NCM 2022: Harnessing automation and integrated solutions to enable nanopore sequencing at any scale

Rachel is a technical product manager with a background in molecular and microbiology. At Oxford Nanopore, she works with the MinKNOW team to help incorporate customer feedback and make the software more powerful and user friendly. She is passionate about improving user experience, robustness, and stability of the MinKNOW software. In her free time, you can catch her running, swimming, or cycling around the Boston, MA, area.

Beth is the Chemistry Lead for the VolTRAX team, working to expand the current offerings of protocols and methods.

Stephen works in the Product Management team and is responsible for customer-facing bioinformatics offerings. With the customer workflow team, we are developing EPI2ME Labs to provide didactic tutorials that illustrate how we solve common research problems. These tutorials are formalised as Nextflow workflows that are available for running on device or in the cloud through EPI2ME.

Authors: Rachel Rubinstein, Beth Lodge, and Stephen Rudd