Ligation sequencing influenza whole genome V14 (SQK-NBD114.24 or SQK-NBD114.96)

DateVersion numberLanguageDeviceChanges
Mar 7 2024INF_9189_v114_revF_14Jun2023EnglishGridION
07th March 2024 - Updated library loading recommendations to 35-50 fmols.
Mar 7 2024INF_9189_v114_revF_14Jun2023EnglishMinION
07th March 2024 - Updated library loading recommendations to 35-50 fmols.
January 22nd, 2024INF_9189_v114_revD_14Jun2023EnglishGridion Download 2nd October 2023 - Updated "Adapter ligation and clean-up" to remove additional reference of NEBNext® Quick Ligation Reaction Buffer (NEB, B6058)
January 22nd, 2024INF_9189_v114_revD_14Jun2023EnglishMinion Download 2nd October 2023 - Updated "Adapter ligation and clean-up" to remove additional reference of NEBNext® Quick Ligation Reaction Buffer (NEB, B6058)
October 2nd, 2023INF_9189_v114_revC_14Jun2023EnglishGridion Download 19th September 2023 - Updated flow cell loading instructions to include light shield installation - Updated flow cell loading recommendations in the "Adapter ligation and clean-up" step.
October 2nd, 2023INF_9189_v114_revC_14Jun2023EnglishMinion Download 19th September 2023 - Updated flow cell loading instructions to include light shield installation - Updated flow cell loading recommendations in the "Adapter ligation and clean-up" step.
September 19th, 2023INF_9189_v114_revB_14Jun2023EnglishGridion Download 14th August 2023 - Updated the equipment and consumables with both formats of kits which are being shipped. - Updated the native barcoding ligation step to include instructions for both EDTA concentrations. - Updated flow cell flushing instructions to include instructions for the bottle format kit.
September 19th, 2023INF_9189_v114_revB_14Jun2023EnglishMinion Download 14th August 2023 - Updated the equipment and consumables with both formats of kits which are being shipped. - Updated the native barcoding ligation step to include instructions for both EDTA concentrations. - Updated flow cell flushing instructions to include instructions for the bottle format kit.
September 14th, 2023INF_9189_v114_revA_14Jun2023EnglishGridion Download
September 14th, 2023INF_9189_v114_revA_14Jun2023EnglishMinion Download