Ligation sequencing gDNA V14 — reduced representation methylation sequencing (RRMS) (SQK-LSK114)

DateVersion numberLanguageDeviceChanges
Sep 3 2024RRMS_9180_v114_revJ_08Feb2023EnglishGridION
21st August 2024 - NEBNext® Companion Module v2 for Oxford Nanopore Technologies® Ligation Sequencing (NEB, E7672S or E7672L) is now the recommended reagent module. - Updated the Repair and End-prep method in-line with new recommended reagents. - Updated the Adapter ligation step with new recommended method. - Updated downstream analysis section: recommended software versions.
August 28th, 2024RRMS_9180_v114_revI_08Feb2023English Download 21st August 2024 - NEBNext® Companion Module v2 for Oxford Nanopore Technologies® Ligation Sequencing (NEB, E7672S or E7672L) is now the recommended reagent module. - Updated the Repair and End-prep method in-line with new recommended reagents. - Updated the Adapter ligation step with new recommended method. - Updated downstream analysis section: recommended software versions.
August 21st, 2024RRMS_9180_v114_revH_08Feb2023English Download 31 July 2024 - Updated introduction format and inclusion of reference to the RRMS multiplexing protocol. - Expanded sample preparation section to now include full instructions for DNA extraction and fragmentation. - Changed reagent order addition in Library preparation/Adapter ligation and clean-up; Ligation Adapter (LA) added before Ligation Buffer (LB) and NEBNext Quick T4 Ligase. - Updated library preparation method: final elute of adapted DNA library now performed in 38 μl. Allows for users to take split the final elute in three and load directly on to the flow cell (no need to dilute). - Added instructions on washing and reloading the Flow Cell. - Updated sequencing run setting instructions to condensed format. - Re-vamped downstream analysis with new instructions and method.
July 31st, 2024RRMS_9180_v114_revG_08Feb2023English Download 07 May 2024 - Downstream analysis instructions updated: <br> • human_variation removed as no longer an option <br> • syntax updates for ease and clarity of use <br> • instructions simplified and streamlined <br> • inclusion of additional modkit resource links for more information
May 7th, 2024RRMS_9180_v114_revF_08Feb2023English Download 23rd November 2023 - Updated downstream analysis instructions.
November 23rd, 2023RRMS_9180_v114_revE_08Feb2023English Download DRAFT 20th September 2023 - Updated flow cell loading instructions to include light shield installation - Updated protocol to include instructions for mouse samples as well as the original method for human samples. - Updated software recommendations from Guppy to now use Dorado. - Updated sequencing and library reload times for optimal pore occupancy and flow cell health. - Updated downstream analysis instructions to Dorado commands and to include information on nextflow pipelines for wf-human-variation. - Updated downstream analysis instructions to use modkit bioinformatics tool.
September 20th, 2023RRMS_9180_v114_revD_08Feb2023English Download 1st August 2023 - Kit contents layout has been updated - In priming and loading the flow cell, the flow cell priming mix instructions have been updated - Kit updated to released phase and guppy_basecaller parameter updated in "Downstream analysis"
August 1st, 2023RRMS_9180_v114_revC_08Feb2023English Download May 2023 - This kit has moved to released phase. - Updated the guppy_basecaller parameter in "Downstream analysis".
March 16th, 2023RRMS_9180_v114_revB_08Feb2023English Download March 2023 - Updated "Data acquisition and basecalling" to correctly reflect basecalling being carried out post-sequencing in the Dpwnstream analysis section of the protocol. - Added "Ending the experiment" page to the "Sequencing and data analysis" section of the protocol.
February 8th, 2023RRMS_9180_v114_revA_08Feb2023English Download