Kit 12 device and informatics

DateVersion numberLanguageDeviceChanges
Mar 10 2023K12_S1018_v1_revB_01Dec2021English
14th December 2021 - In "Running Kit 12 chemistry on your device", the text has been edited to say that the Kit 12 chemistry runs now at 30°C on all nanopore sequencing devices. - Updated the "Basecalling Kit 12 data" recommendations: MinKNOW and Guppy can now both be used to carry out simplex basecalling and read splitting, and Guppy version >6.0.0 can be used for duplex basecalling. - Moved the read splitting information into the "Basecalling Kit 12 data" section, as read splitting is now carried out by MinKNOW or Guppy during the sequencing run.
December 1st, 2021K12_S1018_v1_revA_01Dec2021English Download