Verification of genetic engineering in yeasts with nanopore whole genome sequencing
- Fungi
- Microbiology
- Whole genome
- Assembly
- gDNA
May 5 2020
Updates and comparative analysis of the mitochondrial genomes of Paracoccidioides spp. using Oxford Nanopore MinION sequencing
- Fungi
- Assembly
- MinION
- mtDNA
- Microbiology
August 4 2020
Unearthing the genes of plant-beneficial marine yeast - Wickerhamomyces anomalus strain MSD1
- Fungi
- Microbiology
- Plant
- Agriculture: animal
- Environment
- gDNA
December 22 2020
Unambiguous identification of fungi: where do we stand and how accurate and precise is fungal DNA barcoding?
- Fungi
- Microbiology
- Long-read
- gDNA
- Identification
July 10 2020
Transcriptional response to host chemical cues underpins expansion of host range in a fungal plant pathogen lineage
- Fungi
- Microbiology
- Whole genome
- gDNA
- Long-read
October 29 2020
Transcriptional activity and epigenetic regulation of transposable element in the symbiotic fungus Rhizophagus irregularis
- Fungi
- Whole genome
- Methylation
- Epigenetics
- Long-read
- gDNA
March 30 2021
Taro genome assembly and linkage map reveal QTLs for resistance to taro leaf blight
- Fungi
- Plant
- Microbiology
- Whole genome
- Assembly
- Agriculture: animal
June 16 2020
Talaromyces rugulosus ventriculitis diagnosed by nanopore amplicon sequencing, 2022
- Fungi
- Infectious disease
- Clinical research
- Microbiology
June 4 2023
Systemic aneuploidization events drive phenotype switching in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Fungi
- Microbiology
- MinION
- gDNA
June 16 2021
A squalene–hopene cyclase in *Schizosaccharomyces japonicus *represents a eukaryotic adaptation to sterol–independent anaerobic growth
- Fungi
- Long-read
- gDNA
- Library prep
- Microbiology
March 17 2021
Shedding light onto the causality forces of phenotypic expression in the holobiont organism
- Fungi
- MinION
- Microbiome
- Microbiology
- London Calling
July 17 2020
Retrotransposons as pathogenicity factors of the plant pathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea
- Fungi
- Long-read
- PromethION
- Assembly
- gDNA
April 14 2021
Real-time application of ITS and D1-D3 nanopore amplicon metagenomic sequencing in fungal infections: enhancing fungal infection diagnostics
- Fungi
- Metagenomics
- Targeted
- GridION
July 14 2024
Rapid and real-time identification of fungi up to the species level with long amplicon nanopore sequencing from clinical samples
- Fungi
- Bioinformatics
- Microbiology
- Identification
December 23 2020
Pseudomonas can prevent the parasitic fungus, while keeping the crop fungus unaffected, in the gardens of Odontotermes obesus
- Fungi
- Microbiology
- Agriculture: animal
- Bacteria
- Identification
- 16S
January 29 2021
Potential utility of targeted nanopore sequencing for improving etiologic diagnosis of bacterial and fungal respiratory infection
- Fungi
- Microbiology
- Clinical research
- Bacteria
- Identification
- 16S
April 27 2020
Pathogen detection and microbiome analysis of infected wheat using a portable DNA sequencer
- Fungi
- Plant
- Microbiology
- Microbiome
- Agriculture: animal
- Bacteria
May 9 2019
Pathogen detection and beyond: understanding of microbial communities in the real world
- Fungi
- Microbiology
- Plant
- Metagenomics
- Bacteria
- Infectious disease
September 4 2019
Oxford Nanopore sequencing, hybrid error correction, and de novo assembly of a eukaryotic genome
- Fungi
- Long-read
- Assembly
- gDNA
- Whole genome
- Microbiology
February 6 2015
NCM 2022: Using nanopore sequencing to investigate genome evolution in fungal symbioses: ploidy, repetitive elements, and reproduction
- Fungi
- Environment
- Nanopore Community Meeting
December 7 2022