Restriction enzyme Pore-C info sheet

DateVersion numberLanguageDeviceChanges
Feb 27 2024RPC_S1015_v1_revL_12Nov2019English
27 February 2024 - Updated links for Data analysis for Epi2ME
August 10th, 2022RPC_S1015_v1_revJ_12Nov2019English Download 10th August 2022 - The document has been renamed to "Restriction enzyme Pore-C info sheet" - In "Library preparation", compatibility with the SQK-LSK114 Ligation Sequencing Kit has been added - In "References", a new Pore-C publication has beed added: " Identifying synergistic high-order 3D chromatin conformations from genome-scale nanopore concatemer sequencing."
August 10th, 2022RPC_S1015_v1_revI_12Nov2019English Download 10th August 2022 The document has been renamed to "Restriction enzyme Pore-C info sheet"
August 10th, 2022RPC_S1015_v1_revH_12Nov2019English Download 10th March 2022 - Links throughout the protocol have been updated
February 15th, 2022RPC_S1015_v1_revG_12Nov2019English Download 15th February 2022 - In "Library preparation", the recommendations have been updated to include the Ligation Sequencing Kits SQK-LSK110 and SQK-LSK112. The "Maximising output and accuracy" section has been expanded to explain which sequencing chemistry to use depending on the application. - Links to the Extraction Methods and DNA/RNA handling sections of the Community have been updated. - In "Application updates", a new application has been included: Pore-C scaffolding of genomic assemblies: a case study of multiple sample types
April 21st, 2021RPC_S1015_v1_revF_12Nov2019English Download 21st April 2021 - Updated 'Choosing a restriction enzyme' in 'Protocol considerations' with updated information regarding how to choose the most appropriate restriction enzyme. - Updated 'Size selection' with an altered SPRI size selection to reduce the frequency of non-chimeric reads (singletons). - Added 'Application updates' section to include links to the App update notes.
April 21st, 2021RPC_S1015_v1_revE_12Nov2019English Download 21st April 2021 - Updated 'Choosing a restriction enzyme' in 'Protocol considerations' with updated information regarding how to choose the most appropriate restriction enzyme. - Updated 'Size selection' with an altered SPRI size selection to reduce the frequency of non-chimeric reads (singletons).
January 28th, 2021RPC_S1015_v1_revD_12Nov2019English Download 28th January 2021 - In the "Library preparation" section, "Library preparation recommendations" step, updated the Flow Cell Wash Kit recommendation and link to protocol from EXP-WSH003 to EXP-WSH004
January 28th, 2021RPC_S1015_v1_revC_12Nov2019English Download 28th January 2021 - In the "Library preparation" section, "Library preparation recommendations" step, updated the Flow Cell Wash Kit recommendation and link to protocol from EXP-WSH003 to EXP-WSH004
April 2nd, 2020RPC_S1015_v1_revB_12Nov2019English Download 01/04/20 Updated sample types
April 1st, 2020RPC_S1015_v1_revA_12Nov2019English Download 01/04/20 Updated sample types
October 24th, 2019re-pore-c-v5English Download
October 7th, 2019re-pore-c-v4EnglishGridion Download
October 7th, 2019re-pore-c-v4EnglishMinion Download
September 19th, 2019re-pore-c-v3EnglishGridion Download
September 19th, 2019re-pore-c-v3EnglishMinion Download
September 16th, 2019re-pore-c-v2EnglishGridion Download
September 16th, 2019re-pore-c-v2EnglishMinion Download
September 16th, 2019re-pore-c-v1EnglishGridion Download
September 16th, 2019re-pore-c-v1EnglishMinion Download