9 results
Blog: Ruminating on the rumen microbiome
- Microbiology
- Microbiome
- Metagenomics
- Bacteria
- Agriculture: animal
- gDNA
- MinION
- Identification
- Assembly
- Research story
June 9 2020
Blog: Revealing the impact of structural variants on cancer susceptibility
- Research story
September 2 2020
Blog: Resolving structural variants causing antithrombin deficiency
- Human genomics
- Clinical research
- Structural variation
- Variant calling
- Long-read
- PromethION
- gDNA
- Whole genome
- Immunology
- Research story
September 14 2020
Blog: PuntSeq - Portable nanopore sequencing of freshwater metagenomes
- Metagenomics
- Microbiology
- Portable
- MinION
- Identification
- Research story
April 17 2020
Blog: Metagenomic sequencing: which assembly method is best?
- Microbiology
- Metagenomics
- Assembly
- Bioinformatics
- Research story
April 7 2020
Blog: Long reads reveal small-scale structural variations in an allo-tetraploid crop plant
- Research story
February 25 2020
Blog: cuteSV - a powerful tool to uncover the full spectrum of genomic structural variants
- Structural variation
- PromethION
- gDNA
- Whole genome
- Long-read
- Human genomics
- Research story
October 19 2020
Blog: Copy number variation analysis from plasma: is it feasible using nanopore sequencing?
- Cancer research
- Clinical research
- Structural variation
- MinION
- Flongle
- GridION
- Long-read
- Research story
September 29 2020