Manual de usuario GridION

DateVersion numberLanguageDeviceChanges
May 9 2024GX1_S1012_v1_revAA_25Oct2019English
29th April 2024 - In "Technical specifications", corrected the computer specification to 7 TB SSD storage
May 9 2024GX1_S1012_v1_revAA_25Oct2019Español
29th April 2024 - In "Technical specifications", corrected the computer specification to 7 TB SSD storage
May 9 2024GX1_S1012_v1_revAA_25Oct2019中文
29th April 2024 - In "Technical specifications", corrected the computer specification to 7 TB SSD storage
March 1st, 2024GX1_S1012_v1_revY_25Oct2019English Download 18th December 2023 In "Hardware check", the screenshot of the loading bar has been updated.
December 8th, 2023GX1_S1012_v1_revX_25Oct2019English Download 28th October 2023 - In "Network settings and connections", the returned information for the IP address validation has been changed. - In "Installing and powering on the device", the firewall permissions have been updated. - In "Changing the default password and hostname", the "Changing the default hostname" has been labelled as Advanced. - The "Operating system update on GridION" section has been updated with multiple clarifications, updated screenshots and instructions.
October 28th, 2023GX1_S1012_v1_revW_25Oct2019English Download 7th June 2023 In "Downloading the ISO image and burning it to a USB drive", the ISO image download link has been updated.
May 18th, 2023GX1_S1012_v1_revV_25Oct2019English Download May 2023 - Updated screenshots throughout the protocol to be most recent GUI: software release 23.04.X - In "Flow Cell Check", detailed what the GridION LED colours mean.
April 26th, 2023GX1_S1012_v1_revU_25Oct2019English Download 26th April 2023 - In "Installing and powering on the device", the power cable instructions have been updated to say: "Connect the power cable to your mains/UPS solution. Use the mains cord supplied, or a suitable approved and rated power cord. Ensure the device is connected to a protective earth mains supply. Turn the power source on." - In "(Advanced) Updating the software via the Terminal", the reference to port 80 has been removed.
March 13th, 2023GX1_S1012_v1_revS_25Oct2019English Download 13th March 2023 - In "Operating system update" - "If problems are encountered", a note has been added to say "During the process to blank all of the system’s disks, the following screen will be visible showing either ASRock or ASUS with a scrolling circle. This process may take time to complete and be following by a reboot."
March 10th, 2023GX1_S1012_v1_revR_25Oct2019English Download 10th March 2023 - In "Device information", the compute specification has been updated to Intel i7-10700K CPU. - In "Installing and powering on the device", the requirement for Port 80 has been removed - In "Operating system update" - "If problems are encountered", a new FAQ was added about performing a secure wipe. - "Downloading the ISO image and burning it to a USB drive" - the link to the ISO image download has been updated. A comment has been added to the Overview to say "These instructions are for users who did not receive a USB drive with the ISO image. If you have received a USB drive, proceed to the next step: "How to boot from USB"."
February 2nd, 2023GX1_S1012_v1_revQ_25Oct2019English Download January 2023 - Updated connection manager screenshot in "Installing and powering on the device" and how users log into MinKNOW software using their Community credentials which now requires the use of OKTA as user authentification.
December 21st, 2022GX1_S1012_v1_revP_25Oct2019English Download December 2022 - Updated the file name, box link and the SHA256 hash in "Downloading the ISO image and burning it to a USB drive"
September 15th, 2022GX1_S1012_v1_revO_25Oct2019English Download 15th September 2022 - "Downloading the ISO image and burning it to a USB drive": the download link and MD5 hash have been updated. The USB drive specification has been changed from 16 GB to 32 GB. - "How to boot from USB": a note has been added that once the rebuild process has been completed and the device has had a power cycle, any previous changes to the device password will have defaulted back to the default password.
August 24th, 2022GX1_S1012_v1_revN_25Oct2019English Download 24th August 2022 Updated to reflect main updates for MinKNOW 22.08 release: - 'Updating the software' now includes information about update availability and to full power cycle requirement after updates Other updates: - 'Flow cell check': the instruction for starting the flow cell check has been updated to say "When you see the flow cell type and flow cell IDs recognised, click 'Start' to begin."
August 19th, 2022GX1_S1012_v1_revM_25Oct2019English Download 19th August 2022 In "Changing the default password", new instructions have been added for changing the default hostname.
August 10th, 2022GX1_S1012_v1_revL_25Oct2019English Download 14th June 2022 - In "Operating system update on GridION" - "Completing the restore", a new instruction has been added: "Configure your network".
May 26th, 2022GX1_S1012_v1_revK_25Oct2019English Download 26th May 2022 - Updated to direct customers to use the GUI to change your password
May 5th, 2022GX1_S1012_v1_revJ_25Oct2019English Download 5th May 2022 - "Overview" - the technical specs have been updated: the device weight has been corrected to 14.4 kg, and the functional temperature range for electronics is +5°C to +40°C. - "Operating system update on GridION": "Completing the restore" - a new instruction has been added: Eject the bootable USB by going to the File Explorer and selecting the Eject icon next to the USB device.
March 28th, 2022GX1_S1012_v1_revI_25Oct2019English Download 28th March 2022 In "Downloading the ISO image and burning it to a USB drive": - the Rufus link has been corrected to - the ISO image download link has been updated to include file hash information In "Completing the restore", the command to restore the hostname has been changed to lowercase `ont-gridion-serial set GXBXXXX`
February 23rd, 2022GX1_S1012_v1_revH_25Oct2019English Download 23rd February 2022 - Updated device images and annotations of components and ports.
February 3rd, 2022GX1_S1012_v1_revG_25Oct2019English Download 3rd February 2022 New section added: "Operating system update on GridION"
November 26th, 2021GX1_S1012_v1_revF_25Oct2019English Download 23rd November 2021 - "Hardware check": the section has been updated to include how to check a Flongle adapter
June 17th, 2021GX1_S1012_v1_revD_25Oct2019English Download 17th June 2021 The document has been renamed to GridION user manual, with the specific changes below: - The structure of the document has changed to include the sections "Overview", "Installation", "Pre-sequencing checks and sequencing run", "After completing a sequencing run", "Updating the software" and "Troubleshooting" - More detailed information and images included to describe GridION components and connections - Hardware check and flow cell check instructions added - MinKNOW screenshots have been updated to the MinKNOW v4.3 GUI: Updated login image in the 'Installing and powering on the device' step
January 20th, 2021GX1_S1012_v1_revC_25Oct2019English Download 9th July 2020 New UI across all devices Alignment running in MinKNOW Start of security upgrade - Login Custom filtering of reads - q-score and read lengths New barcoding options in the UI Guppy 4.0 including new basecall models Admin interface Update to use Python 3.7 Various improvements to the scripts - new selection criteria at MUX scan, better handling of low-range reads and global flick and drift improvements ont-vbz-hdf-plugin added as part of the release Support for upcoming kits and expansion packs - Ligation Sequencing Kit (SQK-LSK110), Native Barcoding Expansion 1-96 (EXP-NBD196) and Rapid Barcoding Kit SQK-RBK096
June 25th, 2020GX1_S1012_v1_revB_25Oct2019English Download 25th June 2020 - Updated the "Making updates to the device" section with instructions on changing the timezone and setting a local NTP server
October 25th, 2019GX1_S1012_v1_revA_25Oct2019English Download
June 12th, 2019GX1_S1011_v1_revG_15May2017English Download Added note: "Please note that only the USB ports on the back of the device are USB 3.0. The ports in the front of the device are USB 2.0, and are not recommended for data transfer."
January 11th, 2018GX1_S1011_v1_revF_15May2017English Download - Updated check list protocol to v4 Quick Start Guide - Removed instructions for using reset button - Updated screen shots due to software changes - Improved images for port connections