Workflow overview: bacterial isolate sequencing
- Environment
- Bacteria
- Whole genome
- Microbiology
- Infectious disease
March 18 2025
Workflow overview: 16S sequencing
- Environment
- 16S
- Bacteria
- Food safety
- Identification
- Infectious disease
June 13 2024
Whole-genome sequencing and comparative genomics analysis of the wild edible mushroom (Gomphus purpuraceus) provide insights into its potential food application and artificial domestication
- Environment
- Food safety
- Assembly
- Microbiology
September 10 2022
Whole genome sequencing and antibiotic diffusion assays, provide new insight on drug resistance in the genus Pedobacter
- Environment
- Microbiology
- Bacteria
- Whole genome
- Assembly
April 9 2020
Whole genome comparisons of Staphylococcus agnetis isolates from cattle and chickens
- Environment
- Agriculture: animal
- Microbiology
- Outbreak
- Bacteria
- Whole genome
January 7 2020
What’s under the Christmas tree? Soil acidification alters fir tree rhizosphere bacterial and eukaryotic communities, their interactions, and functional traits
- Environment
- MinION
- Metagenomics
- Microbiology
- gDNA
March 17 2021
What’s in my pot? Real-time species identification on the MinION
- Environment
- Microbiology
- Real-time
- Metagenomics
- Targeted
May 17 2016
Environmental DNA sequencing with Oxford Nanopore: in the lab and in the field
- Environment
- Animal
- Microbiology
- Portable
January 27 2023
Wastewater sequencing — an early warning system for infectious disease outbreaks
- Environment
- Bioinformatics
- Microbiology
- Microbiome
- Plant
- Animal
November 10 2022
The wastewater microbiome: A novel insight for COVID-19 surveillance
- Environment
- Bioinformatics
- Microbiology
- Microbiome
- Metagenomics
- Infectious disease
October 9 2020
Virtual Nanopore Day, Singapore
- Environment
- Bioinformatics
- Transcriptome
- Microbiology
- Food safety
January 27 2021
VirION2: a short- and long-read sequencing and informatics workflow to study the genomic diversity of viruses in nature
- Environment
- Microbiology
- Virus
- Metagenomics
- Long-read
- Assembly
October 28 2020
Virtual Nanopore Day, West Coast
- Environment
- Portable
- Assembly
- Whole genome
- Infectious disease
November 25 2020
DNA sequencing on board the Sikuliaq research vessel
- Environment
- Portable
- Microbiology
- Microbiome
- Animal
December 21 2018
Using MinION nanopore sequencing to generate a de novo eukaryotic draft genome: preliminary physiological and genomic description of the extremophilic red alga Galdieria sulphuraria strain SAG 107.79
- Environment
- MinION
- Long-read
- Whole genome
- Assembly
September 20 2016
Unraveling shark secrets: sequencing genomes and microbiomes for research and conservation
- Environment
- London Calling
- Whole genome
- Animal
May 29 2019
Unlinked rRNA genes are widespread among bacteria and archaea
- Environment
- Microbiology
- Microbiome
- Metagenomics
- Bacteria
- 16S
November 11 2019
Unearthing the genes of plant-beneficial marine yeast - Wickerhamomyces anomalus strain MSD1
- Environment
- Microbiology
- Plant
- Fungi
- Agriculture: animal
- gDNA
December 22 2020
Understanding transmission dynamics of TB and AMR in the farmland environment
- Environment
- London Calling
- Metagenomics
- Infectious disease
- Microbiology
February 26 2018
Uncovering the microbiome of invasive sympatric European brown hares and European rabbits in Australia
- Environment
- 16S
- Targeted
- Amplicons
- gDNA
November 6 2019