ハイスループットシークエンスによる植物ゲノムや動物ゲノムの詳細な解析が多くの 研究領域に革命を起こしています。ヒトと動物の医療分野では、シークエンスに より疾患についてかつてないほどの知見が得られており、植物の遺伝的変異の 調査では多様性の維持や望ましい形質の選択(高収量や病原菌に対する抵抗性 など)が可能になっています。また、全ゲノムシークエンスは生物間の進化的 関係の解明にも役立っています。
Since the entire genome of the first organism was sequenced in 1995, thousands of completed genomes covering archaea, bacteria, and eukarya have been generated. However, the term ‘completed genome’ is overused because most sequenced genomes contain numerous gaps. These gaps correspond to repetitive regions and structural variants that are too large to be resolved by the legacy short-read sequencing technologies often used to generate the genomes.
This white paper outlines how researchers are now utilising nanopore sequencing to address this challenge by spanning complex genomic regions in single reads, delivering more accurate large genomes for a wide variety of applications.
In this white paper, you will:
- Learn the importance of complete genome assemblies and its recent developments
- Discover the limitations of legacy sequencing technologies
- Find out how nanopore sequencing overcomes these limitations
- Read real-world case studies of how researchers are utilising nanopore sequencing to deliver new insights