Lorne Genome 2024
10 - 13 February 2024 AEDT
Lorne, Australia


Oxford Nanopore Technologies will be at the Lorne Genome 2024 conference. The 2024 conference will feature chromosome structure and dynamics; comparative genomics and evolution; computational biology and bioinformatics; developmental genetics and medical genomics; emerging technologies; epigenetics and epigenomics; population genetics and genomics; regulation of gene expression; and RNA regulation systems biology.

Visit us at Booth #19 and join us for our workshop showcasing innovative speakers.

Workshop Registration


Nanopore sequencing: What you're missing matters

Date: Tuesday 13th January 2024

Time: 7:30am - 8:30am

Location: Heritage Ballroom, Mantra Lorne

  • Amanda J. Chamberlain, Agriculture Victoria

  • Adam Ewing, Mater Research Institute - University of Queensland

  • Steven Batinovic, Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Speakers & Abstracts

picture of Amanda J. Chamberlain

Bovine Long Read Consortiom: Discovering the missing structural variation in the Bovine genome.

Amanda J. Chamberlain, Agriculture Victoria


picture of Adam Ewing

A Nanopore-guided Tour of the Human Placental Imprintome

Adam Ewing, Mater Research Institute - University of Queensland
