Ligation Sequencing gDNA V14 — human sample (N50 30 kb) on PromethION (SQK-LSK114)

DateVersion numberLanguageDeviceChanges
Aug 22 2024GDH_9174_v114_revQ_10Nov2022EnglishPromethION
21st August 2024 - Updated sample preparation instructions. - Updated sample input recommendation into library preparation. - NEBNext® Companion Module v2 for Oxford Nanopore Technologies® Ligation Sequencing (NEB, E7672S or E7672L) is now the recommended reagent module. - Updated the Repair and End-prep method in-line with new recommended reagents. - Updated the Adapter ligation step with new recommended method. - Data acquisition and basecalling instructions updated. - Downstream analysis section updated.
August 21st, 2024GDH_9174_v114_revP_31Jul2024English Download 31 July 2024 - Changed reagent order addition in Library preparation/Adapter ligation and clean-up; Ligation Adapter (LA) added before Ligation Buffer (LB) and NEBNext Quick T4 Ligase 30 April 2024 - Added Megaruptor3 shearing step at the end of Sample extraction to increase sequencing output. - Updated 'Downstream analysis' instructions.
July 31st, 2024GDH_9174_v114_revN_10Nov2022English Download 29th Feb 2024 - Updated consumable TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) to product code Fisher scientific, 10224683
January 4th, 2024GDH_9174_v114_revM_10Nov2022English Download 19th September 2023 - Updated flow cell loading instructions to include light shield installation
September 19th, 2023GDH_9174_v114_revL_10Nov2022English Download 1st August 2023 - Kit contents layout has been updated - In priming and loading the flow cell, the flow cell priming mix instructions have been updated
August 1st, 2023GDH_9174_v114_revK_10Nov2022English Download 17th July 2023 - Updated "washing and reloading a PromethION Flow Cell" to include recommendation to remove waste after 1 hour incubation with nuclease
July 10th, 2023GDH_9174_v114_revJ_10Nov2022English Download 10th July 2023 - Updated "Data acquisition and basecalling" to use the most recent MinKNOW GUI version in screenshots - Updated "Downstream analysis" with the most recent recommendations from EPI2ME labs to ensure successful sequencing and data analysis - Updated recommendation in the "Downstream analysis" to use modkit not modbam2bed has been depricated.
July 10th, 2023GDH_9174_v114_revI_10Nov2022English Download 10th July 2023 - Updated "Data acquisition and basecalling" to use the most recent MinKNOW GUI version in screenshots - Updated "Downstream analysis" with the most recent recommendations from EPI2ME labs to ensure successful sequencing and data analysis
July 4th, 2023GDH_9174_v114_revH_10Nov2022English Download 4th July 2023 - Reformated the "Washing and reloading a PromethION Flow Cell" to be consistent with our other flow cell washing protocols and included an extra recommendation to remove waste buffer between priming mix flushes after using the flow cell wash kit.
June 7th, 2023GDH_9174_v114_revG_10Nov2022English Download 7th June 2023 - Included a pore scan screenshot in the wash step.
May 3rd, 2023GDH_9174_v114_revF_10Nov2022English Download May 2023 - Added flow cell priming mix volumes to the "Priming and loading" steps - This kit has moved to released phase.
April 24th, 2023GDH_9174_v114_revE_10Nov2022English Download April 2023 - Added flow cell priming mix volumes to the "Priming and loading" steps
February 10th, 2023GDH_9174_v114_revD_10Nov2022English Download February 2023 - Updated checklist to include size selection step.
January 6th, 2023GDH_9174_v114_revC_10Nov2022English Download January 2023 - Changed the "Priming and loading the PrometION flow cell" section to the updated version.
November 10th, 2022GDH_9174_v114_revB_10Nov2022English Download 10th November 2022 Updated introduction to be inline with the online protocol
November 9th, 2022LSK_Reva_v5English Download