识别 信息技术表。
- 提取DNA,并评估DNA的长度、浓度和纯度 质量评估步骤对确保实验成功至关重要。
- 确保您已准备好测序试剂盒、正确的仪器以及第三方试剂
- 下载数据收集和分析软件
- 检查您的测序芯片上有足够多的活性纳米孔,以确保测序良好运行
文库制备 | 步骤 | 时间 | 中止节点 |
DNA损伤及末端修复 | 修复DNA,并对DNA进行末端修复以便与接头连接 | 35 分钟 | 4°C 过夜 |
接头连接及纯化 | 将测序接头连接到DNA末端 | 20 分钟 | 若为短期保存或重复使用(例如在清洗芯片后再次上样),我们建议将文库置于4℃保存。 若为一次性使用且储存时长超过3个月,我们建议将文库置于-80℃保存。 我们强烈建议您在为文库连接接头后,尽快测序。 |
测序芯片预处理及上样 | 对测序芯片进行预处理,然后将DNA文库加至芯片中进行测序。 | 5 分钟 |
使用 MinKNOW 软件运行测序,该软件将收集由测序仪产出的原始数据并将其识别为碱基序列。
实验方案适用性 (2)
- 连接测序试剂盒V14(SQK-LSK114)
- Lambda标准品扩展包(EXP-CTL001)
- R10.4.1 PromethION 测序芯片 (FLO-PRO114M)
- 测序芯片清洗剂盒(EXP-WSH004)
- PromethION 24/48 测序设备 - PromethION IT 配置要求文件
- PromethION 2 Solo 测序设备 - PromethION 2 Solo IT 配置要求文件
2. 仪器及耗材 (3)
- (FOR EXTRACTION) 2 ml of human saliva in a Genefix™ Saliva DNA/RNA Collection & Stabilisation tube (GFX-02) containing 2 ml of lysis buffer.
- (FOR LIBRARY PREPARATION) 2 µg of SFE size selected and Megaruptor fragmented gDNA
- Short Fragment Eliminator Expansion (EXP-SFE001)
- 连接测序试剂盒V14(SQK-LSK114)
- 测序芯片清洗剂盒(EXP-WSH004)
- Sequencing Auxiliary Vials V14 (EXP-AUX003)
- PromethION 测序芯片
- Genefix™ Saliva DNA/RNA Collection & Stabilisation tube - 2ml (Isohelix, GFX-02)
- Genefix™ Saliva-Prep 2 DNA Isolation Kit (Isohelix, GSPN)
- Megaruptor 3 Shearing Kit (Diagenode, E07010003)
- Agencourt AMPure XP beads (Beckman Coulter™, A63881)
- 供Oxford Nanopore Technologies®连接测序使用的NEBNext®配套模块v2(NEB, E7672S 或 E7672L) (1)
- NEBNext FFPE修复混合液(NEB,M6630)
- NEBNext FFPE DNA Repair v2 Module (NEB, E7360)
- NEBNext Ultra II 末端修复/ dA尾添加模块(NEB,E7546)
- Salt-T4® DNA Ligase (NEB, M0467)
- 无核酸酶水(如ThermoFisher,AM9937)
- 新制备的80%乙醇(用无核酸酶水配制)
- Isopropanol, 100% (Fisher, 10723124)
- TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) (Fisher scientific, 10224683)
- Qubit dsDNA BR Assay Kit (Invitrogen, Q32850)
- Qubit dsDNA HS Assay(双链DNA高灵敏度检测)试剂盒(ThermoFisher,Q32851)
- Agilent Genomic DNA 165 kb Analysis Kit (Agilent, FP-1002-0275)
- Qubit™ 分析管(Invitrogen, Q32856)
- 15 ml Falcon tubes
- 2 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind 离心管
- 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind 离心管
- 0.2 ml 薄壁PCR管
- PromethION 测序设备
- PromethION 测序芯片遮光片
- Hula混匀仪(低速旋转式混匀仪)
- 适用于1.5ml Eppendorf 离心管的磁力架
- Heating block
- Incubator or water bath
- 迷你离心机
- 涡旋混匀仪
- 热循环仪
- Centrifuge and rotor suitable for 15 ml Falcon tubes
- Megaruptor 3 (Diagenode, B06010003)
- Wide-bore pipette tips
- P1000 移液枪和枪头
- P200 移液枪和枪头
- P100 移液枪和枪头
- P20 移液枪和枪头
- P10 移液枪和枪头
- P2移液枪和枪头
- 盛有冰的冰桶
- 计时器
- Qubit荧光计(或用于质控检测的等效仪器)
- Agilent Femto Pulse System (or equivalent for read length QC)
The above list of materials, consumables, and equipment is for the extraction method in the sample preparation section, as well as the library preparation section of the protocol. If you have pre-extracted sample(s), you will only require the materials for the library preparation section of this protocol.
For this protocol, the following inputs are required:
Input requirements per sample for the extraction method:
- 2 ml of human saliva in a Genefix™ Saliva DNA/RNA Collection & Stabilisation tube (GFX-02) containing 2 ml of lysis buffer.
Input requirements per sample for the library preparation:
- 2 µg of SFE size selected and Megaruptor fragmented gDNA
有关如何对DNA样品进行质控,请参考起始DNA/RNA质控实验指南 。
从原始样本中提取DNA的方法不同,可能会导致经纯化的DNA中所残留的化学污染物不同。这会影响文库的制备效率和测序质量。请在牛津纳米孔社区的 Contaminants(污染物)页面 了解更多信息。
Eppendorf tube orientation in centrifuge
For all centrifugation steps, ensure that tubes are loaded into the centrifuge with the hinge side of the tube facing outwards. This will assist in visual identification of the pellet.
Ensure gentle handling when removing the tubes from the centrifuge to avoid dislodging the pellet.
我们建议您使用专供Oxford Nanopore Technologies®连接测序的NEBNext® 配套模块v2(目录号E7672S或E7672L)。该配套模块内包含所有与连接测序试剂盒配套使用的NEB试剂。
之前版本的NEBNext® 配套模块(NEB,E7180S或E7180L)虽然兼容,但v2版在dA尾添加和连接步骤上的效率更高。
Oxford Nanopore Technologies推荐您使用本实验指南中提及的所有第三方试剂,并已对其加以验证。我们尚未对其它替代试剂进行测试。
我们强烈建议您在开始测序实验前,对测序芯片的活性纳米孔数进行质检。质检需在您收到MinION /GridION /PremethION测序芯片12周之内进行,或者在您收到Flongle测序芯片四周内进行。Oxford Nanopore Technologies会对活性孔数量少于以下标准的芯片进行替换** :
测序芯片 | 芯片上的活性孔数确保不少于 |
Flongle 测序芯片 | 50 |
MinION/GridION 测序芯片 | 800 |
PromethION 测序芯片 | 5000 |
** 请注意:自收到之日起,芯片须一直贮存于Oxford Nanopore Technologies推荐的条件下。且质检结果须在质检后的两天内递交给我们。请您按照 测序芯片质检文档中的说明进行芯片质检。
请注意: 我们正在将部分试剂的包装形式由单次管装改为瓶装。
声明: 本产品包含由贝克曼库尔特公司(Beckman Coulter, Inc)生产的 AMPure XP 试剂,并可与试剂盒一起于-20°C 下储存(试剂稳定性将不受损害)。
请注意: DNA参照(DCS)是一段可比对到Lambda基因组的3'端、长度为3.6 kb 的标准扩增子。
3. Purification of gDNA from 2 ml of human saliva
- 4 ml saliva sample in Genefix Saliva DNA/RNA Collection & Stabilisation tube (GFX-02) (2 ml of human saliva and 2 ml of lysis buffer)
- Genefix™ Saliva-Prep 2 DNA Isolation Kit (Isohelix, GSPN)
- Genefix™ Saliva DNA/RNA Collection & Stabilisation tube - 2ml (Isohelix, GFX-02)
- Absorbent material e.g. paper towel or tissues
- TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) (Fisher scientific, 10224683)
- Qubit dsDNA BR Assay Kit (Invitrogen, Q32850)
- Qubit™ 分析管(Invitrogen, Q32856)
- 15 ml Falcon tubes
- 2 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind 离心管
- Centrifuge and rotor suitable for 15 ml Falcon tubes
- Incubator or water bath
- 涡旋混匀仪
- 迷你离心机
- Qubit荧光计(或用于质控检测的等效仪器)
- 盛有冰的冰桶
- 计时器
- Wide-bore pipette tips
- P1000移液枪和枪头
- P200 移液枪和枪头
- P20 移液枪和枪头
- P10 移液枪和枪头
- P2 移液枪和枪头
- Agilent Femto Pulse System (or equivalent for read length QC)
Vortex the GeneFix™ collection tube containing your saliva sample for ten seconds to mix well.
Add 40 µl Proteinase K solution to the tube containing your saliva sample and vortex to mix thoroughly.
Incubate the tube at 60°C for 1 hour.
Transfer the sample solution into a fresh 15 ml conical centrifuge tube (falcon tube).
Add 4 ml of SPN buffer to the 15 ml falcon tube containing the sample, and vortex well to mix thoroughly.
Centrifuge the tube at 3,000 x g for 30 minutes.
Carefully pour off the supernatant, taking care not to disturb the pellet.
Centrifuge the tube again at 3,000 x g for 1 minute.
Using a pipette, carefully remove all remaining supernatant liquid, taking care not to disturb the DNA pellet.
Note: It is important to remove all of the supernatant liquid.
Add 400 µl TE buffer to the sample tube, and vortex to fully resuspend the sample and mix thoroughly.
Incubate the resuspended sample at room temperature for at least 5 minutes, allowing the DNA to re-hydrate.
Transfer the full volume of resuspended sample to a clean 2 ml Eppendorf tube.
Centrifuge the sample tube at 12,000 x g for 15 minutes to remove any undissolved particulates.
Remove the supernatant and transfer it to a clean 2 ml Eppendorf tube, being careful not to disturb the pellet.
Note: The pellet is discarded.
Add 400 µl of SLS buffer to the tube containing the sample supertant. Vortex to mix thoroughly.
Add 800 µl SPN buffer to the sample supertant. Vortex to mix thoroughly.
Centrifuge the tube at 12,000 x g for 10 minutes.
Carefully pour off the supernatant, taking care not to disturb the pellet.
Centrifuge the tube again at 12,000 x g for 1 minute.
Using a pipette, carefully remove all remaining supernatant liquid, taking care not to disturb the DNA pellet.
Note: The DNA pellet may be difficult to see at this point. Please take care when removing the supernatant.
It is important to remove all of the supernatant liquid.
Add 103 µl of TE buffer to the tube containing your pelleted sample, and mix by gently flicking the tube.
Incubate the tube in a heat block at 37°C for 30 minutes. Gently agitate the solution by flicking every 5 minutes to aid with resuspension.
Gently mix the tube contents by pipetting up and down using a wide-bore tip.
If your Qubit measurements are not consistent, this could indicate that the DNA has not been homogeneously resuspended.
If this occurs, we recommend performing additional mixing/agitation steps and increasing incubation and elution time:
- Mix your sample again with a wide-bore tip
- Elute your sample at 50°C for 1 hour in a thermomixer set to 300 rpm.
Quantify your sample three times using the Qubit dsDNA BR Assay Kit. Ensure the replicate Qubit measurements are consistent before continuing to the next step.
We suggest taking a reading from the top, middle and bottom of the sample tube to test for homogeneity.
Note: Approximately 3–20 µg of gDNA is expected following sample extraction.
Expected Qubit measurements of 30–200 ng/μl.
Your extracted gDNA can also be analysed using Femto Pulse (Agilent) to check the size and quality.
Example fragment length profile of gDNA extracted from salvia collected in a Genefix™ Saliva DNA/RNA Collection & Stabilisation tube - 2ml and extracted using the Genefix™ Saliva-Prep 2 DNA Isolation Kit.
Take your extracted gDNA forward into the size selection of gDNA step of this protocol. Alternatively, your sample can be stored at 4°C overnight.
4. Size selection of gDNA using SFE Buffer
- 10 µg extracted human gDNA
- Short Fragment Eliminator Expansion (EXP-SFE001)
- TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, 0.1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0)
- 无核酸酶水(如ThermoFisher,AM9937)
- 新制备的80%乙醇(用无核酸酶水配制)
- Qubit dsDNA BR Assay Kit (Invitrogen, Q32850)
- Qubit™ 分析管(Invitrogen, Q32856)
- 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind离心管
- Centrifuge
- Heating block
- 涡旋混匀仪
- 迷你离心机
- Qubit荧光计(或用于质控检测的等效仪器)
- 盛有冰的冰桶
- 计时器
- Wide-bore pipette tips
- P1000移液枪和枪头
- P200 移液枪和枪头
- P20 移液枪和枪头
- P10 移液枪和枪头
- P2 移液枪和枪头
- Agilent Femto Pulse System (or equivalent for read length QC)
Though we recommend starting with 10 µg, we have found that a minimum of 3 µg input DNA is still sufficient to proceed with size selection using SFE buffer.
Size selection is not recommended if gDNA recovery is below 3 µg, as recovery will be insufficient for sequencing.
If less than 3 µg of gDNA is recovered, size selection can be omitted; however, this will typically result in read length N50s between 6-13 kb, negatively impacting the accuracy and reliability of variant identification.
Read length profile for a 9 kb N50 library that was prepared without the use of SFE size selection due to the sample having a low extraction yield (considered here as 1 – 3 ug). These samples can still be sequenced, but will contain more short reads relative to a sample that used SFE size selection. This will negatively impact the accuracy and reliability of variant identification.
In a 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind tube, prepare 10 µg DNA in 100 µl of TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, 0.1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) to a final concentration of ~100 ng/μl.
Label your sample tube as "tube 1" for tracking.
Ensure the Short Fragment Eliminator (SFE) buffer is at room temperature. Then pipette mix the buffer thoroughly, at least 10-15 times, using a wide bore pipette tip.
Add twice the volume (200 µl) of Short Fragment Eliminator (SFE) buffer to the DNA sample.
Note: The increased volume of SFE used in this method (compared to the 100 µl described in our other methods using SFE) has been shown to provide optimal recovery for saliva samples. More information on this can be found in our Short Fragment Eliminator Kit (EXP-SFE-001) know-how document.
Using a wide-bore tip set to 200 μl, slowly and gently mix 10-15 times to thoroughly mix the SFE buffer with the sample.
Ensure that the solution is homogenous before proceeding to the next step.
The pellet might not be visible after centrifugation, so it's essential to maintain the correct orientation of the tube to avoid accidentally disturbing the pellet in the following steps.
Place the tube in the centrifuge with the tube hinge facing outward, and add the appropriate tubes to balance the centrifuge.
Ensure proper tube orientation before starting and that the centrifuge is at the correct temperature prior use.
Centrifuge the sample at 10,000 x g at 22°C for 30 minutes.
Note: Ensure that the centrifuge is at the correct temperature prior use.
The pellet may not be visible but it will be located on the side of the tube that was facing outwards during centrifugation. We recommend not removing the full volume of the supernatant and leaving ~15–20 µl as this will be washed out in subsequent steps.
Using a narrow bore pipette tip, slowly and carefully remove most of the supernatant (leaving ~ 15-20 μl behind) by aspirating from the opposite side of the tube from the location of the pellet, and store the removed supernatant in a clean 1.5 ml Eppendorf tube. Take care not to disturb the DNA pellet.
Note: Ensure you keep the volume of the aspirated supernatant and store it in a separate 1.5 ml Eppendorf tube. This is used in subsequent steps for re-centrifugation to maximise yield.
Label your tube with the saved supernatent as "tube 2" for tracking.
Repeat the centrifugation and DNA pelleting steps for the retained supernatant in "tube 2" to maximise DNA yield:
1. Place "tube 2" in the centrifuge with the tube hinge facing outward, and add the appropriate tubes to balance the centrifuge.
2. Centrifuge "tube 2" at 10,000 x g at 22°C for 30 minutes.
Note: Ensure that the centrifuge is at the correct temperature prior use.
3. Using a narrow bore pipette tip, slowly and carefully remove most of the supernatant (leaving ~ 15-20 μl behind) by aspirating from the opposite side of the tube from the location of the pellet.
Note: The supernatant from the secondary centrifugation step will contain only short fragments of gDNA and can be discarded.
Perform an ethanol wash to your sample tubes containing your DNA pellets in ~15–20 μl ("tube 1" and "tube 2").
To each tube:
- slowly add 200 μl of freshly prepared 80% ethanol to the tube, without disturbing the pellet (we recommend dispensing on the opposite side of the tube as your pellet).
- centrifuge the tubes at 10,000 x g for 3 minutes ensuring the same tube orientation used in for the previous centrifuge step (hinge facing outwards).
- Using a narrow bore tip, slowly and gently aspirate the supernatant from the opposite side of the tubes, taking care not to disturb the pellet.
Note: After the first ethanol wash, the pellet may become more visible (as a white pellet at the bottom of the hinge-side of the tube):
- If the pellet is visible, then carefully discard as much of the ethanol as you can.
- If the pellet is not visible, leave behind ~20 μl volume of supernatant to avoid inadvertently aspirating or disturbing the pellet.
Note: To protect against loss of DNA by inadvertent aspiration of pelleted DNA, the aspirated supernatant should be stored in a separate 1.5 ml Eppendorf tube, labelled accordingly for tracking and stored in the fridge.
重复上述步骤。 (2)
Note: After the second ethanol wash, the pellet in the tube should be clearly visible in most cases and the residual ethanol can be carefully discarded using a 10 μl pipette, taking care not to disturb the pellet.
Note: To protect against loss of DNA by inadvertent aspiration of pellet DNA, the aspirated supernatant should be stored in a separate 1.5 ml Eppendorf tube, labelled accordingly for tracking and stored in the fridge.
Elute the gDNA from each sample tube ("tube 1" and "tube 2").
- Add 50 μl of TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, 0.1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) to each tube.
- Pipette mix using a wide-bore tip.
Incubate the tubes in a in a thermomixer set to 300 rpm at 50°C for 30 minutes. Gently agitate the solutions by flicking every 5 minutes to aid with resuspension.
Optional: If necessary, the pellet can be left overnight to elute at room temperature.
Gently mix the tubes contents by pipetting up and down using a wide-bore tip, and combine the contents of "tube 1" and "tube 2" prior to downstream quantification and processing.
Quantify your sample three times using the Qubit dsDNA BR Assay Kit. Ensure the replicate Qubit measurements are consistent before continuing to the next step.
We suggest taking a reading from the top, middle and bottom of the sample tube to test for homogeneity.
Note: The readings should be consistent. If they are not, consider:
- additional mixing steps/agitation of the sample with a wide-bore tip.
- additional mixing and elution steps in a thermomixer set to 300 rpm at 50°C for 2 hours.
Note: You should expect to recover >2000 ng of gDNA following size selection.
Take your SFE size selected gDNA forward into the fragmentation step of this protocol. Alternatively, your sample can be stored at 4°C overnight.
5. gDNA fragmentation using the Megaruptor
- 2 µg of SFE size selected gDNA
- Megaruptor 3 Shearing Kit (Diagenode, E07010003)
- 无核酸酶水(如ThermoFisher,AM9937)
- Agilent Genomic DNA 165 kb Analysis Kit (Agilent, FP-1002-0275)
- 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind离心管
- Megaruptor 3 (Diagenode, B06010003)
- 迷你离心机
- Agilent Femto Pulse System (or equivalent for read length QC)
- 盛有冰的冰桶
- 计时器
- Wide-bore pipette tips
- P1000移液枪和枪头
- P200 移液枪和枪头
- P20 移液枪和枪头
- P10 移液枪和枪头
- P2 移液枪和枪头
用无核酸酶水稀释DNA: (4)
将1μg(或100-200 fmol)基因组DNA转移至一支1.5ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind离心管中。
如不足47 μl,请加入无核酸酶水补足。
Transfer the sample tube to the Megaruptor 3, ensuring the instrument is appropriately balanced according to the manufacturers instructions.
Note: Ensure the Megaruptor 3 Hydropore-Syringes are screwed tight before inserting into the Megaruptor.
Ensure no bubbles are present in the sample, and visually confirm that the syringe is immersed 2/3rd of the way into the sample volume.
Setup the shearing parameters on the Megaruptor 3 device as follows:
Megaruptor 3 setting | |
Shearing speed | 27 |
Volume | 90 μl |
Concentration | 20 ng/ul |
Begin the shearing of DNA using the Megaruptor 3.
Quantify your sample using the Qubit dsDNA BR Assay Kit.
Note: Approximately 2 µg of gDNA is expected following shearing.
Expected Qubit measurements of ~22.22 ng/μl.
Assess the fragmented gDNA for fragment size using Femto Pulse (Agilent).
Example fragment length profile of gDNA extracted, size selected and fragmented using Megaruptor 3.
The SFE size selection removes short DNA fragments from the sample, whilst Megaruptor fragmentation reduces the fragment length profile to a size range between 10 kb and 80 kb, centred around approximately 20 kb.
Overlay of fragment length profiles of a) gDNA extracted using the Genefix™ Saliva-Prep 2 DNA Isolation Kit. b) gDNA extracted and size selected using SFE buffer. c) gDNA extracted, size selected and fragmented using Megaruptor 3 (MR).
Take your SFE size selected and Megaruptor fragmented gDNA forward into the library preparation section of this protocol. Alternatively, your sample can be stored at 4°C overnight.
6. DNA损伤及末端修复 (3)
- 2 µg of SFE size selected and Megaruptor fragmented gDNA
- AMPure XP 磁珠(AXP)
- NEBNext®配套模块v2(NEB,E7672S或E7672L)中的NEBNext® FFPE DNA修复混合液(NEB,M6630)
- NEBNext®配套模块v2(NEB,E7672S或E7672L)中的NEBNext® FFPE DNA修复缓冲液v2(E7363)
- NEBNext®配套模块v2(NEB,E7672S或E7672L)中的NEBNext® Ultra II 末端修复酶混合物(E7646)
- Qubit dsDNA HS Assay(双链DNA高灵敏度检测)试剂盒(Invitrogen, Q32851)
- 无核酸酶水(如ThermoFisher,AM9937)
- 新制备的80%乙醇(用无核酸酶水配制)
- Qubit™ 分析管(Invitrogen, Q32856)
- 0.2 ml薄壁PCR管
- 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind 离心管
- P1000 移液枪和枪头
- P100 移液枪和枪头
- P10 移液枪和枪头
- 迷你离心机
- 热循环仪
- Hula混匀仪(低速旋转式混匀仪)
- 磁力架
- 盛有冰的冰桶
- Qubit荧光计(或用于质控检测的等效仪器)
注意: 请切勿涡旋振荡 FFPE DNA修复混合液或 Ultra II末端修复酶混合物。同一日内首次打开一管试剂前,请务必先将该管试剂瞬时离心。
涡旋振荡 FFPE DNA 修复缓冲液 v2或FFPE DNA 修复缓冲液、及 Ultra II 末端修复反应缓冲液,确保混匀。
注意: 上述缓冲液中可能会出现白色沉淀。如发现沉淀,请待液体回复至室温后,使用移液枪上下吹打数次,打散沉淀;然后快速涡旋振荡混匀。FFPE DNA 修复缓冲液可能轻微泛黄,不影响使用。
用无核酸酶水稀释DNA: (3)
将1μg(或100-200 fmol)基因组DNA转移至一支1.5ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind离心管中。
如不足47 μl,请加入无核酸酶水补足。
在一支0.2ml的薄壁PCR管中,混合以下试剂: (2)
试剂 | 体积 |
DNA 样本 | 47 µl |
DNA参照 (非必需) | 1 µl |
NEBNext FFPE修复缓冲液 | 3.5 µl |
NEBNext FFPE修复混合液 | 2 µl |
Ultra II 末端修复反应缓冲液 | 3.5 µl |
Ultra II 末端修复酶混合物 | 3 µl |
总体积 | 60 µl |
Using a thermal cycler, incubate the reaction at 20°C for 5 minutes, then 65°C for 5 minutes and hold at 4°C.
涡旋振荡以重悬AMPure XP磁珠(AXP)。
将DNA样本转至干净的1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind离心管中。
Add 100 µl of resuspended the AMPure XP Beads (AXP) to the end-prep reaction and mix by flicking the tube.
Prepare 600 µl of fresh 80% ethanol in nuclease-free water.
将样品瞬时离心,并静置于磁力架上待磁珠和液相分离。保持离心管在磁力架上不动,用移液枪吸去清液。 (1)
Keep the tube on the magnet and wash the beads with 250 µl of freshly prepared 80% ethanol without disturbing the pellet. Remove the ethanol using a pipette and discard.
将61µl洗脱液转移至一支新的1.5ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind管中。
取1µl洗脱样品,用Qubit荧光计定量。 (3)
Note: You should expect to recover between 1300–1600 ng.
经过末端修复的DNA可用于稍后的接头连接。如需要,您也可以此时将样品置于4℃储存过夜。 (2)
7. 接头连接及纯化 (3)
- 连接接头(LA)
- 连接测序试剂盒内的连接缓冲液(LNB)
- 长片段缓冲液(LFB)
- AMPure XP 磁珠(AXP)
- Oxford Nanopore测序试剂盒中的洗脱缓冲液(EB)
- Salt-T4® DNA Ligase (NEB, M0467)
- 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind 离心管
- Qubit dsDNA HS Assay(双链DNA高灵敏度检测)试剂盒(Invitrogen, Q32851)
- Qubit™ 分析管(Invitrogen, Q32856)
- 磁力架
- 迷你离心机
- 涡旋混匀仪
- P1000 移液枪和枪头
- P100 移液枪和枪头
- P20 移液枪和枪头
- P10 移液枪和枪头
- Qubit荧光计(或用于质控检测的等效仪器)
瞬时离心连接接头(LA)和快速T4 DNA连接酶,置于冰上。 (1)
Thaw the Long Fragment Buffer (LFB) at room temperature and mix by vortexing. Then spin down and place on ice.
在一支1.5ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind离心管内,将所有试剂按以下顺序混合: (1)
试剂 | 体积 |
前一步骤所得DNA样品 | 60 µl |
连接缓冲液(LNB) | 25 µl |
NEBNext快速T4 DNA连接酶 | 10 µl |
连接接头(LA) | 5 µl |
总体积 | 100 µl |
涡旋振荡以重悬AMPure XP磁珠(AXP)。
将40µl 重悬的AMPure XP磁珠加入反应体系中,轻弹离心管以充分混合。
Wash the beads by adding 250 μl Long Fragment Buffer (LFB). Flick the beads to resuspend, spin down, then return the tube to the magnetic rack and allow the beads to pellet for at least 5 minutes. Remove the supernatant using a pipette and discard.
Note: Take care when removing the supernatant, the viscosity of the buffer can contribute to loss of beads from the pellet.
Remove the tube from the magnetic rack and resuspend the pellet in 65 µl Elution Buffer (EB). Spin down and incubate for 10 minutes at 37°C.
将离心管静置于磁力架上至少一分钟,直到磁珠和液相分离,且洗脱液澄清无色。 (1)
Remove and retain 65 µl of eluate containing the DNA library into a clean 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind tube.
Dispose of the pelleted beads
取1µl洗脱样品,用Qubit荧光计定量。 (3)
Note: You should expect to recover 400–800 ng of adapter ligated library in a volume of 64 µl.
若为 短期 保存或重复使用(例如在清洗芯片后再次上样),我们建议将文库置于Eppendorf LoBind 离心管中 4℃ 保存。 若为一次性使用且储存时长 __超过3个月__,我们建议将文库置于Eppendorf LoBind 离心管中 -80℃ 保存。
8. Priming and loading the PromethION Flow Cell
- 测序缓冲液(SB)
- 文库颗粒(LIB)
- 测序芯片系绳(FCT)
- 测序芯片冲洗液(FCF)
- PromethION 测序芯片
- 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind 离心管
- PromethION测序设备
- PromethION 测序芯片遮光片
- P1000 移液枪和枪头
- P200 移液枪和枪头
- P20 移液枪和枪头
于室温下解冻测序缓冲液(SB)、文库颗粒(LIB)或文库溶液(LIS)、测序芯片系绳(FCT)和一管测序芯片冲洗液(FCF)。完全解冻后,涡旋振荡混匀,然后瞬时离心并置于冰上。 (1)
请注意: 我们正在将部分试剂的包装形式由单次管装改为瓶装。请按照与您所用试剂盒包装相对应的说明操作。
单次使用管装: 向一整管测序芯片冲洗液(FCF)中加入30µl 测序芯片系绳(FCT)。
瓶装: 请另拿一支适当体积的离心管制备测序芯片预处理液:
试剂 | 体积(每张芯片) |
测序芯片冲洗液 (FCF) | 1,170 µl |
测序芯片系绳 (FCT) | 30 µl |
总体积 | 1,200 µl |
对 PromethION 2 Solo,请按以下步骤为测序芯片上样:
对PromethION 24/48,将测序芯片插入相应卡槽的对接端口:
如插入配置测试芯片的角度出现偏差,可能会损坏PromethION上的引脚并影响测序结果。如您发现 PromethION测序仪芯片位置上的引脚损坏,请通过电子邮件(或微信公众号在线支持(NanoporeSupport)联系我们的技术支持团队。
- 将P1000移液枪转至200µl刻度。
- 将枪头垂直插入加液孔中。
- 反向转动移液枪量程调节转纽,直至移液枪刻度在220-230 µl之间,或直至您看到有少量缓冲液进入移液枪枪头。
使用P1000移液枪向芯片的加液孔中加入500 µl芯片预处理溶液。加入过程中,请避免引入气泡。等待5分钟,与此同时,您可按以下步骤准备上样文库。
在一支新的1.5ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind离心管内,将所有试剂按以下顺序混合: (1)
试剂 | 每张测序芯片的上样体积 |
测序缓冲液 (SB) | 100 µl |
文库颗粒 (LIB),使用前充分混匀;或文库溶液 (LIS) | 68 µl |
DNA 文库 | 32 µl |
总体积 | 200 µl |
请注意: 此处增大了文库的上样量,以增强纳米孔阵列的覆盖度。
缓慢向芯片的加液口中加入500 µl预处理液,完成芯片的预处理。
使用 P1000 移液枪向加液孔中加入200 µl 文库。
- 将遮光片的中空部分(空槽)与测序芯片的加液孔孔盖对齐。确保遮光片的前沿位于测序芯片ID的上方。
- 用力下压遮光片的卡垫部分,遮光片空槽边缘会随卡垫卡入加液孔孔盖下方。
准备就绪后,合上PromethION设备上盖。 (2)
9. Washing and reloading a PromethION Flow Cell
- Adapter ligated DNA library (from previous step)
- 测序芯片清洗剂盒(EXP-WSH004)
- Sequencing Auxiliary Vials V14 (EXP-AUX003)
- 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind 离心管
- P1000 移液枪和枪头
- P20 移液枪和枪头
- 盛有冰的冰桶
- Vortex mixer
We recommend washing and reloading the flow cell after ~36 hours of sequencing.
For this method, the flow cell is washed after ~36 hours of sequencing to restore pores to ensure efficient data acquisition. For this reason, enough library was generated for 2 flow cell loads in the adapter ligation step of the protocol.
- This washing procedure aims to remove most of the initial library and unblock the pores to prepare the flow cell for the loading of a subsequent library.
- Data acquisition in MinKNOW should be paused during the wash procedure and library loading.
- After the flow cell has been washed, the next library can be loaded.
You can navigate to the Pore Activity or the Pore Scan Results plot to see pore availability.
Below you can find example data for pore states observed on a flow cell before and after wash steps are performed. Additionally, you can observe an example for the cummulative sequencing data output, including the wash and reload steps. The red asterisk indicates the flow cell wash and reloads.
Figure 1. Channel state over a 72 hour run. The flow cell wash is incorporated into the method to restore blocked pores, to allow continuous data acquisition. Red asterisk denotes when a flush was performed.
Figure 2. Cumulative sequencing data output, over a 72 hour run. Red asterisk denotes when a flush was performed.
Figure 3. Read length profile for a 20 kb N50 library. The approximately gaussian shape is characteristic of gDNA that has undergone SFE size selection and Megaruptor shearing. The short distribution of reads at ~5kb is due to premature termination of reads at the mux scan.
We recommend keeping the light shield on the flow cell during washing if a second library will be loaded straight away.
If the flow cell is to be washed and stored, the light shield can be removed.
Place the tube of Wash Mix (WMX) on ice. Do not vortex the tube.
Thaw one tube of Wash Diluent (DIL) at room temperature.
Mix the contents of Wash Diluent (DIL) thoroughly by vortexing, then spin down briefly and place on ice.
In a fresh 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind tube, prepare the following Flow Cell Wash Mix:
Reagent | Volume per flow cell |
Wash Mix (WMX) | 2 μl |
Wash Diluent (DIL) | 398 μl |
Total | 400 μl |
Mix well by pipetting, and place on ice. Do not vortex the tube.
Pause the sequencing experiment in MinKNOW, and leave the flow cell in the device.
It is vital that the inlet port is closed before removing waste to prevent air from being drawn across the sensor array area, which would lead to a significant loss of sequencing channels.
Remove waste buffer, as follows:
- Close the inlet port.
- Insert a P1000 pipette into a waste port and remove the waste buffer.
Note: As both the inlet port is closed, no fluid should leave the sensor array area.
Slide the inlet port cover clockwise to open the inlet port.
After opening the inlet port, check for a small air bubble under the cover. Draw back a small volume to remove any bubbles:
- Set a P1000 pipette to 200 µl
- Insert the tip into the inlet port
- Turn the wheel until the dial shows 220-230 µl, or until you can see a small volume of buffer entering the pipette tip.
Slowly load 200 µl of the prepared flow cell wash mix into the inlet port, as follows:
- Using a P1000 pipette, take 200 µl of the flow cell wash mix
- Insert the pipette tip into the inlet port, ensuring there are no bubbles in the tip
- Slowly twist the pipette wheel down to load the flow cell (if possible with your pipette) or push down the plunger very slowly, leaving a small volume of buffer in the pipette tip.
- Set a timer for a 5 minute incubation.
Once the 5 minute incubation time is complete, carefully load the remaining 200 µl of the prepared flow cell wash mix into the inlet port, as follows:
- Using a P1000 pipette, take 200 µl of the flow cell wash mix
- Insert the pipette tip into the inlet port, ensuring there are no bubbles in the tip
- Slowly twist the pipette wheel down to load the flow cell (if possible with your pipette) or push down the plunger very slowly, leaving a small volume of buffer in the pipette tip.
Close the inlet port and wait for 1 hour.
It is vital that the inlet port is closed before removing waste to prevent air from being drawn across the sensor array area, which would lead to a significant loss of sequencing channels.
Remove the waste buffer, as follows:
- Ensure the inlet port is closed.
- Insert a P1000 pipette into a waste port and remove the waste buffer
Note: As the inlet port is closed, no fluid should leave the sensor array area.
The buffers used in this process are incompatible with conducting a Flow Cell Check step prior to loading the subsequent library. However, number of available pores will be reported after the next pore scan.
Thaw the Sequencing Buffer (SB), Library Beads (LIB) or Library Solution (LIS, if using), Flow Cell Tether (FCT) and Flow Cell Flush (FCF) at room temperature, before mixing by vortexing. Then spin down before storing on ice.
Prepare the flow cell priming mix in a suitable tube for the number of flow cells to flush. Once combined, mix well by briefly vortexing.
Reagents | Volume per flow cell |
Flow Cell Flush (FCF) | 1,170 µl |
Flow Cell Tether (FCT) | 30 µl |
Total volume | 1,200 µl |
Slide the inlet port cover clockwise to open.
- 将P1000移液枪转至200µl刻度。
- 将枪头垂直插入加液孔中。
- 反向转动移液枪量程调节转纽,直至移液枪刻度在220-230 µl之间,或直至您看到有少量缓冲液进入移液枪枪头。
Slowly load 500 µl of the priming mix into the inlet port, as follows:
- Using a P1000 pipette, take 500 µl of the priming mix
- Insert the pipette tip into the priming port, ensuring there are no bubbles in the tip
- Slowly twist the pipette wheel down to load the flow cell (if possible with your pipette) or push down the plunger very slowly, leaving a small volume of buffer in the pipette tip.
It is vital to wait five minutes between the priming mix flushes to ensure effective removal of the nuclease.
Close the inlet port and wait five minutes.
During this time, prepare the library for loading using the next steps in the protocol.
在一支新的1.5ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind离心管内,将所有试剂按以下顺序混合:
试剂 | 每张测序芯片的上样体积 |
测序缓冲液 (SB) | 100 µl |
文库颗粒 (LIB),使用前充分混匀;或文库溶液 (LIS) | 68 µl |
DNA 文库 | 32 µl |
总体积 | 200 µl |
请注意: 此处增大了文库的上样量,以增强纳米孔阵列的覆盖度。
It is vital that the inlet port is closed before removing waste to prevent air from being drawn across the sensor array area, which would lead to a significant loss of sequencing channels.
Remove the waste buffer, as follows:
- Ensure the inlet port is closed.
- Insert a P1000 pipette into a waste port and remove the waste buffer
Note: As the inlet port is closed, no fluid should leave the sensor array area.
- 将P1000移液枪转至200µl刻度。
- 将枪头垂直插入加液孔中。
- 反向转动移液枪量程调节转纽,直至移液枪刻度在220-230 µl之间,或直至您看到有少量缓冲液进入移液枪枪头。
Slowly load 500 µl of the priming mix into the inlet port, as follows:
- Using a P1000 pipette, take 500 µl of the priming mix
- Insert the pipette tip into the priming port, ensuring there are no bubbles in the tip
- Slowly twist the pipette wheel down to load the flow cell (if possible with your pipette) or push down the plunger very slowly, leaving a small volume of buffer in the pipette tip.
It is vital that the inlet port is closed before removing waste to prevent air from being drawn across the sensor array area, which would lead to a significant loss of sequencing channels.
Remove waste buffer, as follows:
- Close the inlet port.
- Insert a P1000 pipette into a waste port and remove the waste buffer.
Note: As both the inlet port is closed, no fluid should leave the sensor array area.
- 将P1000移液枪转至200µl刻度。
- 将枪头垂直插入加液孔中。
- 反向转动移液枪量程调节转纽,直至移液枪刻度在220-230 µl之间,或直至您看到有少量缓冲液进入移液枪枪头。
使用 P1000 移液枪向加液孔中加入200 µl 文库。
- 将遮光片的中空部分(空槽)与测序芯片的加液孔孔盖对齐。确保遮光片的前沿位于测序芯片ID的上方。
- 用力下压遮光片的卡垫部分,遮光片空槽边缘会随卡垫卡入加液孔孔盖下方。
Close the PromethION lid when ready to start a sequencing run on MinKNOW.
Wait a minimum of 10 minutes after loading the flow cells onto the PromethION before initiating any experiments. This will help to increase the sequencing output.
10. Data acquisition and basecalling
How to start sequencing
The sequencing device control, data acquisition and real-time basecalling are carried out by the MinKNOW software.
We recommend basecalling with the high accuracy (HAC) basecaller in real-time with BAM selected as output type using the P2 Solo or P24/P48 device.
You must generate a BAM file from your sequening run, as this is required for input into the wf-human-variation workflow.
Refer to the links below containing the detailed instructions for setting up the device and sequencing run:
PromethION 24 and 48: "Starting a sequencing run with PromethION 24 and 48"
PromethION 2 Solo: "Starting a sequencing run on PromethION 2 Solo"
Below are the recommended sequencing parameters for MinKNOW.
MinKNOW settings for human saliva sample variant workflow on PromethION
We recommend setting the run time to 100 hours to accommodate for the flow cell wash, using the modified bases option for basecalling and ensuring a BAM output is selected. All other sequencing parameters can be kept to their default settings. Below are our current recommendations:
Flow cell position: [user defined]
Experiment name: [user defined]
Flow cell type: FLO-PRO114M
Sample ID: [user defined]
Kit selection: Ligation Sequencing Kit (SQK-LSK114)
Run configuration
Sequencing and analysis
Basecalling: On [default] Modified bases: On with '5mC & 5hmC CG contexts' selected Model: High-accuracy basecalling (HAC) [default]
Barcoding: Disabled [default]
Alignment: Off [default]
We do not currently recommend live alignment during sequencing, as it can slow down system processing.
Adaptive sampling: Off [default]
Advanced options Active channel selection: On [default] Time between pore scans: 1.5 [default] Reserve pores: On [default]
Data targets
Run limit: 100 hours [default]
Output format .POD5: On [default] .FASTQ: On [default] .BAM: On
Filtering: On [default] Qscore: 9 [default] Minimum read length: 200 bp [default]
We do not recommend live alignment during sequencing, as it can slow down system processing.
You can align your BAM file post-sequencing by following one of the methods below:
Aligning the BAM file in MinKNOW | Aligning the BAM file during the wf-human-variation workflow |
Align the BAM output after live basecalling in MinKNOW. This will prevent slowing down your sytems processing. The aligned BAM file can be used as your file input in the wf-human-variation workflow. Using mapped BAM as input, the workflow will take 1-2 hours. | You can provide a reference genome along with the unaligned BAM file during the wf-human-variation workflow set-up. Using an unmapped BAM is used as input, the workflow will take approximately 5-8 hours. |
Further information is available in the Downstream analysis section of this protocol.
11. Downstream analysis
Analysis of human saliva DNA sequence data
For the analysis of human saliva DNA sequence data, we recommend the wf-human-variation workflow. This end-to-end software pipeline is implemented using the Nextflow workflow language and implements methods for the calling of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), structural variants (SVs), and for reporting DNA methylation information.
The wf-human-variation workflow is best run from the BAM file produced by MinKNOW when the modified base model for basecalling is selected. If sequence read mapping to the reference genome is not performed by MinKNOW, we recommend to perform the basecalling using the wf-basecalling workflow. Ensure you save the outputs in BAM format by providing the --output_bam option.
The tools below are used in the analysis workflow and can be run in isolation or together:
Sniffles2 calls SVs and file output include an HTML report of QC metrics and VCF format list of variants and their quality scores.
Clair3 calls SNPs and file output includes an HTML report of QC metrics and VCF format list of variants and their quality scores.
modkit extracts methylation information from the provided BAM file which is summarised in a BEDmethyl format file.
The wf-human-variation workflow is preconfigured using appropriate parameters and requires tuning only for the choice of reference genome and Clair3 model. Please see the project’s documentation for further details.
The results from the wf-human-variation workflow can be further explored by viewing in a track-based genome browser such as IGV can be assessed for known pathogenicity through tertiary analysis software.
EPI2ME analysis workflow
The wf-human-variation workflow is intended to be run using the Nextflow software.
We recommend performing downstream analysis using EPI2ME which facilitates bioinformatic analyses by allowing users to run Nextflow workflows in a Graphical User Interfaces (GUI). EPI2ME maintains a collection of bioinformatic workflows which are curated and actively maintained by experts in long-read sequence analysis. The collection of all our available EPI2ME workflows can be found here.
For new users, the quick start guide can be found here outlining how to use this interface.
Compute requirements for the wf-human-variation workflow on EPI2ME
Recommended requirements | Minimum requirements |
CPUs = 32 | CPUs = 16 |
Memory = 128GB | Memory = 32GB |
Approximate run time: Variable depending on whether it is targeted sequencing or whole genome sequencing, as well as coverage and the individual analyses requested. For instance, a 90X human sample run (options: --snp --sv --mod --str --cnv --phased --sex male) takes less than 8h with recommended resources.
ARM processor support: False
The wf-human-variation workflow can also be run using the command line interface (CLI)
Please see the Github page for further details.
Note: We only recommend the command line interface (CLI) for experienced users.
Open the EPI2ME app using the desktop shortcut.
On the landing page, open the workflow tab on the left-hand sidebar.
Navigate to the Available workflows tab and click on wf-human-variation option.
Click install.
Navigate to the Installed tab and click on the installed wf-human-variation workflow.
If the workflow was already installed, check for updates by clicking 'Update workflow'.
We recommend running the latest version of our workflows for the best results.
Click on Run this workflow to open the launch wizard.
Select the environment you are running the workflow from:
Click on the sub-workflow(s) you want to run in the wf-human-variation analysis.
You must have at least one of the sub-workflows selected to proceed with analysis.
Note: For more information on the sub-workflows click on the "Expand" option in the platform, or visit our online EPI2ME documentation.
Navigate to the 'Main options' tab to assign a 'Sample name' as an identifier in workflow outputs.
The wf-human-variation workflow uses sequencing data in the form of a single BAM file or a folder of BAM files.
The BAM files used as an input can be aligned or unaligned:
Aligning the BAM file in MinKNOW (prior to the wf-human-variation workflow) | Aligning the BAM file during the wf-human-variation workflow (during the wf-human-variation workflow) |
Align the BAM output after live basecalling in MinKNOW. This will prevent slowing down your sytems processing. The aligned BAM file can be used as your file input in the wf-human-variation workflow. For more information on post-run alignment in MinKNOW please visit our MinKNOW protocol. Using mapped BAM as input, the workflow will take 1-2 hours. | You can provide a reference genome along with the unaligned BAM file during the wf-human-variation workflow set-up. Using an unmapped BAM is used as input, the workflow will take approximately 5-8 hours. |
In the 'Main options' upload your sequencing data in the form of a single BAM file or a folder of BAM files.
If you have an unaligned BAM file as input, in the 'Main options' upload your reference genome in FASTA format.
Click Launch workflow.
Ensure all parameter options have green ticks.
Once the wf-human-variation workflow finishes, a report will be produced alongside output files.
wf-human-variation workflow outputs
The primary workflow outputs include:
- gzipped VCF file containing the SNPs in the dataset from
- gzipped VCF file containing the SVs in the dataset from
- gzipped bedMethyl file aggregating modified base counts from
- HTML report detailing the primary findings of the workflow for QC metrics, and SNP and SV calling
- If an unaligned BAM file was provided, the workflow will ouput a CRAM file containing the alignments used to make the downstream variant calls.
The secondary workflow outputs:
ouputs include:{sample_name}
: a cumulative distribution indicating the proportion of total bases for each and all reference sequences{sample_name}.regions.bed.gz
: the mean coverage for each region in the provided BED file{sample_name}.thresholds.bed.gz
: the number of bases in each region that are covered at or above each threshold value (1, 10, 20, 30X)
- bamstats ouputs include:
: a gzipped TSV summarising per-alignment statistics produced by bamstats{sample_name}.ftagstat.tsv
: a text file with summary alignment statistics for each reference sequence
wf-human-variation workflow tips
It is possible to phase SNPs, SVs and modified bases by providing the --phased
To improve the accuracy of SV calling, specify a suitable tandem repeat BED for your reference with --tr_bed
Aggregation of methylation calls with --mod
requires data to be basecalled with a model that includes base modifications, providing the MM
and ML
BAM tags. To do so on MinKNOW, ensure 'Modified bases' option is selected during basecalling set up, with the '5mC' model selected.
Ensure to retain the input reference when basecalling or alignment is performed as CRAM files cannot be read without the corresponding input reference.
For a full list of available basecalling models, refer to the Dorado documentation.
12. 测序芯片的重复利用及回收 (1)
We do not recommend washing and reusing your flow cells for this method.
Due to the extended sequencing time, and the multiple flow cell washes and library reloads, we do not recommend re-using the flow cells used in this method.
Re-using these flow cells for subsequent sequencing experiments may result in insufficient data generation for analysis.
请按照“回收程序”清洗好芯片,以便送回Oxford Nanopore。 (1)
您可在 此处找到回收测序芯片的说明。
请注意: 在将测序芯片寄回之前,请使用去离子水对每张芯片进行冲洗。
13. Issues during DNA extraction and library preparation
我们还在 Nanopore 社区的“Support”板块 提供了常见问题解答(FAQ)。
Low sample quality
Observation | Possible cause | Comments and actions |
Low DNA purity (Nanodrop reading for DNA OD 260/280 is <1.8 and OD 260/230 is <2.0–2.2) | The DNA extraction method does not provide the required purity | The effects of contaminants are shown in the Contaminants Know-how piece. Please try an alternative extraction method that does not result in contaminant carryover. Consider performing an additional AMPure bead clean-up step. |
现象 | 可能原因 | 措施及备注 |
低回收率 | AMPure磁珠量与样品量的比例低于预期,导致DNA因未被捕获而丢失 | 1. AMPure磁珠的沉降速度很快。因此临加入磁珠至样品前,请确保将磁珠重悬充分混匀。 2. 当AMPure磁珠量与样品量的比值低于0.4:1时,所有的DNA片段都会在纯化过程中丢失。 |
低回收率 | DNA片段短于预期 | AMPure磁珠量与样品量的比值越低,针对短片段的筛选就越严格。每次实验时,请先使用琼脂糖凝胶(或其他凝胶电泳方法)确定起始DNA的长度,并据此计算出合适的AMPure磁珠用量。 |
末端修复后的DNA回收率低 | 清洗步骤所用乙醇的浓度低于70% | 当乙醇浓度低于70%时,DNA会从磁珠上洗脱下来。请确保使用正确浓度的乙醇。 |
14. Issues during the sequencing run
我们还在 Nanopore 社区的“Support”板块 提供了常见问题解答(FAQ)。
现象 | 可能原因 | 措施及备注 |
MinKNOW Mux 扫描在测序起始时报告的活性孔数少于芯片质检时报告的活性孔数 | 纳米孔阵列中引入了气泡 | 在对通过质控的芯片进行预处理之前,请务必排出预处理孔附近的气泡。否则,气泡会进入纳米孔阵列对其造成不可逆转地损害。 视频中演示了避免引入气泡的最佳操作方法。 |
MinKNOW Mux 扫描在测序起始时报告的活性孔数少于芯片质检时报告的活性孔数 | 测序芯片没有正确插入测序仪 | 停止测序,将芯片从测序仪中取出,再重新插入测序仪内。请确保测序芯片被牢固地嵌入测序仪中,且达到目标温度。如用户使用的是GridION/PromethION测序仪,也可尝试将芯片插入仪器的其它位置进行测序。 |
inKNOW Mux 扫描在测序起始时报告的活性孔数少于芯片质检时报告的活性孔数 | 文库中残留的污染物对纳米孔造成损害或堵塞 | 在测序芯片质检阶段,我们用芯片储存缓冲液中的质控DNA分子来评估活性纳米孔的数量。而在测序开始时,我们使用DNA文库本身来评估活性纳米孔的数量。因此,活性纳米孔的数量在这两次评估中会有约10%的浮动。 如测序开始时报告的孔数明显降低,则可能是由于文库中的污染物对膜结构造成了损坏或将纳米孔堵塞。用户可能需要使用其它的DNA/RNA提取或纯化方法,以提高起始核酸的纯度。您可在 污染物专题技术文档中查看污染物对测序实验的影响。请尝试其它不会导致污染物残留的 提取方法 。 |
现象 | 可能原因 | 措施及备注 |
MinKNOW显示 "Script failed”(脚本失败) | 重启计算机及MinKNOW。如问题仍未得到解决,请收集 MinKNOW 日志文件 并联系我们的技术支持。 如您没有其他可用的测序设备,我们建议您先将装有文库的测序芯片置于4°C 储存,并联系我们的技术支持团队获取进一步储存上的建议。 |
Pore occupancy below 40%
Observation | Possible cause | Comments and actions |
Pore occupancy <40% | Not enough library was loaded on the flow cell | For the human genome sequencing protocols, 200-300 ng of good quality library should be loaded on to an R10.4.1 flow cell to keep pore occupancy high. |
Pore occupancy close to 0 | The Ligation Sequencing Kit was used, and sequencing adapters did not ligate to the DNA | Make sure to use the NEBNext Quick Ligation Module (E6056) and Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ligation Buffer (LNB, provided in the SQK-LSK114 kit) at the sequencing adapter ligation step, and use the correct amount of each reagent. A Lambda control library can be prepared to test the integrity of the third-party reagents. |
Pore occupancy close to 0 | The Ligation Sequencing Kit was used, and ethanol was used instead of LFB or SFB at the wash step after sequencing adapter ligation | Ethanol can denature the motor protein on the sequencing adapters. Make sure the LFB or SFB buffer was used after ligation of sequencing adapters. |
Pore occupancy close to 0 | No tether on the flow cell | Tethers are adding during flow cell priming (FCT tube). Make sure FCT was added to FCF before priming. |
现象 | 可能原因 | 措施及备注 |
读长短于预期 | DNA样本降解 | 读长反映了起始DNA片段的长度。起始DNA在提取和文库制备过程中均有可能被打断。 1. 1. 请查阅纳米孔社区中的 提取方法 以获得最佳DNA提取方案。 2. 在进行文库制备之前,请先跑电泳,查看起始DNA片段的长度分布。 在上图中,样本1为高分子量DNA,而样本2为降解样本。 3. 在制备文库的过程中,请避免使用吹打或/和涡旋振荡的方式来混合试剂。轻弹或上下颠倒离心管即可。 |
现象 | 可能原因 | Comments and actions |
大量纳米孔处于不可用状态 (在通道面板和纳米孔活动状态图上以蓝色表示) 上方的纳米孔活动状态图显示:状态为不可用的纳米孔的比例随着测序进程而不断增加。 | 样本中含有污染物 | 使用MinKNOW中的“Unblocking”(疏通)功能,可对一些污染物进行清除。 如疏通成功,纳米孔的状态会变为"测序孔". 若疏通后,状态为不可用的纳米孔的比例仍然很高甚至增加: 1. 用户可使用 测序芯片冲洗试剂盒(EXP-WSH004)进行核酸酶冲洗 can be performed, 操作,或 2. 使用PCR扩增目标片段,以稀释可能导致问题的污染物。 |
大量纳米孔处于失活状态 (1)
现象 | 可能原因 | 措施及备注 |
大量纳米孔处于失活状态(在通道面板和纳米孔活动状态图上以浅蓝色表示。膜结构或纳米孔遭受不可逆转地损伤) | 测序芯片中引入了气泡 | 在芯片预处理和文库上样过程中引入的气泡会对纳米孔带来不可逆转地损害。请观看 测序芯片的预处理及上样 视频了解最佳操作方法。 |
大量纳米孔处于失活/不可用状态 | 文库中存在与DNA共纯化的化合物 | 与植物基因组DNA相关的多糖通常能与DNA一同纯化出来。 1. 请参考 植物叶片DNA提取方法。 2. 使用QIAGEN PowerClean Pro试剂盒进行纯化。 3. 利用QIAGEN REPLI-g试剂盒对原始gDNA样本进行全基因组扩增。 |
大量纳米孔处于失活/不可用状态 | 样本中含有污染物 | 您可在 污染物专题技术文档 中查看污染物对测序实验的影响。请尝试其它不会导致污染物残留的提取方法。 |
现象 | 可能原因 | 措施及备注 |
温度波动 | 测序芯片和仪器接触不良 | 检查芯片背面的金属板是否有热垫覆盖。重新插入测序芯片,用力向下按压,以确保芯片的连接器引脚与测序仪牢固接触。如问题仍未得到解决,请联系我们的技术支持。 |
现象 | 可能原因 | 措施及备注 |
MinKNOW显示“未能达到目标温度” | 测序仪所处环境低于标准室温,或通风不良(以致芯片过热) | MinKNOW会限定测序芯片达到目标温度的时间。当超过限定时间后,系统会显示出错信息,但测序实验仍会继续。值得注意的是,在错误温度下测序可能会导致通量和数据质量(Q值)降低。请调整测序仪的摆放位置,确保其置于室温下、通风良好的环境中后,再在MinKNOW中继续实验。有关MinION温度控制的更多信息,请参考此 FAQ (常见问题)文档。 |