P2 Devices
Flexible, high-output nanopore sequencing for every lab


Choose PromethION 2 devices for flexible, high-output sequencing, in a compact, accessible design. Utilising flow cells that generate hundreds of gigabases, enable PromethION-scale benefits in small to medium sized labs — including cores and commercial service providers. Suitable for users with lower sample processing requirements, up to ~200 flow cells per year.

The PromethION 2 devices allow users to explore their applications and projects, before scaling up to a PromethION 24 or PromethION 48 device if required.

The PromethION 2 Solo (P2S) and PromethION 2 Integrated (P2i) are now available for purchase through our store. For more information, see the relevant store pages.

PromethION 2 devices
PromethION2 Integrated Logo White

A self-contained benchtop nanopore sequencer containing a powerful GPU and running two high-output PromethION Flow Cells.

Two high-output flow cells

can be operated individually or together for flexible, on-demand sequencing

P2 angle

16 TB SSD and 64 GB RAM

High-resolution touchscreen display

or existing computer infrastucture

Flexible, on-demand sequencing

with powerful NVIDIA A-Series GPU for onboard data analysis

PromethION2 Solo Logo White

A compact sequencer for two PromethION Flow Cells, utilising resource within the GridION or other suitable compute, including laptops, to quickly enable accurate, high-output nanopore sequencing.

Two high-output flow cells

delivering up to 580 Gb of data

P2 Solo angle
Connect to GridION

or existing computer infrastucture

Flexible, on-demand sequencing

run flow cells individually or together

Choosing the right PromethION

Not sure which PromethION device you need? See below for the number of flow cells you can run on a PromethION 2 device, a PromethION 24 or a PromethION 48 each year. Read more about our P24 and P48 devices

PromethION comparison graph


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