LamPORE SARS-CoV-2 Control Experiment (LMPC_9104_v1_rev1_18Aug2020)
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- LamPORE SARS-CoV-2 Control Experiment
GridION: Protocol
V LMPC_9104_v1_rev1_18Aug2020
Introduction to the protocol
- 1. Overview of the protocol
- 2. Equipment and consumables
- 3. Computer requirements and software
- 4. Check your flow cell
LAMP and library preparation
- 5. Reverse Transcription Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification (RT-LAMP)
- 6. Library preparation
- 7. Priming and loading the flow cell
Sequencing and data analysis
1. Overview of the protocol
LamPORE control experiment
This protocol is for running the LamPORE control experiment using the LamPORE COVID-19 Test Kit 96-plex S (OND-SQK-LP0096S) and the SARS-CoV-2 Control kit S (OND-EXP-SCT001). The purpose is to familiarise the user with the assay and ensure they can get accurate and reproducible results. Instead of using RNA samples from patients, the control experiment uses Positive Control (CTL) and No Template Control (NTC) from the SARS-CoV-2 Control kit S (OND-EXP-SCT001).
The experiment is set up with alternating columns of CTL and NTC in a 96-well plate, as shown in the figure below. The analysis report should show SARS-CoV-2 detected in every well containing CTL, and SARS-CoV-2 not detected in every well containing NTC.
Introduction to LamPORE
LamPORE has been developed by Oxford Nanopore Technologies to enable the simple and rapid detection of target regions of single or multiple genomes in a highly multiplexed manner.
In this kit, LamPORE is designed to detect the presence or absence of the SARS-CoV-2 virual RNA responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic in respiratory specimens (such as oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal swabs) and saliva.
LamPORE combines barcoded multi-target isothermal amplification, 15-minute barcoded library preparation and real-time nanopore sequencing. By placing unique molecular barcodes in the Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) reaction and coupling these with Oxford Nanopore's rapid barcoding adapters, a dual indexing approach is achieved, enabling a large number of barcode combinations to be generated and analysed.
The test deploys a simple workflow:
Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) is a single-tube technique of targeted amplification which can generate micrograms of product from tens of copies of the target region. Reverse Transcription LAMP (RT-LAMP) combines LAMP with a reverse transcription step to allow the amplification and subsequent detection of RNA targets.
LamPORE deploys an RT-LAMP specific to three regions of the SARS-CoV-2 genome:
- N Gene
- E gene
- ORF1a gene
Additionally, a set of primers to amplify the human β-actin mRNA are included. The primers target either side of a splice junction and do not amplify from genomic DNA. As long as the sample has been collected and prepared correctly, β-actin RNA should be present in all the swab and saliva samples, regardless of their SARS-CoV-2 status, and so this provides a way to differentiate between true negatives and invalid samples.
To perform amplification, a strand-displacing polymerase is added to an RNA sample, primers and the reaction is incubated at 65°C for 35 minutes. In the initial stages of the reaction, the enzyme produces a series of dumbbell-shaped cDNA molecules and these are then exponentially amplified. Amplification of the dumbbell-shaped molecules results in long DNA strands consisting of concatenated copies of the original target regions.
To enable pooling of multiple samples into a single analysis run, the LamPORE SARS-CoV-2 primers include a 10-nucleotide molecular barcode on the Forward Inner Primer (FIP). Following amplification, several copies of this barcode are incorporated into each DNA concatemer.
At the end of the reaction, the enzymes are inactivated by incubation at 80°C for 5 minutes. LAMP produces a variety of products including multimeric DNA with inverted repeats. These complex amplification products are converted into nanopore sequencing libraries using the rapid barcoding chemistry.
Rapid barcoding
Successful LAMP reactions are often inferred from a proxy measurement, such as increased turbidity or a colour change. However, although the LAMP reaction itself is very robust, these proxy measurements are less robust and can be affected by substances present in biological samples. It is also not uncommon to see a colour change or increase in turbidity in no-template controls, arising from amplification of primer artefacts, which would lead to a false positive call. Instead of relying on proxy measurements, sequencing can be used as a readout. On-target amplification events contain sequences that are not present in the primers and can be identified without ambiguity by alignment. In addition, sequencing provides an opportunity to amplify and detect multiple targets in a single tube.
To enable sequencing as a readout, a sequencing library must first be prepared. LamPORE uses the rapid barcoding library preparation method for three reasons: the first reason is speed and simplicity. Secondly, being transposase-based, the preparation method cuts the loop products generated during LAMP, turning them into linear molecules ready for sequencing. Finally, rapid barcoding chemistry incorporates a barcode in the sequencing adapter enabling a combinatorial barcode approach which delivers a far higher capacity for multiplexing samples into an analysis run.
To prepare a rapid barcoded library, you will need to:
- Tagment your DNA using the rapid barcodes; this cuts the DNA and simultaneously attaches a pair of barcodes to the fragments
- Pool the barcoded samples
- Purify the sample using SPRI beads
- Attach sequencing adapters to the DNA ends
- Prime the flow cell, and load your DNA library into the flow cell
Data analysis
Per-sample results of the assay are returned as positive, negative, inconclusive, or invalid.
During nanopore sequencing, an electrical current is measured as strands pass through each pore on the flow cell. Conversion of this current into basecalls can start while a strand is translocating.
LamPORE reads
A LamPORE reaction creates an end product with multiple copies of the barcoded target region and a sequencing barcode at the start of each read.
Raw signal data processing basecalling algorithms are contained in the MinKNOW software.
The data at this point is deposited in files according to the barcode on the rapid sequencing chemistry with all files containing rapid barcode 1 in folder 1 and all files containing barcode 2 in folder 2 etc.
At the end of the experiment, when all reads have been basecalled and placed in appropriate folders, MinKNOW initiates the downstream analysis pipeline.
Analysis pipeline
The LamPORE analysis pipeline:
- Demultiplexes the reads by the FIP barcodes
- Aligns the reads against the SARS-CoV-2 genomic targets and human β-actin
- Generates a TSV file describing the number of reads for each barcode which align to the targets.
A PDF report is also generated, containing classification results for every barcoded sample.
Analysis pipeline in detail
The first step of the enalysis pipeline is to classify reads containing the LAMP barcodes. After this step is performed, the classified reads move onto an alignment step.
The LamPORE primers are designed such that they leave a gap where genuine SARS-CoV-2 sequence is replicated by the LAMP reaction in the case of a positive sample.
All reads are aligned against the SARS-CoV-2 genome and only reads with sequence information in that region are called positive.
Distinguishing between valid reads and primer artefacts by alignment works by: a) valid reads consist of repeats that align across the majority of the target region, whereas b) primer artefacts align as short segments interspersed with gaps.
By pairing LAMP with nanopore sequencing, it is easy for a genuine positive to be differentiated from amplification artefacts. This enables the assay to be highly specific as reads containing the necessary sequence serve as an unambiguous identification for the presence of the target.
The determination of the sample result applies the following rules:
- Positive: SARS-CoV-2 detected (≥50 SARS-CoV-2 reads)
- Inconclusive: The test should be repeated (20 ≤ SARS-CoV-2 reads ≤ 49)
- Negative: SARS-CoV-2 not detected (<20 SARS-CoV-2 reads)
- Invalid: insufficient number (<50) of classified reads from both SARS-CoV-2 and β-actin to make a call; the test should be repeated
It is important to note that this read-out is to be used by a healthcare professional in combination with patient symptoms and healthcare history to inform the next course of treatment.
2. Equipment and consumables
- LamPORE COVID-19 Test Kit 96-plex S (OND-SQK-LP0096S)
- SARS-CoV-2 Control kit S (OND-EXP-SCT001)
- 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind tubes
- 0.2 ml 96-well PCR plate
- 96-well plate lids or seals
- 0.2 ml 薄壁のPCRチューブ
- Nuclease-free water (e.g. ThermoFisher, AM9937)
- nuclease-free waterで調整した 80% エタノール溶液
- Nuclease-free pipette filter tips
- PCR hood or bubble
- Thermal cycler or heat block with 96 wells
- マグネットラック
- 小型遠心機
- Centrifuge capable of taking 96-well plates
- タイマー
- アイスバケツ(氷入り)
- P1000 pipette
- P200 pipette
- P100 pipette
- P20 pipette
- P10 pipette
- P2 pipette
- Multichannel pipettes suitable for dispensing 0.5–10 μl, 2–20 μl and 20–200 μl, and tips
LamPORE COVID-19 Test Kit 96 Plex S contents (OND-SQK-LP0096S)
Kit component | Description | Number of tubes/wells |
LAMP Master Mix (LMM) | Reagents and enzymes needed for the LAMP reaction | 1x pre-filled 96-well plate of LMM |
LAMP Primer Mixes (LPM) | Primers for the LAMP reaction that hybridise to the ORF1a, N2 and E1 genes of the SARS-CoV-2 genome, as well as the B-actin gene as an internal control. LAMP primers contain barcodes 1-8 for multiplexing samples | 1x pre-filled 96-well plate of LPM. LAMP barcoded primers are arranged in rows, i.e. Row A contains primers with barcode 1, Row B contains primers with barcode 2 etc. |
Rapid Barcodes (RBxx) | Rapid Barcodes 1-12 for multiplexing samples | 1x 96-well plate with Row A of the Rapid Barcodes plate containing barcodes 1-12 in wells A1-A12. |
SPRI Beads (SPRI) | SPRI beads for purifying the pooled, barcoded library | 1 tube |
Rapid Adapter (RAP) | Oligonucleotide adapter loaded with a processive enzyme that regulates the DNA passage through the nanopore | 1 tube |
Sequencing Buffer (SQB) | Fuel and other chemical co-factors for powering DNA translocation through the nanopore | 1 tube |
Loading Beads (LB) | Polymer beads for improved sequencing yields | 1 tube |
Elution Buffer (EB) | Buffer for eluting the prepared DNA library from SPRI beads | 1 tube |
Flush Buffer (FB) | Buffer used to flush the flow cell prior to loading the library | 6 tubes |
Flush Tether (FLT) | Chemical tether added to Flush Buffer; brings the DNA library to the flow cell membrane and in closer proximity to the nanopores | 1 tube |
SARS-CoV-2 Control kit S contents (OND-EXP-SCT001)
Kit component | Description | Number of tubes/wells |
Positive Control (CTL) | Positive control containing synthetic SARS-CoV-2 RNA | 6 tubes |
No Template Control (NTC) | Negative control containing nuclease-free water | 4 tubes |
Kit shelf life and storage
The LamPORE COVID-19 Test Kit 96 Plex S and the SARS-CoV-2 Control kit S have a shelf life of 3 months when stored at -20°C.
The Positive Control (CTL) tubes should be taken out of the kit and stored at -80°C for up to 3 months.
We do not reccomend repeated freeze-thaw of the Positive Control (CTL) and as such, sufficient aliquots are provided in the kit to minimise this.
3. Computer requirements and software
GridION IT requirements
The GridION device contains all the hardware required to control up to five flow cells and acquire the data. The device is further enhanced with high performance GPU technology for real-time basecalling. Read more in the GridION IT requirements document.
Software for nanopore sequencing
The MinKNOW software (OND 19.12) controls the nanopore sequencing device, collects sequencing data in real time and processes it into basecalls. MinKNOW can also demultiplex reads by barcode.
At the end of the sequencing experiment, when all reads have been basecalled, MinKNOW initiates the downstream analysis pipeline.
4. Check your flow cell
- Flow Cell (OND-FLO-M106D)
- GridION (OND-GRD003)
In this step, you will use the MinKNOW software to check that the flow cell meets warranty. This has to be done prior to loading your sample onto the flow cell.
Switch on the GridION device. When the login screen appears, enter the password and log in.
Open the GridION lid and insert the flow cell. Press down firmly on the flow cell to ensure correct thermal and electrical contact.
Click the Nanopore wheel icon on the desktop to load the MinKNOW software. You will see the MinKNOW user interface appear.
Check the "Available" box for all flow cells to be checked.
Click "Check flow cells" at the bottom of the screen.
Click "Start test". The flow cell check will take approximately 10 minutes.
The quality of the flow cell will be shown as one of the two outcomes:
A green tick - The flow cell is within warranty and can be used for a LamPORE test.
A yellow exclamation mark - The flow cell is below warranty and should not be used for the LamPORE test. Please contact to arrange a replacement.
Note: The indicator of quality (exclamation mark or tick) will only remain visible during a MinKNOW session. Once the MinKNOW service has ended, the status of the flow cell will be erased.
Flow cell check complete.
5. Reverse Transcription Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification (RT-LAMP)
- LAMP Primer Mix (LPM) plate
- LAMP Master Mix (LMM) plate
- No Template Control (NTC)
- Positive Control (CTL)
- Nuclease-free water (e.g. ThermoFisher, AM9937)
- 96-well plate lids or seals
- 0.2 ml 96-well PCR plate
- 0.2 ml 薄壁のPCRチューブ
- Nuclease-free pipette filter tips
- PCR hood or bubble
- Thermal cycler or heat block with 96 wells
- Vortex mixer with plate adapter
- Centrifuge capable of taking 96-well plates
- Multichannel pipettes suitable for dispensing 2–20 μl and 20–200 μl, and tips
- P20 pipette
- P2 pipette
- アイスバケツ(氷入り)
LAMP can produce large numbers of easily-amplifiable molecules after a successful reaction, and therefore the risk of cross-contamination between samples must be mitigated.
- The Amplification (RT-LAMP) must be performed in a PCR hood or bubble in a completely separate area to the library preparation
- Use dedicated pipettes for liquid handling, with filter pipette tips for the RNA processing and LAMP
- Wear a fresh pair of gloves that are immediatley discarded after this step
- After the LAMP reaction is complete, remove the seal from the PCR plate very carefully to avoid splashing/cross-contamination between wells
- Clean down hoods and surfaces with an appropriate cleaning agent (e.g. bleach) before and after the RT-LAMP step and between reagent plates
Barcoding of samples
This method uses a combinatorial barcoding approach. One set of barcodes is contained in the FIP primers used in the LAMP reactions, and an additional set of Rapid Barcodes is also supplied. All controls in a given row of the plate will receive the same FIP barcode, and all controls in a given column of the plate will receive the same Rapid Barcode, as shown in the figure below.
Here, controls in row A of the plate receive FIP barcode 01, controls in row B receive barcode FIP 02 etc. Meanwhile, controls in column 1 receive the Rapid Barcode 01, controls in column 2 receive the Rapid Barcode 02 etc. This way, each control will receive a unique combination of FIP barcode and Rapid Barcode.
Prepare the reagents as follows:
Reagent | Thaw | Mix/spin | Store |
LAMP Master Mix (LMM) | At room temperature | Spin down the plate | On ice |
LAMP Primer Mixes (LPM) | At room temperature | Spin down the plate | On ice |
Positive Control (CTL) | On ice | Vortex and spin down | On ice |
No Template Control (NTC) | At room temperature | Vortex and spin down | On ice |
Add 2 ml of nuclease-free water directly to the CTL tube. Mix well by vortexing, and spin down.
Set a multichannel pipette to 5 μl. Mix the contents of column 1 of the LAMP Primer Mix (LPM) plate by pipetting up and down several times. Then transfer 5 μl of LAMP Primer Mix from column 1 of the LPM plate into column 1 of a clean 96-well plate. Repeat the mixing and pipetting steps for all the remaining columns, using new tips for each column.
Mix by pipetting up and down
Transfer LPM to clean plate
Set a multichannel pipette to 25 μl. Mix the contents of column 1 of the LAMP Master Mix (LMM) plate by pipetting up and down several times. Then transfer 25 μl of LAMP Master Mix from column 1 of the LMM plate into column 1 of the 96-well plate. Mix the contents of the wells by pipetting up and down. Repeat the mixing and pipetting steps for all the remaining columns, using new tips for each column.
Add CTL and NTC to alternating columns of the plate, as shown in the diagram. Add 20 μl NTC to each well in the row. For the CTL rows, add 5 μl of CTL to each well followed by 15 μl nuclease-free water to bring the total volume to 20 μl.
Mix the contents of each well by pipetting up and down, taking care not to cross-contaminate different wells.
Seal the plate and spin down.
Incubate the plate in a thermal cycler at 65°C for 35 minutes, then at 80°C for 5 minutes.
If necessary, the protocol can be paused at this point. The samples should be kept at 4°C and can be stored overnight.
6. Library preparation
- Rapid Barcodes plate
- SPRI beads (SPRI)
- Rapid Adapter (RAP)
- Elution Buffer (EB)
- 0.2 ml 薄壁のPCRチューブ
- 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind tubes
- Nuclease-free water (e.g. ThermoFisher, AM9937)
- nuclease-free waterで調整した 80% エタノール溶液
- Nuclease-free pipette filter tips
- Thermal cycler or heat blocks
- 小型遠心機
- P10 pipette
- Multichannel pipettes suitable for dispensing 0.5–10 μl, 2–20 μl and 20–200 μl, and tips
- マグネットラック
Library preparation should be carried out in a separate area of the laboratory to the RT-LAMP PCR hood/bubble.
Prepare the remaining reagents as follows:
Reagent | Thaw | Mix/spin | Store |
Rapid Barcodes plate (RBxx) | At room temperature | Spin down the plate | On ice |
SPRI beads (SPRI) | At room temperature | Vortex and spin down | At room temperature |
Rapid Adapter (RAP) | At room temperature | Vortex and spin down | On ice |
Elution Buffer (EB) | At room temperature | Vortex and spin down | On ice |
Spin down the plate with the LAMP reactions to bring all samples to the bottom of the wells. Remove the seal from the plate carefully, avoiding sample splashing and cross-contamination between wells.
For each column of the plate (e.g. wells A1-H1), pool the reactions by transferring 2 μl of LAMP products from each well into a clean 0.2 ml thin-walled PCR tube. Pipette very carefully to avoid cross-contamination between columns on the plate.
Mix the contents of each tube by pipetting up and down using a multichannel pipette, and spin down.
Add 6.5 μl nuclease-free water to clean 0.2 ml thin-walled PCR tubes, one for each pool of reverse-transcribed and amplified RNA samples. Then add 1 μl of the RNA sample pools to each tube:
Reagent | Volume |
Nuclease-free water | 6.5 μl |
1 μl of each pool of RNA samples | 1 μl |
Total | 7.5 μl |
To each tube, add 2.5 μl of Rapid Barcodes (one for each pool of LAMP products). These are in row A of the Rapid Barcode plate: RB01-12 are in wells A1-A12.
Mix gently by flicking the tubes, and spin down.
Incubate the tubes in a thermal cycler at 30°C for 2 minutes and then at 80°C for 2 minutes. Briefly put the tubes on ice to cool them down, and spin down in a microfuge.
If necessary, the protocol can be paused at this point. The samples should be kept at 4°C and can be stored overnight.
Combine all reactions into a single 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind tube for a total volume of 120 μl.
Resuspend the tube of SPRI beads by vortexing.
To the entire pooled barcoded sample from Step 9, add 96 μl of resuspended SPRI beads and mix by pipetting up and down.
Incubate for 5 minutes at room temperature.
Prepare 500 µl of fresh 80% ethanol in nuclease-free water.
Spin down the sample and pellet the beads on a magnet for a minimum of 2 mins, or until the solution becomes clear. Keep the tube on the magnet, and pipette off the supernatant.
Take the tube off the magnet, and wash the beads by resuspending them thoroughly with 200 µl of freshly-prepared 80% ethanol. Return the tube to the magnet and pellet the beads for 2 mins, or until the solution is clear. Remove the ethanol using a pipette and discard.
Repeat the previous step.
Spin down and place the tube back on the magnet. Pipette off any residual ethanol. Allow to dry for 30 seconds, but do not dry the pellet to the point of cracking.
Remove the tube from the magnetic rack and resuspend the pellet by pipetting in 15 µl Elution Buffer (EB). Spin down and incubate for 5 minutes at room temperature.
Pellet the beads on a magnet for 2 mins, or until the eluate is clear and colourless.
Remove and retain 11 µl of eluate into a clean 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind tube.
Add 1 µl of RAP to the barcoded controls.
Mix well by pipetting and spin down in a centrifuge.
Incubate the reaction for 5 minutes at room temperature.
The prepared library is used for loading onto the flow cell. Store the library on ice until ready to load.
7. Priming and loading the flow cell
- Flush Tether (FLT)
- Flush Buffer (FB)
- Sequencing Buffer (SQB)
- Loading Beads (LB)
- Flow Cell (OND-FLO-M106D)
- 1.5 ml Eppendorf DNA LoBind tubes
- Nuclease-free water (e.g. ThermoFisher, AM9937)
- GridION (OND-GRD003)
- P1000 ピペット及びチップ
- P100 ピペットとチップ
- P20 ピペットとチップ
- P10 ピペットとチップ
Prepare the remaining kit reagents as follows:
Reagent | Thaw | Mix/spin | Store |
Sequencing Buffer (SQB) | At room temperature | Vortex and spin down | On ice |
Loading Beads (LB) | At room temperature | - | On ice |
Flush Tether (FLT) | At room temperature | Vortex and spin down | On ice |
Flush Buffer (FB) | At room temperature | Vortex and spin down | On ice |
To prepare the flow cell priming mix, add 30 µl of thawed and mixed Flush Tether (FLT) directly to the tube of thawed and mixed Flush Buffer (FB), and mix by vortexing at room temperature.
Slide the priming port cover of the flow cell clockwise to open the priming port.
After opening the priming port, check for a small air bubble under the cover. Draw back 20-30 µl to remove any bubbles:
- Set a P1000 pipette to 200 µl
- Insert the tip into the priming port
- Turn the wheel until the dial shows 220-230 µl, or until you can see a small volume of buffer entering the pipette tip
Visually check that there is continuous buffer from the priming port across the sensor array.
Take care when drawing back buffer from the flow cell. Do not remove more than 20-30 µl, and make sure that the array of pores are covered by buffer at all times. Introducing air bubbles into the array can irreversibly damage pores.
Load 800 µl of the priming mix into the flow cell via the priming port, avoiding the introduction of air bubbles. Wait for five minutes. During this time, prepare the library for loading by following the steps below.
Thoroughly mix the contents of the Loading Beads (LB) by pipetting.
The Loading Beads (LB) tube contains a suspension of beads. These beads settle very quickly. It is vital that they are mixed immediately before use.
In a new tube, prepare the library for loading as follows:
Reagent | Volume per flow cell |
Sequencing Buffer (SQB) | 37.5 µl |
Loading Beads (LB), mixed immediately before use | 25.5 µl |
DNA library | 12 µl |
Total | 75 µl |
Note: Load the library onto the flow cell immediately after adding the Sequencing Buffer (SQB) and Loading Beads (LB) because the fuel in the buffer will start to be consumed by the adapter.
Complete the flow cell priming:
- Gently lift the SpotON sample port cover to make the SpotON sample port accessible.
- Load 200 µl of the priming mix into the flow cell priming port (not the SpotON sample port), avoiding the introduction of air bubbles.
Mix the prepared library gently by pipetting up and down just prior to loading.
Add 75 μl of the prepared library to the flow cell via the SpotON sample port in a dropwise fashion. Ensure each drop flows into the port before adding the next.
Gently replace the SpotON sample port cover, making sure the bung enters the SpotON port, close the flow cell priming port and close the GridION lid.
8. Data acquisition and basecalling
Click the Nanopore wheel icon on the desktop to load the MinKNOW software. You will see the MinKNOW user interface appear.
Select the flow cells to be run by checking the "Available" box.
Click the "New Experiment" button at the bottom left of the GUI.
On the New experiment pop-up screen, select the running parameters for your experiment from the individual tabs:
The Experiment tab will show the flow cells chosen. An experiment name can then be assigned to all flow cells.
Fill in the Experiment field with the operator name or ID. Fill in the Sample field with a unique name. Experiment name and Sample ID should not contain personally-identifiable information.
The other tabs will not become available until an experiment name has been provided.
Kit selection
You will be presented with four kit options. Choose OND-SQK-LP0096S.
Run Options
Keep these at their default values.
Click "Start run"
The pop-up box will disappear, and the flow cells will become greyed out.
Allow the script to run to completion.
The Message panel in the GUI will inform you when the experiment is complete.
The data analysis pipeline will start automatically at the end of the sequencing experiment.
Note: clicking the Stop button during the run will cancel the downstream analysis.
9. Downstream analysis
Output of the sequencing and analysis pipeline
The files with test results are placed in the /data
folder, with the following structure/file naming convention:
e.g. `/data/lampore_20200617/lampore/20200617_1636_X1_FAO39500_e29f6fcd`
The experiment results can be found in the lamPORE_report
PDF and the lamPORE_results
TSV file.
Analysis report
The report is a TSV file describing number of reads which align to given targets and have given barcodes, as well as metadata for run tracking. A PDF report is also generated, containing results for every barcoded sample.
The fields in the TSV file are as follows:
Column | Meaning |
Barcode | RB and FIP barcode combination |
target_human_ACTB | Number of reads aligning to the human β-actin target |
target_nCoV2019_AS1 | Number of reads aligning to the ORF1a target in the SARS-CoV-2 genome |
target_nCoV2019_E1 | Number of reads aligning to the E1 target in the SARS-CoV-2 genome |
target_nCoV2019_N2 | Number of reads aligning to the N2 target in the SARS-CoV-2 genome |
target_unclassified | Number of unclassified reads (reads with barcodes that do not align with the correct specificity) |
acquisition_run_id | A unique alphanumeric number to identify the run |
protocol_group_id | Experiment name assigned when setting up the run in MinKNOW |
sample_id | Name assigned to the flow cell when setting up the run in MinKNOW |
flow_cell_id | Unique identification code of the flow cell |
started | Experiment start date and time |
call | Positive: SARS-CoV-2 detected (≥50 SARS-CoV-2 reads) Inconclusive: The test should be repeated (20 ≤ SARS-CoV-2 reads ≤ 49) Negative: SARS-CoV-2 not detected (<20 SARS-CoV-2 reads) Invalid: insufficient number (<50) of classified reads from both SARS-CoV-2 and β-actin to make a call; the test should be repeated |
An example PDF report from the analysis pipeline and example TSV file are shown below.
Analysis of controls
During the RT-LAMP and library preparation, two controls from the kit are included: CTL (positive control), and NTC (no template control).
Check the results in the analysis reports (found in the lamPORE_results
TSV file and lamPORE_report
PDF file) for the positions of the controls in the plate:
- NTC contains no SARS-CoV-2 DNA, and should give an Invalid result in the call column of the TSV file or PDF report.
- CTL contains SARS-CoV-2 RNA, and is expected to give a Positive result in the call column of the TSV file or PDF report.
If the RT-LAMP and library preparation were performed successfully, the report should show all the wells in the columns with NTC giving an Invalid call, and all the wells in the columns with CTL giving a Positive call.