Flow Cell Wash Kit (EXP-WSH004 or EXP-WSH004-XL)

DateVersion numberLanguageDeviceChanges
Apr 25 2024WFC_9120_v1_revQ_08Dec2020EnglishGridION
25 April 2024 - Updated wording referencing RNA flow cell compatibility in "Overview of the protocol"
Apr 25 2024WFC_9120_v1_revQ_08Dec2020EnglishMinION
25 April 2024 - Updated wording referencing RNA flow cell compatibility in "Overview of the protocol"
Apr 25 2024WFC_9120_v1_revQ_08Dec2020EnglishPromethION
25 April 2024 - Updated wording referencing RNA flow cell compatibility in "Overview of the protocol"
April 2nd, 2024WFC_9120_v1_revO_08Dec2020EnglishPromethion Download 07 February 2024 - Updated the protocol to combine both EXP-WSH004 and EXP-WSH004-XL - Method updated to split the addition of the Flow Cell wash mix into two steps of 200 µl, with a 5 minute pause in-between. - Updated method with more extensive instructions on use and handling.
April 2nd, 2024WFC_9120_v1_revO_08Dec2020EnglishGridion Download 07 February 2024 - Updated the protocol to combine both EXP-WSH004 and EXP-WSH004-XL - Method updated to split the addition of the Flow Cell wash mix into two steps of 200 µl, with a 5 minute pause in-between. - Updated method with more extensive instructions on use and handling.
April 2nd, 2024WFC_9120_v1_revO_08Dec2020EnglishMinion Download 07 February 2024 - Updated the protocol to combine both EXP-WSH004 and EXP-WSH004-XL - Method updated to split the addition of the Flow Cell wash mix into two steps of 200 µl, with a 5 minute pause in-between. - Updated method with more extensive instructions on use and handling.
February 8th, 2024WFC_9120_v1_revN_08Dec2020EnglishPromethion Download 07 February 2024 - Updated the protocol to combine both EXP-WSH004 and EXP-WSH004-XL - Method updated to split the addition of the Flow Cell wash mix into two steps of 200 µl, with a 5 minute pause in-between. - Updated method with more extensive instructions on use and handling.
February 8th, 2024WFC_9120_v1_revN_08Dec2020EnglishGridion Download 07 February 2024 - Updated the protocol to combine both EXP-WSH004 and EXP-WSH004-XL - Method updated to split the addition of the Flow Cell wash mix into two steps of 200 µl, with a 5 minute pause in-between. - Updated method with more extensive instructions on use and handling.
February 8th, 2024WFC_9120_v1_revN_08Dec2020EnglishMinion Download 07 February 2024 - Updated the protocol to combine both EXP-WSH004 and EXP-WSH004-XL - Method updated to split the addition of the Flow Cell wash mix into two steps of 200 µl, with a 5 minute pause in-between. - Updated method with more extensive instructions on use and handling.
February 7th, 2024WFC_9120_v1_revM_08Dec2020EnglishPromethion Download 07 February 2024 - Updated the protocol to combine both EXP-WSH004 and EXP-WSH004-XL - Method updated to split the addition of the Flow Cell wash mix into two steps of 200 µl, with a 5 minute pause in-between. - Updated method with more extensive instructions on use and handling.
February 7th, 2024WFC_9120_v1_revM_08Dec2020EnglishGridion Download 07 February 2024 - Updated the protocol to combine both EXP-WSH004 and EXP-WSH004-XL - Method updated to split the addition of the Flow Cell wash mix into two steps of 200 µl, with a 5 minute pause in-between. - Updated method with more extensive instructions on use and handling.
February 7th, 2024WFC_9120_v1_revM_08Dec2020EnglishMinion Download 07 February 2024 - Updated the protocol to combine both EXP-WSH004 and EXP-WSH004-XL - Method updated to split the addition of the Flow Cell wash mix into two steps of 200 µl, with a 5 minute pause in-between. - Updated method with more extensive instructions on use and handling.
February 7th, 2024WFC_9120_v1_revL_08Dec2020EnglishPromethion Download 19th September 2023 - Updated the "Flushing a flow cell" and "To run a second library on a flow cell straight away" sections to include light shield installation instructions.
February 7th, 2024WFC_9120_v1_revL_08Dec2020EnglishGridion Download 19th September 2023 - Updated the "Flushing a flow cell" and "To run a second library on a flow cell straight away" sections to include light shield installation instructions.
February 7th, 2024WFC_9120_v1_revL_08Dec2020EnglishMinion Download 19th September 2023 - Updated the "Flushing a flow cell" and "To run a second library on a flow cell straight away" sections to include light shield installation instructions.
September 19th, 2023WFC_9120_v1_revK_08Dec2020EnglishPromethion Download 13th July 2023 - Updated "Flushing a PromethION flow cell" step to include removing all the waste from the waste port after a 1 hour incubation with nuclease.
September 19th, 2023WFC_9120_v1_revK_08Dec2020EnglishGridion Download 13th July 2023 - Updated "Flushing a PromethION flow cell" step to include removing all the waste from the waste port after a 1 hour incubation with nuclease.
September 19th, 2023WFC_9120_v1_revK_08Dec2020EnglishMinion Download 13th July 2023 - Updated "Flushing a PromethION flow cell" step to include removing all the waste from the waste port after a 1 hour incubation with nuclease.
July 4th, 2023WFC_9120_v1_revJ_08Dec2020EnglishPromethion Download 4th July 2023 - Updated recommendations in "To run a second library on a MinION/GridION/PromethION flow cell straight away".
July 4th, 2023WFC_9120_v1_revJ_08Dec2020EnglishGridion Download 4th July 2023 - Updated recommendations in "To run a second library on a MinION/GridION/PromethION flow cell straight away".
July 4th, 2023WFC_9120_v1_revJ_08Dec2020EnglishMinion Download 4th July 2023 - Updated recommendations in "To run a second library on a MinION/GridION/PromethION flow cell straight away".
April 12th, 2023WFC_9120_v1_revI_08Dec2020EnglishPromethion Download April 2023 - Updated flow cell check recommendations after storing a flow cell
April 12th, 2023WFC_9120_v1_revI_08Dec2020EnglishGridion Download April 2023 - Updated flow cell check recommendations after storing a flow cell
April 12th, 2023WFC_9120_v1_revI_08Dec2020EnglishMinion Download April 2023 - Updated flow cell check recommendations after storing a flow cell
January 25th, 2023WFC_9120_v1_revH_08Dec2020EnglishPromethion Download 25th January 2023 - Updated the protocol with new animations throughout the "Flushing, reloading or storing the flow cell" section for both MinION and PromethION flow cells. - Updated the barcoding kit list in the "Overview of the protocol" section.
January 25th, 2023WFC_9120_v1_revH_08Dec2020EnglishGridion Download 25th January 2023 - Updated the protocol with new animations throughout the "Flushing, reloading or storing the flow cell" section for both MinION and PromethION flow cells. - Updated the barcoding kit list in the "Overview of the protocol" section.
January 25th, 2023WFC_9120_v1_revH_08Dec2020EnglishMinion Download 25th January 2023 - Updated the protocol with new animations throughout the "Flushing, reloading or storing the flow cell" section for both MinION and PromethION flow cells. - Updated the barcoding kit list in the "Overview of the protocol" section.
September 26th, 2022WFC_9120_v1_revG_08Dec2020EnglishPromethion Download 26th Sept 2022 - Updated 'Reloading a library' snippet to include the newly available Sequencing Auxiliary Vials V14 expansion in the 'To run a second library on a MinION/GridION/PromethION flow cell straight away'.
September 26th, 2022WFC_9120_v1_revG_08Dec2020EnglishGridion Download 26th Sept 2022 - Updated 'Reloading a library' snippet to include the newly available Sequencing Auxiliary Vials V14 expansion in the 'To run a second library on a MinION/GridION/PromethION flow cell straight away'.
September 26th, 2022WFC_9120_v1_revG_08Dec2020EnglishMinion Download 26th Sept 2022 - Updated 'Reloading a library' snippet to include the newly available Sequencing Auxiliary Vials V14 expansion in the 'To run a second library on a MinION/GridION/PromethION flow cell straight away'.
August 10th, 2022WFC_9120_v1_revF_08Dec2020EnglishPromethion Download 2nd August 2022 - Update barcoding kits available in the Introduction of the Flow Cell Wash Kit. - Updated "To run a second library on a MinION/GridION flow cell straight away" to remove the tip to adjust voltage as well as on "To run a second library on a PromethION flow cell straight away".
August 10th, 2022WFC_9120_v1_revF_08Dec2020EnglishGridion Download 2nd August 2022 - Update barcoding kits available in the Introduction of the Flow Cell Wash Kit. - Updated "To run a second library on a MinION/GridION flow cell straight away" to remove the tip to adjust voltage as well as on "To run a second library on a PromethION flow cell straight away".
August 10th, 2022WFC_9120_v1_revF_08Dec2020EnglishMinion Download 2nd August 2022 - Update barcoding kits available in the Introduction of the Flow Cell Wash Kit. - Updated "To run a second library on a MinION/GridION flow cell straight away" to remove the tip to adjust voltage as well as on "To run a second library on a PromethION flow cell straight away".
July 14th, 2022WFC_9120_v1_revE_08Dec2020EnglishPromethion Download 14th July 2022 - Removed references to outdated flow cell
July 14th, 2022WFC_9120_v1_revE_08Dec2020EnglishGridion Download 14th July 2022 - Removed references to outdated flow cell
July 14th, 2022WFC_9120_v1_revE_08Dec2020EnglishMinion Download 14th July 2022 - Removed references to outdated flow cell
February 24th, 2022WFC_9120_v1_revD_08Dec2020EnglishPromethion Download 24th Febrary 2022 Updated EXP-AUX110 to new name EXP-AUX002
February 24th, 2022WFC_9120_v1_revD_08Dec2020EnglishGridion Download 24th Febrary 2022 Updated EXP-AUX110 to new name EXP-AUX002
February 24th, 2022WFC_9120_v1_revD_08Dec2020EnglishMinion Download 24th Febrary 2022 Updated EXP-AUX110 to new name EXP-AUX002
July 5th, 2021WFC_9120_v1_revB_08Dec2020EnglishPromethion Download 18th March 2021 - "Overview of the protocol" step: updated the list of available barcoding kits to include PCR Barcoding Expansions (1-12 and 96) and Native Barcoding Expansions (1-12, 13-24 and 96) - "Flushing a MinION/GridION Flow Cell" and "Flushing a PromethION Flow Cell" steps: updated the incubation time with the Flow Cell Wash Mix from 30 mins to 60 mins - "To run a second library on a MinION/GridION flow cell straight away" and "To run a second library on a PromethION flow cell straight away" sections: added information about the newly released Sequencing Auxiliary Vials expansion (EXP-AUX110)
July 5th, 2021WFC_9120_v1_revB_08Dec2020EnglishGridion Download 18th March 2021 - "Overview of the protocol" step: updated the list of available barcoding kits to include PCR Barcoding Expansions (1-12 and 96) and Native Barcoding Expansions (1-12, 13-24 and 96) - "Flushing a MinION/GridION Flow Cell" and "Flushing a PromethION Flow Cell" steps: updated the incubation time with the Flow Cell Wash Mix from 30 mins to 60 mins - "To run a second library on a MinION/GridION flow cell straight away" and "To run a second library on a PromethION flow cell straight away" sections: added information about the newly released Sequencing Auxiliary Vials expansion (EXP-AUX110)
July 5th, 2021WFC_9120_v1_revB_08Dec2020EnglishMinion Download 18th March 2021 - "Overview of the protocol" step: updated the list of available barcoding kits to include PCR Barcoding Expansions (1-12 and 96) and Native Barcoding Expansions (1-12, 13-24 and 96) - "Flushing a MinION/GridION Flow Cell" and "Flushing a PromethION Flow Cell" steps: updated the incubation time with the Flow Cell Wash Mix from 30 mins to 60 mins - "To run a second library on a MinION/GridION flow cell straight away" and "To run a second library on a PromethION flow cell straight away" sections: added information about the newly released Sequencing Auxiliary Vials expansion (EXP-AUX110)
January 20th, 2021WFC_9120_v1_revA_08Dec2020EnglishPromethion Download
January 20th, 2021WFC_9120_v1_revA_08Dec2020EnglishGridion Download
January 20th, 2021WFC_9120_v1_revA_08Dec2020EnglishMinion Download